

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Mob rule or moob rule?

A heavily oestrogenised mob of soft British people, some of them dressed like Americans in casual gear and some accompanied by wives and girlfriends, have caused mild disruption in the Merseyside town of Southport. This follows an incident in which an unassimilated Rwandan youth went on a stabbing spree that killed three little girls and injured several others. 

The mob, understandably angry at the random slaughter of innocent children from their community, threw bits of debris about, including carriers bags, bits of cardboard, and even an empty plastic bucket or two, all the while insisting that it was "not at all racist."

The police, meanwhile, politely asked them to stop and go home.

Many members of the mob didn't even do anything, preferring instead to photograph or film proceedings on their smart phones in the hope of gaining girly affirmation on social media.

More phones in the air than at a Taylor Swift gig

It is still unclear where the mob got such large quantities of oestrogen from. One theory is that drinking water in the Stockport area got polluted with artificial oestrogen from contraceptive pills, causing the mob to ineffectually mill around and chant the name of a man on holiday in Spain, instead of doing anything organised, disciplined, and effective. 

Another theory, which Neokrat leans towards, is that the mob acquired the excessive oestrogen from many years of beer drinking, while watching sports like football.

Due to a heavier than average sporting calendar this year, Brits have been inundated with beery get-togethers "down the pub" or at home, where they have cheered on their favourites while growing soy beards and moobs. 

Indeed, the rioting is so beneath par that the police haven't even bothered to get the families of the victims to speak out "against hate" or to "call for calm" like they usually do.


The Daily Starmer

In what could be its first major "eugenic" policy to "thin the herd," the new "fascist" government of Sir Keir Starmer has decided to ruthlessly cut the Winter Fuel allowance that enables frail, elderly Brits to survive the harsh and brutal British Winter.

In fact, the British Winter is so severe that millions of old age pensioners and Conservative voters are forced to flee to warmer climes, or to seek shelter on luxurious cruise ships plying the Southern oceans, at least until the daffodils make an appearance. 

British oldies forced to flee on tiny, ramshackle boats by the Starmer regime

Up until now, thanks to the patriarchal policies of previous kindly British governments, all old people have received a generous Winter Fuel Allowance of thousands of pounds, something they look forward to more than their Xmas Turkey. This ensures that that they don't have to wander around in the freezing winds and howling snow collecting twigs and bits of sea coal for their humble fires. In fact, they can keep all their windows open and still feel warm.

But now Fuhrer Starmer's cruel and evil-looking economics minister, Obergruppenchancellor Rachel Reeves, has cut this vital lifeline. This heartless measure will reportedly save around £400 million annually, most of which will go towards the extra £1 billion annually needed to pay for the government's recent decision to grant a whopping 22% pay rise to the country's 60,000 junior doctors.

Junior doctors (40% of whom are of foreign origin) are generally regarded as lazy, workshy layabouts who can't speak "the Queen's English" properly by long-suffering patients of the NHS.

But j
unior doctors are a key Labour-voting demographic. They are also seen as vital in the regime's long-term plans for the health service, which it wants to change from a "prevention and care" model to something much more sinister.

Staffing it with lazy, entitled medical operatives with a diminishing ability to communicate with the public can only speed up this process.

Rachel Reeves: Welcome to Hell

Saturday, July 27, 2024


DR: "I can't even..."

Failure to analyse correctly leads to snowflakeism.

That is why the Dissident Right has been reduced to a pathetic "point and sputter" mirror image of the Liberal snowflakes it started out making fun off. Now it is the DR that is the biggest snowflake in the room, as we can see by so many hysterical reactions to a bunch of transgenders cavorting around as part of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. 

A good definition of a "snowflake" in its non-meteorological sense is:

"Snowflake is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions."

The DR sits at the back end of this sentence: "... overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions."

I have seen many reactions that fit this category, but I'm going to plumb for this one by a presumably young Brit Dissident Righter by the name of the Anglofuturist: 

Poor guy, he sounds deeply blackpilled. He even gives off a Millennial Woes vibe, circa 2014.

Also, note the key line, "the trajectory we’ve been on since at least World War II." What are the chances this guy goes down the route of concluding that "Hitler was right" and it's "all the fault of the Jews"? MW certainly did.

Like anybody else who is relatively normal, the uber prominence of transsexualism in Western culture does strike me as a little odd. After all, transexuals are a tiny sliver of the population.

One way to view them is as "avatars" or a "vanguard" of sexual liberation for a wider group: i.e. low visibility gay men or lesbian women, or even the much larger group of single women, i.e. "cat ladies," who don't want to be dragooned into conventional marriage. Throw in a few weird couch-fucking incels, even.

This kind of makes sense, but it still doesn't feel convincing as an argument, which is why, to many in the DR, the whole thing looks incredibly "Satanic" and stands as "irrefutable proof" that "secret elites" are somehow trying to destroy us by using drag queens to "program us" all into "degeneracy."

Absurd as this notion is, this is what much of the DR literally believes, with the "secret elites" in many cases simply being code for Jews.

But, unless one has a better explanation, a lot of people are going to go with this view.

My solution to this conundrum is that transgender "wokeism," by which I mean the focus on and celebration of transgenderism in our culture, combined with taboos and punishments for criticising it, is essentially a protective layer for the much more fundamental racial and ethnic "wokeism."

Racial diversity in the modern West -- the result of the empowerment of normal people to live the lives they choose -- is the main fracture line in our societies. For the Olympics to succeed, France needs to ensure that its numerous ethnic minorities behave themselves, and don't do anything like this:

France five minutes after the woke is turned off

Copious amounts of ethnic and racial wokeness will thus be deployed. Some of this was also on display in the Opening Ceremony, but interestingly this is not what is being discussed.

Racial wokeness, when deployed on its own, can spark off a counter-reaction from the majority population, or at least it has the potential to do so. France is a rather good example. A month or two ago, the "far-right" National Rally was the biggest party in vote share in the elections to the French National Assembly, although it was cheated out of its rightful number of seats. 

In short, racial divisions and the racial wokeness deployed to mitigate them, or paper over them, is always deeply problematic. If racial wokeness is the top layer of wokeness it stands an increasing chance of being contested. This is why our Western governments and their supporting elites have instinctively intuited that this layer of wokeness has to be covered with an additional protective layer of non-racial wokeness.

This is where the essentially meaningless -- but also eye-catching and distracting -- layer of transgender wokeism comes in.

Whatever one's view of this -- and some views are quite salty and hysterical -- this is something that few of us can really feel anything deep or fundamental about. The anger or disgust some of us feel seeing an absurd bearded lady disporting him- or-herself soon dissipates into nothingness.

Meanwhile, under the flurry of outrage, contempt, or laughter evoked by this circus, the more substantial and fundamental layer of wokeism, dealing with ethnos and race, quietly goes about its work.

However, because so few people understand wokeism or its structure, this often gives it a Satanic appearance and causes undue snowflakeism, especially in the Dissident Right, the poor dears!

Bad analysis leads to snowflakeism, but unmitigated snowflakeism can also lead on to other, darker things. Deflake before it's too late.

Behold the ultimate snowflake

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).


VDare founder Brimelow throwing in the towel but not his millions of donations or his castle

It looks like VDare, the suspiciously funded, one-string-guitar anti-immigrant site, has succumbed to "lawfare" attacks and is shutting down after a number of years I can't be bothered to look up.

The Brimelows, it seems, were not ready to put the literally millions of dollars they have acquired from dubious dark money donations into the battle to keep their low-powered and rather boring site in existence. 

Newsweek has a version of events for its normie readers: 

"Peter Brimelow is blaming New York Attorney General Letitia James for the closure of his digital publication, VDARE. James alleges that VDARE violated state law when it purchased the Berkeley Springs castle in West Virginia for $1.4 million without a loan, according to a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit organization specializing in civil rights, and that Brimelow misused nonprofit resources by living on castle grounds for years. The VDARE Foundation purchased the castle in 2020. At the time, Brimelow told Herald Mail Media that plans included using the castle privately and potentially opening it up for special events.

However, now VDARE plans to shutter its website.

'VDARE's been murdered by the New York State Attorney General Letitia James,' Brimelow said in the Tuesday video. 'She's not charged us with anything, it's important to note, she's simply battered us to death with an enormous, ongoing, intrusive, quote-unquote, investigation.'"

Yes, Peter, spare us the tedious details. Almost as boring as the VDare site itself (although we occasionally enjoyed John Derbyshire's podcasts!).

What we know about Brimelow, his connections, and his funding flags up as a possible Kremlin polarisation op. See more here.

The ongoing lawfare against the site at the state level looks more like a Deep-State-on-Deep-State thing than anything else. Although why the US Deep State is wasting valuable lawfare energy trying to shut down this moribund asset is anyone's guess. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024


More brain rot for the alienated

Yes, wokeism is just a backdoor to Nazi eugenics!

That's the latest theory being pushed by people on the Alt-Right. Sounds like a cope to me, bro. But could there be some truth in it?

First of all, the theory, pushed in a new book by Edward Dutton and J. Rayner-Hilles, is not that new and original anyway. 

In 2020 F. Bardamu's published "The New Dark Ages in Europe and North America" at the post-Alt-Right site Affirmative Right. This covered a lot of the same ground, so I will quote it first:

"Our only hope lies, not with any white awakening–a totally unrealistic fantasy at this point–but with natural selection. If even a few whites can resist the poison of cultural Marxism, by breeding selectively among themselves and preserving their own bloodlines from non-white intermixture, they may be able to give future whites the opportunity to rebuild a society of their very own upon the ashes of post-Western degeneracy."

This is essentially the same "idea space" that Dutton and Rayner-Hilles are exploring, but with a little more focus on enclavism or micro-organisation from Bardamu. Robert Stark ably sums up Dutton and Co's position in his bullet points for a recent podcast with Dutton:

⦿ Woke Eugenics’ thesis that wokeness is a Darwinian selection mechanism that will bring mankind back to being genetically healthy

How wokeness fast-tracks the civilization collapse in which genetically maladaptive people won’t survive to pass down their genes

⦿ How wokeness is exacerbating the fertility disparity between liberals and conservatives

⦿ How anti-White discrimination selects for Whites who are exceptional, as well as provoking a rightwing backlash

⦿ Why ethnocentric and religious people will survive the battle of group selection"

There is more than that in the book (and Stark's bullet points), but let's stick to the meat of the "woke eugenics" argument rather than the obfuscating side dishes that actually undercut the main argument -- ethnogenesis between Whites and Asians, AI keeping civilisation afloat, etc. 

First up, the main flaw is Dutton and Co's idea of "genetically maladaptive people" vs. "non-genetically maladaptive people." A corollary of this distinction is his idea of "spiteful mutants," essentially "genetically maladaptive people" with chips on their shoulders.

These ideas don't really stand up to simple logic.

Everybody alive today, even some of the biggest losers you can imagine, like Dutton himself (he had to go to the Arctic Circle to get wifed-up), is the result of millions of years of successful evolution. All Dutton's ancestors succeeded in breeding and passing down their genes, not just his parents and grandparents. Same for anyone reading this article. Same for the guy sleeping on cardboard, begging for small change.

Yes, even the biggest apparent fuck-ups you can imagine today are the result of an unbroken and successful chain of reproduction, duh! Of course, the chain may end with them, but that doesn't change the fact that they are all based on an unbroken chain of gene-passing success. 

Next, success in passing down genes doesn't always correlate to positive attributes. I shouldn't really need to explain that to Diss-Righters who are hyperventilating about being swamped by the Third World, but I will.

Sometimes the ability to put on weight and be a bloated lardass can be an incredibly successful adaptation to reality. It really depends on the food situation. Meanwhile, being a bright and intelligent person in certain societies has often been an absolute death sentence. Much of reality is complex and often counter-intuitive.

I would confidently predict that some of the most "maladaptive" types around today would, if not quite benefit from societal collapse, at least do less badly than expected, compared to what may presently seem to be more "adaptive" types.

In other words, Dutton's "genetically maladaptive" vs "non-genetically maladaptive" distinction is subjective, conditional, and transitory. Otherwise all the "freaks" he is pointing at would have been weeded out of the gene pool millennia ago. They haven't been. George Washington has, however. 

Next, Dutton and Co. predict that wokeness fast-tracks civilizational collapse. This is just more stupidity. There is no evidence for this. Wokeness, such as it is, is merely a pejorative construct that maps onto something called "inclusion" in societies characterised by high immigration and an amoral Post-Christian approach to sexual morality. By the way, there is still sexual morality. Trust me!

Post-Christianity is inevitable in any society that isn't a straw-sucking peasant society of witch-burners.

As written here at Neokrat, wokeness is actually a sign of "social integration" rather than "social disintegration." It is a response to the downside of the economic virility of liberalism:

"Wokeism is not an attack on the family. It is instead a reaction to the decay of the family and an attempt to compensate for it.

The decay of the family can be expressed as falling marriage rates, increasing divorce rates, rising incelism, and plummeting fertility. All these factors are an expression of rising living standards and the economic security that all working class people have craved and striven towards since the Tolpuddle Martyrs got their come-uppance.

These factors create in formerly White, family-based societies the main client groups of wokeism, namely increasing numbers of non-Whites and the gender-confused. Gender-confused, in my view, not only includes LGBTQ+ people, but incels, single career women, and even the sexually promiscuous poor; although most of the spotlight seems to be on drag queens and transgenders, possibly because this is better trigger bait in our attention driven economy."

In short, wokeness is a stabilising force that aims to overcome polarisation, tribalism, civil war, and collapse that would undercut the efficiency of a modern Western (or Eastern) society. 

Society may collapse for all sorts of potential reasons -- geopolitical (WWIII), environmental, a meteorite, falling birth rates, AI insanity, etc. -- but it won't collapse because we avoid insulting immigrant workers drafted in to wipe the arses of White boomers in care homes or allow men in dresses to visit libraries. 

The next "big gun" in the Dutton armoury is that "wokeness is exacerbating the fertility disparity between liberals and conservatives." 

These are not two different species of animal competing for the same ecological niche. "Liberals," I have found, are often related to "conservatives" and even "eugenic-obsessed fascists."

A "liberal" in many cases is just a rich kid who wants to spend the money his "conservative" parents have built up after decades of hard work and scrimping and saving, on drugs, whores, or possibly a sex-change operation. In other words, the apparently dysgenic effect of liberalism is just the general tendency of all humans to behave like lazy, entitled, self-obsessed shits once the pressures of poverty have been removed. Something to do with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs perhaps.

I predict that today's "conservatives," who are actually much, much more liberal than yesterday's conservatives, will simply breed tomorrow's "liberals," who might actually be less liberal than today's liberals. 

Here we see the weakness of much dissident right thinking: it is tied to rigid and absolutist constructs, rather than realising the tentative, transitory, and mutable nature of many of these categories. 

The same could be said about Dutton and Co's concept of "ethnocentric" and "religious" peoples who are supposedly inherently fitted to "survive the battle of group selection." Again we have these fake fixed constructs. There is no such thing as an inherently "ethnocentric" and "religious" people. These are conditional responses to situations.

150 years ago we were pretty much all "religious peoples." WTF happened?

Likewise ethnocentrism doesn't survive long if there are incentives for it to break down. In modern liberal, individualist societies there are plenty of incentives. 110 years ago, people from the supposedly "ethno-uncentred" West were quite willing to die for "King and Country" by throwing themselves into meat wave attacks against a slightly different version of European man. It doesn't get more "ethnocentric" than the Somme.

"We refuse to pickle our blasted cabbage!"

The final point of Dutton and Co, that I will address in this article is that "anti-White discrimination supposedly selects for "Whites who are exceptional," as well as "provoking a right-wing backlash."

This is clearly  designed to make Dutton's audience feel good about themselves, while living with the failure that probably predisposed them towards his ideas in the first place. Essentially these "ideas," such as they are, have an emotional appeal, rather than an intellectual one.

Wokeness, as explained above, is a kind of "inclusion" and amelioration of social divisions. Depicting it as "anti-White discrimination" is rather hysterical.

But society is at least partially a zero-sum game. More money, jobs, and promotion for women, gays, and minorities means less for straight White men. When this process goes too far, it does indeed create an occasional backlash, but this just allows the system to be recalibrated and become more efficient. Thus it strengthens it.

There is certainly no effective counter-argument to inclusion going on here, except to moan that it occasionally goes too far. Alas, even the Dissident Right seems reluctant to argue that all the top jobs should go to straight White men. If they were, perhaps I would respect them a little bit more.

All in all, Dutton and Co's ideas smell mainly of "cope" for self-victimising losers who are too cowardly to push outright for the LARPy Nazi eugenics they crave, or engage in the hopeless heroism this would require. Instead they hope to have the last laugh, Alan Partridge style, by a backdoor victory that will never happen.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Neokrat's take on Trump's VP pick, was pretty scathing, and even drew butthurt criticism from some quarters, but you can't really argue with the polls. While Trump may or may not win the Presidential election (my guess is he will, as the Dems have opted for zero talent Harris), it seems that picking "soybeard" J.D. Vance can only drag him down. Gay anti-Trump Republican Tim Miller comments on the latest polls. The question now has to be asked, "Will Trump dump Vance?"

Monday, July 22, 2024


Also available on ArchiveSubStack, Odysee, and BitChute

Trump vs. Harris offers voters a more fundamental choice. Forget superficial factors, like gender, race, political policies, or even individual merit, what the latest Presidential match-up offers voters is a fundamental choice between Presidents-of-the-brain and Presidents-of-the-ear.

Sunday, July 21, 2024



In an even bigger anti-democratic insurgency than J6, millions of votes of ordinary Americans have been thrown in the trash can, after the winner of the Democratic Primaries, President Joe Biden decided to pull out of the 2024 Presidential election race.

President Biden apparently decided to throw in the towel after frantic, behind-the-scenes meetings between top Democrats in recent days.

Now, instead of the Democratic Presidential candidate being decided by the approximately 
23 million people who voted in the 2024 Democratic Presidential primaries, he or she will now be selected and imposed by an oligarchy of a few thousand Democratic Party insiders.

Once again, America's elites want to make it clear that the average American voter is not a suitable person to decide who becomes President, and that this decision is better left to well-connected political mavens. 


According to as yet unverified reports, Robert Warren Ray, a key member of Andrew Anglin's Daily Stormer team, better known as Azzmador, has died from a heart attack at the age of 57. 

Of course, this could just be a fake story to help cover up the tracks of the former Neo-Nazi troll, who has been on the run for the last four years. But Azzmador is also the exact type of person you would expect to die in this way, so the story is at least highly plausible. Also there is an archived obituary page

According to the reports circulated on Twitter and Stormer chat rooms, the former Anglin lieutenant died last month after reporting health problems that he was self-treating.

In further chats, Stormer leader Anglin apparently blamed Richard Spencer for his death, due to what happened at Charlottesville in 2017. While Spencer went largely unprosecuted for leading the "Unite the Right" rally and a torchlight parade the night before, Azzmador and others, who played relatively minor roles, were prosecuted, committed suicide, or went into hiding.

Listen to Azzmador's "last show" here.


Richard Spencer: cracked china

To give him credit, Richard Spencer was and possibly still is the central figure of the so-called "Dissident Right." Before him there really was no dissident right, just a lot of weirdos with incoherent takes (actually, not so different from today). However, "BS" (Before Spencer) the DR wasn't even a "thing."

Using his particular skill set, and with the help of quite a few other people, Spencer got the whole DR thing going in 2010, with the foundation of, and then shortly afterwards the Vanguard podcast. (What was a "written word" movement, quickly became a "live spoken word" movement, losing about 20-30 IQ points in the process.)

But what exactly was Spencer's skill set? This is open to debate, but I would say it included a relatively high intelligence, mixed with with giant nuggets of intense stupidity; a certain amount of flair for the dramatic; and a generally likeable persona, including the ability to talk in an entertaining and often funny way (although often people were laughing at him instead of with him). But, more importantly, it included a charismatic persona and faux intellectualism that could effectively trigger liberals and leftists by being in many ways similar to them and getting under their skin. This also made the "Spencer project" appealing to vital outside actors.

Many of these personal attributes of Spencer, I came to realise, were related to his sub-masculine tendencies, which are no secret to anyone familiar with the DR. After all, a charismatic personality with a sub-masculine nature is hardly a rarity in the dissident right. In fact, it's almost mandatory. Many such cases, as they say... 

Typical highly charismatic and witty Diss-Righter

As for his intellectualism, Spencer, while able to engage with relatively complex philosophical and political ideas, has had surprisingly little to offer himself. His intellectual schtick, such as it is, has been characterised by several incoherent and contradictory phases of thought, built around essentially stupid, marginalising, and unworkable ideas.

Initially, he was an anti-Neocon Conservative (which is fine); then just somebody who "kinda sorta" hated America, including its Republicans and Conservatives, from a more right-wing position (also not too bad); and then he became someone who flirted with Duginism and Naziism (disavow), talking about a totally absurd White ethno-empire (batshit crazy)! This latter paradigm was a witty rather than profound amalgam of Fascism and Star Trek Progressivism, presumably calculated to trigger Leftists and create a certain amount of online heat rather than light. In other words, pure troll fodder. 

This reminds us that Spencer's trajectory, and maybe even his personal relations, were the playthings of players in a larger game, with early appearances on Kremlin psy-op and polarisation channel Russia Today.

Spencer's "Nazification phase" was also tied up with various bad actors with known links to the Kremlin (Anglin, TRS, TWP, etc), while genuine Nazis, like Greg Johnson, always took issue with him.

The impression given here is that Spencer was played like a violin to stage stupid stunts like the "Heil Trump" NPI Conference in 2016 and the "Unite the Right" Nazi fest at Charlottesville in 2017, where Spencer's then "Kremlin controller" Daniel Friberg was in attendance. 

It seems that in the months and years following Charlottesville, Spencer was "turned" from being a useful idiot for the Kremlin to being a "domestic asset." His 180-degree turn to respecting liberals, supporting Joe Biden, and suddenly losing interest in ethnonationalism is well known, and is, as usual, yet more proof of his total ideological incoherence.

While Spencer continues to provide odd and often interesting insights into the political scene, there will always be doubts about whether he even believes these takes himself, or will do so next week. Mentally he is the equivalent of cracked china, essentially worthless while still able to display attractive patterns and colours. 

His latest "intellectual" phase is something called "Apollonianism," which is as trite and absurdly recherché as it sounds.

A generous interpretation is that this is some kind of Post-Nietzschean project, designed to sneer at the philo-semitism encoded in American culture by rustic Protestantism. But it seems that in this latest iteration of ideas, Spencer is merely the sidekick and acolyte of his associate Mark Brahmin. 

Read other entries like this in Who's Who in the Dissident Right, an ever-expanding biographical guide to the colourful characters of the Deep Right.

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Looking for laughs in all the wrong places

Andy Nowicki, the former "doyen" of the OG Alt-Right (2010-2013) who became a ridiculous conspiracist, has sunk to new lows on his ever downward spiral into insanity and degradation.

who now makes a living "renting out his face as a Halloween pumpkin once a year," recently appeared at the Savannah Club open-mic comedy night, where he shocked audience members by mocking his recently deceased mother, who tragically passed away 
from "fast-spreading" cancer earlier this year at the age of 81.

In a short stand-up performance under the name of "Andy Nowhere" that totally bombed with an audience ready to laugh at almost anything, Nowicki blamed his mother's death on her readiness to be vaccinated with what he called the "Fauci jizz injection," while trying to elicit a laugh from a room of drunk people. However, the response was funereal. 

You can hear this disgraceful performance here and here.

Nowicki was once a fairly intelligent and incisive writer of limited range before his sense of decency and human pride started to disintegrate with his sanity a few years ago. 

Friday, July 19, 2024


Don't worry, the police are on their way (out of the area)

Britain's brave bobbies are unparalleled in their ability to quickly calm riots and defuse ethnic tensions by suddenly disappearing from an area.

This redoubtable skill has been demonstrated once again in the Leeds area of Harehills, where a "family incident" involving irate members of an ethnic group, social workers, and their police protection spiralled out of control. 

Rather than get involved in a "messy" policing operation that would lead to people actually being "arrested" for "crimes," 
West Yorkshire Police quickly enacted their state-of-the-art "run like fuck and wait for the whole thing to blow over" strategy that they have been intensively trained to implement whenever non-indigenous members of the public get upset.

The strategy, which was developed by a private consultancy firm at the cost of hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayer's money, is based on the idea that mobs are large, friendly "mostly peaceful" things, with only a few "bad apples" who do all the killing and arson, and that the best way to deal with them is to "take a powder" and come back in the morning to see if anything is left standing.

True enough, the next morning revealed that most of the rioters had simply gone home and that things were "mostly" back to normal. Another success for Britain's world class policing!

The pungent aroma of total success

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Xi Jinping, a total ninja built like a brick shithouse

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has never been healthier and has definitely not suffered a debilitating stroke.

In fact, the boyish-looking 71-year-old leader of over a billion increasingly healthy Chinese is probably swimming the Yangtze right now, playing basketball with the Harlem Globe Trotters, or doing a thousand bench presses to celebrate the opening of yet more high speed rail links between Beijing and its increasingly loyal provinces.

Indeed, there haven't even been any rumours on the internet about Xi having any kind of illness. Ever!

And anyway, why would it even be important? It's not like China is the kind of society where everything depends on the health and well-being of a single political figure. 


Dix leaving court in an ill-fitting suit and "Spencer cut"

A Richard Spencer foot soldier -- nay, clone -- walked free last month after a trial against him was deadlocked. The accused, Jacob Joseph Dix of Clarksville, Ohio, 29, who still sports a 2017-style "Spencer cut," was charged under a 2002 state law that makes it a felony to burn something to intimidate and cause fear of injury or death.

As reported by The Independent:

"After deliberating for about 12 hours over two days, jurors in Albemarle County Circuit Court announced Thursday that they were deadlocked. Judge H. Thomas Padrick declared a mistrial Thursday evening.[...]

Dix’s lawyer, Peter Frazier, told the jury nothing Dix did the night of Aug. 11, 2017, was criminal, and that the chants he joined in, including, “You will not replace us!” were free speech protected by the First Amendment."

So far, eleven Charlottesville "participants" have been charged with "intimidation by fire" under the law, with five pleading guilty. Dix was the first to go on trial.

It remains to be seen if prosecutors will continue to prosecute the others. Spencer, himself, appears to be in the clear, after he apparently cut a deal with the Feds.

Dix in 2017 with a well-fitting "88" (='Heil Hitler') T-shirt and tiki torch

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Luke Ford reviews the "breaking facts" about the recent attempt by a Republican-affiliated incel to assassinate someone whom Democrats had attacked as a "threat to democracy."


Vance: Soy beard, 5' 7"

With Trump almost certain to be re-elected, following a near miss with death from an assassin's bullet (dumbass boomer Yank voters love that kind of shit), it is now important who Trump selects as his Vice Presidential candidate. After all, who knows where the next assassin's bullet will land.

Unfortunately the one-eared former President, who is almost certain to crush his senile old opponent at the polls in November, has opted for 
39-year-old James David Vance, a pudgy, disgusting-looking ex-incel with a "soy beard" to be his running mate. (A soy beard, btw, is a beard grown by pudgy, high-oestrogen men, like Sargon of Akkad and Neema Parvini, in a desperate attempt to look more "masculine".) 

There is no evidence that Vance even had a girlfriend before he met and married his (South) Asian waifu
Usha Chilukuri, in 2014, at the advanced incel age of 29. But the fact that a man surrounded by thousands of White women ended up marrying a sub-par Indian woman (see photo) only one-year younger than him, and not even a piece of high class Japanese or Korean Asian totty, testifies to a prolonged confinement in "Incel Wank Town." 

Usha and her fake Catholic, eye-liner-wearing husband

Usha is a legal clerk who was conditioned by overstudying to view geeky guys like Vance in a less negative light, although I am sure she was probably "pumped and dumped" by a few chads along the way.

It is not clear how Vance's long past as an incel and his sub-par waifu situation will impact his ability to make top-level political decisions, but already his wife's Hindu background seems to be influencing her husband's low-IQ outlook on the world for the worse. 

In a recent speech Vance ludicrously called Britain an "Islamist state" because it allows Muslims to walk around without being killed in large numbers, as frequently happens in Hindu-dominated countries.

The copes have already begun:

Saturday, July 13, 2024


To those on the Right, the answer to the question in the title above is something of a no-brainer. Surely the Tories are going to recover from the massive drubbing they took in the election by swinging to the right and hoovering up all those Reform UK votes. 

The logic behind this seems solid. After all, the Tory vote and the Reform UK vote together would have added up to 39% of the vote, compared to Labour's 33%. Even with the oddities caused by the UK's "First Past the Post" constituency system, that should have resulted in a solid victory over Labour.

But there are a few flaws with this theory.

Firstly, in order to hoover up Reform UK and shut it down as a future option, the Tories would have to become Reform UK and be a lot more hard-line on immigration, as well as gain one or two other things that Reform UK use to appeal to their voter base -- i.e. Nigel Farage.

Assuming they moved to those positions, got Farage on board instead of vice-versa, and picked up hard-right voters, the likelihood is that they would just lose other voters on the other side, centrists who are not comfortable with those policies. Even then, many Reform UK voters might still distrust them and still not vote Tory again.

Secondly, there is a massive assumption that the Tories are the natural second choice of the Reform UK voters. Polls reveal this to be far from the case. For example, a recent YouGov poll asked, "Please imagine that Reform UK were not standing in your constituency at the next election. In this scenario, which party would you vote for?" Only 36% said they would vote Tory!

Thirdly, a lot of the reluctance to vote Tory is undoubtedly "rage against the incumbent." Now that the Tories are in opposition, some of that Reform UK vote, along with other votes for Labour and the Lib Dems, can be expected to seep back to the Tories without them doing anything, as they are "detoxified" by simply being out of power.

Fourthly, in nearly all of the 121 remaining Tory seats as well as in the 251 seats they lost, the main opponent is not a party to the Right, i.e. Reform UK, but parties on the Left, namely Labour and the Lib Dems. This means that to defend their existing seats as well as to win back former seats they will need to appeal to voters attracted to those parties.

For example, in ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss's formerly safe Conservative seat of South West Norfolk, where they lost by 630 votes, the Conservatives can win it back more easily by appealing to some of the 20,747 voters, who voted for the Labour, Lib Dem, or Independent candidates (a Tory centrist) than by appealing to the 9,958 voters who voted Reform UK.

For these reasons, despite the temptations to vote for a "based brown woman" like Kemi Badenoch or Suella Braverman as leader, the Tories are more likely to put in a comparative moderate who can win back Centrist voters. This will have the effect of walling off the Reform UK vote at a level that, under the UK's electoral system, will ensure its continuing electoral irrelevance and the probable death of Reform UK as a party.

In essence, it is an easier option for the Conservative Party to "starve" this more right-wing alternative to death in this way than to enter a bidding war with it for its voters and swing right.

British nationalism will have to find another way.