

Saturday, April 29, 2023


Rhetorical question. Obviously, the answer is yes. The China Fact Checkers weigh the evidence that Musk, with massive business exposure in China, is giving its government accounts privileged access to Twitter. He'd be mad not to.

Friday, April 28, 2023


Mulvaney video aired 1st April, 2023

I am resolutely opposed to the over-feminisation and gayification of society more than most, for reasons which I won't bother to give here. But there is a legitimate critique to be made of these trends of modernity, a critique quite different from the blatant and largely pointless polarisation attempts constantly seen on social media (or Fox News before they fired Tucker Carlson).

So let's consider the recent case of Bud Light using a transgender person, Dylan Mulvaney (yes, the bloody Irish again!) to "push" their vile brand, and the online "push back" this has generated.

This is almost a text book case, demonstrating the way in which dissident energy is constantly dissipated in impotent rage to zero positive effect on society. In fact, the reaction often just amplifies the action.

In the Bud Light case, the Dissident Right (and more importantly known Russian disinfo sites like Zero Hedge) are enthusiastically pushing a narrative that, finally, at long last, the normie worm has turned, and that Anheuser-Busch, the owner of Budweiser Beer, is in deep shit because they decided to do the thing in the Stone Toss cartoon: 

Here is Zero Hedge pretending to survey the carnage:

Ad Age reported Friday that Alissa Heinerscheid, vice president of marketing for the beer, has taken a leave of absence. Bud Light confirmed she would be replaced by Todd Allen, who was recently the global marketing vice president for Budweiser.

In order to prevent a market disaster similar to the one sparked by Heinerscheid, a spokesperson for the company stated that top-level execs will be closely monitoring Bud Light's marketing activities, adding that "these steps will help us maintain focus on the things we do best: brewing great beer for all consumers, while always making a positive impact in our communities and on our country."

Recall on April 2. We were one of the first to report "Did Bud Light Go 'Woke' With Trans-TikTok Star? Boycott Calls Intensify." The trans-TikTok influencer is Dylan Mulvaney, who believes he is a woman.

Days later, an interview from March surfaced on Twitter showing that Heinerscheid, a middle-aged, upper-income, highly-educated, progressive white woman, discussed the need to shift Bud Light away from the "out of touch" frat party image to one of "inclusivity."

For anyone familiar with the advertising world, staff being moved around and campaigns being tweaked is no biggie. The fact that Heinerscheid is taking a "leave of absence" (i.e. not fired) is also of little significance. 

Elsewhere the meme that "Heinerscheid is Jewish" has been dropped into the social media bloodstream, although not directly by Zero Hedge, as their role is to push "more respectable" disinfo. But, don't worry, there's plenty of other channels lower down the food chain for this:

The hilarious fact is that 
Heinerscheid  is from a Christian background and only has a German (not Jewish) name because she married some goy from Luxemburg. 

So, that aside, what is really going on here? Is Budweiser in trouble? Is Dylan Mulvaney the worst advertising decision of all time? Have the great, unwashed normie masses woken up against the woke? Are they, in short, "as mad as hell and not going to take it anymore"?

Are they fuck!

Sure, most of the proles are not going to buy into the concept of the "female dick" in a million years. But look at this film here:

As you can see, it's just something they laugh off before going off to smoke another blunt or down another Bud. It's definitely not going to get them radicalised.

But what about the "news" that Anheuser-Busch's stock valuation has fallen by 6 billion dollars? Surely, that's where the rubber hits the road.

For anyone unfamiliar with the world of shares, stock prices have a nasty tendency to go up and down all the time, and for all sorts of reasons. Cherry picking one particular slope in the fluctuation is disingenuous to say the least, but hardly surprising as the Dissident Right -- in its co-opted and corrupted state -- runs on stupid narratives supported on a narrow and unstable base of cherry-picked data (see my piece on Jews in the Soviet Union, etc).

A carefully-timed look at the Anheuser-Busch stock/valuation graph does indeed show a $6 billion drop, so I guess Zero Hedge and their hangers on at Unz Review and other DR sites and accounts must be correct -- the worm has turned! The whole "go woke go broke" thing is, at long last, finally "habbening!" and the West is indeed saved:

But what happens if we zoom out from the cherry we've just picked and look at the entire tree and the orchard its planted in?

I mean we want to know "all the facts" and "the true reality" before we step away from this story that is so conveniently telling us what we want to hear, don't we? 
Can't hurt to take a look, can it, after all, we are right, aren't we?

Um... this is awkward. It looks like the wokeristas at Anheuser-Busch have been doing rather, bloody well.

In addition to a $45 billion gain in value since October last year, Anheuser-Busch's valuation has gained about $16 billion since mid-February.

Sure the "Mulvaney Dip" can be seen (highlighted in Yellow), but let's not be "too small picture" here. It comes on the end of a radical uptick in valuation of $14 billion in just two weeks! The so-called "Mulvaney Dip" just looks like a standard price correction/ profit taking following a sharp uptick in stock value. Also, since the dip, Anheuser-Busch's stock value has recovered almost all the $6 billion supposedly lost by going a little too woke. 

The truth is that Stone Toss Cartoons and the Dissident Right are just wrong -- the numbers prove that -- and their analysis is non-existent or simply shit.

There is a perfectly good reason for this, as the DR is now nothing more than an Emo cult, typified by over-emotional lonely males who are just in the market for fear porn, hate porn, or just porn. 

Major corporations like Anheuser-Busch, by contrast, are run by high-functioning individuals, who coldly, ruthlessly, but accurately, size up the nature of modern society and successfully market their product to it.

Let's just check in on Heinerscheid again:

People like Heinerscheid know that their company has already got a lock on the pick-up-truck-driving, red-cap-wearing, Trump-voting, guns-n-god demographic, as those people will drink Bud even if you try to beat them away with a stick.

What they are interested in, however, is marketing what is essentially blue-collar "macho" swill to women and the new demographic of over-feminised men created by our soft society. They didn't create that; their job is only to sell mediocre beer to it. Anheuser-Busch's stock valuation shows that they are, by and large, succeeding, no matter how much this may hurt, stun, amaze, or outrage Alt-Righters and the terminally online.

Likewise, the most successful people on the Dissident Right, succeed in selling a crappy concoction of lazy paranoia, crap analysis, cheap outrage, and emo-venting to their equally sad and desperate audience.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *
UPDATE (18th December, 2023): How is Anheuser-Busch stock/valuation doing? Not too bad, less than $4 down from pre-Mulvaney. Against the expectations of the Dissident Right, Bud went woke but clearly didn't go broke: 


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 

Thursday, April 27, 2023


With his snout lodged firmly in the drugs trough, Ethan Ralph is clearly on the brink of the abyss, another sad victim of the "e-celeb personality." Steven J James (aka "Musk Maximalist") makes that case that radical intervention and brutal rehab is the only solution. But is it too late? Are we heading for a "gunt-less" future?


Those who want a prediction for our future as a species that is both positive and plausible often turn to the term “singularity.” This refers to a moment when our technology reaches such an advanced stage that it changes human nature and magically creates a new Utopia from our wiser, more advanced selves. Technologies commonly mentioned include human biological enhancement, artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces and transhumanism. But how likely is this singularity, given larger trends?

Leaving aside for a moment the question of whether growth has limits, we can see that growth is finite by looking at the available data. In the US, average annual growth in real GDP over the prior 40 quarters has gone steadily downhill since the 1950s. The 21st century has seen very little increase in real GDP, which is GDP adjusted for inflation. Globally a similar trend is visible. Using global real GDP data, we find a decline in the global growth rate, from 4.7% in the late 60s, to just 1.3% in the late 00s.

The fastest growth rates are now in those places which were until now effectively completely undeveloped. Economic growth happens where there are many resources left or where violent conflict has made those resources inaccessible until recently. No developed economy has escaped the trend of declining GDP growth rates. Japan went from a 7% yearly real GDP growth rate to around 0% in recent years. Thus the effect does not originate in the changing demographic composition of Western nations.

A similar stabilization can be seen in global life expectancy. This is again most visible for those countries than perform best on this metric, like Japan. We find stabilization in every trend that would be indicative of continued exponential growth. Most developed countries show stabilization in IQ, as better nutrition and an improved environment can no longer increase IQ any further. There’s also a stabilization visible in the number of miles driven in the United States, while a decline is visible in much of Europe. Developed economies have seen a small decline in total energy use compared to the 70s.

Economic trends.
Energy use has declined with further improvements in energy efficiency. Steel production represents five percent of global energy use. Developed countries however no longer manage to book any further improvements in energy efficiency in steel production. Energy efficiency in air transport of passengers has effectively flatlined since the 1990s with much of the improvement coming at the cost of the comfort passengers enjoy while traveling. Fuel efficiency of cars is still improving in developed countries, but this comes at the cost of energy used to produce the cars as is visible in the higher up front cost of hybrid vehicles. The decline in improvements in energy efficiency and the rising cost of energy have led to peak speed, visible in the fact that since 2003 passengers can no longer fly at supersonic speeds between London and New York or any other cities for that matter. The fact that humans have not landed on the moon in decades represents a peak distance in regards to how far a human being can travel.

We can therefore conclude that if a singularity were to occur, it would not be through a continuation of the trends we have witnessed over recent history, but rather, through a break in these trends. Assuming infinite resources at current prices, the trend would seem to be one towards gradual stabilization. The fact that non-renewable resources are being depleted would suggest that the opposite, a decline in standard of living, is in fact inevitable as well as effectively permanent.

What then about the two industries that are supposed to revolutionize our world, biotech and artificial intelligence? These are the two industries that would represent the most likely candidates for a break in the trend towards less growth. There are however limits to what can be accomplished through the use of these technologies.

Understanding the limits to what can be accomplished through biotechnology requires us to understand the nature of human intelligence. It is increasingly believed that human intelligence is not so much a product of certain mutations, but rather, a product of the absence of mutations. Intelligence is a product of the healthy functioning of a wide variety of processes in our body. A state of general health and a low mutational burden would thus translate into increased intelligence in our species.

This represents the first challenge we will face in our quest to increase human intelligence. Instead of increasing intelligence by selectively endowing people with a particular mutation, we will have to screen people for a wide variety of individually very rare mutations. To prove that any particular person’s very rare mutation leads to subtly reduced intelligence will be a gargantuan task, as these mutations may be limited to certain families, which makes separating environmental effects from genetic effects very difficult. Biotechnology will thus mostly prove itself to be effective in eliminating those genetic defects with severe effects, where causation is easier to demonstrate. The step from an IQ of 85 to one of 100 will thus be much easier accomplished than the step from 100 to 115, in the same way that increasing a nation’s life expectancy from 70 to 85 years is proving easier than increasing it from 85 to 100.

Assuming we pass this hurdle, there are a number of different issues we subsequently face. The nature of the process of fertilization tends to select for the healthiest sperm cells, which carry very little genetic damage. Bypassing this process through IVF, which will be required to enhance the intellectual potential of the next generation, means increasing the mutational load of those children, thus negatively impacting their intelligence. Screening the various embryos produced to find out which ones are free from the mutation we seek to eliminate is also an invasive process that has detrimental effects on the embryo, as it involves selecting a single cell and destroying it. Comparing adult mice that underwent preimplantation genetic diagnosis with adult mice that did not undergo the procedure shows they suffer poorer memory and higher body weight. It’s likely that this procedure is subject to diminishing returns, with the costs outweighing the benefits when dealing with minor mutations that do not cause severe genetic disorders.

People are not plants.
What about actual genetic enhancement then, in which we choose to produce an embryo with genetic material that does not normally occur in humans? This has been successfully accomplished in plants after all, producing traits beneficial to humans that do not naturally occur in the plant. Here it has to be noted that we have been quite successful at producing traits that originate from a single gene, like the production of a specific pesticide. A complex emergent phenomenon like intelligence is of a fundamentally different nature.

The second issue to consider is that plants are organisms that are better capable of handling a genetic disturbance than animals. Consider that polyploidy, a doubling of an the number of chromosomes in an organism, is a common method of speciation for plants. In animals, it is comparatively rare and occurs mostly in non-vertebrates, never having been demonstrated in mammals. This suggests that animals are more “fine-tuned” and vulnerable to the effect of any drastic changes to their genome. The effects of such drastic changes would be expected to first affect those processes most dependent on overall functioning of the organism, i.e. complex thought.

The third issue to consider is that even plants have shown very negative responses to the introduction of alien genetic material. Besides the fact that the process of introducing the genetic material is believed to damage other areas of the genome, artificially introduced genetic material is regularly rearranged. Even more interesting is the fact that plants do not pass on the introduced foreign genetic material. It is selectively removed from the genome on a systematic basis. The transhumanists who argue that humans will one day carry synthetic extra chromosomes that give us superhuman abilities are pushing a science-fiction narrative.

Since the biotech bubble offers no answers, the remaining alternative for a radical transformation of our civilization lies with artificial intelligence. The first problem to note here is that the fundamental nature of consciousness remains unknown. If it is produced by a quantum field, as believed by some physicists, it will be of a fundamentally different nature than intelligence produced through binary logic of the type that our computers use. Efforts to simulate a human brain by 2020, known as the Blue Brain Project, have recently been accused by prominent neuroscientists of having narrowed the scope of the project, who argue that the project no longer seeks to simulate such higher-order brain processes as thinking and decision-making. Like fusion energy, artificial intelligence appears as far away as ever.

AI: a recurring human fantasy.
The project currently uses a supercomputer with 8,000 parallel processors to simulate ten thousand neurons. Considering that the human brain has 10^12 neurons, humans would face the task of building and running 8,000,000,000 parallel processors to simulate a single human brain. Moore’s Law, referring to doubling of the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit, is then suggested as a trend that will help us escape from the apparently massive costs of machine intelligence. The problem here becomes the fact that Moore’s law is slowing down and will apparently come to an end by 2022. Exponential growth is seen in the early stages of most technologies, but there are always physical limits we encounter which we seem to be reaching in computer science as well.

We have to consider the possibility that the blobs of fat drifting in cerebrospinal fluid that happen to emerge spontaneously if you leave a large amount of hydrogen unattended for a few billion years are really the most energy-efficient method of producing self-awareness available in our universe. Assuming that present economic trends and our decades long failure to discover methods of energy production that share the characteristics of fossil fuels persist into the future, civilization seems very unlikely to grow a lot more complex than its present incarnation.

Originally published at

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Britain's Tory government has announced that it will be building a "massive pipeline" to supply a "limitless future supply" of police officers that will then be sprayed all over the country of Britain using a system of nozzles.

The move comes after opinion polls showed Rishi Sunak's beleaguered Tory government was continuing to trail against the "sexy, dynamic" campaign being waged by Labour's Sir Keir Starmer. 

Tory Home Secretary Suella Braverman said that the plan will also mean "far more" ethnic, female, and transgender policemen" than ever before, and mean that the first person you see after going out your door in the morning won't be a milkman. 

This decision is thought to be extremely popular with all the people who voted for Brexit in 2016 and 2019, who now have nothing to vote for. It is also a lot easier to implement than stopping the "massive pipeline" of rubber boats that is pouring a "limitless supply" of migrants into the country (although the two pipelines and their respective functions are, of course, entirely unrelated). 

Thanks to the Home Secretary's plan each British street will have this many policemen.


Nobody is really sure what exactly happened, but a cold, icy wind is blowing through the intellectual cosmos today, following the deplatforming of Andrew Anglin and Professor Kevin MacDonald from Twitter. Anglin's account (@WorldWarWang) and  
MacDonald's accoung (@TOOEdit) were taken down this week for unknown reasons.

As is well known, Twitter boss Elon Musk is a resolute defender of free speech, but he is also "in cahoots" with the Communist-controlled Chinese government, due to most of the supply chains for his various businesses stemming from there. So, did Anglin or MacDonald say something disparaging to Musk's Chinese overlords? Or is this just evidence of "backstairs pressure" exerted by the usual suspects of the ADL and the SPLAC (and the American deep state) to cut down the tallest flowers in the garden of on-line dissent

Anglin is a well-known neo Nazi troll, who shows clear signs of being run by the Kremlin, while Kevin MacDonald (or K-Mac, as he is known to his followers), runs The Occidental Observer, associates with blatant Neo-Nazis, and pushes an intellectualised theory of "Jewish group interests" as the driving force in modern Western social degeneracy.

Both Anglin and MacDonald tried to stay within the "letter of the law" on social media and avoided using gratuitous smears and vulgar hate speech. But that was a poor defence. These deplatformings suggest that the longer someone exists in the dissident-o-sphere, the more negative the baggage they accrue, and therefore the bigger target for deplatforming they become.

The ultimate message here is that dissent is only supposed to be a "phase that one goes through," before waking up one day, like Orwell's character Winston Smith in 1984, and saying "I love Big Brother."

Monday, April 24, 2023


Luke Ford reports on the "bombshell" of Fox News firing their biggest star Tucker Carlson. Will he now go to Newsmax, CozyTV, or run for President?


Another star has gone out in the Dissident Right cosmos with the announcement recently by Jason Kessler that he will be stepping away from the world of dissident politics.

Kessler, 39 and unmarried, said in an online message on April 19 that the straw that broke the camel's back was when his wignat followers failed to support him when his computer broke down. 

In recent months, as we noted here, Kessler was taking a turn from more sensible White nationalism and advocacy to an extreme K-word and N-word Neo-Nazi version. It now appears that this was probably an attempt to tap into a donor base that would feel motivated enough by string emotions to subsidise his lifestyle.

This effort included sucking up to "gay" Nazi Greg Johnson and having shitmagnets like Christopher Cantwell and "Doctor" David Duke on his podcast. It also involved a change toward a "shockjock" style of presentation that ill suited the leaden personality of Kessler. 

Recently, Kessler blew more than the cost of a new computer on what appears to be a trip to "hook up" with women in a Third World country. None of this, apparently, endeared him enough to his prospective donor base of wignats, a notoriously tight-fisted demographic, due possibly to the frequent disappointments they have suffered at the hands of their supposed leaders. 

Here is Kessler's own statement in full, which has a certain restrained grace and dignity -- combined with the unmistakable thwack of the door hitting him on the way out:

This is goodbye. After 7 years as a political activist, journalist and commentator I am retiring from public life to focus on other hobbies. Over the better part of the last year, my baby has been working on the Happenings video program for you guys. I put as much effort into it as I have anything that I cared about from attending college, to starting a business, or writing a book. I hoped to use the platform as a way to move myself beyond the specter of Charlottesville and build a devoted following who could help me achieve political goals.

But when the computer I needed to broadcast my program crashed, I required help to defray the costs of purchasing a machine to continue my work. After almost a year, I felt I'd reached a sink or swim moment where I should no longer be expected to spend my own money for costs associating with working for the public.

Objectively, Happenings, and I, sank. Only one person donated and, though I am heartbroken, this is an objective metric I cannot deny. If I haven't inspired your loyalty and devotion after all these years of sacrifices; if I can't convince you that what I'm doing is worth even a dollar to you, then there is no hope of us accomplishing greater things in the future: things which will require real commitment to make a measurable difference in the world.

And, to be honest, I am insulted enough that my pride would never allow me to go back to political commentary again. It would be like taking back an unfaithful woman. A humiliation. After almost a year, I felt I'd reached a sink or swim moment where I should no longer be expected to spend my own money for costs associating with working for the public.

People say not to compare yourself to others but I can't help looking at all the other commentators out there who are making 6 figures like Zman said he does at Amren, or becoming a millionaire like Nick Fuentes, or even charging $300 a ticket for a meetup like Richard Spencer did recently. Another guy recently needed money for rent and had to send out multiple emails telling people to stop donating because they'd sent too much already.

And I have to actually go into debt buying equipment because I have a negative value apparently. The point is not to hate on those guys' success. Its to demonstrate that incentives are provided for content creators that the community cares about and I am just not one of them. It stings but the community doesn't love me and never will.

It also feels like I've been trapped in a sinking ship with people engaged in a constant circular firing squad. Everyone is a fed, etc. I'm tired of being angry all the time. And if I am angry, I want to inspect that and change it within myself rather than lashing out at an intractable and frustrating political landscape.

For those researching me in the future and judging me by my past, this is truly the end of this phase of my life. To the extent possible I wish to extend my spiritual development beyond the toxic world of politics, which from my vantage point, has absolutely corrupted nearly everyone, of all political affiliations, who engages in it.

My social media and web presence will likely be deleted in the near future.


Within six months he was back, writing for Neo-Nazi site Counter-Currents.

Sunday, April 23, 2023


Not sure if this will have any consequences, but America's "speak first, think later" QAnon MAGAtard Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green (MTG) has directly referred to Dylan Mulvaney, the transgender person, featured in a recent Budweiser beer campaign, as a "pedophile".

MTG, as she's known to her fanbase of gun-toting Christocons, made the highly libellous comment on her podcast MTG Battleground, which relentlessly pushes polarising "culture war" narratives to trigger her followers and drum up emotions n' donations.

The episode in question has now been deleted. Here is a copy we found on the internet:

If Dylan chooses to sue, MTG may well need some of those donations to pay legal fees and possibly damages. One to keep an eye on.

Friday, April 21, 2023


Apparently there is a strong theological basis for the tolerance of pedophile tendencies that has recently been exposed in the "America First" and Christian Nationalist movement by the Milo Yiannopoulos and Ali Alexander scandals

This was underscored by "top Catholic theologian" Nicholas J. Fuentes who pointed out on a recent "live sermon" that the Virgin Mary was definitely underage when impregnated by God's holy semen.

Fuentes, aged 24, opined:

When the Holy Spirit selected Mary, did the Holy Spirit go, "Mmm, let's look for a mature woman that I have something in common"? Did a Person of the Trinity go around and say, "Mmmm I need to find one of those mature women that is smart and has common interests, and things in common with me"? Or did the Holy Spirit go and say, "I need a..." How old was the Virgin Mary? I think she was like... Well she wasn't eighteen, I'll say that much. Certainly wasn't eighteen..."

Fuentes then talked about how he and God liked to splash around in the "shallow end of the pool." This is believed to be a technical theological term for underage sex.

Based on the Bible and the norms of her time, the Virgin Mary is believed to have been around 12 or 13 at the time when Jesus was born. 

Fuentes, who has a deep faith and profound understanding of Catholic dogma, has never actually been in a Catholic Church, due to fears that he may be mistaken for a small boy and get sexually molested -- or worse -- by a passing priest. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023


The burnt-out zombie expression of the Fox News "fear n' hate porn" addict

Fox News could be in trouble again. Just after paying out $787 million to voting machine firm Dominion over its coverage of the 2020 US election, the media giant is being blamed for its part in the shooting of Black teenager Ralph Yarl.

Yarl was shot just before 10pm last Thursday night by 84-year-old homeowner Andrew Lester after "mistakenely" ringing Lester's doorbell..

Now, according to Lester's grandson, Klint Ludwig, the shooter was "radicalised" by the 'hate and fear porn' poured out by Fox News, causing him to shoot and ask questions later.

Shooter's "wigger" grandson Klint Ludwig

As reported by the Kansas City Star:

A grandson of the man charged with shooting a Black teen in Kansas City’s Northland last week said he was “appalled” and “disgusted” at his grandfather’s actions and is thankful Ralph Yarl is recovering. “I was horrified. I thought it was terrible,” Klint Ludwig said of his immediate reaction to hearing about the shooting of the 16-year-old. [...]

Ludwig said he and his grandfather...used to be very close. “But in the last five or six years or so, I feel like we’ve lost touch,” he said. “I’ve gotten older and gained my own political views, and he’s become staunchly right-wing, further down the right-wing rabbit hole as far as doing the election-denying conspiracy stuff and COVID conspiracies and disinformation, fully buying into the Fox News, OAN kind of line. I feel like it’s really further radicalized him in a lot of ways.” Ludwig said his grandfather had been immersed in “a 24-hour news cycle of fear and paranoia.” 

It's early days, but it's easy to see how this narrative could lead to another damages claim against Fox News for several hundred million dollars. If so, maybe the media conglomerate will finally learn that stirring up "unease" among its elderly audience (median age 68) in order to boost viewing figures is not such a profitable business model after all. 

Life as seen by an 84-year-old Fox News viewer:


"No wick, I"
by Colin Liddell

Read other entries like this in The Dikipedia: Who's Who in the Dissident Right, an ever-expanding biographical guide to the colorful characters of the Right Wing

More a case of "Who was who in the Dissident Right" rather than Who is who," Nowicki is nevertheless significant as an example of the "QAnon-isation" of a comparatively "normie" American. 

Gen-Xer of Polish, Irish, and Italian antecedents, based in Savannah Georgia. One of the writers from the original site, Nowicki was a reasonably sensible Catholic traditionalist with a limited interest and understanding of political, ideological, and philosophical matters, but a nice line in "passive aggressive" scepticism. He was always rather gullible it seems.

In recent years, however, he has become an increasingly florid conspiracist, who appears to be mainly driven by his "emotional issues" (MGTOW, incelism, masturbation, etc) due to his rather plain-looking wife leaving him some years ago, "after the kids had grown up." This led to a rather sad but occasionally comic downward spiral.

He started writing for Richard Spencer's in 2010. In 2012, Spencer sent Nowicki to South Africa to cover the post-Apartheid nation. Later in the year, Spencer handed over editorial control of to Nowicki and myself, who co-edited it for a year and a half (with me doing 90% of the work) before Spencer shut the site down.

Following this, I re-founded the site as a blogspot on Boxing Day 2013, and, in the interests of continuity, I invited Nowicki to serve as joint editor, but he soon dropped out and merely used the site to promote his self-published books of conspiritard fiction and self-indulgent autobiographical writing. 

Several of his books are about suicide, and he believes in crackpot theories like the "Mandela Effect" that are often associated with schizophrenics. For example, he literally believes that "globalists" moved South America on the maps! He also has an almost fetishistic fascination with failure and being a loser, reflected in the titles of his autobiographical books "Confessions of a Would-Be Wanker" and "Ruminations of a Low-Status Male."

More recently, he has focused increasingly on YouTube, where he continues to give his misinformed and rather tedious opinions. For example, he literally believes that secret elite networks, held together by sex crimes against children, run the world (except for Russia), although he has himself sometimes shown an interest in borderline paedo content. His videos often feature him lying on a bed, as if about to die of despair, while clutching a pillow, or alternatively pretending to be a bit "hopped up" in a manner apparently designed to cause concern to those actively trying to pre-emp the next spree shooter. 

Typical Nowicki content

He has of course written a book of gullible, unresearched trash on the now discredited Pizzagate scandal. Due to his complete ignorance of geopolitics and his conspiritard bent, he believes that the issue of our day, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, is actually an attack by "evil globalists" on innocent "Holy Mother Russia."

He occasionally appears on outright Neo-Nazi podcasts like "Our Interesting Times" and Morgoth, and continues to write "under appreciated" fiction for Matt Forney's Terror House Press.

Due to former ties, I was only able to write as honestly as this about him when he foolishly decided to personally attack me in one of his dumb videos. All in all, I still like Andy, but believe he could do with a little more self-reflection and Christian humility (rather tragic for someone to be a Christian and not get any of the benefits!).


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 

Monday, April 17, 2023


A small, gay Mexican man, who livestreams from inside a shoebox with a greenscreen, has outlined a daring vision for the future of America. According to his plan, which seems to have been thought up on the spur of the moment, all Americans will be forced to make a binary choice between being "a Catholic" or "a Jew".

The diminutive Hispanic ranted to his followers:

"We want a Catholic country, we want the true church, we want a Catholic legal code, we want a fundamental transformation of the society back towards a Christian way of life, we want a hierarchical reactionary Catholic society. I want this country to have Catholic media, Catholic Hollywood, Catholic government. I want this to be a Catholic occupied government [...] So, you're either a Catholic or you're a Jew, you're either a Catholic or you're with the Jews."

With 23% of the United States' population as of 2018, the Catholic Church is the country's second largest religious grouping, after Protestantism. Forcing everyone to become either Catholic or Jewish would likely see a massive increase in America's Jewish population, which is now around  2.4%. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023


Christian Nationalism is supposed to be the new ideological wave that will sweep America and ensure Trump's triumph in 2024. Now, it appears that a book called "The Case for Christian Nationalism," under the name of Red-State Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, has in fact been ghost-written by an English homosexual who claims to be a "Catholic" while remaining married to his Black husband. 

The book, which is as yet unpublished, is supposed to serve as a "foundational" text for the movement, even though there is already a book out with the same name by someone called Stephen Wolfe.

The new book will apparently be sold with a matching King James Bible. Nice!

These revelations come after "fellow Christian nationalist" and "rumoured homosexual" Nick Fuentes released images and texts previously sent to him by Yiannopoulos, with whom he has now fallen out.

The images also suggest that Milo was staying at the home of Marjorie Taylor Greene while working on the book. 


Praying for a miracle

Russia's President Vladimir Putin was recently seen at an "occult" religious ceremony held in a big church in downtown Moscow. The Russian leader held a long silly red candle and prayed for the "resurrection" of a "zombie Russian army" to carry on his suicidal proxy war against NATO and the West.

Putin is believed to have started his proxy war against NATO last year by attacking a small, neutrally aligned country in the Black Sea region, because he was too chickenshit and deficient in testosterone to simply attack NATO itself.

Putin's attack on the small Pontic nation that was designed to strike at NATO has not been going well, however, leading to the death of an estimated 43,500 Russian troops, as revealed by recent US intelligence leaks.

This has led the atheistic ex-KGB Communist flunky to visit his local church and participate in a "Resurrection" ceremony, in order to revive the mouldering corpses of the 43,500 Russian corpses and launch one more desperate assault on the village of Bakhmut.

It is not yet known if any of the 43,500 dead Russians, churned deep into the frozen mud in the proxy war against NATO, have risen from their graves yet, or whether they will be "combat ready" to help prevent the mismanaged Russian army being crushed by the small nation that it foolishly attacked to get at NATO.

Twitched a bit

Saturday, April 15, 2023


YouTube commentator Luke Ford gamely tries to keep up with the major shit fight breaking out on the Christian nationalist right between Milo Yiannopoulos and Nick Fuentes. Is there anybody in Christian Nationalism who isn't a gay sexual predator, groomer, or worse?

Friday, April 14, 2023


Ukrainian Gigachad wiping out Russian invaders and Putinchud copes

The Putinchud is skilled in the art of "the Cope" and is able to deflect any bad news about Russian setbacks and weakness almost instantly by claiming that any negative news is just "lies and propaganda" cooked up by George Soros, Joe Biden, and their "Jewish globalist friends."

However, the chud's coping skills are stretched to the limit when the data comes from what appears to be a genuine leak of internal US intelligence that he also needs to push his "Muh Western Proxy War Against Muh Poor little Russia" narrative. 

So, what do the data leaks reveal about casualty figures in the war? Well, it's not good news for Russia, which has been losing almost three times as many KILLED IN ACTION.

The figures revealed are:

35,500 - 43,500 KILLED IN ACTION (KIA)
142 000 - 174 000 WOUNDED IN ACTION
(56,800 - 69,600 seriously)

15,500 - 17,500 KILLED IN ACTION (KIA)
109,000-113,500 WOUNDED IN ACTION 

If we consider the KIA figures, then, according to serious internal US analysis, killing Russians at a rate of 2.2 to 2.5 times as many.

The document also shows a Ukrainian advantage in tank kills of 4 to 1. 

Meanwhile the idiots clustered around Trump: