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Wednesday, June 19, 2024


"One deselection is a tragedy, a million deselections a statistic"

As election date nears in the UK, and Labour look set to win a massive "super majority" (according to various opinion polls), Labour leader Kier "Stalin" Starmer is continuing his vicious crackdown on "disloyal elements" in the Party -- all the better to ensure his totalitarian grip on power following the July 4th General Election.

The latest victim of Britain's putative communist-fascist dictator is Andy Brown, the Labour Party candidate for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East constituency, currently held by the Conservatives. Brown is clearly on the Left of the Party and is "tainted" by his association with former leader, Jeremy "Trotsky" Corbyn, who has also been kicked out of the Party.

This time Starmer's "de-selection death squad" has chosen to "pad out" the usual fake accusations of "Anti-Semitism" with insinuations of supporting Putin, focusing on a few "boomer posts" and "likes" on social media from 2018, when Brown, naïvely channelled crappy Russian memes for a few seconds.

As reported by the Aberdeen Press and Journal:

"Labour has ditched its candidate for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East seat for historic “pro-Russian” posts made on social media, the Press and Journal can reveal.

Andy Brown shared a link to state media outlet Russia Today doubting Vladimir Putin’s regime’s role in the 2018 Salisbury poisonings.

The article’s headline suggests the Novichok nerve agent weapon used in a bid to kill former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia did not come from Russia.

He also shared a post on social media which implies then Prime Minister Theresa May was hiding vital information about the attacks.

We can now reveal party bosses were also spooked by another post he shared which dismisses accusations of antisemitism against Labour.

The post – quoting a historian – suggests Jewish voters in Britain were angered by Mr Corbyn’s support for Palestine in the Middle East.


Since the deadline for candidates has passed, Mr Brown will now run as an independent and Labour will not formally be standing anyone in the seat."

An additional reason for purging Brown is that, according to local polling data, he is in third place behind the Tories and the SNP. In addition to disloyalty, Comrade Starmer does not tolerate failure!

Following the removal of Labour's endorsement, most of Brown's support is likely to gravitate to the left-leaning SNP and help defeat the Tory candidate, MP and former Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross, something that Comrade Starmer clearly approves of.

"Two birds with one bullet in the back of the head," as they say in the Gulag!

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