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Thursday, October 13, 2022


Yes, meme magic is real.

In a new low for France, its President Emmanuel Macron has effectively "surrendered" to the Russians even before being attacked by them. This is even worse than 1940, when the entire French nation humiliatingly surrendered after a short offensive by one of its neighbours.

The latest shameful climbdown came when the French President stated categorically that, even if the Russians started nuking parts of Europe, he would refuse to use or deploy France's own nuclear arsenal in response. 

“Our doctrine rests on the fundamental interests of the nation. They are defined clearly and wouldn’t be directly affected at all if, for example, there was a ballistic nuclear attack in Ukraine, in the region,” Macron said during a live interview on public broadcaster France 2 late Wednesday. 

Such a statement by Macron is not only cowardly and in keeping with the negative meme of the French as "cheese-eating surrender monkeys," but is also regarded by military experts as a foolish discarding of the principle of "strategic ambiguity" and something that could encourage Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons in the Ukraine. 

According to the doctrine of "strategic ambiguity," an aggressor is likely to be deterred from aggressive acts if he is uncertain about the response of other countries. By telling Putin that he would face no severe nuclear consequences if he decided to use his own nukes, Macron has effectively given the Russian madman a green light. 

Luckily for the Ukraine it has other more steadfast supporters and allies whose response Putin cannot be quite so sure of.

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