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Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Part of the job of the US ambassador is lay wreaths at cities nuked by the US

The US ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, has pulled out of the annual A-Bomb Commemoration and Peace Ceremony due to be held in Nagasaki on the 9th of August. 

As reported by the Asahi Shimbun (translated):

"On the 7th, it was revealed that U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel will not attend the peace memorial ceremony [...] Since the city of Nagasaki did not invite Israel's ambassador to Japan, which continues its attack on the Palestinian territory of Gaza. The British ambassador to Japan, Longbottom, also indicated his intention to be absent [...] The city of Nagasaki has not invited Israel this year, in addition to Russia and Belarus. Britain's ambassador Longbottom told reporters, "Unlike Russia and Belarus, which invaded the independent country of Ukraine, Israel is exercising its right to self-defense."

The decision represents official US government policy to support Israel and is not connected with Emmanuel's own status as a Jew whose middle name is also "Israel." 

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