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Friday, August 23, 2024


The steak-bake kid (legend!)

One is not supposed to take the "holy name" of the Holocaust in vain and adapt it to other, lesser purposes. 
Well, that didn't stop them doing it to Watergate! As a member of fully-functioning post-religious society, however, I will continue to freely play with language in any way I see fit and toy with taboos.

The title of this essay seems to fit pretty well with the "Starmergeddon" (another mutated Biblical term) that has been launched against parts of the British working class since the riots of a few weeks ago. 

Yes, the rioters were in the wrong. Not only did they grab hold of an extremely shitty stick by swallowing Tommy-Robinson-Nigel-Farage-Kremlin-hyped bullshit about "muh Muslisms" and thus further discredit legitimate anti-immigration sentiment, but most of them had probably helped put Labour into power at the also recent elections, either by voting blindly (instead of tactically) for Reform, Labour itself, or indeed just by staying at home.

But the Chavs have to be excused as well. Imagine, for example, the extra problems Britain's underpowered "justice" elites would have with those other "underclass" minorities -- Blacks, Muslims, or even Sikhs -- if they were decapitated of their natural leadership, namely the so-called "community leaders." who serve as convenient managerial middle men between their "communities" and the British establishment, channelling calming messages and bribes to their flocks. 

Britain's Chav underclass has nothing of this sort. Indeed, when it attempted to generate its own organic leadership in the 90s and Zeroes (as the Labour Party abandoned it), the British Deep State jumped in with both boots to smash it up. 

Also, all the Chavs who "rioted" recently were all behaving within Britain's already established "Social Contract," which quite clearly stipulates -- probably on page 94, subsection 32 -- that minor acts of rowdyism, vandalism, theft, and even violence will be punished, if at all, with the greatest leniency. A few weeks before the Chav riots we had the example of Harehills to show us what normally happens.

Harehills: nothing to see here, bro

All the Chavs who decided to strike a plea deal with the British state in recent days, by foregoing a jury trial, have been right royally shafted by getting relatively draconian sentences. This was all done, like the unjustifiable hanging of Admiral Byng in the 18th century, to serve as a speedy deterrent for "the good of the Empire."

The state has thus cheated the Chavs several times in a row.

Firstly, by foisting the shitty end of mass immigration on them; secondly, by signalling that anti-social behaviour and even a bit of "rioting" is permissible in modern Britain, and thirdly by offering many of them a "reduced sentence" and then banging them up for angry words and minor infractions that would have formerly received a slap on the wrist.

Don't fucking laugh, this is serious!

There is undoubtedly a war on the Chavs, and even an attempt to wipe them out at some deep, fundamental level, because what the British state essentially wants is an underclass that can perform better than the Chavs. 

Let's use another analogy: Chavs are to the UK what American Negroes are to the USA, namely an awkward underclass. America has been secretly and silently dealing with this "problem" by covertly replacing them with more tractable and passive Hispanics and Asians, while warehousing its African Americans in various ways. The UK is trying something broadly similar by importing various kinds of "cupboard people" to keep things running. By "Cupboard People" I mean the kind of people who can jump through the hoops and loopholes of the UK's visa system, then live in a cupboard in London while working 10-14 hours a day, cleaning offices, delivering fast food, or providing low-level security at tourist venues

In contrast to these people, Chavs, like America's negroes, believe that they are "owed something." For Black Americans this is reparations for "muh slavery" and "centuries of racism," etc. You can argue about the rights and wrongs of this among yourselves. I don't really care. I am just describing, with admittedly broad brush strokes, a complex social reality. 

Chavs too feel they are "owed something." Much of this has to do with what I call the "Authoritarian Deficit," caused by two World Wars.

During that period of intense struggle with authoritarian and then totalitarian Continental powers, the British elites "over-leveraged" on their scant reserves of authority among the fighting-and-dying class of the British people, namely the ancestors of the Chavs.

Moral debt still unpaid

The immediate result of all this was demonstrated in the 1945 election, when the British working class -- and especially those in uniform -- voted out the party of the elites and put a bunch of incompetent socialists to run the economy, prolonging wartime conditions for at least six more years. 

But whether a White working-class sense of entitlement works or not (and it clearly doesn't), a large section of the British working-class undoubtedly have it. The more successful ones don't have it and generally they live better and more successful lives. The same can be said for American Blacks who transcend their group’s sense of victimisation. But this sense of Chav entitlement is definitely there and expresses itself in a predilection for welfare, drunkenness, rowdiness, sloppy work, and generally less-than-perfect social behaviour. Mixed with that are a lot of other characteristics, including elements of physical courage, camaraderie, occasional solidarity, and even a form or bastardised honour. The Chav should not be overgeneralised or denigrated too much, if at all.

Now, the establishment clearly thinks it can dump on the Chavs. In fact, the Labour government reveals this tendency even more sharply than the Tories, some of whom, at least, retain a grudging respect and paternalistic outlook towards the Chavs.

The elites believe they are a lot smarter than the Chavs, and in many senses they are. If the Chavs were smarter they would not have blindly followed rumours put around by such discredited figures as Tommy "Shit Magnet" Robinson or have accepted lopsided "plea deals" with Starmer's Stasi-like judges.

But the elites too have their intellectual limits. Unlike the Chavs, much greater demands are made on their intelligence, which effectively weakens it (it must be Hell memorising which wine to have with which sausage!). In comparison to that of the elites, the intelligence of the Chavs is much more concentrated on fewer issues, areas, and concerns, thus strengthening it. One area where we can expect the Chavs to develop a particularly clear understanding is that they have been taken for a ride by the party that still pretends to represent them. 

The words of the ancient Greek poet Archilochus best describe the true relationship between Britain's elites and Chavs: "a fox knows many things, but a hedgehog knows one big thing."

It is almost certain that the Chav class in the years ahead will grow many more spikes, and be a lot less trusting, and a lot more alienated, due to its experiences in recent weeks


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

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