

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Vance: Soy beard, 5' 7"

With Trump almost certain to be re-elected, following a near miss with death from an assassin's bullet (dumbass boomer Yank voters love that kind of shit), it is now important who Trump selects as his Vice Presidential candidate. After all, who knows where the next assassin's bullet will land.

Unfortunately the one-eared former President, who is almost certain to crush his senile old opponent at the polls in November, has opted for 
39-year-old James David Vance, a pudgy, disgusting-looking ex-incel with a "soy beard" to be his running mate. (A soy beard, btw, is a beard grown by pudgy, high-oestrogen men, like Sargon of Akkad and Neema Parvini, in a desperate attempt to look more "masculine".) 

There is no evidence that Vance even had a girlfriend before he met and married his (South) Asian waifu
Usha Chilukuri, in 2014, at the advanced incel age of 29. But the fact that a man surrounded by thousands of White women ended up marrying a sub-par Indian woman (see photo) only one-year younger than him, and not even a piece of high class Japanese or Korean Asian totty, testifies to a prolonged confinement in "Incel Wank Town." 

Usha and her fake Catholic, eye-liner-wearing husband

Usha is a legal clerk who was conditioned by overstudying to view geeky guys like Vance in a less negative light, although I am sure she was probably "pumped and dumped" by a few chads along the way.

It is not clear how Vance's long past as an incel and his sub-par waifu situation will impact his ability to make top-level political decisions, but already his wife's Hindu background seems to be influencing her husband's low-IQ outlook on the world for the worse. 

In a recent speech Vance ludicrously called Britain an "Islamist state" because it allows Muslims to walk around without being killed in large numbers, as frequently happens in Hindu-dominated countries.

The copes have already begun:

1 comment:

  1. This is what passes for a gigachad these days.


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