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Saturday, February 8, 2025


Just two weeks into his administration, it appears that President Trump is trying to pull off at least one ethnic cleansing/ genocide a week.

Following his plan to kick the Palestinians out of Gaza and turn it into a beach-front Las Vegas, Trump now has a new plan for ethnically cleansing, this time focused on the White population of South Africa. 

As reported by the Independent:

...Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday to prioritize the U.S. resettlement of white South African "refugees" suffering from what he called "government-sponsored race-based discrimination." [...]

Afrikaners...would be resettled in America through the U.S. refugee program, which Trump had suspended by executive order on his first day in office, according to the president.

Trump accused the South African government in his order of discriminating against the white Afrikaaners, descendants of the largely Dutch colonists who arrived in the country in the 1600s and imposed apartheid against the overwhelming majority of Blacks living there until the 1990s.

Trump [said] in his order that South Africa’s government is seizing "ethnic minority Afrikaners' agricultural property without compensation" and enacting "countless government policies designed to dismantle equal opportunity in employment, education and business."

Although this is ostensibly a humanitarian measure like his plan for the Gazans, it is likely to lead to an exodus of White South Africans and therefore an effective "ethnic cleansing" of several million Whites from the country.

Furthermore, there is a very real question of whether the South African economy can survive the shock of its most economically important group rapidly exiting the country, as now seems likely.

White South Africans have been long denied refugee status in the West by governments wary of offending South Africa's Marxist leaders in the African National Congress party. So why has Trump changed this policy?

Some have mentioned the influence of key ally Elon Musk, himself a "refugee" from South Africa, but possibly a more important factor has been the repeated efforts made by the South African government to prosecute Israel and its leaders for "war crimes" against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank through the International Criminal Court. As Trump is closely allied to Zionist interests, both in Israel and the United States, this seems the more likely cause.

1 comment:

  1. I did notice that he said the Palestinians had "no right of return" to Gaza. Hang on, isn't the Orange Beast meant to be an anti-war nationalist? How long before the British Right, such as Farage, regret ever endorsing him?


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