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Friday, March 7, 2025


Dempsey in Donetsk

In yet another case of Britain being left undefended by its non-existent "Deep State," a blatant Kremlin stooge has been "elected unopposed" as head of one of Britain's most important trades unions. As reported by City AM:

"The Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT) has announced a replacement for its infamous former general secretary Mick Lynch.

Eddie Dempsey, who served as the RMT’s senior assistant general secretary, will take the top job on Friday after being elected unopposed.

Dempsey, a veteran of the railway industry and former train driver, played a key role in the more than two year industrial dispute that battered the UK’s railways after Covid-19.

But he attracted controversy in 2022 after it emerged he had posed with a pro-Putin separatist in Ukraine, Aleksey Mozgovy, prior to his assassination.

The union has come under fire over the last decade amid concern over some of its bosses’ sympathy with Russian seperatists in the east of Ukraine.

Brendan Kelly, a regional organiser for the west and southwest, spread Kremlin propaganda that the Ukranian government is allied with fascist forces, according to a report in the Times."

The RMT represents workers in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, which provides logistical and operational support to the Royal Navy
. A spate of recent strikes, supposedly over pay, have crippled the Royal Navy's ability to refuel and supply its ships. Having a Putin lackey in charge of this union looks like a self-inflicted injury by the UK.

The appointment of Dempsey, who, like Brendan Kelly and Mick Lynch, clearly comes from a "resentful Irish" background, is however useful for spotting other Putin apologists, agents, and provocateurs. 

Here is half-Iranian fake Leftist Aaron Bastani 
of the suspiciously well-funded Novara Media congratulating his fellow stooge: 

Bought and paid for by the Kremlin lobby?

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