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Monday, November 20, 2023



Cartoon purportedly showing ex-Hare Krishna member Brutus
 (from his podcast with Neo-Nazi Sven Longshanks)

A talented, likeable, but deeply contradictory YouTuber who claims to hate Naziism while sharing many Nazi and anti-Semitic views. He claims to be English but there is no evidence of this as he is just a series of anonymous socks, although he does sound English. However, people aligned to Neo-Nazi positions often turn out to be "Quasi-White."

He has been through several YouTube incarnations (starting as Subal, Aryan Spring, and Devonshire Fascist, before becoming Brutus of Troy, and then just plain Brutus. Also did a podcast (with Sven Longshanks) that was hosted on the blog of Neo-Nazi Morgoth, until they fell out in the "Thot Wars" of 2017. 

Before becoming Alt-Right, Brutus claims he was a member of the Hare Krishna cult and even lived in an Indian temple for several years. Also Brazil. More recently (2022) he lives in England and works in a factory. He presents himself as a "sensible British nationalist," and sometimes downplays his  more radical and "extreme" past. Up to 2019 he was a big fan of the Jewish-run Daily Stormer and a critic of "optics cucking," praising Nazitards like Emily Youcis and Evalion for being "genuine" (Evalion, it turned out, was a Jew). In 2020 he was part of the "37 Movement," a passing fad of "English chauvinists" who espoused British Imperialism as a "counter-meme" to the Nazi-friendly views favoured by Alt-Right "British" Nationalists like Mark Collett, Morgoth, and Millennial Woes.

How different his views are from Collett, Morgoth, and Woes can be judged from passages like these:

"Our world is run by a mafia, run by a Jewish mafia, illuminati, New World Order, a bunch of pedophile psychopaths… the Jewish agenda is to remain in the shadows, right, that’s what they like. They like to live in the shadows, and they want to have a situation where it is completely forbidden to criticise them. That is their entire manifesto, that is their entire plan." (Brutus "Tax Me Harder Daddy," YouTube video, 4th November 2022)

Worth listening to for his free-wheeling, out-of-the-box "rants" on a wide variety of topics and his deep and profound takes on Hindu religion and Linux. 


  1. I’ve listened to his stuff for years. He is a big fan of Anglin. He doesn’t strike me as a homosexual, just an open minded realist. His stance on jews is a bit extreme though.

  2. If I compare what says that "Brutus" to what write Anglin, I think I wouldn't be alone to estimate than Anglin is by far more reasonable on the JQ than that guy.
    Beside, we know that Weev is Jew, but A'glin himself? I doubt.

    Beside bis, who cares if some are payed by China or Russia? West is doomed, evil. No one should worry about the fate of Globhomo. Even if Russia and China are corrupted, and I think they are, that's the same in the west. Atheistic west will crash the wall.
    We all know.
    So what's the point to worry about Russia-China?


All Comments MUST include a name (either real or sock). Also don't give us an easy excuse to ignore your brilliant comment by using "shitposty" language.
