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Saturday, July 27, 2024


DR: "I can't even..."

Failure to analyse correctly leads to snowflakeism.

That is why the Dissident Right has been reduced to a pathetic "point and sputter" mirror image of the Liberal snowflakes it started out making fun off. Now it is the DR that is the biggest snowflake in the room, as we can see by so many hysterical reactions to a bunch of transgenders cavorting around as part of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. 

A good definition of a "snowflake" in its non-meteorological sense is:

"Snowflake is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions."

The DR sits at the back end of this sentence: "... overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions."

I have seen many reactions that fit this category, but I'm going to plumb for this one by a presumably young Brit Dissident Righter by the name of the Anglofuturist: 

Poor guy, he sounds deeply blackpilled. He even gives off a Millennial Woes vibe, circa 2014.

Also, note the key line, "the trajectory we’ve been on since at least World War II." What are the chances this guy goes down the route of concluding that "Hitler was right" and it's "all the fault of the Jews"? MW certainly did.

Like anybody else who is relatively normal, the uber prominence of transsexualism in Western culture does strike me as a little odd. After all, transexuals are a tiny sliver of the population.

One way to view them is as "avatars" or a "vanguard" of sexual liberation for a wider group: i.e. low visibility gay men or lesbian women, or even the much larger group of single women, i.e. "cat ladies," who don't want to be dragooned into conventional marriage. Throw in a few weird couch-fucking incels, even.

This kind of makes sense, but it still doesn't feel convincing as an argument, which is why, to many in the DR, the whole thing looks incredibly "Satanic" and stands as "irrefutable proof" that "secret elites" are somehow trying to destroy us by using drag queens to "program us" all into "degeneracy."

Absurd as this notion is, this is what much of the DR literally believes, with the "secret elites" in many cases simply being code for Jews.

But, unless one has a better explanation, a lot of people are going to go with this view.

My solution to this conundrum is that transgender "wokeism," by which I mean the focus on and celebration of transgenderism in our culture, combined with taboos and punishments for criticising it, is essentially a protective layer for the much more fundamental racial and ethnic "wokeism."

Racial diversity in the modern West -- the result of the empowerment of normal people to live the lives they choose -- is the main fracture line in our societies. For the Olympics to succeed, France needs to ensure that its numerous ethnic minorities behave themselves, and don't do anything like this:

France five minutes after the woke is turned off

Copious amounts of ethnic and racial wokeness will thus be deployed. Some of this was also on display in the Opening Ceremony, but interestingly this is not what is being discussed.

Racial wokeness, when deployed on its own, can spark off a counter-reaction from the majority population, or at least it has the potential to do so. France is a rather good example. A month or two ago, the "far-right" National Rally was the biggest party in vote share in the elections to the French National Assembly, although it was cheated out of its rightful number of seats. 

In short, racial divisions and the racial wokeness deployed to mitigate them, or paper over them, is always deeply problematic. If racial wokeness is the top layer of wokeness it stands an increasing chance of being contested. This is why our Western governments and their supporting elites have instinctively intuited that this layer of wokeness has to be covered with an additional protective layer of non-racial wokeness.

This is where the essentially meaningless -- but also eye-catching and distracting -- layer of transgender wokeism comes in.

Whatever one's view of this -- and some views are quite salty and hysterical -- this is something that few of us can really feel anything deep or fundamental about. The anger or disgust some of us feel seeing an absurd bearded lady disporting him- or-herself soon dissipates into nothingness.

Meanwhile, under the flurry of outrage, contempt, or laughter evoked by this circus, the more substantial and fundamental layer of wokeism, dealing with ethnos and race, quietly goes about its work.

However, because so few people understand wokeism or its structure, this often gives it a Satanic appearance and causes undue snowflakeism, especially in the Dissident Right, the poor dears!

Bad analysis leads to snowflakeism, but unmitigated snowflakeism can also lead on to other, darker things. Deflake before it's too late.

Behold the ultimate snowflake

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).


  1. I don't think it's necessarily snowflakey to complain about how gross, tasteless, and inappropriate all that was for something that's supposed to be a family friendly event. Little kids shouldn't be looking at Marie Antoinette's severed head. They should be inspired by athleticism. What the hell was the Olympic committee thinking?

    1. I don't think the Olympic opening ceremony should be like that, as it's a form of soft power aggression towards many of the nations participating who are Muslim, conservative, or whatever, and deeply uncomfortable with all that LGBTQ+ woke.

      The point of this article, however, is to explain why Western countries disproportionately deploy LGBTQ+ woke, without going down the path of the Kremlin/DR explanation that it's because the West is run by pedophile elites, Joos, or lizard people.

      The severed head was kinda cool IMHO, plus kids love that kind of OTT stuff.

    2. Ha! Maybe I got up in the snowflakery. I never really got into Gojira, though.

  2. Our esteemed "elites" just see this in terms of transgression, it is a self differential act to appear different from the majority population who naturally find it discusting. They have always been like this. Schopenhauer was correct when he more or less argued that even if all your basic desires are met, bordom will set in and you will seek something else, the worlds will always devours itself.

    1. There is no evidence for this Andy-Nowicki-level conspiritard thinking. Most elites live highly disciplined and remarkably hard-working and moral lives. Elites, at least in the West, have also been highly deferential to the wishes of the masses, something that has not always been to the benefit of them or the masses.

    2. Hard-working? Sure. Disciplined? Mostly. Moral? Eh.

      It's subjective. Sometimes, but only if they get name recognition, regardless of effectiveness and especially if it is to help people in faraway lands, i.e. telescopic philanthropy or corporate responsibility. But they certainly like to pat themselves on the back.

      And they aren't generally deferential to the wishes of the masses.

    3. I frankly doubt that most Dissident Rightists would act with even 10% of the morality of our elites if presented with 100% of the opportunities that the elites have to indulge in immorality.

      Also, Western elites are extremely deferential to the wishes of the masses, or have you somehow missed the "macro-fact" that they have presided over the rise of consumerism, welfarism, and democratic politics in the last 200 years?

    4. Your explanation seems backwards. ‘Woke’ is a tendril of liberalism, the ideology of the bourgeoise class that has gradually taken over society in the last 200 years. It is an ideology of that class to the benefit of that class. A few crumbs have been reluctantly thrown to the proles to keep them from revolting.
      The problem with woke is that it is born out of the very contradictions of the system whose interests it represents, making it increasingly unstable.

    5. "That class," as you describe it, seems incredibly porous, especially over the length of time you specify. They have really done a good job maintaining their iron grip on power by letting the plebs freely rise within their ranks.

      Sadly, I detect in your comments the same deeply retarded paranoia and victimisation that came to define the failed Alt-Right.

      My model is clearly a lot simpler, more natural, and closer to the data than your Satanic elites throwing the proles a few crumbs garbage, which sounds like code for a certain ludicrous "theory" concocted by the Russian secret police in the late 19th century that is still doing the rounds in DR circles.

    6. I never said anything about satanic elites nor do I believe that crap.
      It’s true that liberalism has resulted in almost limitless social mobility.
      It has created a large ‘prestige class’ of white collar professionals and bureaucrats who benefit from the ‘openness’ of our contemporary societies. While woke may have been birthed by the activists in the universities, it’s the managerial class that is now spreading a soft ‘cuddly’ version to every corner of civil society. There’s a lot that could be said about why this class loves woke but the simplest answer is that it is in their short terms social and economic interests.

    7. It also becomes obvious why prestige class whites in particular are so deferential to brown people when you look at the electoral calculus in countries like the UK and America where the ethnics are deployed as auxiliaries against the gammon vote.


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