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Monday, February 3, 2025


Since its discovery in the 17th century, the backward
country has failed to make significant progress

The fat, stupid-looking leader of a nation of dimwits, whose only contribution to world culture has been playing cricket the wrong way, lynching each other, and yelling "yeehaw" at the top of their voices, has started imposing insane tariffs on innocent crates, barrels, and containers of nice things that have been peacefully making their way around the world for the eternal benefit of mankind. 

The nation of dimwits, who are largely toothless and chew their tobacco due to their inability to discover fire, is located somewhere in the pointless and remote end of the World, far beyond the important continents, like Europe, Asia, and South America. It is thought to have been discovered by beaver hunters from Canada sometime in the 17th century and then used as a dumping ground for petty criminals, religious fanatics, witches, and plastic surgeons. 

Primitive tribal mask made to scare off "evil spirits" and imports

The sudden craze for tariffing that has swept the primitive land is thought to be connected to a new tribal cult that has arisen among its simple inhabitants in recent years. The cult, which is led by its fat, moronic leader, promises its devotees that they will ascend to the holy land of "Ma Ga" if they build an elongated structure in the desert thousands of miles long.

The tariffing is thought to be a cheaper and less technically challenging option. 

It is not yet known if these acts of tribal exuberance will have any impact on the wider global economy, which has been kindly sending many of its products to this ill-begotten land out of a sense of charity and in the over-ambitious hope that one day they will become civilised enough to make one or two things by themselves. 

Native village - as you can see, it is constructed from the debris and cast-offs of higher and better civilisations.

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