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Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Neema Parvini, christened "Pakademic Agent" by cruel members of the Dissident Right

A short, pudgy, rather pretentious, former academic of Persian ancestry (see also Jason Jorjani and Roosh), He was fired from his post at the University of Surrey in the UK in 2020 for unclear reasons. He claims it was because of his political views. In the 2016 Brexit vote he voted "Remain." So, it probably wasn't for that.

As Academic Agent, he attempts to project a "right-wing" English persona on his YouTube channel (c.80K subscribers). He also sells online courses of some sort, which are almost certainly a grift. 

Based on a casual listen of his content, he is characterised by intellectual dishonesty, constant straw-manning, and several cockamamie theories stitched together from lazy abstractions loosely connected by poor logic. IT is not clear how he got his start in academia, although it seems likely that he was some sort of diversity hire and got a scholarship from the MacDonalds hamburger chain.

He comes across as mildly "black-pilled," constantly dog-whistles Anti-Semitic views ("a certain group, you know who"), believes that society is entirely controlled by "the system" and "the evil elites" ("the you know whos" again), and wants to create a "revolutionary 'good' elite-in-waiting" through his online courses (LOL), who will implement White nationalism and anti-"globo-homo"/ anti-"GAE" stuff when "the system" collapses. 

He hates being called a "Nazi," as it would provide a basis for shutting down his flagship social media presence on YouTube and deprive him of much income, but despite this he constantly pushes blatant and, some would say 
fellow Nazis and Holocaust "sceptics" on his channel, like Morgoth, Mark Brahmin, Ryan Faulk, etc.

AA pushing his Nazi, Jew-obsessed friends

In essence, this is all part of what can best be described as a "premature Stalinist" urge to centralize and control the "grift space" of the Dissident-Right-o-Sphere. 

Just as Stalinism calcified and killed revolutionary socialism after it had succeeded, Parviniism threatens to do the same to the Dissident Right before it can even get to square one, transforming it instead into a sterile little club of circle-jerking faux-dissidents, wrapped around YouTube's terms and services, with occasional expulsions of those who don't accommodate themselves to this unhealthy social dynamic.

For petty Stalins like Neema, there will be plenty of petty-Trotskys to sacrifice, although Parvini will be a lot less able to reward his followers or to punish those in his sphere who feel repelled by his oily embrace. 

Like many other "quasi-Whites" in the Alt-Right (see Mike Enoch, Andrew Anglin, Weev, Striker, Alex McNabb, etc.), his world view seems to be shaped by an over-compensatory attempt to assimilate to "Whiteness" by veering towards authoritarian traditionalism, bordering on Naziism. His YouTube avatar is a picture of the actor George Sanders, someone else who pretended to be an Englishman, but wasn't.

You can judge for yourself how Nazi-adjacent his views are by keeping an eye on his Twitter

Read other entries like this in Neokrat's Who's Who in the Dissident Right, an ever-expanding biographical guide to the colourful characters of the Right Wing.

1 comment:

  1. He looks like he is a closeted homosexual in my opinion. Most of these Jew hating e-celebrities are. The list is endless.


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