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Monday, March 13, 2023


Stock image of Brit nats in shouty emotional mode

The reason the British far right fails is simple. It is because it has shat away its credibility, leaving behind a steaming trail of fake stories, outright lies, and disgusting grifters, charlatans, and shit stirrers.

The latest case in this sad history is the recent "report" of a rape of an English schoolgirl, supposedly held down by Afghan refugees while the act took place.

The sketchy details of this story even made it into the left-wing mainstream press, like the Times and Daily Mirror, from where it was spread through the internet and was accepted as incontrovertible fact:

Four teenage boys have been arrested after a 15-year-old girl was reportedly raped at a school in Kent. The suspects were held over the alleged sexual offence in Dover last Monday, and were later released on bail. Three of the boys are claimed to have held the victim down and acted as "lookouts" while a fourth raped her, reported The Times. One boy was arrested on suspicion of rape while three others were held on suspicion of facilitating the attack, according to the paper. They are said to have attended the same school as the victim.

This saw fake activist groups, like Patriotic Alternative, turning up to cash in: 

But, once again, just like the Tommy-Robinson-fronted story of Ellie Williams from a couple of years back, the "Dover Schoolgirl Rape" seems to be a load of crap cooked up by suspicious actors on social media.

Here's the latest update on the story from the local paper:

You can read the full story here. Yes, zilch, nadda -- nothing happened. 

Here is a letter by the headteacher of the school supposedly involved in this non-event.

Again, total crickets!

The rule here is simple: if a story comes out that plays to your emotions and sense of moral outrage the chances are it is probably a crock of manipulative horseshit cooked up to trigger and control you. The correct response is to keep it firmly on the back burner until all the relevant details (or non-details) are made known. In that way, you won't end up looking like a complete idiot, like almost everybody in British nationalism these days. 

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