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Wednesday, January 22, 2025



In what many legacy media commentators are calling a "new low" for MAGA 2.0, newly inaugurated President Donald J. Trump has signed a pardon for mid-20th century dictator Adolf J Hitler.

Hitler, whom many blame for a spate of "atrocities" and "disappearances" that occurred over large parts of Europe from the 1930s onwards, is generally seen as a "divisive figure" in American politics. 

There is also speculation that, following the pardon, Trump plans to sign an additional "Executive Order" bringing Hitler "back from the dead," and then to issue him with a HB1 visa due to his foreign citizenship.

Hitler, who passed away in an underground location back in 1945, would them be in line for a role in Trump's new administration

Some analysts believe that Trump is thinking of appointing him "Border Czar" with special powers. It is believed that the former Bavarian corporal's rhetorical abilities to shout in German and foam at the mouth would be well-suited to an immigration enforcement role.

The surprise move by Trump to utterly change historical reality follows the enormous outpouring of butthurt rage from Leftists, Liberals, and otherwise sensible human beings after a harmless autiste accidentally did a Hitler salute in a fit of ketamine-fuelled exuberance the other day. 

How a future Trump administration could look


  1. How could Trump pardon Hitler? He wasn't an American citizen.

    1. EO granting Hitler citizenship 5 minutes before.


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