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Saturday, March 8, 2025


France has just uncovered the World’s largest deposit of white hydrogen. The ultra-clean energy source is worth an estimated  
$92 trillion dollars. For comparison, Saudi Arabia has only $34.4 trillion dollars in oil and gas reserves.

The high value of the French find is because the type of hydrogen discovered is white hydrogen, which differs from its inferior green and gray cousins. This is because white hydrogen does not require complex industrial production and does not generate CO₂ emissions. Instead, it exists naturally beneath the Earth’s surface, waiting to enrich he who discovers it.

Grey hydrogen is produced from hydrocarbon gas through a process that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, while green hydrogen is a clean energy source that's produced by splitting water using renewable electricity from solar or wind power.

The hydrogen bonanza is as much as half of the world’s annual production of dirty gray hydrogen, but without the CO₂ emissions.

The abundance of cheap, clean hydrogen may have a major impact on the electric vehicle market, as hydrogen is seen as an alternative to expensive and aesthetically disgusting "Battery Electric Vehicles" (BEVs), like the one below, which is made in America by lazy workers and is known to frequently self-combust for no reason at all.

The ultimate fate of all who purchase Teslas


  1. ...waiting to enrich he who discovers it...

    Should be: ...waiting to enrich him who discovers it...

    Or, to avoid grammatical glitches ...waiting to enrich those who discover it...

    1. "he who" is equivalent to "whoever," both of which can introduce a noun clause that can work equally in a subjective or objective sense.


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