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Thursday, September 5, 2024


Say what you like about Tim Pool, but the guy is an enormous success, with over a million subscribers on his YouTube channel. This is all the more surprising because he is a inconsequential little fuckwit, with a room-temperature IQ and about as much charisma as a visit to the dentist.

Did I mention that he is also a bald midget and wears a woolly hat to make himself look slightly taller?

Anyway, I tried to watch him a couple of times and simply couldn't figure out why this guy had any following at all. But now, thanks to a Grand Jury indictment, it all makes sense. According to this, Pool's entire career was just a crappy Russian astroturf operation, with the Kremlin spending millions to fund Pool, and a host of equally talentless losers, to create low-quality pro-Russian content and then artificially boost it.

The indictment is directed at two former employees of Russia Today and reads: 

"Over at least the past year, RT and its employees, including KOSTIANTYN KALASHNIKOV, a/k/a "Kostya," and ELENA AFANASYEVA, a/k/a "Lena," the defendants, have deployed nearly $10 million, laundered through a network of foreign shell entities, to covertly fund and direct U.S. Company-I. U.S. Company-I publishes English-language videos on multiple social media channels, including TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube. Using multiple fake personas, AFANASYEVA edited, posted, and directed the posting by U.S. Company-I of hundreds of videos. Many of the videos published by U.S. Company-I contain commentary on events and issues in the United States, such as immigration, inflation, and other topics related to domestic and foreign policy. While the views expressed in the videos are not uniform, the subject matter and content of the videos are often consistent with the Government of Russia's interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to core Government of Russia interests, such as its ongoing war in Ukraine."

"U.S. Company-I" has been identified as Tenet Media, the company that employs Pool and the others.

Now, it's obvious that the Russian's wouldn't be pouring $10 million into Tenet Media if they weren't going to use their massive bot-army and global network of shills to promote whatever crap content Tenet Media produced.

It now becomes abundantly clear why a charmless, little, low-IQ fuckwit like Pool could "miraculously" build up an audience of millions. Yes, millions of bots, and thousands of dumbasses clicking on the content to see what the bots are all looking at.

Pool: Kremlin-friendly and bot-boosted


  1. As one of those dumbasses - along with my buddy, Jesse, who I "redpilled" roughly seven years ago - I thought Tim Pool was a decently enjoyable podcast that didn't engage in retarded wignat nonsense; Pool himself says he's not even conservative and features Phil Labonte of the metalcore band All That Remains as a co-host faurly regularly, and at one time had the semi-reformed fed agent Richard Spencer as a guest.

    It's hard to take in, since Tim Pool appears to have built up his empire just by grinding as an independent journalist since the Occupy Wallstreet era.

    Other soft-righters, like the Quartering, Razorfist, and Styxhexenhammer666 are likening this scandal, along with Lauren Chen's recent deplatforming from youtube as the same "muh Russia" hoax that permiated Trump's first term.

    As Pool claims to have no connection to Tenet. You did show me a video of Pool shilling hard for Russia and bashing Ukraine, but could it be either ignorance or maybe a one-time bribe to get him to make an anti-Ukraine statement before going back to his regular programming?

    The common thread between all these guys is that the U.S. shouldn't be funding Ukraine or Russia or Israel or Palestine for that matter, and that none of this, Russia invading Ukraine, Hamas attacking Israel, would have happened if Trump was Predident.

    Do you think Quartering, Razor, and Styx are in on the Kremlin take? Do you think they're useful idiots? Or do you see them as neither of those?

    Because, ultimately, I just want Trump to win for the basic, Reaganite GOP policies, and not much else.

    I certainly don't care for Russia myself!

    1. I believe he does have a connection with Tenet. He clearly has shilled hard for Russia. Anyone who says what the Kremlin likes gets boosted, so can't say if Quartering, Razor, and Styx are in on the Kremlin take. Could just be grift-based commentors reacting to A/B testing.

      My loose prediction is that Trump wins the election and turns into a worse Neocon than Harris could ever be. If he doesn't then I'm pretty sure the piss dossier must be real.

    2. Ha! I'm turning into a worse neocon than Harris.

      Tim Pool asked on twitter, would you choose an ending to foreign funding, but with reparations. You know I said no reparations.
      Trump also said, if Kamala wins, Israel is doomed. So, here we go again. Rinse and repeat like it's the 90s - 00s. But I miss those times, so...

      My red line is if he starts a boots on the ground incursion in Iran. Anything short of that, I'll grin and bear.

      Bro, I just got a new job, I'm paying a mortgage, and I wanna start a family, so I need the richies who control my life to be confident in the economy. This happens when a Republican is in office and llowering taxes. Plus I like driving, and I like my guns, 'merica, etc.

      Plus, if Trump gets re-elected and becomes an establishment con, inc. guy, the liberals will re-write history in 2032 and say Trump really wasn't that bad.

  2. A few inaccuracies in this article. Tim Pool is 5’10”. He is not bald. Pool is also not rumored to be a homosexual, he is normal. His show is not bad, except he runs away from the Jewish issue.

    1. I enjoy the Pool show, but he's short and bald, and he should stay the hell away from music!

    2. I stand corrected. He lied on his show about both of my allegations.


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