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Sunday, August 11, 2024


Octoputin strikes again?

The recent riots in the UK had various discontents and causes behind them. The unstable multicultural society that past governments have created is simply an accident waiting to happen. But there is also evidence that points to the riots being sparked off and then boosted by Kremlin operatives.

A key part of the story of the riots was the misidentification of the Southport Stabber, Axel Rudakubana, who we now know was a Rwandan of Catholic background. However, in the hours following the crime, the message that he was a "Muslim" went viral. This was important because there is more residual anti-Muslin feeling in the UK than anti-Black feeling. A Black person stabbing White people is generally not considered an occasion for rioting. Often it is framed as "payback" for slavery, colonialism, etc. In fact, working class Brits appear to love Black people unduly due to football, rap music, sneakers, and (possibly) interracial porn videos. By miscasting the Southport Stabber as a Muslim, therefore, it was much easier to kick off riots, which is exactly what happened. Low-information British people have zero understanding of places like Rwanda. 

In recent days, the BBC has managed to track the misidentification that started it all to a "fake news" website called "Channel3Now" which first published the false rumours of the stabber being a Muslim. Additionally "it was claimed" that he was a recent asylum seeker and on "an MI6 watch list":

"The BBC has tracked down several people linked to Channel3Now, spoken to their friends and colleagues, who have corroborated that they are real people, and questioned a person who claims to be the “management” at the site."

Although the BBC was unable to find a direct link to the Russian state, Channel3Now has a YouTube channel that was formerly a Russian-language channel focused on car rallies. A representative for the site told the BBC:

"Just because we purchased a YouTube channel from a Russian seller doesn't mean we have any affiliations."

This looks like a stupid slip up to be honest but the excuse offered, namely that the Russian connection is just a weird coincidence, is not entirely implausible. Although the past history of the site is not necessarily a smoking gun, the manner in which an otherwise unimportant story from a minor "news site" with little credibility of its own was then boosted, comes straight out of the Kremlin playbook.

As reported by the BBC article:

"Although I’ve found no evidence to back up these claims of Russian links to Channel3Now, pro-Kremlin Telegram channels did reshare and amplify the site’s false posts. This is a tactic they often use."

The Channel3Now story was immediately "laundered" through lots of social media accounts, which made the false accusations go viral and created distance from the source.

Many of these accounts have a track record of "posting disinformation about subjects such as the pandemic, vaccines and climate change," and most of them are on Twitter. where they are enabled by changes made to the site by its owner Elon Musk, who is himself extremely sympathetic to Vladimir Putin. He also has considerable business interests in China, which is considered to be Russia's main ally, although it is trying to keep this under the radar.

Channel3Now claims it got the fake Muslim name from Twitter traffic. The BBC has also tracked down the first account to mention the fake Muslim name:

"One profile - belonging to a woman called Bernadette Spofforth - has been accused of making the first post featuring the false name of the Southport attacker. She denied being its source, saying she saw the name online in another post that has since been deleted. ​​Speaking to the BBC on the phone, she said she was 'horrified' about the attack but deleted her post as soon as she realised it was false. She said she was 'not motivated by making money' on her account. 'Why on earth would I make something up like that? I have nothing to gain and everything to lose,' she said. ​​She condemned the recent violence."

Yes, why indeed? It's not like there are any attention whores or Russia shills on Twitter these days, LOL.

"Ms Spofforth had previously shared posts raising questions about lockdown and net-zero climate change measures. However, her profile was temporarily removed by Twitter back in 2021 following allegations she was promoting misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine and the pandemic. She disputed the claims and said she believed Covid is real."

The millions of retweets of fake news like this can be a money spinner: 

"Some profiles like this have racked up millions of views over the past week posting about the Southport attacks and subsequent riots. X’s 'ads revenue sharing' means that blue-tick users can earn a share of revenue from the ads in their replies. Estimates from users with fewer than half a million followers who have generated income in this way say that accounts can make $10-20 per million views or impressions on X. Some of these accounts sharing disinformation are racking up more than a million impressions almost every post, and sharing posts several times a day."

The fact that Musk is enabling and financially rewarding online activity that essentially mimics earlier KGB polarisation ops in the West, like Operation Infektion, is significant, not only for its effect on the West but also for the way it creates an army of financially-driven online stooges to hide behind and muddy the waters. The point of all these ops, it must be stressed, is to remain a hidden hand and the Kremlin has been very good at that. 

Other research has revealed how, when, and by how much these Kremlin-aligned accounts boosted the "Muslim stabber" lie.

But while Russia is clearly involved, other state actors should not be ruled out either. If the riots had an identifiable "leader" it was probably this guy:

Yes, Tommy Robinson (aka "some Irish name") shown here unwinding at a hotel in Cyprus after his post-EDL network was mobilised to stir up "protests" in the UK. 

He is, of course, well known for his links to Russia:

But his Zionism, links to Israel, and Jewish funding are also well-known.

Israeli Likudniks have few qualms about interfering in Western states, even allies, in a way that can be characterised as "Soft Terrorism." But why would an "ally" of the UK, like Israel, promote anti-Muslim riots in the UK?

Israel is an entity that unwittingly generates vast amounts of "anti-Semitism" as it struggles to survive. Much of this anti-Semitism ends up in the UK and other European countries, where it is utilised by various Leftists, migrant populations, and Middle-Eastern-linked business interests to push for a political solution that Likudniks feel would lead to the destruction of Israel.

While Kier Starmer rose to power in the UK on the basis of his opposition to former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's supposed "anti-Semitism," the Labour Party remains a party deeply sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and hostile to the "colonist, settler state of Israel." Keir Starmer's landslide victory (in seats not votes) therefore is both a threat to Israel and an opportunity to destabilise the now anti-Israeli leanings of the UK state. 

There are two countries that have a serious track record in stirring up shit in Western democracies in the last few decades. These are Russia and Israel. Each has its own agenda. Sometimes they push in opposite directions. The Russians clearly wanted to take down the Conservative government and hamstring it by promoting the rise of a populist anti-immigrant party on its right. Israel, by contrast, would have been against this. However, when it comes to the recent riots, their psy-ops may have temporarily aligned, with Russia seeking to cause chaos in a major NATO adversary, while Israel wanted to see an upsurge in Islamophobia. 

1 comment:

  1. It might have made it a wee bit easier to cast the villain as Muslim in order to incite riots, but it wasn't necessary. This wasn't a normal stabbing.

    Any sort of foreigner committing such a crime could spark a riot, from Gypsies to Eastern Europeans.

    This sort of thing was just waiting to happen.


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