Some of the longer entries have been converted into stand-alone pages, which, for the time being, will continue to be hosted either here or at my old Aff-Right site.
Note the triple parenthesis ((())) is used here to denote an assumed identity, not Jewishness.
(((ACADEMIC AGENT))) (real name Neema Parvini) (Read here)
(((AIMLESS GROMAR))) (real name Jonah Bennett) (Read here)
Dick pic enthusiast. Associate of Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos. Main importance is as a symbol of the degradation of the Dissident Right to the extremely low level it occupies in 2023. Looks like a young, gay Sammy Davis jnr. Has a long dubious past in "Conservative politics."
Aurini was a Canadian YouTuber (his channel was shut down in 2018) who was fairly prominent in the Dissident Right around the time of Gamergate (c.2014). His videos, most of which have now disappeared, featured him holding a glass of alcohol and a cigar, talking to camera in long-running, rambling, and often pretentious ad libs. Millennial Woes claims him as a major inspiration. Also, like Woes, there are question marks over his masculinity, with on-line admissions of having sex with transsexuals (see also Ghoul, Jayoh De La Ray, etc.) among other things.
Aurini's political and ideological positions show a lack of consistency and seem more determined by an edgytarian urge, partly modified by fears of deplatforming. The last time I paid attention he seemed to be passing himself off as a Catholic traditionalist. He has frequently fallen out with former associates, but then who hasn't in the Dissident Right?
Typical quote: "What if I told you that red pill you took was just a blue pill with a red coat of paint, and we're still inside the matrix"
Boomer podcaster and activist associated with the Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer. Now dead. Attended Charlottesville where his intemperate statements made him an easy target for "lawfare" civil suits. Since 2019 has been in hiding. Was later active on Odysee until his death in 2024. Sadly missed by Wignats.
Highly intelligent and skilled English comedian, whom, I suspect, has been hired by MI5 to subvert the Dissident Right through a process of reductio ad absurdum and by associating it with the most unpalatable figures on the internet. Pendelfin appreciator.
(((BAKED ALASKA))) (real name Tim Gionet)
A frivolous and unimportant member of the Alt-Lite, who has been a constant source of comedy for several years. In 2016 he drifted towards the Alt-Right, gained some temporary prominence, and participated in Charlottesville (2017), claiming to have been severely maced in the process. In 2019 he attempted to repackage himself as a "moderate," even calling the Alt-Right a "brainwashing cult." But since then he has completely discredited himself yet again by a number of retarded grifting stunts. He appears to be a close friend of Nick Fuentes, although the current status (2021) of this relationship is unknown.
In January 2021 Baked participated in the "Stop the Steal" storming of the Capitol and livestreamed from Nancy Pelosi's office. He was subsequently arrested and is awaiting trial.
Associated acts: Nick Fuentes, (((Catboy Kami))), (((Beardson Beardly)))
Prolific writer for Alternative Right and Affirmative Right. British. Identifies as an "identitarian."
The first out-and-out "Leftie" to be included here because it is at least apparent to me from a study of his tweeting pattern and other meta-data (such as deviation from normative Leftist behaviour and attitudes and narrative loading) that he is, with a high degree of probability, an informal Russian asset. He is half-Iranian (another red flag) and runs the generally interesting Leftist Novara YouTube channel with guests like Ash Sarkar. There is (in 2024-25) a constant undertow of subtly boosting Reform, shilling for Russia, and attempting to demoralise Britain-in-NATO rather critique it as you would expect from a normal Leftist. Novara's funding (30,ooo small subscribers) looks extremely chimerical to me. As yet, there is no smoking gun on this, but I have seen enough of this kind of shit to smell it by now.
Bastani "inexplicably" kissing Russia arse (21st Feb 2025)
(((BEARDSON BEARDLY))) (real name Matt Walsh)
Well-known "Groyper," America First "lieutenant," and a talented on-line troll. Real name Matt Walsh. A short man (c. 150 cm) of "hobbit-like" appearance, Beardson is a close ally of Nick Fuentes, and is believed to have been behind the split between Fuentes and Patrick Casey in 2021. He was featured in Louis Theroux's attempted hit piece on America First in 2022 mainly because of his notorious "rape threat" against Brittany Venti. In 2022 his Jewish wife Blair (née Blumenburg) reportedly left him.
CARL BENJAMIN (AKA (((Sargon of Akkad)))) (Read here)
The founder of Stormfront. Black is a Paleo-Nazi (i.e. not even a Neo-Nazi). Paleo-Nazis are a considerable group, especially in America, that is of absolutely no intellectual interest because their views are entirely Jew-obsessed and predictable. In fact it would be wrong to view them as part of the Dissident Right, because they offer no critique of anything at all, as any data and logic melt before their one over-riding obsession: Jews!!!!!! Really, in a weird, sick way they are in love with everything Jewish. If only Dr. Mengele were alive today, we could run radical experiments on them to see if there was some way of making them actually think like humans again. They instinctively view any nationalist who does not share all their views as being "controlled by the Jews." The Alt-Right was founded in 2010 to take nationalism away from people like this, but it looks like Paleo-Nazis may have had the last laugh following the Nazification of the Alt-Right.
What is a "boob man" doing in Asia? |
Popular Canadian YouTuber who lives in Japan. He makes videos that typically pick up populist, low-hanging Dissident Right fruit that won't get him kicked off YouTube, although that has happened too (temporarily), as YouTube becomes increasingly censorious. He is known to incorporate text by others in his well-produced videos.
Before vlogging on Alt-Right speaking points, he ran another channel called "Shinjuku TV" that focused less on White Nationalist material and more on "sexpat" topics, with frequent reports from sex tourism hot spots like Pattaya Beach and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok. This suggests, but does not prove, he has difficulty pulling girls in Sendai, where he appears to live. Almost all of these sexpat videos appear to have been removed, no doubt because they clash with his more profitable career as a paragon of White nationalism.
(((BRONZE AGE PERVERT))) (Real name Costin Alamariu)
Incoherent but oddly popular Alt-Right Twitter comedian. Author of the strangely popular Bronze Age Mindset, a collection of his largely incoherent sub-Nietzschean thought with a title parodying Mike Cernovich's book Gorilla Mindset. Widely suspected of being gay due to his apparent obsession with bodybuilder physiques. Diss-Righters ironically pretend to be OK with this. In 2021 he was doxxed as Costin Vlad Alamariu, a middle-aged Jewish Romanian academic with a focus on the thought of Leo Strauss.
(((BRUTUS))) (AKA (((Subal))), (((Aryan Spring))), (((Devonshire Fascist))), (((Brutus of Troy)))), (((Alfred the Invincible))) (Read Here)
Born 1980, the "Crying Nazi" of Charlottesville. He built up a following as a podcaster with generally idiotic populist content and became increasingly radicalised by associating with Stormerists and the TRS brigade. Seems more like an innocent dupe and conspiritard rather than the hardened Neo-Nazi he is presented as.
The "Crying Nazi" tag was not because of the tear gas at Charlottesville, as no one blames people for tears there, but because of his emotions several hours later when Cantwell was distressed at the prospect of being arrested by the FBI. This "Crying Nazi" meme was used by the MSM to ridicule the "tough guy" image that Alt-Righters like Cantwell tried to project. He was imprisoned soon after Charlottesville for pepper spraying two people, and, after his release, was imprisoned again for threatening on Telegram to rape someone's wife in front of his children if he did not give him information about another individual. Got over three years, but was released in 2022.
Born 1980, the "Crying Nazi" of Charlottesville. He built up a following as a podcaster with generally idiotic populist content and became increasingly radicalised by associating with Stormerists and the TRS brigade. Seems more like an innocent dupe and conspiritard rather than the hardened Neo-Nazi he is presented as.
The "Crying Nazi" tag was not because of the tear gas at Charlottesville, as no one blames people for tears there, but because of his emotions several hours later when Cantwell was distressed at the prospect of being arrested by the FBI. This "Crying Nazi" meme was used by the MSM to ridicule the "tough guy" image that Alt-Righters like Cantwell tried to project. He was imprisoned soon after Charlottesville for pepper spraying two people, and, after his release, was imprisoned again for threatening on Telegram to rape someone's wife in front of his children if he did not give him information about another individual. Got over three years, but was released in 2022.
He is an emotive personality but a bit of a moron who readily believes all sorts of Alt-Right garbage and readily says stupid things and does stupid things, in short, he is a shitmagnet. Despite this, he is still taken seriously by Dissident Rightists and more straight-edge nationalists, like Jason Kessler. But what else is new? There are very clear, big, simple reasons why the American nationalist right constantly fails. Zero quality control.
Not really a Dissident Rightist, but often cited as one, and referred to as "far right." His background is libertarian, PUA, and Gamergate with a few spicy takes that got taken out of context. Built up a large following on social media and supported Trump in 2016. He continues to do podcasts, videos, and books that stay safely in boomertard Trump territory. Born in 1977 in the Midwest. He is often mocked for his lisp and boasting about marrying a "hot" Iranian woman. Putin shill.
The fact that he has over a million Twitter followers without any discernible talent to justify it, suggests that he is artificially boosted as a conduit for disinfo, Kremlin takes, and bad memes.
DAVID COLE (AKA (((David Stein)))) (Read here)
MARK COLLET (Read here)
(((COMPUTING FOREVER))) (real name Dave Cullen) Successful Irish vlogger coming out of the "Skeptic Community" ("Septic Community"?) who occasionally takes "soft nationalist" and "low-hanging fruit" positions. Started as a tech commenter, hence the channel name. Not sure why he has so many followers (456,000 subscribers on YouTube as of October 2020), as his content is a bit "cookie cutter" and bland. He may be low IQ or else a high-IQ cynical grifter, because he often pushes lazy paranoia and absurd conspiritard content that resonates well with a certain gullible type.
His video Possible Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Agenda, "leaking" a self-evidently absurd "Great Re-Set" scheme, is a revealing example of his schtick. Often uses terms like "globalists," "banksters," "New World Order," etc. Had a little "drama" with Sargon of Akkad back in 2016.
GREG CONTE (AKA (((Greg Ritter))))
Conte was part of Richard Spencer's inner circle, so much so that at one time there was even a widespread rumour, which may or may not be true, that he once caught Spencer with his wife, leading to a schism between Spencer and Conte. A counter-rumour had it that the first rumour was a fake put out by Spencer to counter his image of sub-optimal masculinity. What is certain however is that Conte lost his job as a teacher at a girl's high school—something that must seem like a real blow to many of the incels in the Alt-Right—thanks to his association with Spencer.
Yes, Conte was one of many prominent Alt-Righters forced to live a double life because of the toxic hue given to the movement by its incompetent leadership. But it also seems that Conte was happy with Spencer's Nazi-signalling ethnostate imperialism from the get go. This was evident in much of his pre-doxxing content, which he produced under the name Greg Ritter, a name chosen apparently for its Nazi associations.
He cut his Alt-Right teeth on the Atavistic Intelligentsia blog, with close friend Vincent Law (not his real name), with both going on to work for Spencer's website, founded in early 2017. He also co-hosted Spencer's Alt-Right podcast and served as Spencer's factotum at the National Policy Institute, Spencer’s "think tank," as Spencer was too busy or lazy to do the work.
His video Possible Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Agenda, "leaking" a self-evidently absurd "Great Re-Set" scheme, is a revealing example of his schtick. Often uses terms like "globalists," "banksters," "New World Order," etc. Had a little "drama" with Sargon of Akkad back in 2016.
GREG CONTE (AKA (((Greg Ritter))))
Conte was part of Richard Spencer's inner circle, so much so that at one time there was even a widespread rumour, which may or may not be true, that he once caught Spencer with his wife, leading to a schism between Spencer and Conte. A counter-rumour had it that the first rumour was a fake put out by Spencer to counter his image of sub-optimal masculinity. What is certain however is that Conte lost his job as a teacher at a girl's high school—something that must seem like a real blow to many of the incels in the Alt-Right—thanks to his association with Spencer.
Yes, Conte was one of many prominent Alt-Righters forced to live a double life because of the toxic hue given to the movement by its incompetent leadership. But it also seems that Conte was happy with Spencer's Nazi-signalling ethnostate imperialism from the get go. This was evident in much of his pre-doxxing content, which he produced under the name Greg Ritter, a name chosen apparently for its Nazi associations.
He cut his Alt-Right teeth on the Atavistic Intelligentsia blog, with close friend Vincent Law (not his real name), with both going on to work for Spencer's website, founded in early 2017. He also co-hosted Spencer's Alt-Right podcast and served as Spencer's factotum at the National Policy Institute, Spencer’s "think tank," as Spencer was too busy or lazy to do the work.
From 2020 he has been heavily involved in the National Justice Party, a fake anti-Semitic, White Nationalist organisation run by (((Mike Enoch))). In 2022 he started a Nazi history channel on Odysee.
Australian dissident nationalist and body builder born 1989, well known for his "chad" physique and general good looks. He is associated with some people who can only be described as Neo-Nazis, and the groups he has been active in—the United Patriots Front and the Lads Society—even attracted the attention of Brenton Tarrant the Christchurch shooter. Cottrell has a violent past not associated with politics. In 2012 he was imprisoned for four months for arson and stalking directed at a love rival. He also admitted on video intent to kill or cause serious bodily harm.
Cottrell's own "deep views" are not entirely clear, but it is possible that he shares some Neo-Nazi views based on various, apparently sincere comments he has made on social media in the past, but all-in-all Cottrell is a sitting duck for hostile media wishing to portray sincere nationalists as Nazi nutcases.
Australians have a number of characteristics that make nationalists there highly susceptible to the "Hitler Trap." Firstly, they have a culture that is more macho and working class than most Anglo nations, and, secondly, there is a strong tradition of being against the British establishment that is only to be expected in a country founded on convict labour. This is also often associated with Catholicism (the "Mel Gibson Effect"). Both of these elements make them more likely to adopt offensive, in-your-face Naziist poses and rhetoric that can only weaken and undercut their nationalism. Sensible Aussie Nats have to be extremely aware of these potential weaknesses, no matter how much iron they pump.
Since around 2019, Joseph Cotto has been a presence in the Dissident Right. This is due to his regular podcasts with Paul Gottfried and occasional interviews with Dissident Right figures. However, he is not a true Dissident Rightist himself. In terms of his actual expressed political positions, he is a centrist mainstream Republican and lukewarm Trump supporter, with some rather LARPier views about monarchism. Somewhat of an Anglophile.
In 2015 and 2016, he was given a largely worthless "knighthood" and "barony" by the exiled Rwandan king Kigeli V.
During the Russo-Ukrainian war, he constantly and industriously retweeted content from Russian shill site ASB News / MILITARY.
Australians have a number of characteristics that make nationalists there highly susceptible to the "Hitler Trap." Firstly, they have a culture that is more macho and working class than most Anglo nations, and, secondly, there is a strong tradition of being against the British establishment that is only to be expected in a country founded on convict labour. This is also often associated with Catholicism (the "Mel Gibson Effect"). Both of these elements make them more likely to adopt offensive, in-your-face Naziist poses and rhetoric that can only weaken and undercut their nationalism. Sensible Aussie Nats have to be extremely aware of these potential weaknesses, no matter how much iron they pump.
Since around 2019, Joseph Cotto has been a presence in the Dissident Right. This is due to his regular podcasts with Paul Gottfried and occasional interviews with Dissident Right figures. However, he is not a true Dissident Rightist himself. In terms of his actual expressed political positions, he is a centrist mainstream Republican and lukewarm Trump supporter, with some rather LARPier views about monarchism. Somewhat of an Anglophile.
In 2015 and 2016, he was given a largely worthless "knighthood" and "barony" by the exiled Rwandan king Kigeli V.
During the Russo-Ukrainian war, he constantly and industriously retweeted content from Russian shill site ASB News / MILITARY.
A Canadian nationalist site that occasionally promotes a retarded, Alt-Right, Jewish supremacist view of history.
Associated acts: Frank Hilliard, Ricardo Duchesne.
Nathan Damigo is the diminutive founder and ex-leader of Identity Evropa (IE). He is also an ex-marine and former convict (5 years for actual armed robbery!!!). Conveniently he blames his criminal behaviour on PTSD suffered from his tours of duty in Iraq. He founded White activist group Identity Europa in 2016 but was removed as leader in August 2017, following Charlottesville. This was because he was seen as being too close to Richard Spencer, whose popularity plummeted after that event. Damigo was successfully sued in a civil action law suit connected to Charlottesville, but declared himself bankrupt in what critics claimed was an attempt to escape paying damages.
Former pothead (see above). Yet another believer in the Grand Semitic Panotheory, who uses pseudo-intellectual tosh to try to make his Nazi views more respectable. Doesn't work - just makes his Naziism boring.
From his Telegram posts, YouTube videos, and associations, he clearly believes the Jews are the reason the West is going through the changes it is going through (i.e. demographics, personal sexual expression, low fertility, mass immigration etc.). Often uses the Nazi dog-whistle word "parasites."
He has a soft Australian accent that goes well with his soybeard, and is associated with the Perth-based Imperium Press and more blatant Nazis like Keith Woods, Thomas777, Thomas Sewell, etc.
Since around 2020, he has been building up a considerable following on YouTube with sympathetic sessions with fellow believers in the Grand Semitic Panotheory, like Borzoi, Striker, Josh Neal, Thomas Rousseau, etc. In October 2022, he hosted a debate on Ukraine on his channel between two fellow believers in the Semitic Panotheory, Mark Collett and Greg Johnson.
KEVIN DEANNA (AKA (((Gregory Hood))) and (((James Kirkpatrick))))
A key figure in the pre- and early Alt-Right. DeAnna was the founder of the on-campus activist group Youth for Western Civilization (defunct). He was, and probably still is, one of the writers most respected by Alt-Righters, publishing articles in Radix, Counter-Currents, and American Renaissance under the pen name "Gregory Hood," and articles in VDARE under the by-line (((James Kirkpatrick))).
He excels at lucid, mid-brain commentary pieces generated by the hamster wheel of the American news cycle, rather than deeper and more profound essays. DeAnna's role in the early Alt-Right has come under the SPLC spotlight thanks to his relationship with top doxxer Katie McHugh, with whom he had a romantic connection for several years. This has revealed that DeAnna once had connections to various, more mainstream Conservative sites and organisations.
In physical terms he is small man of a rather withered appearance, despite his comparative youth. He may be ill with something or simply spend too much time in front of a computer keyboard, or maybe it's just the same demons draining his life essence as those that finished off his colleague Martin Rojas.
Sits on the advisory board of The Occidental Quarterly, Devlin is regarded as a leading Dissident Right intellectual on the question of sexual politics thanks to his book "Sexual Utopia in Power." He spoke at the 2016 NPI "Heilgate" Conference and denounced the Nazi salutes that took place there, but he also has close links with Greg Johnson and the Counter-Currents clique, which means he probably secretly approved of them.
An Alt-Right "fellow traveller" YouTuber with an incredibly gay-sounding voice, which can best be heard on live streams as well as on his more heavily sound-edited work, where he uses EQ to lower the pitch of his voice. He has been on YouTube since 2016 and has around 35K subscribers.
Butch gay writer on male identity politics, famous for his classic work, "The Way of Men." He is unquestionably one of the best writers in the Dissident Right. Also a practising pagan. One of the original contributors to, he has close links to Richard Spencer, but has sensibly distanced himself from the Alt-Right in recent years. He hangs out in the woods with a pagan cult group the Wolves of Vinland.
Sits on the advisory board of The Occidental Quarterly, Devlin is regarded as a leading Dissident Right intellectual on the question of sexual politics thanks to his book "Sexual Utopia in Power." He spoke at the 2016 NPI "Heilgate" Conference and denounced the Nazi salutes that took place there, but he also has close links with Greg Johnson and the Counter-Currents clique, which means he probably secretly approved of them.
An Alt-Right "fellow traveller" YouTuber with an incredibly gay-sounding voice, which can best be heard on live streams as well as on his more heavily sound-edited work, where he uses EQ to lower the pitch of his voice. He has been on YouTube since 2016 and has around 35K subscribers.
Butch gay writer on male identity politics, famous for his classic work, "The Way of Men." He is unquestionably one of the best writers in the Dissident Right. Also a practising pagan. One of the original contributors to, he has close links to Richard Spencer, but has sensibly distanced himself from the Alt-Right in recent years. He hangs out in the woods with a pagan cult group the Wolves of Vinland.
Yet another example of someone with a "sub-White" complex -- Duchesne is a Puerto Rican with some Afro-Caribben blood -- who attempts to identify as more "Aryan." Born around 1960, Duchesne was an academic who, somewhat strangely, given his background and dense Puerto Rican accent, has made the cause of protecting Canada's Anglo-character his life's work. He has penned a few books on the theme of the superiority of Western civilization, but also incongruously supports the ideas of Alexander Dugin that much of the West is a "graveyard of toxic waste of civilization." In 2014 he founded the Council of European Canadians website, which publishes a variety of nationalist themed content from "civ-nat" takes to more Neo-Naziish stuff.
Born 1962, Dugin is a Russian pseudo-intellectual who engaged with the early Alt-Right and was lionised by it. Many of his books have been published by Daniel Friberg's Arktos Publishing. His theories are a mish-mash of Heideggerian bullshit and a "moralised" dualistic version of the ideas of Halford Mackinder, spiced up with bat-shit crazy pseudo-religious crap. Proponent of "multipolarity" but is really just a rather blatant Russian imperialist. His influence on Putin is disputed. In 2022 there was an attempt by Ukrainian special ops to assassinate him which resulted in the death of his daughter whose views were a "Mini-Me" version of his own.
Yet another example of someone with a "sub-White" complex -- Duchesne is a Puerto Rican with some Afro-Caribben blood -- who attempts to identify as more "Aryan." Born around 1960, Duchesne was an academic who, somewhat strangely, given his background and dense Puerto Rican accent, has made the cause of protecting Canada's Anglo-character his life's work. He has penned a few books on the theme of the superiority of Western civilization, but also incongruously supports the ideas of Alexander Dugin that much of the West is a "graveyard of toxic waste of civilization." In 2014 he founded the Council of European Canadians website, which publishes a variety of nationalist themed content from "civ-nat" takes to more Neo-Naziish stuff.
Born 1962, Dugin is a Russian pseudo-intellectual who engaged with the early Alt-Right and was lionised by it. Many of his books have been published by Daniel Friberg's Arktos Publishing. His theories are a mish-mash of Heideggerian bullshit and a "moralised" dualistic version of the ideas of Halford Mackinder, spiced up with bat-shit crazy pseudo-religious crap. Proponent of "multipolarity" but is really just a rather blatant Russian imperialist. His influence on Putin is disputed. In 2022 there was an attempt by Ukrainian special ops to assassinate him which resulted in the death of his daughter whose views were a "Mini-Me" version of his own.
Prolific writer for Alternative Right and Affirmative Right. British. Identifies as a "radical centrist."
JESSE DUNSTAN (((SVEN))) (Read here)
A long-term contributor to several Alt-Right and Dissident Right sites, such as Counter-Currents (since 2014), Unz Review, etc. He is probably a French Canadian, but I couldn't nail down this exact data point, as Durocher is not well known enough to produce good search results.
Much of his writing consists of English translations of French right-wing or New Right content, but he also pens his own essays and participates in podcasts.
From his content, he appears to be an "intellectual Fascist" with a lot of empathy and emotional attraction to Hitler and the Third Reich. Often posts "Nazi nostalgia" images on his Twitter account. In physical terms he is, not surprisingly, a most un-Aryan-looking specimen. Those with an interest in the Aryan archetype often fit into this unprepossessing category (see Weev, Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch, and Striker for further reference).
Typical Southern racial realist and host of The Political Cesspool, a podcast/ radio show founded in 2004. He also sits on the board of the Council of Conservative Citizens, and is a director of the American Freedom Party. Good friends with the like of David Duke, Brad Griffin, etc.
CLAYTON ELMY (aka Clayton Cledun)
Member of the secret TRS Facebook group (c. 2014-2017) and hardcore Nazi (hated Greg Johnson because Johnson said the Holocaust happened and was actually a bad thing for White people, which it was).
Based in Canada (Upper Beaches area of Toronto) he started out as a typical diversity-embracing liberal (c. 2011), before, presumably being dumped by a Black girl, growing his trademark neckbeard, and becoming a hobbit-like Neo-Nazi (yes, he's short - see photo above).
He joined the rather odd National Synergist Party, a "sorta kinda" fascist group led by the oddball Sebastian Ronin. In 2015 he attended a Pegida Canada rally and started to attract antifa attention with his Nazi-signalling. In 2017, he was doxxed for an anti-feminist video and possibly lost his job with Ventura Foods. Since then, he's either gone back to being a diversity-loving liberal, died, or is living deep underground.
Typical Southern racial realist and host of The Political Cesspool, a podcast/ radio show founded in 2004. He also sits on the board of the Council of Conservative Citizens, and is a director of the American Freedom Party. Good friends with the like of David Duke, Brad Griffin, etc.
Manlet Elmy (right) hanging out with the diversity. What went wrong?
CLAYTON ELMY (aka Clayton Cledun)
Member of the secret TRS Facebook group (c. 2014-2017) and hardcore Nazi (hated Greg Johnson because Johnson said the Holocaust happened and was actually a bad thing for White people, which it was).
Based in Canada (Upper Beaches area of Toronto) he started out as a typical diversity-embracing liberal (c. 2011), before, presumably being dumped by a Black girl, growing his trademark neckbeard, and becoming a hobbit-like Neo-Nazi (yes, he's short - see photo above).
He joined the rather odd National Synergist Party, a "sorta kinda" fascist group led by the oddball Sebastian Ronin. In 2015 he attended a Pegida Canada rally and started to attract antifa attention with his Nazi-signalling. In 2017, he was doxxed for an anti-feminist video and possibly lost his job with Ventura Foods. Since then, he's either gone back to being a diversity-loving liberal, died, or is living deep underground.
(((MIKE ENOCH))) (real name Mike Peinovich) (Read here)
Originally emerging in the libertarian-to-Neo-Nazi pipeline of TRS, Faulk is one of the brightest brains in the Dissident Right, epitomising the Alt-Right notion of "weaponised autism." He produces tightly argued content that makes the case for nationalism and race realism.
In 2016, along with fellow TRS alumnus Sean Last, he founded The Alternative Hypothesis website, which he originally wanted to call Alternative Right, even though the name was already taken. In August 2018, as a reaction to the negative trends in the Alt-Right, Faulk made a video distancing himself from Neo-Nazi-style White nationalism, signalling a break from TRS. However, he continues to show traces of TRS-style anti-Semitism, such as in his content on the Holocaust which often veers into "denialist" territory.
He freely admits that he is gay, part black (1/16), and autistic.
(((FAUST))) (real name Fausto Lanser)
Originally emerging in the libertarian-to-Neo-Nazi pipeline of TRS, Faulk is one of the brightest brains in the Dissident Right, epitomising the Alt-Right notion of "weaponised autism." He produces tightly argued content that makes the case for nationalism and race realism.
In 2016, along with fellow TRS alumnus Sean Last, he founded The Alternative Hypothesis website, which he originally wanted to call Alternative Right, even though the name was already taken. In August 2018, as a reaction to the negative trends in the Alt-Right, Faulk made a video distancing himself from Neo-Nazi-style White nationalism, signalling a break from TRS. However, he continues to show traces of TRS-style anti-Semitism, such as in his content on the Holocaust which often veers into "denialist" territory.
He freely admits that he is gay, part black (1/16), and autistic.
(((FAUST))) (real name Fausto Lanser)
Born 1991. Beefy Dutch Alt-Righter and "Dutch Supremacist" associated with the "fashy" Erkenbrand group, which has brought people like Jared Taylor and Millennial Woes to speak in the Netherlands. Well-spoken and intelligent, Faust is hard to categorise. His Dutch chauvinism appears to have been sparked by growing up overseas in Portugal, where he grew up. In some ways he is still living in the 17th century, as he likes to troll English nationalists from time to time with the long-forgotten Dutch-English rivalry of that period.
Dutch media and antifa try to present him as a "Nazi," and he has said a few things that give colour to this, but he seems too high IQ to be an out-an-out Nazi. But based on the 'invite list' of Erkenbrand over the years, it is at least fair to suspect him of subscribing to the Semitic Panotheory that defines Nazism. In 2019, for instance, the invitees included Mark Collett, a well-known British Nazi, Kevin MacDonald, an academic who is mainly known for his work on "malevolent Jewish influence" in the West, and Nikolai Nerling, a German best known for so-called "Holocaust denial."
By 2022, he was a less active in politics and dealing with serious obesity issues.
Luke Ford is an industrious but largely unsuccessful Gen X vlogger whose work is associated with the Dissident Right but whose views are closer to the Conservative Right and Dissident Centre.
He is one-eighth (or one-sixteenth) Chinese, and generally of Australian WASP origin. His father was a relatively prominent Seventh Day Adventist preacher. Originally a keen follower of Zionist Conservative Dennis Prager, Ford went on to blog extensively about the porn industry. After some sort of spiritual and/or identitarian crisis, he converted to Judaism and "started to get his life together" through the One-Step Program used to deal with various kinds of addictive behaviour. Sadly, he now seems addicted to vlogging, often livestreaming for several hours every night for scant reward. Luckily Ford's general erudition and ability to broadcast interesting clips from other content creators makes his show generally quite watchable and informative. Colin Liddell has been a fairly regular guest on the show.
Back in 2017-18, he was a fairly prominent part of "Internet Blood Sports," the livestreaming debate movement that YouTube subsequently discouraged through demonetization and outright banning. Ford then enjoyed a generally successful association with right-winger Kevin Michael Grace as his co-host for a couple of years, but found the partnership ideologically chaffing. More recently (2021), his show has moved in the direction of "anti-conspiritardery" and "deboonking" line over issues like voter fraud and the Covid Pandemic. He is something of a health guru and a proponent of the chiropractic activator tool.
Leader of the Groyper Movement (aka "America First"), a form of pan-racial, Catholic-infused American nationalism that espouses soft "anti-Semitic" or "counter-Semitic" positions. Like many of the more "telegenic" leaders in the Dissident Right, there are suspicions about his masculinity (see his association with Catboy Kami, etc).
In December 2020, Fuentes received a 13.5 bitcoin donation (around $370,000) supposedly from Laurent Bachelier a Frenchman who committed suicide. There are a number of "conspiracy theories" about the money actually being paid by someone else, using Bachelier as a front, possibly in return for Fuentes's participation at the "Stop the Steal" demonstration/riot in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021. Fuentes attended and spoke at the event, but appears to have avoided breaking any laws. In February 2021, Patrick Casey, his "Number 2" in the America First movement, broke with him over his participation at "Stop the Steal."
In April, 2021, Fuentes was banned from flying. He claimed that this was "political oppression" by the Biden administration. This story appears to be untrue, as Fuentes himself reported on Twitter that he had been involved in a confrontation with airline staff in December 2020 over his refusal to wear a mask, forcing the plane to return to the gate, after which Fuentes was kicked off.
In 2022, Fuentes totally supported the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and parroted most of the Kremlin's "talking points" in a way that seemed more shill-like than organic. He has also said that he regards Andrew Anglin as a "friend."
Associated acts: (((Baked Alaska))), (((Catboy Kami))), (((Beardson Beardly))).
Associated acts: (((Baked Alaska))), (((Catboy Kami))), (((Beardson Beardly))).
A former scientist, this pudgy, little French-Canadian is one of the oddest characters in the Alt-Right. He is highly intelligent, but not enough to get rid of his atrocious French accent, which, however, serves as a useful gimmick to make him sound more interesting to Anglos than he otherwise might do. He first came to prominence in 2017 and 2018, through his association with Andy Warski's live stream channel and the so-called "blood sports" debates.
He has strongly Judeophobic views. For example, he believes the White Nationalist theory that the Jews literally started WWII and that Hitler was an innocent victim. Despite this, he has also boasted of receiving funding from notorious "pedo island" billionaire Jefferey Epstein, who is Jewish. He appears to be something of a fantasist.
One of Gariepy's oddest aspects is his interest in mentally retarded women with the mental age of children. In fact, he makes this a central feature of many of his live shows as he knows this drives traffic to his show. His relationships with these women—there have been at least two—effectively makes him a "virtual child rapist," as these women are incapable of genuine adult consent.
As a man with no obvious attraction for women, sexual resentment seems to be one of his main motivations, with ridiculous claims of sexual prowess adding an additional comic touch to his live streams. His atypical appearance has also led to rumours among those in the Dissident Right that he is at least partly Jewish, but he explains this as being due to his "Basque origins." In 2020 he openly boasted of helping to get Nick Fuentes's YouTube channel shut down.
By 2022 he was vlogging about growing vegetables as a way of helping to fill his streams with content.
In 2024 his supposed "breeding partner" Mama JF apparently disappeared, prompting suspicions of murder, which have yet to be substantiated and may simply be a way of generating interest in his main revenue stream. Due to his general untrustworthiness and tendency to fantasy, nothing that JF says about himself that is not independently verified should be believed, including Mama JF's disappearance.
Associated acts: Richard Spencer, Andrew Warski
A British news and comment channel that appeared shortly before Russia Today was kicked off the airwaves in the UK and seems to plough the same furrow of promoting polarisation and hysteria (not very effectively). It pretends to be a "commerical" venture but loses around £30 million a year and is funded by dubious "dark money" based in Dubai, from by someone who had considerable business connections to Vladimir Putin.
(((GIFTS UNGIVEN))) (Read here)
JIM GOAD (Read here)
The son of a Jewish immigrant form Hungary, Gottfried was born in 1941 and grew up speaking German at home, preparing him for his later career as an academic specializing in Central European politics. He is a paleoconservative who is generally credited with coining the term “Alternative Right” after being shunned by the wider Conservative movement.
He was once quite close to Richard Spencer, although that relationship has faded in recent years. In 2008, he founded the H.L. Mencken Club as "an organisation for independent-minded intellectuals and academics of the Right." He is the Chief Editor of the paleoconservative magazine Chronicles. Since August 2019 he has been the co-host of the Cotto-Gottfried livestream show on YouTube. His wife is from a Catholic background.
Overly-emotional blackpilled old curmudgeon. Irish-Welsh Canadian. Former punk rocker. Well known for his bitter boomerism and looking like a less masculine version of Joe Biden.
Grace got his "big break" late in life by co-hosting the Luke Ford Show on YouTube, but he now has his own show on YouTube, where he basically moans about "low-hanging fruit" news stories, mixed in with pretentious and occasionally incisive pontifications on films and literature.
He has often had accommodation problems in the past, leading to frequent grifting and cries for help. Even though he is an elderly man, he still identifies as a 1970s "punk rocker." In 2022 this led to tragic consequences when he tripped over the shoe laces of his "punkish" Doc Marten boots and nearly put his eye out. Often gets drunk on livestreams to deal with "nerves."
SCOTT GREER (AKA (((Michael McGregor))))
An apparently gay writer and managing editor for Richard Spencer's ill-fated Radix Journal when it was launched in 2014. In the same year he was also writing for the more mainstream and conservative Daily Caller, founded by Tucker Carlson in 2010. The fact that the latter was a better payer than the extremely unreliable Spencer meant that (((McGregor))) soon decided to go mainstream, focusing entirely on his Daily Caller work. He left Radix in 2015. However, in 2018 (((McGregor))) was doxxed by the Atlantic as Scott Greer, leading to the Daily Caller breaking ties with him. Now he is mainly active on Twitter (141K followers, 2023). Also runs a podcast and a substack, both called "Highly Respected," where he pushes a more realistic version of American nationalism and conservatism.
BRADLEY GRIFFIN (AKA (((Hunter Wallace))))
Editor of the Southern Confederalist Occidental Dissent blog, which he founded in 2008. Hit pieces on Griffin usually mention that he has a history of mental illness and obesity, but to his credit he appears to have overcome these challenges and is now a comparatively normal family man.
His site Occidental Dissent is one of the most well-known sites in the Dissident Right, producing nationalist news and commentary from a Southern White identitarian perspective. On the JQ he is a conventional anti-Semite ("Wignat"), promoting the ideas that Jews are incompatible with White or American society, and that Jewish organisations are responsible for many of the West's problems.
In recent days (2019) Griffin has been at war with The Daily Stormer, accusing it, basically, of being a Fed operation designed to discredit White Nationalism, although there is also a long-running counter-theory that Griffin himself is a Fed.
RICHARD HANANIA (aka Richard Hoste) (Read here)
One of Richard Spencer's creatures c.2016-2018. Obviously a sock name. His identity seems to be quite well-protected, although I have my theories who he is. Wrote for Radix and, appeared on podcasts like Alt-Right Politics where you can hear his rather goofy sub-masculine voice.
Heimbach is the deeply discredited co-founder and ex-leader of the now disbanded Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP). He is essentially a socialist nationalist who admires National Socialism and promotes a strongly anti-Zionist and anti-"ZOG" approach. In 2018 he became a figure of ridicule after an illicit affair with the wife of Matt Parrott, his second in command and father-in-law. In 2015 Heimbach was banned by Richard Spencer from the NPI conference, but by 2017 the TWP was providing security on Spencer's failing university lecture tour that was being harassed by antifa. Also spent time in prison for violating the terms of a two-year probation for a shoving incident at a Trump rally. Was also briefly in the National Socialist Movement in 2019.
Largely and unfairly forgotten English race realist, Henderson was an important voice at the start of the Alt-Right, with his blog Living in a Madhouse and contributions to Right Now,, and American Renaissance.
Born in 1947, he first made his mark with a 1995 article in Wisden Cricket Monthly that drew attention to race, causing controversy and the usual kow-towing. Henderson drew media attention when he embarked on a campaign of letter writing protesting against this that drew complaints of "pestering" from Prime Minister Tony Blair and claims from Henderson that Blair was trying to have him jailed.
(((HIPSTER RACIST))) (Read here)
A German national based in Russia, active mainly on social media, who occasionally produces articles written to a Kremlin formula. Associated with Kremlin operation Arktos, whose rather obscure goal seems to provide a pathetic drip-feed of "intellectual respectability" to Kremlin-friendly dissidents, dupes, and useful idiots in the West. Has a wife and kid in Moscow, who would probably be tortured to death if he didn't engage in these low-grade activities so don't blame him too much.
(((THE ICONOCLAST))) (real name Daniel Atkinson)
A British Alt-Rightist YouTuber with an unusually large following (218K subscribers) for his eloquent but not especially inspired take on things. Emerged relatively recently and freely associates with Nazi-signalling Alt-Righters like Laura Towler, Mark Collett, and the TRS-affiliated The Absolute State of Britain podcast. He also runs an eponymous mail order publication. This single fact alone makes him highly suspect. Anyone on the Dissident Right whose operation requires the gathering of names and addresses should automatically be presumed to be working for the government, or some other sinister group, until there is overwhelmingly evidence to the contrary.
In June 2020 he was apparently doxxed by the Guardian as Daniel Atkinson, a "former media student." In January 2021 he announced on his BitChute channel that he was retiring as the Iconoclast due to being deplatformed and "burnt out."
Appeared on SJJMas 2024.
A Twitter account that emerged in late 2024 and soon built up a suspiciously large following (around 200K in Jan 2025) just by dumping slop DR content claiming to be a "defender of Western values and culture" who embraces "heritage, strength, and unity" and pretends to be pro-Western and Christian. Is actually an Indian called Saurabh Chandrakar (pic above) doing low-grade shilling (for Russia?) and meme coin scams.
Crusty, cantankerous, and often boozed-up British paleo-nationalist, who believes in the British Empire in a rather pathetic, teary-eyed way. Also a notable Putin shill who hates Ukrainians and Zelenskyy, partly on account of his Jewish ethnicity.
He is in his 50s and lives in rural Australia, from where he runs a small YouTube channel. He has a military background (South Africa) and hints that he may have killed in the line of duty but never comes out with any details. Going by his more recent form, it is much more likely that he was merely in charge of doling out the rum ration rather than anything involved with combat.
He is generally well informed on military matters and a narrow range of British colonial history. He hosts the rather tedious and self-indulgent Splendid Isolation podcast, which runs every week and is extremely repetitive in its themes and subject matter. Much more interesting are the five livestreams he did with Colin Liddell, whom he seems to have taken an irrational dislike to.
In the past he has opposed the Neo-Nazi tendency in British nationalism (Patriotic Alternative, etc), but also has some guests who are at least borderline Nazis (e.g. Ataman, Gareth Stone [aka Horus], Jobu, Faust, etc.). More recently (2022) he has started to adopt a more "Judeo-critical" position and has given increasing lip-service to the Semitic Panotheory (the theory common among many right-wingers that the Jews are the root cause of all the problems in the West).
He states that he hides his identity in order to protect the career of his son, who, he claims, is in the Royal Navy. This "explanation" does not hold water, as the navy is keen to hang on to any trained man, regardless of whether his father runs a YouTube channel or has a drink problem.
He states that he hides his identity in order to protect the career of his son, who, he claims, is in the Royal Navy. This "explanation" does not hold water, as the navy is keen to hang on to any trained man, regardless of whether his father runs a YouTube channel or has a drink problem.
A YouTuber based in one of England's Northern "chavopolises," who makes entertaining and often insightful videos about the flaws of the Dissident Right and the failings of modern Britain. He was inspired to take the path he has taken by early exposure to Luke Ford's channel (2018), whom he cites as one of his two mentors. He is also a fitness maxxer with an interest in martial arts. "Stephen J. James" is most probably not his real name. He also takes care in his videos to always hide his face. A frequent commenter on subjects like Millennial Woes, Academic Agent, wignats, Putin shills, etc. Somewhat sympathetic to mainstream Alt-Right ideas on "evil elites," the JQ, and conspiracies, but manages to preserve some healthy scepticism. In 2025 launched "SJJ-Mas" a higher-quality imitation of the now incredibly dull "Millenniyules." His Twitter.
A YouTuber based in one of England's Northern "chavopolises," who makes entertaining and often insightful videos about the flaws of the Dissident Right and the failings of modern Britain. He was inspired to take the path he has taken by early exposure to Luke Ford's channel (2018), whom he cites as one of his two mentors. He is also a fitness maxxer with an interest in martial arts. "Stephen J. James" is most probably not his real name. He also takes care in his videos to always hide his face. A frequent commenter on subjects like Millennial Woes, Academic Agent, wignats, Putin shills, etc. Somewhat sympathetic to mainstream Alt-Right ideas on "evil elites," the JQ, and conspiracies, but manages to preserve some healthy scepticism. In 2025 launched "SJJ-Mas" a higher-quality imitation of the now incredibly dull "Millenniyules." His Twitter.
Associated acts: Claire Khaw, Marko Coletti Spaghetti, Buddy the Dog, Luke Ford, Thomas Baden Reiss, and Brutus. Has a better fireplace than Academic Agent.
NIX JEELVY (Read here)
NIX JEELVY (Read here)
Johnson with Spencer who is of average height, Spencer that is, not Johnson
Nerdy, intelligent, but somewhat delusional O.G. Alt-Righter and troll, who resurfaced in 2023 on Twitter spaces with Richard Spencer. Extremely short - around 5'2".
A typical example of his intellectual "worth" is his clearly delusional belief that Disney withdrew its advertising from Twitter in 2023 because Biden went to China and asked Xi to pressure Disney to do so. Also, makes self-evidently absurd claims about his personal life in laughable attempts to present himself as a "chad."
GREG JOHNSON (Read here)
More a certifiable nutjob than a meta-political figure, An eccentric Catholic pseudo-intellectual, who wears bow ties, and is opposed to the "WASP and Jewish order" that he believes malevolently runs America and the World.
His views are based on a spurious conflation of Protestantism with something he calls the "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" and a deeply erroneous historiography that was completely exposed and demolished by James Lawrence's excellent 2021 article "AN ANTIDOTE TO THE JEWPILL (PART 2: ANTICHRISTIANITY)."
He is occasionally rolled out as a pinata for pointless debates with wignats. His blatantly absurd form of non-racial anti-Semitsm thus serves to make their racial form of anti-Semitism look "scientific" and vaguely respectable. He doesn't even seem to be aware that he is being shamelessly used in this way.
More a certifiable nutjob than a meta-political figure, An eccentric Catholic pseudo-intellectual, who wears bow ties, and is opposed to the "WASP and Jewish order" that he believes malevolently runs America and the World.
His views are based on a spurious conflation of Protestantism with something he calls the "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" and a deeply erroneous historiography that was completely exposed and demolished by James Lawrence's excellent 2021 article "AN ANTIDOTE TO THE JEWPILL (PART 2: ANTICHRISTIANITY)."
He is occasionally rolled out as a pinata for pointless debates with wignats. His blatantly absurd form of non-racial anti-Semitsm thus serves to make their racial form of anti-Semitism look "scientific" and vaguely respectable. He doesn't even seem to be aware that he is being shamelessly used in this way.
Not important in himself, Joyce is more useful in revealing the true sympathies of larger figures in the Dissident Right. This is because he is a fervent and obsessive anti-Semite and Jew obsessive with little else to recommend his content.
He has been much featured at The Occidental Observer by Kevin MacDonald, which is at least partly understandable as MacDonald's academic work is on Jewish ethnocentrism, but this also points to the possibility that MacDonald is a hardcore, emotionally-driven anti-Semite, rather than just someone "noticing patterns."
More tellingly, however, is the fact that Joyce was closely associated with Richard Spencer and Daniel Friberg, during the period of the Alt-Right corporation (2016-18), when Spencer was trying to centralise the Alt-Right around him. Spencer, despite some gaffes caught on tape, is not generally thought of as anti-Semitic type within nationalist and right-wing circles, but this association, along with some of Spencer's other picks for Radix Journal and his later Alt-Right site, like (((Vincent Law))) and Greg Conte, suggest that Spencer does indeed have harder core anti-Semitic views, which he played down previously and subsequently.
Joyce was also Spencer's main weapon is attacking his rival Greg Johnson as a homosexual, with Joyce penning a number of anti-homosexualist articles that were clearly aimed at Johnson.
Host of the long-running "Our Interesting Times" podcast. He was a palaeo-conservative with "old-school" Trad-Catholic views and some crypto-Neo-Nazi views. More recently (2019), he started to move in a more blatantly obvious "1488" direction, with such guests as E. Michael Jones, Eric Striker and (((Borzoi Boskovic))), and (((Mike Enoch))). In 2021, there was a considerable break in his content stream that led to rumours of illness or death, but Kelly eventually returned.
Host of the long-running "Our Interesting Times" podcast. He was a palaeo-conservative with "old-school" Trad-Catholic views and some crypto-Neo-Nazi views. More recently (2019), he started to move in a more blatantly obvious "1488" direction, with such guests as E. Michael Jones, Eric Striker and (((Borzoi Boskovic))), and (((Mike Enoch))). In 2021, there was a considerable break in his content stream that led to rumours of illness or death, but Kelly eventually returned.
As a resident or native of Charlottesville, Kessler was the original promoter of the "Unite the Right" rally in 2017, which he says he wanted to be a much broader-based event. Instead the rally was largely taken over by the supporters of Richard Spencer, like Elliot Kline, with Kessler pushed to the margins. Since then Kessler has denounced Spencer for Hollywood Naziism, and says he is working towards detoxifying White identitarianism—a Herculean task! One of the defendants at the "Unite the Right" lawfare case, aimed at bankrupting and ruining elements of the Alt-Right.
A quick check on his Twitter in 2022 shows that he is mainly tweeting about Israeli oppression of Palestinians and Israeli influence in US foreign policy.
BRENDAN KISSAM (aka Wilson Hewlett)
Gay diminutive friend of Greg Johnson (also gay) and Kevin DeAnna (also short), who has also worked for VDare (as Wilson Hewlett). He was a prominent member of the TRS "secret" Facebook group, in which he frequently used racial slurs and anti-Semitic language. He also played a role in the Alt-Right's attempt to gain funding in 2016 from homosexual tech billionaire Peter Thiel. Kissam had initially met Thiel in 2010, when Kissam was in his early 20s. At that time he volunteered to work on a fundraiser at Thiel’s New York City apartment for the gay Republican group GOProud, of which he was, of course, a member. Since being doxxed in a Buzzfeed article he has tragically disappeared from the White nationalist scene. You can see how physically unimpressive he is in his "sorority" picture from Temple University (above) which no dount limited his "intellectual appeal" to Mr Thiel. Kissam is an Irish name, as is Brendan, which helps to place him in the long tradition of Anglophobic Nazi-friendly Irish.
A Brit of Eastern European origins, something which possibly created a sense of "quasi-Whiteness" or "identitarian displacement" so common in many Alt-Righters. An important figure in the early Alt-Right with strong "Naziist" leanings but a keen intellect. Richard Spencer promoted him to co-editor at the original site in 2011 following his “Masters of the Universe” speech, which was well received at the 2011 NPI conference. However, the two appear to have fallen out in 2012 during the work on the much-delayed first issue of Radix Journal. Kurtagic's Nazi leanings were also opposed at the time by Liddell and Nowicki. Kurtagic has been largely inactive since his break with Spencer.
Ineffectual dissident right micro-politician of a mixed race (Jamaican father, White mother) background, who literally owns the tiny Heritage Party.
Got his start in UKIP, then started the Heritage Party in 2020. It will probably be gone in a couple of years (i.e. by 2025).
Heritage get almost no votes, despite the party's so-called "populist" message (anti-lockdown, anti-Woke, anti-LGBTQ+, etc.). He claims to be a "Christian traditionalist" but shills for Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. These two facts, on their own, are almost enough to prove he is bought and paid for by the Kremlin. Also strongly supported by suspicious sub-media like GB News.
Ineffectual dissident right micro-politician of a mixed race (Jamaican father, White mother) background, who literally owns the tiny Heritage Party.
Got his start in UKIP, then started the Heritage Party in 2020. It will probably be gone in a couple of years (i.e. by 2025).
Heritage get almost no votes, despite the party's so-called "populist" message (anti-lockdown, anti-Woke, anti-LGBTQ+, etc.). He claims to be a "Christian traditionalist" but shills for Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. These two facts, on their own, are almost enough to prove he is bought and paid for by the Kremlin. Also strongly supported by suspicious sub-media like GB News.
One of Richard Spencer's creatures at Radix and, or was it the other way round? His name is an obvious sock. He is a Russian American who was first active as a left-winger and Obama supporter in 2008. He then migrated to back to Russia, where he "became Alt-Right" writing for a site called Atavistic Intelligentsia and cohosting the RedDawn podcast with Greg Conte. He also wrote for The Daily Stormer before writing rather crude content for Radix, and Suspiciously disappeared when Spencer's project started to collapse into irrelevance. Possible evidence of the strong Kremlin-to-Alt-Right connection. His 2017 interview with Robert Stark is quiet revealing.
Gay-sounding Counter-Currents writer attracted to the Alt-Right by its edgy Nazi aesthetic. Started writing for Greg Johnson's site in 2018. Some people suspect that he is merely a pen name for Greg Johnson. The name LeBlanc is French (i.e. gay code) for "The White."
Lewis is a small, nerdy, bald, possibly autistic guy, who produces intellectually impressive NRX content on his "Praise of Folly" podcast, where he has some interesting guests like Keith Preston. He has been active in the Dissident Right from around 2015.
Ideologically he is aligned with a Libertarian-Christian-Traditionalist position, which has obvious contradictions. He is also a bit of a conspiritard, believing, for example, that the minor and temporary restrictions imposed by the gesture politics of the Covid pandemic (2020-21) constitute the imposition of a "medical tyranny" by a "technocratic elite" to impose what he calls a "control grid" on society.
Gay-sounding Counter-Currents writer attracted to the Alt-Right by its edgy Nazi aesthetic. Started writing for Greg Johnson's site in 2018. Some people suspect that he is merely a pen name for Greg Johnson. The name LeBlanc is French (i.e. gay code) for "The White."
Lewis is a small, nerdy, bald, possibly autistic guy, who produces intellectually impressive NRX content on his "Praise of Folly" podcast, where he has some interesting guests like Keith Preston. He has been active in the Dissident Right from around 2015.
Ideologically he is aligned with a Libertarian-Christian-Traditionalist position, which has obvious contradictions. He is also a bit of a conspiritard, believing, for example, that the minor and temporary restrictions imposed by the gesture politics of the Covid pandemic (2020-21) constitute the imposition of a "medical tyranny" by a "technocratic elite" to impose what he calls a "control grid" on society.
He unfortunately has a rather high, irritating voice that limits his popularity.
Liddell is a North Briton and lives in Japan. He has written for the Asahi Shimbun, Japan Times, South China Morning Post, International Herald Tribune, Stars and Stripes, and CNN, and Erotic Review.
He is considered one of the founders of the Dissident Right but has long played an internally critical role of the Right-wing and especially Neo-Nazi tendencies of what started as a more broad-based dissident movement. Early examples of this can be found here and here.
In May 2012, Richard Spencer made Liddell, along with Andy Nowicki, joint chief editor of the original site. When Spencer arbitrarily shut the site down on Xmas Day 2013, Liddell and Nowicki decided to re-establish the site as a blogspot in order to serve the interests of the established readership. Liddell continued to work within the Alt-Right, seeking to push it back to its more transcendent "big tent" beginnings, but thanks to the co-option of the movement by the Kremlin, the inherent tendencies of many of its leading personalities, its "rightist" branding, and its reactiveness to toxic Leftism the movement continued to Nazify.
Liddell attracted mainstream attention in 2012 for his article "Is Black Genocide Right?" In fact, he may have been the first Alt-Righter to do so. Less often mentioned is the article published at the same time "Is White Genocide Right?" Both articles oppose genocide. He also attracted mainstream criticism in 2014 for his article "Holocaust Amnesia Day," an attack on the weaponisation of history and tragedy.
In April 2018 Liddell distanced the site from the Alt-Right by renaming his site "Affirmative Right" and commenced, with the assistance of James Lawrence, a more intense critique of the Alt-Right. In 2022, he archived the site and launched NeoKrat to more accurately reflect his views and scope of interests. (Note: this is written by Colin Liddell who is known for his scrupulous honesty)
Schwimmer and Linder, same phenotype
The founder of Vanguard News Network and its interminably boring forum. Linder, who has a Galician Jewish name. was born in 1966 and bears a remarkable resemblance to Jewish actor David Scwimmer from Friends. Linder is a Paleo-Nazi (i.e. not even a Neo-Nazi).
Paleo-Nazis are a considerable group, especially in America, that is of absolutely no intellectual interest because their views are entirely Jew-obsessed and predictable. In fact it would be wrong to view them as part of the Dissident Right, because they offer no critique of anything at all, as any data and logic melt before their one over-riding obsession: Jews!!!!!! Really, in a weird, sick, twisted way they are in love with everything Jewish. Often this is because they are Jewish or partially Jewish themselves, as Linder appears to be. Their Jewish self loathing is often a disguised form of Jewish self love. Yes, I know, most of these people need a good shrink.
Linder ticks the box for both of the key markers of the Nazi mindset. Not only does he appear to have "sub-White" issues, he also seems to be a "sub-masculine," with his constant use of scatological language and gay slurs suggesting a barely repressed homosexual nature.
Worthless minor e-celeb who won the Darwin prize in 2024 when it was reported that he had died in a Ukrainian prison. Lira was a Chilean-born scumbag who tried to glom onto the prostitute world in one of the poorest countries in Europe (namely Ukraine) by offering PUA tutorials to sex tourists hoping to visit Ukraine. This allowed him enough income to stay in Kharkiv (cheaper than Kyiv), but when Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022, Lira's crappy business model fell apart. He therefore quickly and insincerely repackaged himself as a Kremlin shill in order to replace his lost earnings. Unfortunately for the short, pudgy, chain-smoking Lira, this got him into trouble with the Ukrainian authorities and landed him in prison, where his self-inflicted health issues did not received priority treatment, leading to his death at the advanced age (for an insect) of 55.
Born 1993, Jewish American "right-winger" and "conspiracy theorist"... Actually, Loomer is just an 'attention-whore' and grifter with a flair for stunts that serve the function of boosting her "brand" and donations. In 2019 she "invaded" Speaker Nancy Pelosi's house to make some point about borders and wall, and managed to get arrested. She reminds me of a funnier, female version of Tommy Robinson, but just as shit.
She has been subjected to a degree of deplatforming, most notably being kicked off Twitter on 28th November 2018, to which she responded by handcuffing herself to Twitter HQ. More recently she has aligned herself as a Jewish supporter of Christian Nationalism, and has crawled back into the mainstream, as it has become increasingly insane. She was an honoured guest at the 2024 Republican Convention.
Born 1944, Kevin MacDonald is a leading intellectual in the Dissident Right. MacDonald runs the webzine The Occidental Observer, founded in 2007, and the print journal The Occidental Quarterly.
His academic career began in 1981 when he earned a PhD in biology from the University of Connecticut, He then taught at California State University Long Beach from 1985 until 2014, when he retired.
He is mainly famous for his theory of Jewish identity as a "group evolutionary strategy." Over the years, however, his tone has become decreasingly academic and increasingly partisan, making it easier for his opponents to paint his theories as "pseudo-scientific antisemitism." He has also become increasingly associated with Neo-Nazism through events like the Scandza Forum, which actually uses a swastika embedded in its logo, and by failing to disavow Neo-Nazis who cite his work.
The academic establishment has refused to engage with his ideas, but in recent years he has received some pushback on his theories from Nathan Cofnas and Affirmative Right's own James Lawrence.
His academic career began in 1981 when he earned a PhD in biology from the University of Connecticut, He then taught at California State University Long Beach from 1985 until 2014, when he retired.
He is mainly famous for his theory of Jewish identity as a "group evolutionary strategy." Over the years, however, his tone has become decreasingly academic and increasingly partisan, making it easier for his opponents to paint his theories as "pseudo-scientific antisemitism." He has also become increasingly associated with Neo-Nazism through events like the Scandza Forum, which actually uses a swastika embedded in its logo, and by failing to disavow Neo-Nazis who cite his work.
The academic establishment has refused to engage with his ideas, but in recent years he has received some pushback on his theories from Nathan Cofnas and Affirmative Right's own James Lawrence.
His trilogy of books, A People that Shall Dwell Alone (1994), Separation and Its Discontents (1998) and Culture of Critique (1998), are regarded as classics by many Dissident Righters. Anti-Semites who have already pre-determined their opinions on the Jews based purely on emotion, often cite these works, especially Culture of Critique in a rather post factum way. Interestingly, the publisher of these works was Jewish.
Soft-spoken YouTuber of quasi-White appearance. Active since around 2020. Soporific listening, in my view. Describes himself as a "recovering journalist" (code for "failed journalist"). Relatively successful on YouTube (25.4K followers), which means he has found a way to be "edgy" to his audience without being banned by the platform.
His recipe is a cringey mix of Post-Libertarianism, QAnon-adjacent Neoreaction, Christian conservatism, conspiritard dog whistling, and "Libs of TikTok-style" low-hanging fruit harvesting from Leftist lunancy. Avoids race. Reheats stale takes from Curtis Yarvin, James Burnham, etc., that have been knocking around for ages. His Twitter.
(See above) Excellent example of Colin Liddell's theory of quasi-White White Nationalists.
Claims to be born in 1971 and raised by his "German" grandparents (supposedly members of the pro-Nazi American Bund in the 1930s), Martin nevertheless has the physiognomy of the classic Amerimutt (Le 56% Face) meme. I'm not even kidding here. Just look at the photo above.
Martin passes himself off as a kind of "Palaeo-Nat," basically a racial nationalist whose style harks back to an earlier bygone era, but he has been friendly throughout his career with a wide variety of diversity, not least himself. It also seems he has made quite a bit of money from Federally-related legal work. He is definitely not shy of boasting about his worldly success on social media. These apparently inconsistent elements are the main reason that many people consider him to "glow in the dark."
Nowadays (2022) he pops up occasionally on the Luke Ford show, where he takes relatively nuanced anti-Semitic positions that are reminiscent of old Wignats and Palaeocons. Like the former group he also has an interest in and liking for Nazi Germany. He is a typical Putinchud in his comments on the Ukraine War and has even invested in a Russian flag.
He has been critical of the America First movement. In February 2018 he referred to Fuentes by racial slurs and called him a "Jew Agent" (Movement Critic is none other than Rodders, according to Majority Rights).
Martin claims to be a veteran (Somalia) with a large family, which he says is "racially pure," but there are others who dispute this. In particular, it has been pointed out that his wife is an Eastern Cherokee. Martin denies this. Due to this allegation, his detractors have mocked him with the nickname "Wounded Knee." His content is minimal and mainly of a comment thread variety, which is also something of a red flag, although it may just be the result of a cantankerous personality and a lack of intellect. He ran a podcast, All Nationalist Network, and a blog, both of which are now largely dormant. He has a generally good speaking manner and, as we have observed above, the perfect face for radio.
Low-rent Alt-Right/ Alt-Lite / edgytarian character. Scottish-Canadian ex-hipster who founded Vice magazine. Is married to a woman of Native American heritage. He is mainly famous for sticking a dildo up his arse live on television. Wrote mainly "listicles" (list articles) for Taki's Mag. Founded the ridiculous Proud Boy group.
Tried to run a mainstream career that sailed close to the Dissident Right wind. Ended up getting cancelled, etc. Kicked off Twitter 11th August, 2018.
Born 1985. A member of Richard Spencer's inner circle. During Spencer's tenure as Editor at Taki's Mag around 2008, McLaren wrote a column tastefully titled "The Sniper's Tower" that dealt in rather normie takes. In July 2017, Spencer made McLaren the Executive Director of the National Policy Institute. McLaren probably wrote for Radix and under one or more aliases. In April 2018 he bowed out and moved to Norway, married, had a kid, and became a normie. In April 2022 he denounced his right-wing White nationalist past.
Martin passes himself off as a kind of "Palaeo-Nat," basically a racial nationalist whose style harks back to an earlier bygone era, but he has been friendly throughout his career with a wide variety of diversity, not least himself. It also seems he has made quite a bit of money from Federally-related legal work. He is definitely not shy of boasting about his worldly success on social media. These apparently inconsistent elements are the main reason that many people consider him to "glow in the dark."
Nowadays (2022) he pops up occasionally on the Luke Ford show, where he takes relatively nuanced anti-Semitic positions that are reminiscent of old Wignats and Palaeocons. Like the former group he also has an interest in and liking for Nazi Germany. He is a typical Putinchud in his comments on the Ukraine War and has even invested in a Russian flag.
He has been critical of the America First movement. In February 2018 he referred to Fuentes by racial slurs and called him a "Jew Agent" (Movement Critic is none other than Rodders, according to Majority Rights).
Martin claims to be a veteran (Somalia) with a large family, which he says is "racially pure," but there are others who dispute this. In particular, it has been pointed out that his wife is an Eastern Cherokee. Martin denies this. Due to this allegation, his detractors have mocked him with the nickname "Wounded Knee." His content is minimal and mainly of a comment thread variety, which is also something of a red flag, although it may just be the result of a cantankerous personality and a lack of intellect. He ran a podcast, All Nationalist Network, and a blog, both of which are now largely dormant. He has a generally good speaking manner and, as we have observed above, the perfect face for radio.
Low-rent Alt-Right/ Alt-Lite / edgytarian character. Scottish-Canadian ex-hipster who founded Vice magazine. Is married to a woman of Native American heritage. He is mainly famous for sticking a dildo up his arse live on television. Wrote mainly "listicles" (list articles) for Taki's Mag. Founded the ridiculous Proud Boy group.
Tried to run a mainstream career that sailed close to the Dissident Right wind. Ended up getting cancelled, etc. Kicked off Twitter 11th August, 2018.
Born 1985. A member of Richard Spencer's inner circle. During Spencer's tenure as Editor at Taki's Mag around 2008, McLaren wrote a column tastefully titled "The Sniper's Tower" that dealt in rather normie takes. In July 2017, Spencer made McLaren the Executive Director of the National Policy Institute. McLaren probably wrote for Radix and under one or more aliases. In April 2018 he bowed out and moved to Norway, married, had a kid, and became a normie. In April 2022 he denounced his right-wing White nationalist past.
(((MILLENNIAL WOES))) (real name Colin Robertson) (Read Here)
Mainly a book editor, the curly haired "cherubic-faced" Morgan also writes a little and podcasts. In 2006, after a youth of Gothic folly, he joined Integral Tradition Publishing, a publisher distributing the works of Julius Evola ("yawn") and Alain de Benoist ("meh"). When this merged with Arktos Media at the end of 2009, Morgan began working for Arktos, serving as Editor-in-Chief until July 2016, when he unsuccessfully tried to take over the company from the owner Daniel Friberg with the not very effective help of Greg Johnson. Since then Morgan has been associated with Counter-Currents. In recent years he appears to have been less active.
Dubbed "Bore-goth" by his less charitable critics, Morgoth is an anonymous and, as yet, undoxxed Alt-Right YouTuber from the North East of England. He has a "down-to-earth," working-class image due to a heavy "Geordie" accent. His views appear to be basic post-2015 Alt-Rightism, i.e. straight-forward White nationalism with a heavy dose of "inverted Jewish Supremacism," victimism, and some conspiritardism. Like many in the Alt-Right he is adept at pushing blatant untruths, and has a nice line in doompilled Spenglerism. For example, he views his own British race as pathetic impotent victims doomed to extinction.
Around 2015, he founded his blog Morgoth's Review which was soon afterwards hosted on the Neo-Nazi, Jewish-genocide-supporting Daily Stormer site. A fan of Counter-Currents, Morgoth made his first appearance on The Daily Shoah podcast, with its K-word and N-word spouting cast of regulars on April 19th, 2019, just one day short of Hitler's birthday. He has also appeared on several other TRS podcasts, confirming his association with the Nazitard wing of the Dissident Right. Boosted by the Counter-Currents clique, which now includes Millennial Woes who always gives Morgoth pride of place on his end-of-year Millenniyule grift sessions.
(((ELI MOSLEY))) (real name Eliot Kline)
(((Mosley))), whose real name is Elliot Kline, is mainly famous for lying about serving as a Marine in Iraq. He was one of the mob of low-grade Nazitards that Richard Spencer surrounded himself with in 2016-2017. He replaced Nathan Damigo as leader of the Identity Europa group (now defunct) shortly before the "Unite the Right" protest in Charlottesville in August 2017, and was a key player in Nazifying the event. He also worked behind the scenes to undermine the original organiser, the relatively moderate and sensible Jason Kessler. Check the text messages submitted to the US District Court for Virginia revealing this (scroll down to page 18 of the document). Kline dishonestly claimed Kessler was Jewish, despite Kline's own Jewish-sounding name and association with the Jewish-controlled Daily Stormer site. In Novermber 2017, he had to step down from Identity Europa when it was revealed that he had lied about his military record. He was later successfully sued in a civil case arising out of Charlottesville and declared bankruptcy in an apparent attempt to protect his meagre assets.
An anonymous "Pizzagate" "QAnon" paranoia parasite or troll, who makes videos that manipulate people's fears and ignorance of how the internet works. I have watched some of his content and saw several 'tells,' which it would be tedious to relate here, that strongly suggest the guy is a conscious fake.
OK, just one: In this video he 'plants' the idea early on that it is "illegal" to search a certain term on Yandex, namely "SRC USA," implying that you might get into some unspecified trouble if you do. Much later, after the warning against Yandexing has been planted and 'cooled,' he then uses Yandex to search the term (and others) to produce images that fit in with his narrative of pedophiliac networks. However, anyone duplicating his exact searches will get different results. It appears that he has 'prepped' the search engine with previous searches not recorded in his video.
Not sure of his motivation. He may be pushing this kind of content simply for hits and views, or else he could be part of some sort of psy-op or disinfo campaign to "rabbit hole" dissent (i.e. send it off on meaningless tangents.).
(((JOSH NEAL))) (real name Joshua Dietz)
Born 1986. A well-educated, well-spoken, and well-presenting Alt-Righter, who is nevertheless perfectly aligned with all the usual anti-Semite positions, victim mentality, and conspiritardery of the TRS wing of the Alt-Right. He became prominent in the Dissident Right due to his association with Richard Spencer, with whom he presented some podcasts during Spencer's most Nazitard phase, the McSpencer Podcast around 2019.
Not sure of his motivation. He may be pushing this kind of content simply for hits and views, or else he could be part of some sort of psy-op or disinfo campaign to "rabbit hole" dissent (i.e. send it off on meaningless tangents.).
(((JOSH NEAL))) (real name Joshua Dietz)
Born 1986. A well-educated, well-spoken, and well-presenting Alt-Righter, who is nevertheless perfectly aligned with all the usual anti-Semite positions, victim mentality, and conspiritardery of the TRS wing of the Alt-Right. He became prominent in the Dissident Right due to his association with Richard Spencer, with whom he presented some podcasts during Spencer's most Nazitard phase, the McSpencer Podcast around 2019.
Interestingly his real's real name, Joshua Dietz, has a rather Semitic resonance, as does his looks. My guess is that he is possibly a quarter or half-Jewish, which is often the case with many anti-Semites (see Weev, Mike Enoch, John Daly, Frank Cohen, Kevin Wilshaw, etc).
Professionally he started out as a psychology teacher at public and private universities in New York City, which also sounds not totally WASPish. He had a hypnotism practice and played in a band, which, according to doxxers, had a transvestite, a Black, and (another) Jew in it.

So, there are definitely plenty of red flags for anyone who wishes to doubt the sincerity of Dietz's Neo-Nazi views.
He published a book. called "American Extremist: The Psychology of Political Extremism," which I have not read but which seems to claim that liberals are the real extremists. This idea is hardly original, as I used it in an article in 2013.

So, there are definitely plenty of red flags for anyone who wishes to doubt the sincerity of Dietz's Neo-Nazi views.
He published a book. called "American Extremist: The Psychology of Political Extremism," which I have not read but which seems to claim that liberals are the real extremists. This idea is hardly original, as I used it in an article in 2013.
ANDY NOWICKI (Read here)
Along with his wife Lana Lokteff, Palmgren runs Red Ice Radio, Radio 3Fourteen, and Red Ice TV. Red Ice was founded in 2003. Palmgren, who is Swedish, was also "Media Director" for the short-lived AltRight Corporation in 2017. Red Ice deal in a mix of Alex-Jones-style conspiracy theories and Alt-Right White nationalist content, some of it of a dubious nature. Excellent production values. In late 2019, they were kicked off YouTube.
One of the wittiest and most likeable intellects in the Dissident Right. Also a relatively good writer. He is often accused of being a Fed for reasons that may or may not be legitimate but are too tedious to detail here.
He is mainly known for his work with his son-in-law Matt Heimbach in Trad Youth Network (TYN) and the Traditional Workers Party (TWP). The two fell out in 2018 after Heimbach made a cuck of Parrot, but in 2020 they seemed to have reconciled. Like Heimbach, Parrott is a "socialist nationalist" with strong anti-Zionist and anti-"ZOG" leanings. In 2013 he was closely associated with Greg Johnson, but later fell out with the gay Johnson, which was more in keeping with his rather LARPy Orthodox Christianity. In 2019 he returned to online activism on social media. His latest Twitter (2022) can be found here. Diehard fans can also enjoy his NazBol fringe politics on Radio Free Indiana (2021)
In 2021 Parrott was one of the main defendants in the Charlottesville "lawfare" case that aimed to bankrupt and otherwise ruin the group around Richard Spencer that organised the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. It is our understanding that Parrott was already more or less bankrupt even before the case began.
(((RAMZPAUL))) (real name Paul Ramsey)
A boomer nationalist with a well established YouTube channel. Although often seen as an Alt-Lite figure, Ramsey has some quite hard-edged opinions on White nationalism and the JQ, but manages to skilfully present them in a normie-friendly way.
In 2014, he attacked The Daily Stormer for supporting the Senate candidacy of Neo-Nazi Robert Ransdell, who later gained a "massive" 53 votes. This led to a long-running feud with Andrew Anglin. After Spencer's "Heilgate" speech in 2016, he disassociated himself from Spencer, saying, "You don't want to tie your brand to something that's ultimate evil." Since then, however, he has had an obvious change of heart, even appearing on The Daily Shoah podcast, which is a lot more "Nazi" than Richard Spencer ever was, while also doing a video with actual "Hollywood Nazi" Harold Covington and inviting TRS's Alex McNabb onto his YouTube show Happy Homelands.
On his YouTube channel his theme music ends with a "ching" sound, denoting the sound of a dropped coin. This is used by Neo-Nazis and Alt-Righters as a code for "Jew," and, whether you regard this as a problem or not, is clearly meant as a dog whistle to his audience.
In 2022, RamZPaul took a predictably "Alt-Right" pro-Russia stance, leading up to and during the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, but he also raised red flags by tirelessly retweeting from pro-Russian accounts like ASB News / Military. His pattern of retweeting suggests he may in fact be a low-level Russian asset.
Along with his wife Lana Lokteff, Palmgren runs Red Ice Radio, Radio 3Fourteen, and Red Ice TV. Red Ice was founded in 2003. Palmgren, who is Swedish, was also "Media Director" for the short-lived AltRight Corporation in 2017. Red Ice deal in a mix of Alex-Jones-style conspiracy theories and Alt-Right White nationalist content, some of it of a dubious nature. Excellent production values. In late 2019, they were kicked off YouTube.
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Parrott helping some NSM "frens" carry their giant burnable swastika. |
One of the wittiest and most likeable intellects in the Dissident Right. Also a relatively good writer. He is often accused of being a Fed for reasons that may or may not be legitimate but are too tedious to detail here.
He is mainly known for his work with his son-in-law Matt Heimbach in Trad Youth Network (TYN) and the Traditional Workers Party (TWP). The two fell out in 2018 after Heimbach made a cuck of Parrot, but in 2020 they seemed to have reconciled. Like Heimbach, Parrott is a "socialist nationalist" with strong anti-Zionist and anti-"ZOG" leanings. In 2013 he was closely associated with Greg Johnson, but later fell out with the gay Johnson, which was more in keeping with his rather LARPy Orthodox Christianity. In 2019 he returned to online activism on social media. His latest Twitter (2022) can be found here. Diehard fans can also enjoy his NazBol fringe politics on Radio Free Indiana (2021)
In 2021 Parrott was one of the main defendants in the Charlottesville "lawfare" case that aimed to bankrupt and otherwise ruin the group around Richard Spencer that organised the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. It is our understanding that Parrott was already more or less bankrupt even before the case began.
(((PILLEATER))) (real name Francis Nally)
An interesting, rather garrulous fringe member of the Dissident Right who creates a range of offbeat often extraneous content that is only tangentially connected to Diss-Right issues. He is best known for his concept of "Asian Aryanism," which emphasised the weeaboo tendencies of the early Alt-Right. In retrospect, since he is married to a Korean woman, this seems more self-revelatory than anything. His analysis of the Alt-Right/ Dissident Right as a kind of "queer" or "punk" subculture seeking freedom in taboo spaces is worth a look.
For a time (c. 2016-2019) he was a hanger-on of the Counter-Currents scene, where he encountered and exposed a culture of homosexual grooming in the legendary "Pilleater Tapes." He is now associated with the Alt-Centre and Alt-Left scene. An accomplished musician and a novelist.
He was/is a fan of Russian-backed tankie Caleb Maupin. More recently (2023) he pushes a form of anti-liberalism and is associated with Daniel Friberg's highly questionable Arktos operation.
He was/is a fan of Russian-backed tankie Caleb Maupin. More recently (2023) he pushes a form of anti-liberalism and is associated with Daniel Friberg's highly questionable Arktos operation.
A "big tent" dissident, whom it would be hard to describe as even right-wing, Ethan Ralph came to the fore through the Gamergate movement and his regular podcast "the Killstream." As that trajectory suggests, Ralph has some of the typical characteristics of the gamer -- overweight and a cynical but fun outlook on life (Chan mentality). Ralph lacks an ideological centre but has nevertheless bought into many dissident right ideas over the years simply because of his associations in the Dissident zone. Was married to an Indian woman for some years but divorced in 2020.
Since then he has increasingly become what is known as a "shit magnet," getting involved in increasingly dysfunctional behaviour, like leaking a disgusting sex tape, threatening former colleagues with doxing, etc. In 2022 he was beaten to a pulp in a street mugging in Portugal where he had gone on holiday.
(((RAMZPAUL))) (real name Paul Ramsey)
A boomer nationalist with a well established YouTube channel. Although often seen as an Alt-Lite figure, Ramsey has some quite hard-edged opinions on White nationalism and the JQ, but manages to skilfully present them in a normie-friendly way.
In 2014, he attacked The Daily Stormer for supporting the Senate candidacy of Neo-Nazi Robert Ransdell, who later gained a "massive" 53 votes. This led to a long-running feud with Andrew Anglin. After Spencer's "Heilgate" speech in 2016, he disassociated himself from Spencer, saying, "You don't want to tie your brand to something that's ultimate evil." Since then, however, he has had an obvious change of heart, even appearing on The Daily Shoah podcast, which is a lot more "Nazi" than Richard Spencer ever was, while also doing a video with actual "Hollywood Nazi" Harold Covington and inviting TRS's Alex McNabb onto his YouTube show Happy Homelands.
On his YouTube channel his theme music ends with a "ching" sound, denoting the sound of a dropped coin. This is used by Neo-Nazis and Alt-Righters as a code for "Jew," and, whether you regard this as a problem or not, is clearly meant as a dog whistle to his audience.
In 2022, RamZPaul took a predictably "Alt-Right" pro-Russia stance, leading up to and during the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, but he also raised red flags by tirelessly retweeting from pro-Russian accounts like ASB News / Military. His pattern of retweeting suggests he may in fact be a low-level Russian asset.
A bilingual Japanese YouTuber born in 1985 - looks younger. She built up her English-speaking audience in 2016 by dressing up in a high school girl's uniform and making videos declaring her love for "Trump Sempai" These were cringe but somehow endearing. She was in her 30s at the time.
She frequently recycles Trumptard and Qtard talking points to Americans, but she has also increasingly connected herself to the xenophobic and mystical-nationalist side of the Japanese right-wing and appears to have mixed feelings about White men. These may derive from her possible history as a "Yellow cab," a derogatory term applied to Japanese girls who have impermanent sexual relations with White men. Indeed, it is hard to see how her English skills could become so polished without supposing a lot of intimate contact with foreigners.
In 2018, at the relatively late-but-not-too-late age of 33, she married Hidetoshi Ishii (b. 1976), a member of several Japanese nationalist groups, such as the now disbanded Kokoro Party. While Random Yoko has some entirely respectable opinions, like her views on the tyrannical tendencies of the Chinese communist party and her support for the oppressed Uighurs, these seem to be largely driven by her almost religious feelings about Imperial Japan and the kamikaze suicide pilots. The proof of this is her often scathing and callous views on the subject of Korean comfort women. This too may be driven by her own bitter sense that she herself served as a kind of "comfort woman" for the gaijin, something that may have precluded her from fulfilling her biological duty.
Dissident Right donor. Part of the Regnery publishing family and therefore loaded. His grandfather was a founding member of the America First Committee that attempted to prevent America from resisting Naziism in the 1940s.
In 2001, Regnery founded the Charles Martel Society (CMS), a pseudo-masonic White nationalist group, which launched The Occidental Quarterly and The Occidental Observer webzine. From 2001 to 2015 he pumped $87,825 into the organisation.
He was also Richard Spencer's main donor in the early years of the Alt-Right, bankrolling the largely ineffective Spencer-led National Policy Institute (NPI). Between 2010 and 2015 he personally donated $35,000 to NPI, some of which went to finance Like many other people in the Dissident Right, he edged away from the one-man disaster zone that Spencer became in 2016.
In 2021 he died at the age of 80. The details of his will are unknown.
Dissident Right donor. Part of the Regnery publishing family and therefore loaded. His grandfather was a founding member of the America First Committee that attempted to prevent America from resisting Naziism in the 1940s.
In 2001, Regnery founded the Charles Martel Society (CMS), a pseudo-masonic White nationalist group, which launched The Occidental Quarterly and The Occidental Observer webzine. From 2001 to 2015 he pumped $87,825 into the organisation.
He was also Richard Spencer's main donor in the early years of the Alt-Right, bankrolling the largely ineffective Spencer-led National Policy Institute (NPI). Between 2010 and 2015 he personally donated $35,000 to NPI, some of which went to finance Like many other people in the Dissident Right, he edged away from the one-man disaster zone that Spencer became in 2016.
In 2021 he died at the age of 80. The details of his will are unknown.
Right-wing Conservative Nationalist vlogger with a weird "rocker look." Makes various videos, often about European election results, in which he celebrates right-wing and nationalist gains. Always pro-Putin, in 2022 his content started to veer increasingly into outright pro-Putin shillery and spreading Russian disinfo despite the fact that Putin had invaded a peaceful neighbouring "White" country and committed massacres there.
Which anonymous sock gets more than 50 thousand subscribers on YouTube these days after less than a year just talking about boilerplate BritNat stuff? Richard the Fourth does, that's who. The channel sprung out of the ground "fully formed" on Mar 9, 2024, and showed a consistency of style, quality, and frequency that is entirely unnatural. So, this just doesn't add up. There is obviously major bot boosting going on here, and once that is accepted, then there is only one entity on the planet that would be motivated to push this kind of content and capable of doing it in this way.
(((ROISSY in DC))) (real name James C. Weidmann)
Weidmann started one of the earliest manosphere blogs Chateau Heartiste, focusing on PUA, anti-feminism, and men's rights, but also touching on many other subjects. One of the most important articles to appear there was the "The 16 Commandments of Poon," which puts forward the theory that "chicks dig jerks."
In May 2019 Wordpress, which hosted the site, shut down Chateau Heartiste. Weev then made Roissy a highly suspicious offer to help get the site back online. This was possibly an attempt to gain data on subscribers and donors.
MARTIN ROJAS (AKA (((Chris Roberts)))/ (((Gilbert Cavanaugh)))/ (((Hubert Collins)))/ (((Nathan Doyle))), (((Albert Emory))), (((Benjamin Villaroel))), and (((Linda Preston))) )
Prolific Alt-Right writer of partial Chilean ancestry, who apparently committed suicide in 2022 for as yet unknown reasons. Winner of the title "Most Pen Names in the Dissident Right."
Rojas first became active in the Alternative Right in 2013 at this site, when it was known as Alternative Right, under the pen name Gilbert Cavanaugh when he contacted the then editor Colin Liddell (Liddell has written about that here). He then went on to work for Counter-Currents and American Renaissance where he became a sort of right-hand man for Jared Taylor, operating under his best-known pen-name Chris Roberts. He worked for American Renaissance from 2016 to October 2017 and again from November 2019, when he was appointed Director of Special Projects. In early 2019 he went to live in Chile with the intention of becoming a Chilean, but soon returned to America. He was reportedly very short. In 2021 he was doxxed by antifa, something which may have contributed to his suicide. He was only 29 when he died.
Rojas first became active in the Alternative Right in 2013 at this site, when it was known as Alternative Right, under the pen name Gilbert Cavanaugh when he contacted the then editor Colin Liddell (Liddell has written about that here). He then went on to work for Counter-Currents and American Renaissance where he became a sort of right-hand man for Jared Taylor, operating under his best-known pen-name Chris Roberts. He worked for American Renaissance from 2016 to October 2017 and again from November 2019, when he was appointed Director of Special Projects. In early 2019 he went to live in Chile with the intention of becoming a Chilean, but soon returned to America. He was reportedly very short. In 2021 he was doxxed by antifa, something which may have contributed to his suicide. He was only 29 when he died.
(((ROOSH V))) (real name Daryush Valizadeh)
Roosh is of Iranian origin. He started out on the manosphere as a writer on PUA, but has been moving towards more patriarchal and conservative ideas after becoming disillusioned with PUA. In 2015 he started to align himself with the Alt-Right, leading TRS and Greg Johnson to attack him as a "non-White" raper of White girls, based on a passage in his book Bang Iceland, where he claims he had sex with an intoxicated woman.
Due to the various attacks on him by the media, he has become one of the more "counter-Semitic" members of the Dissident Right. He now presents himself as post-PUA and someone on a "spiritual quest." Since 2019 he has moved closer to the non-racial, theological "anti-Jewishness" of E. Michael Jones.
Sailer is a former National Review writer who now mainly writes for VDare, Taki’s Mag, the Unz Review, and his own blog. He specialises in data-driven articles written in a dry, unemotive style. He is credited with coining the term “human biodiversity" (HBD) in the mid-90s and has promoted what is now known as the "Sailer Strategy," the idea that the GOP can win elections more easily by appealing to its White base than by reaching out to minorities. He is a big fan of the early 80s British group The Jam. In 2024 Nick Fuentes and his Groypers tried to out him as a "Jew," even though there is little or no evidence to support this.
A former Counter-Currents writer of apparent Italian ancestry and probably a late Boomer or early Gen-Xer. His name is believed to be a pen name derived from a Marvel comics character. Unluckily for him, he was too straight for Greg Johnson's online journal, and fell out with Johnson on the gay question sometime in 2016. His writing can now be found at his rather dull but sometimes informative blog EGI Notes.
TOM SEWELL (Read here)
Born 1957, English "dissident" who attempted to promote racial viewpoints, misogyny, and anti-Semitism. At various time he fell foul of "hate speech" laws, ending up in prison. In 2008, while on bail, Sheppard escaped to the USA and unsuccessfully attempted to claim political asylum. In 2022 he ruined his image as a "noble thought criminal" by being convicted of underage sex crimes, namely attempting to have sex with four 14-year old girls. He was sentenced to 3 years 9 months in prison and lifetime registration as a sex offender.
(((SOUTHERN DINGO))) (real name Louis Jeffery Giovingo)
(((SOUTHERN DINGO))) (real name Louis Jeffery Giovingo)
Yet another possible example of the Quasi-White-to-Neo-Nazi Pipeline (see also Mike Enoch, Weev, Anglin, Alex McNabb, Neema Parvini, Mark Collett, Eric Striker, Alex Linder, etc).
Dingo (real name Louis Jeffrey Giovingo) is a soft-spoken, rather eloquent Southerner of Italian American background who lives in Louisiana. While being of Italian background would not cause racial identitarian issues in most parts of America, where Euromuttism is common, a lack of Anglo-Celticness in the Deep South could quite easily create a "quasi-White" identity, i.e. a feeling of "not being White enough." This could then quite understandably lead into a drive to "overcompensate," resulting in the sort of Neo-Nazi, Jew-hating views that Giovingo espouses. Photographic evidence suggests he is on the short side, another common factor is gestating Neo-Nazi views.
Dingo (real name Louis Jeffrey Giovingo) is a soft-spoken, rather eloquent Southerner of Italian American background who lives in Louisiana. While being of Italian background would not cause racial identitarian issues in most parts of America, where Euromuttism is common, a lack of Anglo-Celticness in the Deep South could quite easily create a "quasi-White" identity, i.e. a feeling of "not being White enough." This could then quite understandably lead into a drive to "overcompensate," resulting in the sort of Neo-Nazi, Jew-hating views that Giovingo espouses. Photographic evidence suggests he is on the short side, another common factor is gestating Neo-Nazi views.
Giovingo was reportedly at Charlottesville, and soon afterwards (November 2017) started his "Southern As Fuck" podcast. Note the tone of try-hard identitarianism in the title, although it could also have a double meaning, referring to his Mediterranean heritage. The podcast was associated with the TRS group, and promoted a confused philosophy of LARPy White revolution, based on the shoddy analysis that Whites are passive victims of malevolent "Super Jews."
The show featured many of the usual Neo-Nazi freaks and shit magnets (Paul Nehlen, David Duke, Patrick Little, Chris Cantwell, etc.). Since around 2020 the podcast has become intermittent or dormant, effectively around about the time he was doxxed. Dingo makes frequent appearances on other shows, like the Ralph Retort.
Oddly the SPLC and ADL seem uninterested in him, raising more than the usual suspicions that he may be a Fed operation.
SPECTRE (Norman "Trey" Garrison III)
Toxic Neo-Nazi. Born in 1970, Garrison was a Dallas-based journalist and e-novelist, publishing three Nazi-themed e-books -- "Black Sun Reich," "Death's Head Legion," and another one. This was round about 2012 (midlife crisis territory for Garrison, obviously). The experience of writing Nazi-themed fiction seems to have pushed Garrison towards actual Naziism. Adopting the alias "Spectre," he became an anonymous Nazi troll on Alt-Right comment boards from around 2014 or 15, and then joining the toxic TRS network with the unlistenable "Third Rail" podcast. Typical content: "Nothing is better than throwing some Hebrews on the fire." In 2019 he was outed by the SPLC. In 2020 Lancaster Online claimed that he was involved in setting up a local newspaper, "Lancaster Patriot," in his Dallas suburb of Lancaster.
Due to the large number of podcasts he has done with "notorious" Dissident Right figures, Robert Stark can be considered part of the Dissident Right, although he is more of a "radical" or "dissident centrist" by ideological alignment.
He got his start in dissident politics by writing and podcasting for the crowd-sourced, citizen journalist news and opinion site This site was closed down in 2016. His focus in recent years (2022) has been on Californian issues, which he explores in his Substack essays. He is interested in concepts like pan-enclavism, YIMBYism, and UBI, among many others.
In 2010 he started to be associated with the Alt-Right through his podcast on Voice of Freedom Radio, and then through an association with Counter-Currents. At that time he was more of an "America First" style nationalist who criticised the "Jewish and Hispanic coalition" in Californian politics. He now (2022) seems to be attempting to "mainstream" his content.
Another example of how "big tent" the Alt-Right was in its early days.
Based on a partial reading of one of her novels, Sterzinger is a reasonably talented novelist. She is from a Catholic background, and is a one-time girlfriend of Matt Forney. Her views are hard to pin down, as they seem self-contradictory. She could be described as an edgytarian libertarian with anti-natalist and White-victimology elements (Yeh, I know, pretty mixed-up).
After breaking up with Forney, she tried to claim that he had technically "raped" her, attracting support for this idea from the likes of Jim Goad and others. Later she was actually raped, apparently by a Black man who appears to have taken advantage of her when she was under the influence of some form of inebriation.
She also worked for Taki's Mag, doing proofreading, and the Neo-Nazi Counter Currents site. She was also the "token girl" on the Savage Hippie Podcast from around 2016 till it ended, with Edwin Oslan and David Cole. There was also a period of brief collaboration with "Alt-Right futurist" Rachel Haywire, which soon fell apart.
(((STONE TOSS))) (real name Hans Kristain Graebener) (Read here)
Another example of how "big tent" the Alt-Right was in its early days.
Based on a partial reading of one of her novels, Sterzinger is a reasonably talented novelist. She is from a Catholic background, and is a one-time girlfriend of Matt Forney. Her views are hard to pin down, as they seem self-contradictory. She could be described as an edgytarian libertarian with anti-natalist and White-victimology elements (Yeh, I know, pretty mixed-up).
After breaking up with Forney, she tried to claim that he had technically "raped" her, attracting support for this idea from the likes of Jim Goad and others. Later she was actually raped, apparently by a Black man who appears to have taken advantage of her when she was under the influence of some form of inebriation.
She also worked for Taki's Mag, doing proofreading, and the Neo-Nazi Counter Currents site. She was also the "token girl" on the Savage Hippie Podcast from around 2016 till it ended, with Edwin Oslan and David Cole. There was also a period of brief collaboration with "Alt-Right futurist" Rachel Haywire, which soon fell apart.
(((STONE TOSS))) (real name Hans Kristain Graebener) (Read here)
A subscription platform used mainly to funnel funds to Alt-Righters that Russia approved of. It was founded in 2017 as an obvious substitute funding channel after PayPal started demonetising Alt-Right accounts by Russian American Mikhail Zadvornyy with an address in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Russia-critical Alt-Righters, like Colin Liddell, were simply not allowed on the platform. Zadvornyy has all the characteristics of a Russian asset. Before becoming the facilitator of a massive fund flow to the Alt-Right, Zadvornyy operated as a Leftist shill, known as "Red Worker" and running online brands like Red Storm Lab, Red Storm Laboratory, Starcling, and SubscribeStar itself which has a clear clue in its title to its affiliation. In fact, Scubscribestar is one of the best pieces of evidence that the Alt-Right from 2014 onwards was largely hijacked to serve the disingfo and disruption agenda of the Kremlin's FSB.
A subscription platform used mainly to funnel funds to Alt-Righters that Russia approved of. It was founded in 2017 as an obvious substitute funding channel after PayPal started demonetising Alt-Right accounts by Russian American Mikhail Zadvornyy with an address in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Russia-critical Alt-Righters, like Colin Liddell, were simply not allowed on the platform. Zadvornyy has all the characteristics of a Russian asset. Before becoming the facilitator of a massive fund flow to the Alt-Right, Zadvornyy operated as a Leftist shill, known as "Red Worker" and running online brands like Red Storm Lab, Red Storm Laboratory, Starcling, and SubscribeStar itself which has a clear clue in its title to its affiliation. In fact, Scubscribestar is one of the best pieces of evidence that the Alt-Right from 2014 onwards was largely hijacked to serve the disingfo and disruption agenda of the Kremlin's FSB.
(((SURVIVE THE JIVE))) (real name Thomas Rowsell)
Born in 1985, Rowsell has been a long-term presence on the Dissident Right. He is best known for his successful YouTube channel “Survive the Jive” that had over 139K subscribers, when it was banned by YouTube in July 2021. The channel was ostensibly about history and Rowsell's pseudo-pagan beliefs, so it seems odd that it was shut down. But his past history suggests that he may have used the channel to push more overtly political messages.
Although socially middle class, he was a skinhead in the Zeroes, and then became associated with the "far-right" London Forum, where he was befriended by Jez Turner, suspected by some to be a government asset, and Stead Steadman. He has been a regular guest on Millennial Woes's channel, which has increasingly moved towards the Neo-Nazi wing of the Alt-Right over the years.
Taylor is one of the most respected figures in the Alt-Right. Starting out as a race-realist paleoconservative in the 1990s, he has always dealt sensitively with the complex and highly emotional issues raised by the subject of race. He founded American Renaissance in 1990 as a monthly print magazine, later converting it into an online site, and he has a long history of organising conferences.
Taylor supported the rise of the Alt-Right in 2010 but distanced himself from it following Richard Spencer's notorious 2016 NPI "Heilgate" Conference. Taylor is also known for his position on the JQ, viewing Jews as Whites who have interests in common with other Whites. This position triggers many Alt-Righters and Neo-Nazis.
The main criticism of "Taylorism" as an ideology is that it is extremely narrow, being made up of two main points that are not particularly related. These can be summarised as (1) "Living with Blacks is tough" and (2) "Close the border." He constantly harps on these themes, with little else in his public pronouncements about how he would, for example, solve the West's fertility crisis or deal with the America's 40 million Blacks.
Despite a carefully cultivated image of "sane and moderate" race-realism, Taylor has gradually allowed himself to be associated with overtly Neo-Nazi characters, like Greg Johnson, Mark Collett, and Frodi Midjord by attending "collegial" joint conferences, like the Scandza Forum, where the unavoidable implication is that everyone is in general agreement with the not-so-faint stench of Naziism. He was banned from Twitter on 18th December, 2017.
(((THOMAS777))) (real name Thomas H Cyr) (Read here)
One of the key forums for the Alt-Right, especially as it took a wrong turn to outright Neo-Naziism, was the "secret" TRS Facebook group. This was active from around 2013 or 14 to around 2018. Several of the figures already mentioned on this page were members, including Mike Enoch, Jesse Dunstan, Greg Johnson, Colin Liddell, Matt Forney, Millennial Woes, Ryan Faulk, Davis Aurini, Jonah Bennett, and Brendan Kissam.
One of the key forums for the Alt-Right, especially as it took a wrong turn to outright Neo-Naziism, was the "secret" TRS Facebook group. This was active from around 2013 or 14 to around 2018. Several of the figures already mentioned on this page were members, including Mike Enoch, Jesse Dunstan, Greg Johnson, Colin Liddell, Matt Forney, Millennial Woes, Ryan Faulk, Davis Aurini, Jonah Bennett, and Brendan Kissam.
Aurini and Forney fell out with the group in 2014 and 2015, while Liddell was ejected in 2016 for pushing back against the increasingly crude racism, anti-Semitism, shitty memes, and autistic incel-driven toxicity of the group.
Most of the other members are sadly too minor or unimportant to warrant an individual entry in the Dikipedia. Also, they often operated under sock accounts, although some of their identities have already been revealed. These include: Rhodes Slovka (Harold Sloke Jr.), Adam Haidt (Paranormies), Dean Engelhard, Robert Carlyle, Luther von Trotha, Felix Johnson, Dashawn Jackson, Tharru Larbi (Kulturkampf podcast), etc. There is still some confusion about which sock name was who. Here is my understanding of some of these: Miaowmix = Marlon Patterson, James Harmon = Jim Renquist, Graaaaagh = Aaron Jacob, Bulbasaur = Van Bryant, Ghoul = Alex Gleason, Hateful Heretic = Jawsh Strawbeck, Fascismus = Thomas Flannery. A m0re comprehensove list may be provided at some point.
TFM is an anonymous YouTuber associated with the online MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement, and seems to have been active from 2016 or earlier.
MGTOW, btw, is a movement made up of men who feel that there is little point in trying to appeal to women, due to the negative effect of feminism on women and their own unattractiveness. In place of normal male-female relationships they seek substitutes in prostitutes and dolls, while also cultivating an edgytarian cynicism as an attempt to project "masculinity."
Little is known of TFM, but he claims to be in a relationship with a sex doll that he shows off on an instagram account. He is a prime example of what Colin Liddell calls "The Asianisation of the West," with Western men adopting attitudes and behaviours of Japanese otakus. Despite his obvious weirdness, he also makes very good and informative videos on many serious subjects.
An Irish-born writer and editor of Protestant background who now resides in Lincolnshire. Starting as quite a radical right-winger with Fashy leanings, he has progressively moved towards the sort of fusty and dowdy respectability associated with Paleocons like Roger Scruton. He founded and edited the seminal right-wing periodical Right Now! (1993-2006), which featured essays by Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow, Nick Griffin, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Alain de Benoist, Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rushton, Thomas Fleming, Samuel T. Francis and Colin Liddell, among others. He then founded the Quarterly Review (2007-11) which covered similar ground. He was also a frequent contributor to the early Alternative Right site. More recently he has distinguished himself as a skilled novelist. In 2022, his book on Lincolnshire Edge of England was chosen as the "Book of the Day" in the left-wing Guardian newspaper.
Jeremy Bedford-Turner is the founder of the Forum Network. He has an army background, which raises several red flags. There is a high possibility that he is a UK government asset. Turner claims he was forced out of the military for attending a British People’s Party meeting in 2008. He set up the London Forum in 2011, after a split with the London New Right and Troy Southgate. The London Forum has spent thousands of pounds to create events that mix respectable Dissident Right speakers (Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, etc.) with out-and-out loonies (Nazi fetishists, National Action shitheads, rent-a-skins, etc.). In 2018 he was jailed for twelve months for "hate speech," possibly in an attempt to revamp his much tarnished credibility.
Russian Jew, born 1961 in Los Angeles to a single mother, Unz is mainly known in the Dissident Right for the Unz Review, a well-organised dissident website that publishes a wide range of "dissident" content, ranging from vax scepticism to Andrew Anglin Jew-hating diatribes. The commenters are almost all Jew-obsessed anti-Semites. It is not really clear what the purpose of the site is, but the theory that fits the facts best is that it is part of a Kremlin-backed network of disinfo, designed to promote conspiracy theories and racist narratives to stoke up divisions in the West. Tellingly Unz's mother was part of the hippie-Left peace movement during the Cold War period.
Born 1977, English founder and CEO of BitChute, a video platform much used by the Dissident Right and which receives considerable funding from the Russian-linked Subscribestar. In the ten months from June 2021 to March 2022, BitChute received $289,800 through Subscribestar.
Vahey claims to come from a "Libertarian" background and has been generally careful about expressing his views. The little he has said about controversial issues, like "Jewish power" and "vaxes," suggest that he is a touch naïve, rather than someone with "hard right" views, but it is difficult to believe that he is unaware that much of his funding is Russia related.
Russian Jew, born 1961 in Los Angeles to a single mother, Unz is mainly known in the Dissident Right for the Unz Review, a well-organised dissident website that publishes a wide range of "dissident" content, ranging from vax scepticism to Andrew Anglin Jew-hating diatribes. The commenters are almost all Jew-obsessed anti-Semites. It is not really clear what the purpose of the site is, but the theory that fits the facts best is that it is part of a Kremlin-backed network of disinfo, designed to promote conspiracy theories and racist narratives to stoke up divisions in the West. Tellingly Unz's mother was part of the hippie-Left peace movement during the Cold War period.
Born 1977, English founder and CEO of BitChute, a video platform much used by the Dissident Right and which receives considerable funding from the Russian-linked Subscribestar. In the ten months from June 2021 to March 2022, BitChute received $289,800 through Subscribestar.
Vahey claims to come from a "Libertarian" background and has been generally careful about expressing his views. The little he has said about controversial issues, like "Jewish power" and "vaxes," suggest that he is a touch naïve, rather than someone with "hard right" views, but it is difficult to believe that he is unaware that much of his funding is Russia related.
It seems possible or likely, therefore, that he is a willing Russian agent under orders not to make any "stupid moves." In 2020 BitChute lost its HSBC bank account after "orders from above," which I assume means the British Deep State.
He appears to live in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which obviously makes him a sex-pat, as basically any White guy living in Thailand can safely be assumed to be a sex-pat until proof to the contrary arises.
He appears to live in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which obviously makes him a sex-pat, as basically any White guy living in Thailand can safely be assumed to be a sex-pat until proof to the contrary arises.
(((RICKY VAUGHN))) (real name Douglass Mackey)
A highly suspicious character, who seems to have been part of some scheme to manipulate the then "big tent" Alt-Right into getting fully behind Trump in 2016.
Through his online Twitter sock account—based on the character played by Charlie Sheen in the 1989 movie Major League—Mackey was credited with having an enormous impact on the 2016 election. His tweets mixed MAGAtard talking points with Alt-Right memes. On the 17th of November 2016, right after Trump's election, Vaughn's Twitter account was closed down.
Vaughn presented himself as a libertarian kid who was "red-pilled" by the Chateau Heartiste blog and the works of Steve Sailer. This actually sounds just like what it is—namely a fake cover story. The truth is that Mackey was part of a Trump-GOP psy-op designed to boost support for Trump among Alt-Righters and identitarians. At this time Mackey was working for Smartcheckr—now (2020) Clearview AI—a company that has pioneered facial recognition and data mining apps that can trawl social media and build up politically useful data on large numbers of people.
In 2016 Mackey pitched Smartcheckr's services to Paul Nehlen, who was then challenging Senator Paul Ryan as a normie Republican. In April 2018, Nehlen, who had by now become a rabid Neo-Nazi, doxxed Mackey, causing him to effectively disappear. The most convincing explanation of Vaughn's meteoric and short trajectory is that he was an entirely insincere shill who was doing grunt work for people higher up in Trump's extremely questionable 2016 election campaign.
In 2021 Vaughn was arrested and charged with interfering with democracy for his memes and trolling in the 2016 election. Ongoing case.
(((VOX DAY))) (real name Theodore Robert Beale)
Vox Day is a Gen-X game designer and fiction writer. I can't possibly comment on either of these creative outputs as I have never read his fiction or played any of his games. He is a relatively prominent and successful member of the Dissident Right with a larger than normal following.
He is one of many "near white" or "sub-white" individuals in the Alt Right whose interest in White identity anti-politics is no doubt intensified by their relative lack of Whiteness. He is believed to have Mexican and Red Indian blood and certainly looks the part.
His 16 Points of the Alt-Right, opportunistically published when the Alt-Right was getting a lot of media attention, was a decent attempt at presenting a normie-friendly version of the Alt-Right to a wider audience. However, Vox is a lot more cranky, deluded, and paranoid than that, believing in Satanic international conspiracies as an article of faith. Yes, another Diss Righter happy to discard data-and-logic-driven analysis for a crude Manichean narrative of "good" and "evil" that sparks the feels of his target audience of low IQ pay pigs.
By 2022-23 he was pushing low grade Kremlin disinfo like this:
Waters is a Dublin-born (1977) British nationalist and the leader of the Culturist (i.e. anti-Islamic) "For Britain Party," which she founded in October 2017. In July 2022 she shut down the party after it failed to make significant headway.
From 2010 to 2014 she was a member of the socialist Labour Party, and from 2014 to 2017 a member of UKIP, which she left after a highly suspicious leadership contest. She is a lesbian in a civil partnership.
For Britain based its opposition to "Islamism"—and therefore, implicitly, mass Third World immigration—on cultural issues like gay rights, feminism, and animal rights. These positions suggest that she is mainly driven by an over-emotional focus on opposing Islam, based on her pet loves—gays, feminist women, and animals.
The pop singer Morrissey, who is also Irish, gay, and vegetarian, expressed support for her. For Britain also greatly benefited from the organisational and campaigning flair of veteran British nationalist and former BNP stalwart Eddy Butler, but this was clearly not enough in the toxic environment for nationalism created by the collapse of the Alt-Right.
An anonymous, "late to the party" Alt-Right YouTuber who quickly built up a suspiciously large following (100K+) in a relatively short time -- February 2018 to sometime in 2019, when he was banned from YouTube. Now operates an Odysee channel where he has 17K subscribers (2022). He produces sleek but morose videos, pervaded by a sense of "poor whittle Wypipo," that either attack low hanging fruit (e.g. feminist lunacy) or which dog-whistle Naziism. These are always presented in a pathetic blackpilled voice against a backdrop of depressing music. He is also active on Twitter, where he frequently laments the fact that Hitler didn't win WWII.
Elderly English historian whose YouTube channel History Debunked (138K subscribers) presents a soft White nationalist message and pushes back against the wokeness of modern culture and society. In 2022 he came under attack from supporters of the Neo-Nazi Patriotic Alternative "party" who widely believe him to be a Jew, something Webb denies.
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Meme highlighting Weev's ethnic origins and nefarious behaviour. |
(((WEEV))) (real name Andrew Auernheimer)
Internet troll and tech guy at The Daily Stormer and TRS, among other sites. Despite promoting K-word and N-word Neo-Naziism, Weev is actually Jewish or part Jewish. He certainly looks Jewish.
In 2011 he was involved in the Leftist Occupy Wall Street movement. In 2013 he was jailed for three years for computer fraud after stealing the personal data of 100,000 iPad users from AT&T’s website. Suspiciously, the conviction was overturned on a technicality in 2014. This is a red flag that suggests Weev did a deal with the Feds to become a controlled disruption agent. This also points the finger of suspicion at those closely associated with him, like Andrew Anglin and Mike Enoch.
Due to the irrefutable nature of his Jewishness and suspicious early release, Weev should have lost all value to his handlers years ago, but because of mutual support from fellow Feds and shills in the Alt-Right and the credulity of actual idiots in the movement, including many at the top, he continues to be taken seriously by many Alt-Righters. As recently as 2016, when most of the red flags were plainly in sight, both Spencer and Johnson were taking Weev and Anglin at their word and associating their destructive brand of "troll-Nazi" White nationalism with the Alt-Right.
Host of The Unshackled podcast, a "nationalist" podcast/ livestream in Australia. Friends with Richard Wolstencroft. Seems like a normal, sensible nationalist, but, possibly due to naivety, has given uncritical airtime to Neo-Naziist/ shill elements in Australia and elsewhere, such as Mark "my-favourite-book-is-Mein-Kampf" Collette (May 2021), and others.
The name or penname of the producer or front man of the Hitler-exoneration video "The Greatest Story Never Told" (2014). He has surprising good op-sec for a Dissident Righter from that period, which is a serious red flag, possibly pointing towards a state or Deep State operation of some kind.
The name or penname of the producer or front man of the Hitler-exoneration video "The Greatest Story Never Told" (2014). He has surprising good op-sec for a Dissident Righter from that period, which is a serious red flag, possibly pointing towards a state or Deep State operation of some kind.
Saucier (short): Village People vibes
(((HENRY WOLFF))) (real name Devin Saucier)
Born 1988. The guy now (2023) in day-to-day control of American Renaissance.
He was part of the "sub-masculine fratboy" wave of pseudo-White-Nationalists centred around Richard Spencer that wore Abercrombie & Fitch duds and fart-huffed their own smugness and "fashy" irony. (Wolff is the shortarse in the photo above). He got his start in the Alt-Right with the on-campus organisation Youth for Western Civilization (which also included people like Kevin DiAnna, Matt Heimbach, etc.)
Wolff or Saucier, to use his real name, is also close to Milo Yiannopoulos and Jack Donovan's "gay pagan" outfit Wolves of Vinland.
In an October 2016 email, Yiannopoulos described Saucier as "my best friend." The pair frequently used "gay" terminology in their emails, indicating that Saucier is also gay. In one email, Milo used the phrase, "I’m easing everyone in gently,” to which Saucier responded, "Probably beats my ‘bite the pillow, I’m going in dry’ strategy."
Around thus time (2016) Saucier was already working as Jared Taylor's main assistant at American Renaissance. This was also the time that Spencer was wrecking the Alt-Right by pushing it in an increasingly "gay Nazi" direction. Saucier was also one of the people at the notorious karaoke session at the One Nostalgia Tavern in Dallas on April 2, 2016, when Spencer did a gay-sounding version of Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence" and joined in the Nazi "sieg heiling" as Yiannopoulos sang "America the Beautiful." Saucier also did a "disgoosting" version of Duran Duran’s "A View to a Kill."
Jared Taylor later openly criticised Spencer for his "Nazi" excesses and "anti-Semitism," but the fact that his closest lieutenant was deeply involved in this, and continues to work for him today, suggests that Taylor was lying.
First impression (Jan. 2020): a dull-voiced, over-intellectualised "Oirish" YouTube personality and philosophy nerd, who believes the main tenets of Nazi-flavoured White nationalism, as well as all the conspiritard memes about "muh globalists," the Frankfurt school, etc. With such simplistic "intellectual outputs" one wonder why he bothers with all the pseudo-intellectual in-puts. The fact that he is a fan of Savitri Devi says it all. Tedious to listen to.
In 2019 Woods became a podcast partner of Richard Spencer and Edward Dutton. He made his first appearance on The Daily Shoah podcast, with its K-word and N-word spouting cast of regulars on February 19th, 2020, confirming his association with the Nazitard Alt-Right.
In 2021, as everyone had predicted, he had a bust-up with Spencer and stopped working with him. Strangely, he has a relatively large following. Possibly much boosted by the Kremlin bot-o-sphere. Such suspicions were somewhat strengthened by Elon Musk choosing to interact with Woods on Twitter in 2023.
CURTIS YARVIN (AKA (((Mencius Moldbug)))) (Read here)
Born Milo Hanrahan (Irish name), Milo acquired his unpronounceable Greek surname from his mother's next husband, his stepfather. He also claims he is part Jewish on his mother's side.
A flamboyantly gay Alt-Liter, he had a huge following back in 2015 and 2016, when he was directly associated with Breitbart and was receiving generous funding from the Mercer Family. He rose to prominence during the Gamergate controversy, and for a time became the most public face of the Alt-Right, causing much jealousy from Richard Spencer who felt that place rightfully belonged to him.
In 2016 Milo was permanently banned from Twitter for comments made about the feminist Ghostbusters remake. Along with Anglin's ban from Twitter, this set an early precedent for social media deplatforming. After losing this vital social media outlet, Milo gradually started losing prominence. He was fired by Breitbart soon after, and then lost his main sponsors. The chief blow to Yiannopoulos, however, came in Feb 2017, after recorded comments were released that the media unfairly claimed condoned paedophilia. Actually, viewed correctly, Milo's comments were about how older gay men groom and "convert" younger men to homosexuality, with reference to his own experience.
In 2019 he started to reposition himself for a comeback, hitting back at old rival Richard Spencer by releasing embarrassing audio of Spencer ranting like Adolf Hitler in the aftermath of Charlottesville. Sadly for Milo, the old energy and excitement of a few years ago seem a million miles away now. In 2020 or 21 he told an uninterested world that he was now "converting" from gay to straight.
Uncompromising and flinty British nationalist who edited the short-lived Mjolnir magazine around 2015 or 2016, named after the mighty hammer of Thor. He also has a blogspot site also called Mjolnir, which is occasionally active.
Uncompromising and flinty British nationalist who edited the short-lived Mjolnir magazine around 2015 or 2016, named after the mighty hammer of Thor. He also has a blogspot site also called Mjolnir, which is occasionally active.
He tries to take a common-sense view of the JQ, opposing the Alt-Right tendency to "blame the Jew," although he often crosses the line himself into Stormerist tropes.
On the GQ ("Gay Question"), however, he is totally consistent and hard-line. He has been a frequent critic of Millennial Woes, with whom he was once friends, and Greg Johnson, mainly because of their gayness. The name "Yorkshire" is obviously an alias of some kind. His real name is unknown. Back in 2017 or thereabouts he had an unrequited crush on Alt-Right moll Ann Sterzinger.
In 2024 his YouTube channel was shut down for unknown reasons.
Founded in 2009 by Daniel Ivandjiiski, a 31-year-old Bulgarian from a high-ranking Communist background, Zero Hedge appears to be a "deep cover" Kremlin shill site that aggregates and amplifies stories, including conspiracy theories, that the Kremlin sees some possible utility in.
Despite its rather dull content and style, the site is way more popular than you would expect. This suggests that its "popularity" is not organic but is artificially boosted. As of 2022 it had 1.2 million Twitter followers. In 2022 U.S. intelligence officials said that the site was publishing articles created by Moscow-controlled media. Although this does not prove anything besides editorial preferences, the probability of Zero Hedge being a willing tool of the Kremlin is relatively high.
On the GQ ("Gay Question"), however, he is totally consistent and hard-line. He has been a frequent critic of Millennial Woes, with whom he was once friends, and Greg Johnson, mainly because of their gayness. The name "Yorkshire" is obviously an alias of some kind. His real name is unknown. Back in 2017 or thereabouts he had an unrequited crush on Alt-Right moll Ann Sterzinger.
In 2024 his YouTube channel was shut down for unknown reasons.
Founded in 2009 by Daniel Ivandjiiski, a 31-year-old Bulgarian from a high-ranking Communist background, Zero Hedge appears to be a "deep cover" Kremlin shill site that aggregates and amplifies stories, including conspiracy theories, that the Kremlin sees some possible utility in.
Despite its rather dull content and style, the site is way more popular than you would expect. This suggests that its "popularity" is not organic but is artificially boosted. As of 2022 it had 1.2 million Twitter followers. In 2022 U.S. intelligence officials said that the site was publishing articles created by Moscow-controlled media. Although this does not prove anything besides editorial preferences, the probability of Zero Hedge being a willing tool of the Kremlin is relatively high.
(((Z-MAN))) (real name John Christopher Zander)
A once anonymous blogger who was "outed" in February 2022 as John Christopher Zander, 55, a software salesman residing in the Northern suburbs of Baltimore. His identity became known due to a data breach at domain registrar and web host Epik.
He became associated with a "race realist" Alt-Right position around about 2015, but was more of a paleoconservative type. Since 2020, he has written for the rather tame Taki's Mag, which is connected to the UK's mainstream Conservative Spectator magazine. But, despite this "respectability" Zander was strangely afraid of being doxxed, hence his closely guarded Z-man persona. He may be of partial Italian American background, as he rather overreacted to an article that cast aspersions on Italian valour in WWII.
He started his Z-Man blog in 2013, after a history on comment sections and message boards. Relatively sane and nuanced on the JQ and other racial issues, he nevertheless has allowed himself to become associated with actual Nazis, for example by writing for Counter-Currents. He produces rather dull content with a strong streak of "boomer" fatalism and conspiritardary that makes him sound a lot older than he is -- he is actually Gen X. His American insularity was amply demonstrated by him mistaking Morgoth for a Scotsman.
Disturbingly, his chosen avatar is from a "homoerotic" painting by the German artist Ludwig Thiersch that shows the German barbarian Alaric the Visigoth being offered a small male child. Make of that what you will.
He started his Z-Man blog in 2013, after a history on comment sections and message boards. Relatively sane and nuanced on the JQ and other racial issues, he nevertheless has allowed himself to become associated with actual Nazis, for example by writing for Counter-Currents. He produces rather dull content with a strong streak of "boomer" fatalism and conspiritardary that makes him sound a lot older than he is -- he is actually Gen X. His American insularity was amply demonstrated by him mistaking Morgoth for a Scotsman.
Disturbingly, his chosen avatar is from a "homoerotic" painting by the German artist Ludwig Thiersch that shows the German barbarian Alaric the Visigoth being offered a small male child. Make of that what you will.
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