

Sunday, December 31, 2023



Born 1991. Macedonian contributor (from around 2018) to the Neo-Nazi Counter Currents site with reasonably interesting opinions. Has an oddly American accent. Not sure why, as he claims to have never lived there. Claims to be married to a woman. His name looks like a sock.  

In March 2023, he suddenly dropped out of CC, which can only mean he fell out with its gay fuhrer Greg Johnson.

In a livestream with Tim Murdock, he mentioned his deep demoralisation with the Dissident Right:

"This got me thinking in the nationalist movement, here I'm talking about people like us, would take such a deal from our enemies? All your racisms and political incorrectness in the past is forgiven and forgotten, you can seek employment wherever and your employer cannot terminate you for past racism. You are guaranteed safety from Antifa for past racism. In a sense everything that has happened in the past is consigned to oblivion and can no longer be held against you. I believe that this movement is so thoroughly demoralised that a majority of people including a significant majority of content creators and figureheads would take that deal. I personally know at least two major content creators - like serious names - I'm not gonna reveal who they are, I want to respect their privacies, who would take that deal, and as for myself, while I'm still not in a place where I would accept it, I did find myself considering it, something that would have been unthinkable to me as recently as mid May (2023). What's more I don't think that this demoralisation comes from without i.e. defeats and demoralisation operations inflicted by the enemy but rather from within, from betrayals, from mismanagement of resources, from arrogance, from greed on the part of the leadership. From the sidelining of quality and promotion of scum, from the tolerance and promotion of hostile non-Whites and the refocusing of movement priorities on secondary hot button culture war issues, rather than a steadfast commitment to ending White displacement and forging a White identity politics. On a more disturbing note I further believe that a full quarter of the people who are demoralised enough to accept a pardon are also demoralised enough to become informants and moles. This alone should rouse the movement heads into action or at least a cessation of their worst excesses… I believe that the enemy will have defeated this upstart movement perhaps not once and for all but for a number of decades. That was published June 29th and I stand by it."

Jeelvy claims to still be a White nationalist, but believes in a "liberal and democratic" form of nationalism, rather than something more authoritarian. This view is informed by his experience of corrupt East European Communist and post-Communist societies, and bolstered by his belief that only Whites have the potential to function well under a democratic system, while other groups require some form of tyranny. He has found an intellectual hook for this emotional tendency in the 4th book of Kevin MacDonald, "Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future," which contrasts the high individualism and low ethnic solidarity of Northern Europeans with the low individualism and high ethnic solidarity of more Southerly groups (like Jews for example).

He believes that Jews are not White because they are "Semitic," which is an interesting view coming from someone at the fringes of European identity himself who probably has "Quasi-White" issues exerting pull on his belief system.

Has an Odysee channel where he talks to the likes of Jim Goad, Blair Cottrell, Nathan Damigo, Horus, Jason Kessler, etc. He also runs a rather quaint and vaguely Quixotic nationalist website called Radical Dose, which is not without interest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Neema Parvini, christened "Pakademic Agent" by cruel members of the Dissident Right

A short, pudgy, rather pretentious, former academic of Persian ancestry (see also Jason Jorjani and Roosh), He was fired from his post at the University of Surrey in the UK in 2020 for unclear reasons. He claims it was because of his political views. In the 2016 Brexit vote he voted "Remain." So, it probably wasn't for that.

As Academic Agent, he attempts to project a "right-wing" English persona on his YouTube channel (c.80K subscribers). He also sells online courses of some sort, which are almost certainly a grift. 

Based on a casual listen of his content, he is characterised by intellectual dishonesty, constant straw-manning, and several cockamamie theories stitched together from lazy abstractions loosely connected by poor logic. IT is not clear how he got his start in academia, although it seems likely that he was some sort of diversity hire and got a scholarship from the MacDonalds hamburger chain.

He comes across as mildly "black-pilled," constantly dog-whistles Anti-Semitic views ("a certain group, you know who"), believes that society is entirely controlled by "the system" and "the evil elites" ("the you know whos" again), and wants to create a "revolutionary 'good' elite-in-waiting" through his online courses (LOL), who will implement White nationalism and anti-"globo-homo"/ anti-"GAE" stuff when "the system" collapses. 

He hates being called a "Nazi," as it would provide a basis for shutting down his flagship social media presence on YouTube and deprive him of much income, but despite this he constantly pushes blatant and, some would say 
fellow Nazis and Holocaust "sceptics" on his channel, like Morgoth, Mark Brahmin, Ryan Faulk, etc.

AA pushing his Nazi, Jew-obsessed friends

In essence, this is all part of what can best be described as a "premature Stalinist" urge to centralize and control the "grift space" of the Dissident-Right-o-Sphere. 

Just as Stalinism calcified and killed revolutionary socialism after it had succeeded, Parviniism threatens to do the same to the Dissident Right before it can even get to square one, transforming it instead into a sterile little club of circle-jerking faux-dissidents, wrapped around YouTube's terms and services, with occasional expulsions of those who don't accommodate themselves to this unhealthy social dynamic.

For petty Stalins like Neema, there will be plenty of petty-Trotskys to sacrifice, although Parvini will be a lot less able to reward his followers or to punish those in his sphere who feel repelled by his oily embrace. 

Like many other "quasi-Whites" in the Alt-Right (see Mike Enoch, Andrew Anglin, Weev, Striker, Alex McNabb, etc.), his world view seems to be shaped by an over-compensatory attempt to assimilate to "Whiteness" by veering towards authoritarian traditionalism, bordering on Naziism. His YouTube avatar is a picture of the actor George Sanders, someone else who pretended to be an Englishman, but wasn't.

You can judge for yourself how Nazi-adjacent his views are by keeping an eye on his Twitter

Read other entries like this in Neokrat's Who's Who in the Dissident Right, an ever-expanding biographical guide to the colourful characters of the Right Wing.


Is it even possible in the modern age?

What does the word “Integrity” even mean in the modern age?

Etymologies are often better than definitions, so here goes:

c. 1400, integrite, "innocence, blamelessness; chastity, purity," from Old French integrité and directly from Latin integritatem (nominative integritas) "soundness, wholeness, completeness," figuratively "purity, correctness, blamelessness," from integer "whole" (see integer).

The sense of "wholeness, perfect condition" is attested from mid-15c.; that of "soundness of moral principle and character; entire uprightness or fidelity, especially in regard to truth and fair dealing" is by 1540s.

The central idea here seems to be wholeness as an essence (or essence as a wholeness). For a human, that comes from the way he or she lives and acts.

Still abstract. But if we reformulate it a little to "believing in what you do, and doing what you believe in" then we get closer to a real and practical definition.

People in the past really had it easy in terms of integrity. Life was simpler, more isolated, and more direct. It was easier then to live with integrity, to integrate our different aspects, to harmonise them. By contrast modern life militates against this.

How is this so? There are many examples. In fact, everyday I see them rushing in on us, and I see them shaping and poisoning our culture.

The tendency towards conspiritardary that is so prevalent today is surely a reflection of the absence of integrity in modern life. What we essentially see here are people supporting something while they are also opposing it.

Going one way with your whole mind and soul is integrity, going two different ways is the complete lack of it. Integrity is aerodynamic in a sense.

Are you fighting your own shadow too?


■ Conspiritards 'believe' there is a "globalist plot" to destroy their culture, take their jobs, and reduce them to materialist cogs in a machine. Yes, they are right, and they oppose it, but they also entirely support it.

Time spent shopping for cheap goods made in China: 10 hours a week
Time spent maintaining unique ancient traditions: a few seconds of wistful thought
Time spent moaning about globalism on the internet: 5 hours

Conclusion: Zero integrity 

■ White Replacement Worriers believe that there is a plot to “genocide” the White race. Yet, these are the same people who have actually had sex with other White people while using contraception. And not just once but thousands of times. Hate to say this, but most non-Whites banging White girls without contraception are doing more to save the White race than they are.

Conclusion: They are the White genocide that they proclaim to oppose.

Actions, remember, speak louder than words. 

■ Opponents of the “System” claim that our political system is “fixed,” “broken,” “tyrannical,” and “undemocratic,” and only exists to serve and justify elite interests.

That doesn’t stop many of them voting in it. Also, their opinion is wrong: politicians and our so-called elites are quite clearly striving to give most people what they want while wrestling with the inevitable consequences and awkward fall-out of this.

What the voters want are rising economic and consumerist opportunities, along with almost toxic individual lifestyle freedoms. This is exactly what politicians, with a few twists, turns, and fiscal restrictions, have been giving them for the last 70 years.

Sadly, the polling hasn’t been done on a politician running on the ticket of forcing you to get married and have kids before you’re 25, but I suspect it would be in triple digits, with the first digit being ‘zero’ and the second one being ‘point.’

What the people want inevitably ends up producing shit-low fertility. This then 
inevitably leads to replacement migration, with creeping anti-immigration sentiment being next.

But these awkward fears and phobias are just kinks in our otherwise wholehearted democratic system that fully expresses the wishes of the people. Our subservient elites then have to find ways of coping with this, through such quaint ideas as multiculturalism, anti-racism, partial "immigration restriction," and assimilation.  

The essential problem that our "elites" constantly have to struggle with is us, i.e. that the People they rule over and serve have no integrity, and simply want to have their cakes and eat them.

Rather than a
kakistocracy we live in a “cakiestocracy.”

Previously published at
Colin Liddell's Substack

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Note: Pilleater is one of the truly original thinkers out there, although there is still something of a mismatch between his ideational level and the functionality of the English language in expressing his concepts. Needless to say more work needs to be done.

Liberalism believes it is an indestructible ideology with no flaws. This isn’t the case when you realize the system breaks down when confronted with the five controversial topics it can’t explain. If liberalism were so graceful, it would have proper sincerity about these topics instead of assuming they don’t exist. Liberalism outright denies these subjects and continues to do so. It is up to the anti-liberal to embrace these five taboos and carve out a new intellectualism and art movement against the old world.

The five taboos will be synthesized into all future politics, philosophy, and artistic expressions.

The taboos are as follows:


Race is real, and this cannot be denied. Race is a biological reality, where genetics determine our nature, and often comes before everything else. People would rather be associated with someone like themselves than be with someone alien to who they are. Race is not a subculture and cannot be reduced down to perferences or desires.

The existential crisis among liberalism is to let transhumanism create an equity state by implating brain chips into races that are different from the egalitarian culture. Another crisis is the popular trend of “RCTA,” or “Race Change To Another,” and “ECTA,” or “Ethnic Change To Another,” where advanced technology could shift a person into the dominant and comfortable group that has a higher quality of life and offers beauty against the derangement of ugly egalitarianism. Transhumanism would naturally give access to anyone who can leave their body, and race will become that meaningful identity above subculture. RCTA or ECTA will accelerate Eurasian Futurism, anime-realism, and other cartoon identities because of the market cycle of supply and demand, where identity transformation is determined by market fads and peer pressure.

It is questioned whether race belongs to metaphysics or materialism. Both schools of thought seem to deny the existence of race or ignore its importance to their core beliefs. Akin to what Julius Evola argued, race is a spirit that is out to achieve greatness.

Race also brings up the evil notion of eugenics and dysgenics, and the argument to define what is “race mixing” versus what is normal. It's very bizarre when liberals resort to saying that WMAF is evil because of dysgenics, ironically pushing race supremacy as the solution. If euthanasia or being trans is right, then race mixing is supposedly the greater evil because it produces against the non-productive. If miscegenation is such a crisis, this assumes eugenics is the Hegelian path, and white liberals secretly hate all mixed people, forcing them to get equity as reparations for their existence. Perhaps the miscegenated should take pride in their “queer” races like black Americans do all the time.

I rebuke the notion of the doomed existence of the miscegenated person, which seems to be quite popular on both sides of politics. Everyone hates the Eurasian man because of his existence. Supposedly, if mental and physical retardation is a reality and an entire race can be created out of it, there would have to be a secret conclusion by the elite to know that you can breed people as vegetables. However, this wouldn't explain the years of colonialism and geographical reproduction on Galapagos Island and the diverse environmental evolution that humans survive in all the time.

BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa) produces all the time, while all of its opponents don't produce anything. The future of humanity is indeed production, and production counters any non-productive hedonistic forces. Trans and gays don’t produce, while “race mixers” produce. Liberalism hates production because it counters their power. The bourgeoisie merely has children because they feel like it, as this is rather a subjective notion of consumption than producing value for society. Africa will keep having Africans at the expense of the r-k theory, or the belief that they are dysgenic people. This puts the white managerial class in a weird situation where the so-called dysgenic people will flock to Europe for a higher quality of life. This begs the question if eugenic people will go to the moon and the dysgenic people will just stay at home and do nothing.

A proper understanding of race does not limit anyone or anything. Race is an understanding of nature, and humans as animals. Race can co-exist in any political system in the future as a foundation. Understanding race is like the work of Galileo, where society revolves around race, like the planets revolve around the sun. True diversity, multiculturalism, and multipolarity come from acknowledging that race is real and that people will always be invested in race.


Our sexuality is an innate drive to desire, discriminate, and reproduce. We are aroused by our attractive image and wish only to send our sperm or receive it to the muse that mirrors us. In return, a new human is created in the likeness of our values and genetic and cultural traits.

There is a biological difference between a man and a woman, and this cannot be denied.

What is astounding is that liberalism is prudish about sex, even though it promotes it as a form of liberation because anyone can choose anything to have sex with. Yet liberalism does not want to know about someone’s sexuality or the victims it has ejaculated in or on. Liberalism refuses to acknowledge that sexuality requires a force of seduction, or an entire new language outside liberalism, and comes from primal, animalistic anti-liberal behavior. The liberal can’t imagine a sexuality that isn’t animalistic, because the animal can not be a liberal. Ironically, we are animals, and sex is initiated all the time without the acknowledgement of went and how it happened.

Certain acts of sex are like violent rape, and liberals believe it is “consensual” and not be questioned. Sigmund Freud’s entire career was exposing how sexuality determines politics, culture, philosophy, and the arts, and how all of it goes under a veneer because of the shame, or indescribable nature, of the sexual act itself. Liberals fear penetration and would like a future where sex can exist without it. Also ironic, considering gay sex needs penetration to function.

We think of sex every day, and to deny it means we are denying our nature to create. We are never told how our sexuality originated, because everyone has a unique sexuality to their liking. And liberalism discourages production, and can only celebrate nonproduction hedonism. Liberalism dispises identity politics based upon sexuality because it creates another rival group to overthrow the system. Racial nationalists constantly cry to have more “white babies,” but most of us consider the beauty standards of “white” to be subjective and not universal. We should have children with the muse we desire. We are aroused by the image and erected to make it happen. A society we want should reflect the arousing desires to do more. We want our children, and every ejaculation counts.

Liberalism assumes everyone is equal, and that gender is a social construction. How come is it that physiognomy dictates the ethics of a person? If you see an ugly man or ugly woman, both of them will advocate envy and revenge. Yet ironically, a beautiful man or beautiful woman never questions life and acts upon the will of what is good. An ugly woman will thirst after a beautiful man, and not for her ugly counterpart. A beautiful man can get any woman he wants. “Pick up artistry,” or seduction is a real skill, and it is used to get any woman a man desires. Seduction destroys the liberal narrative that we are playing a game, and a woman will irrationally follow the beautiful man’s seduction over the ugly man’s ideology. There is no debate, argument, or dialogue with women if they allow themselves to be wooed and to be raped by the man who plays “game” the best.

The constant crying and bitching about a man pursuing a woman or seducing her like he’s a rapist is also an entire fabrication. No one has ever assumed the woman has done the same thing. A man will do many things to get the woman, even if he means dick pics or playing a sloppy game. That means pick-up artistry and the art of seduction are also real, and there are good players and bad ones. The sex we do not hear about is considered “good,” while everything that is “leaked” or rumored about is bad. The latter is interesting because it shows an incredible distaste for sex and not understanding the act or purpose. Women always cry about men being “creepy,” but we all know women don’t have the same sexuality as a man does.

Eventually, everyone will be so open about their kinks and desires, that telling sex stories will be as deep as philosophical insights.


Work is an innate behavior like any other feelings we may have. We work not out of institutions or because capitalism told us to, but we work as an urge, unconscious of the action. Ants mindlessly build things, like bees and honey. We don’t work as a required evil. Work is healthy, good, and intellectual. Some say “work” is evil, but this is a misnomer. A perfect society would allow us to work on whatever we want, and get “paid” for such accomplishments.

Work naturally happens when we are confident with its process. If everyone works on their projects, we cannot sustain a society. A paternal system based upon socialist demand would create work for everyone, and accomplish projects for society. The post-scarcity condition might happen, and the AI singularity might take hold, but it’s up to humanity to regulate such laziness and control. The managerial class currently believes they have reached the post-scarcity state, and that is why they believe in deluded transhumanism, something that happened at the end of Athenian society. Once nobody works, everyone dies.

Liberalism does not want to talk about work because it relies on the capitalist system and does not offer a future for any liberal arts profession. Liberalism would rather pretend work is not there, or let nonwhites take over as the surrogate for the coming automation. If we ever owned the means of production, we wouldn’t rely on managerialism anymore.

We work because we want to accomplish our dreams. We cannot assume “everything is work” either, as this negates other natural realities and urges. There is greater meaning beyond production, as science and the arts guide us towards virtue ethics.

Work cannot be denied in favor of laziness. We have an urge to create.


Violence is a natural result of animal expression. Georges Sorel wrote “Reflections on Violence” to understand why violence is so important to our nature. We go to jail if we are open about violence. Murder is discouraged. Yet what about the cavemen who knocked out women to have children? What about the armies that pillaged and raped the villagers? The last two centuries finally saw the containment of violence and a proper understanding of ethics. To pretend violence is not there is denying our existence.

Twitter bans violence from its platform. How are we truly free if primal thoughts of action scare the establishment? Violence breaks down liberalism because it is required to survive in the wild. An attack on the rival tribe, a force to grab a woman, and an effort to hunt animals, all result in violence.

Violence is expressed in games. It’s required in a fight. The smug liberal says somebody “loses” a debate if violence is used, but power is about censorship and control. Violence is expressed in the arrogance of power and manipulation. Those who can talk about the primal energies know what humanity is about. Violence breaks down conversation and intellectualism and releases revolution. The military is organized violence, and the police state uses violence to put rule above chaos. Violence determines who gets what women and who gets none. Violence is the last resort to expressing the spirit of the barbarian. By downplaying violence, we fail to understand us.

Violence starts the conversation. Violence defends an intellectual point and persuades others of it. It may sound irrational, but violence is what makes people anti-liberal.

Violence cannot be denied. We have a right to strike when it’s right.


Our existence is limited to the space we inhabit. We may exist in Pennsylvania, but only then for our reality to open up in California. And California itself is debunked by the reality of China. The qualities of life are measured by space, and our reality is skewed by what we can see and experience.

Liberalism assumes everyone is entitled to the same space, that there are no borders, and that every society strives to be cosmopolitan. This whitewashing is enforced because liberals are nomadic, and often move from one power space to another. They don’t have live in the white ghettos of Ohio and see how their people are retarded.

When we realize our space determines a materialistic cause and effect, do we understand that resources play a huge role in the creation of ideology and existence?

Where I live, eat, shit, piss, sleep, walk, exercise, work, smell, and conversate is determined by my space. Today, everyone is left with nothing, rotting away in middle America on an old trust fund against an alien family that hates intellectualism.

We cannot deny space, because that means we would deny our existence.

With an understanding of race, sexuality, work, violence, and space, the system can be destroyed, criticized, and resurrected into a new sincere intellectualism against liberalism, putting the nail in its coffin once in for all.

From Pilleater's Substack

Thursday, December 21, 2023


Colin Liddell joins host Luke Ford to discuss the collapse of the NJP, the War in the Ukraine, whether China benefits from the war, the unlikelihood of a collapse in the Ukraine, the "mystery" of Rishi Sunak's unpopularity, the stupidity of Hamas's attack on Israel, and how Joe Biden saved the World from WWIII.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Military analyst Anders Puck Nielsen explains why Russia is engaging in relentless "meatwave" attacks. These achieve little direct gain at great cost in Russian lives. According to Nielsen, this is exactly the point -- to send a "demoralising" message to Ukraine's supporters in the West that Russia will continue the war, regardless of casualties, until final victory. Is the tactic working?

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Everybody who has appeared on Millenniyule this year is now intimately connected with popular livestreamer and rabid Jew hater Lucas Gage.

Just days (or possibly even minutes) after a cosy chat with Millennial Woes on the end-of-year Alt-Right Nazi nutjob get together, Gage embarked on his most insane rant yet.

Energised by Woes's wank-cave camaraderie, as well as recent support from Elon Musk, Gage, a former marine who never saw battle, embarked on his dangerous rant while in control of a fast-moving vehicle. 

Woes and Gage stoking up their Anti-Semitism together

In the vile, saliva-flecked tirade, the ideologically unstable Italian American equated all Jews with "Zionists," and then called them "subhuman pieces of shit" who should be exterminated:

"You're dealing with monsters," he ranted. "Would you talk to a pedophile like that? We are at war with these fucking demons. There's something wrong with these people. There's no fixing it. They are satanic. They are demons. You don't treat demons with respect... You fucking slay them."

There's plenty more of that here.

Woes's own deeply anti-Semitic views on the Jews are well known. He frequently peddles anti-Semitic tropes, jokes about the Holocaust, and promotes fellow anti-Semites.

In 2016 on a trip to America, he even engaged in advanced weapons training for a "future reckoning" with "international Jewry."

It is also no coincidence that this year's Millenniyule end-of-year podcast has a visual motif of trains, that shows host Woes stopping at various "stations" to chat with his guests:

"It will be a journey of a lifetime" = code for the Holocaust

For rabid Neo-Nazis, like Woes and many of his guests, sepulchral imagery of trains is not accidental. It is in fact a sinister dog-whistle for what many historians consider the greatest crime committed by mankind, namely the Holocaust. This was an event in which trains with cattle-trucks were used to efficiently transport millions of Jews to their doom.

Monday, December 18, 2023


Is Orban a puppet of Vladimir Putin? 

Following his actions at the recent EU summit, it would appear so. Although he "left the room" to allow EU leaders to vote "yes" to EU accession talks with the EU, he soon returned to veto a €50 billion, four-year financial aid package.

The obvious implication or conclusion is that Putin has some disgusting sex tape of Orban that would destroy him, so that Orban throws a spanner in EU efforts to support Ukraine whenever ordered to. 

But the Financial Times has a different take:

For much of his 13 years in power Orbán has used an antagonistic relationship with the EU to galvanise voters and extract financial concessions from Brussels. His current beef with Brussels is its suspension of €20bn of funding over concerns relating to the rule of law and fundamental rights, but EU officials are moving to limit his ability to thwart the bloc’s agenda.

Orban, it seems, just views the EU as a big fat cash cow, whose need for unanimous votes on important issues can be monetized.

He has done this before:

A longtime eurosceptic and self-styled “illiberal democrat”, he has played hardball at several previous summits, vowing to block the EU’s €1.8tn budget and pandemic recovery fund in 2020 or an €18bn aid package to Ukraine a year ago, only to retreat.

“He is always transactional, never ideological,” said a European diplomat. “And we shouldn’t underestimate that he likes being at the centre of attention.”

So, why is he pissing in the EU pool right now?

The day before EU leaders gathered in Brussels, the commission agreed to release €10bn of the frozen funds to Hungary, arguing it had enacted reforms strengthening judicial independence. EU officials said the concession was merit-based but the timing was helpful.

Orbán and his allies had repeatedly said his opposition to helping Ukraine was not linked to Hungary’s EU funding. But as the summit drew to a close on Friday, he finally named his price: payment of the remaining €20bn in funds.

“This is a great opportunity for Hungary to make it clear that it should get what it deserves,” Orbán told Hungarian public radio. “Not half or a quarter, but the whole thing. We demand fair treatment, and now we have a good chance to achieve this.”

But the EU's patience with this pattern of blatant extortion may be wearing thin, and other methods for dealing with Orban, besides giving into his demands are now on the table.

The EU's "nuclear option" is Article 7:

Some officials have considered reactivating the so-called Article 7 punishment procedure for rule of law breaches, which can result in the suspension of voting rights. It can be blocked by another member state, but a change of government in Poland means Hungary no longer has a guaranteed protector. Still, multiple countries are nervous about using what is essentially the EU’s biggest weapon against a member state.


At least 126 Israeli soldiers have died in the Israeli invasion of Gaza. The latest to die were sergeant first class Urija Bayer, from Ma'alot-Tarshiha, 20, sergeant first class Liav Aloush, from Gedera, 21, master sergeant (res.) Etan Naeh, from Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, 26,  master sergeant (res.) Tal Filiba from Rehovot, 23, and sergeant first class (res.) Lidor Yosef Karavani from Eilat, 23. 

Yes all sergeants, which seems a little odd. 

Previously killed:

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Mike Enoch in his moment of Aryan triumph

Reports are filtering in from the far reaches of the internet that the National Justice Party has finally defeated the "Jewish menace" they were set up to combat, and has now decided to call it a day.

The Party, which did nothing in its short life but squabble over donations and stand around in barns, defeated the Jews last Thursday, when supreme leader Mike Enoch punched himself in the face and said he was finished. 

Enoch had previously taken full control of the party from its ruling committee just three days before total victory was declared by ousting the other remaining member of the committee Tony Hovater:

This opened the way for Enoch to then beat the shit out of himself and to thereby claim "total and irreversible victory over the Jew" that even world-renowned anti-Semites like Henry Ford and Elon Musk could hardly dream of. 

Ford and Musk jealous of Enoch's success at defeating the octopus of International Jewry. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023


Is it possible to be anti-Nazi and anti-Semitic? This is a legitimate question because I know several cases of people who claim to be quite strongly opposed to Nazism, but are nevertheless clearly anti-Semitic.

The examples that I am aware of are Brutus, Iron Duke, and Dave Yorkshire, people with whom I have come into direct contact over the years. These three worthy gentlemen are quite clear that the problem with British nationalism is that it is tarnished with Nazism and associated with idiots like Mark Collett and Millennial Woes, who apologise to Germans for the war and basically think that Hitler did nothing wrong.

Indeed, the list of Anti-Nazi Anti-Semites could easily be expanded because a lot of people are quite happy with dog-whistling Anti-Semetic positions, but less willing to be called Nazis. J.F. Gariepy and Academic Agent spring to mind as other examples of this tendency.

Is this simply an "optics" divide?

If it is, it is understandable because the term "Nazi" is a more onerous term than "anti-Semite."

Thanks to its rather large and distinctive historical bootprint, the term "Nazi" evokes Auschwitz, the death camps, and the activities of the 
Einsatzgruppen (Mobile Killing Units); while being an "anti-Semite" could mean that you just don't like seeing Palestinian babies blown to bits (Thanks Bibi for making that gig a lot more acceptable).

But, really an anti-Semite and a Nazi are essentially the same thing. We can split hairs here, but basically Nazis believe that Jews are the source of most of the evil in the world and have hegemonic control of much of the world. Meanwhile, Anti-Semites "kind of, sort of" tend to believe the same thing.

Nazis will also radically filter for any data that supports their thesis, and, guess what, anti-Semites "kind of, sort of" do more or less the same thing. Sometimes less, sometimes more.

Tell a Nazi or an anti Semite that the Holodomor happened under the watch of a Politburo in which there was only one Jew among the 12 members, and they will simply ignore that, and instantly say that the local branch of the NKVD was "run by Jews," as if the local NKVD, rather than Stalin and his Politburo buddies, got to make those kinds of calls.

This is the kind of shit4brains thinking that destroyed the Alt-Right even before it got its big opportunity to change history in 2016. By that time the Alt-Right was already imploding into a shitcloud of ideological imbecility and weaponised dark energy

To be emphatic, you could, using this extreme filtering technique, even make the case that the Holocaust itself was an example of "White Genocide" committed by Jews!!!!

All you would need to do would be to point out that Ashkenazi Jews, the main victims of Nazism, were actually White, while also filtering out all the Aryan Nazis from your narrative and focusing primarily on the not inconsiderable number of Jewish or partially Jewish Nazis. You could then top this off by selecting data points that pointed to Goebbels and Hitler being "secret  Jews," while ignoring all the other evidence that Hitler was just a normal Austrian Christian with a bad case of insecurity, paranoia, a PTSD caused by his early life experiences. Any Aryan Nazi you needed in order to make your narrative work could be framed as a "dupe" or "race traitor."

You might laugh at this, but the Russians are currently trying to pull off a similar trick by presenting Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a some kind of Nazi leader....and there's also this:

Another classic trait of both the anti-Semite and the Nazi is the opposite of extreme filtering. Instead of filtering out data that doesn't confirm their emotionally predetermined narrative, they "overexplain" it, laying on way too much evidence to the ultimate detriment of their case.

The problem here is that evidence only works when it all points in the same direction without contradicting the other evidence.

With the Nazi and the anti-Semite, the evidence, like a magnetic needle, always points in the same direction, but unfortunately for them, the evidence doesn't always support the other evidence. In fact, quite often, the different bits of evidence contradict and step all over the other bits of evidence in a desperate rush to get to the same distant point.

A good example of this was gifted to me by my old friend Dave Yorkshire, who briefly popped up on a Stephen J James livestream the other night with the claim that the Jews, in the person of "Lord Rothschild", had bribed the British government to set up the State of Israel, while also claiming that the State of Israel was a "terrorist state" established through attacks on British servicemen in Palestine.

Comments like this tend to go unchallenged on live streams, which tend to be fast-flowing interchanges between people of limited knowledge of the various subjects touched upon, who also have little time to check or refresh facts. This is not to disparage people on livestreams, but to emphasise the inherent limitations of the medium as a means of getting to the truth.

But also sometimes you don't really need to look things up, because what Yorkshire was saying was obviously logically inconsistent.

Why would Israel need to be founded on acts of terrorism if the British government had already been bought and paid for by old moneybags Lord Rothschild? This obviously doesn't stack up.

Either the British government was bought off and there was no need for armed conflict OR the British government wasn't bought off, was trying to fulfil its responsibilities to the Palestinian Arabs, and some Jewish settlers felt there was a need for armed conflict and terrorist action

This is clearly an "either/or" situation, not a "both" situation.

Let's call this second 
characteristic of the Nazi and the Anti-Semite "evidence jostling."

Both of these traits (extreme filtering and evidence jostling) reveal a blindness to one's own mental processes. Unfortunately such stupidity afflicts many otherwise intelligent people, which is why it is probably best to define Nazism or anti-Semitism not so much as an ideology but as a mental disease, unless, of course, the person is genuinely and deeply stupid.

If someone can maintain Nazi or anti-Semitic positions without relying on these two blatant signs of mental deficiency, then they are entirely welcome to their views. After all, I wouldn't want them to think anyone was unfairly persecuting them.

Many Alt-Righters won't get this.

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


Goth GF vibes

YouTube THOT. Saw her on Millenniyules 2023. Didn't know her before, so, thanks to my old friend Millennial Woes for bringing her to my attention!

Throwback vibes to the early/mid period of the Alt-Right: Lots of pretentious, suggestive empty 
quasi-Nazi, sub-Spengler rhetoric about the "collapse of Western civilisation," with fleeting visual and verbal hints of Jews, Blacks, gays, etc., as "the villains," and invitations to her audience of "lost souls" to read in their own meanings into her nebulous shifty content, and to self-radicalise.

Her videos are entirely rhetorical, with zero facts, zero analysis, and zero solutions. The obvious goal is to blackpill, desocialise, and radicalise lonely young White guys as part of a larger social polarisation op. In other words, prime Millenniyule content.

Her YouTube channel has around 32 vids, dating back 4 years. Seems she was putting stuff out on the extremely dodgy Arktos site directly, so there is a connection with a probable Kremlin-aligned turd factory there.

Apart from too many jump cuts, these are very well produced vids, with help from some anon called Zorchwave, who works on Apollonian gei vids with Xurious and Richard "cuckboy" Spencer's lisping buddy Mark Brahmin. 

She looks nice (6.5 tarted up to a 7) and probably did a bit of "presenter training" somewhere. My guess is some kind of Irish American (the most reliably "Nazi-friendly" demographic in the USA, even more so than German Americans).

She will tap into that vast underground river of incel simp juice that flows just beneath the Alt-Right-o-sphere. My guess is she's getting intermittent non-donational funding, probably channelled from Arktos, hence my nickname for her "Grifts Ungiven," but that's just a working hypothesis. Time will tell.

Typical "softly softly" J-themed dogwhistling from Gifts

Friday, December 15, 2023


Vlad Vexler
on Putin's big speech:

In his 4 hour long 'Direct-Line'/press conference,  Putin set out a "minimum effective dose" approach to the 2024 'election'. He knows it's a necessary legitimation ritual, but he can't bring himself to strain over it.

Putin didn't want to be there. He finds his predicament not critical but exhausting. He is not worried about keeping the show on the road, but he is worried that it all now takes double the mental labour, since February 2022.

Putin's election tactic, for now, is to set himself a low bar and then clear it. Minimal promises, minimal rallying cries, and minimal effort to come up with surprises or put on a show.

Mark Galeotti elaborates excellently on this:

Vladimir #Putin bores the nation

Quick thoughts on Putin's marathon-snorathon today for @SpecCoffeeHouse: essentially, he tells the #Russia|n people hunker down, because war is the new normal

There was a certain tension between normalisation and reformatting society onto a war footing. On the one hand, Putin put a distance between himself and the delirium of state propaganda. On the other hand, he emphasised that it is teachers and priests who win wars. Putin spent several minutes downplaying the chances of a second mobilisation, but at the end he qualified himself: "Why do we need a mobilisation? From *where we stand today*, it is not necessary." 

Putin returned to the original justificatory tags for the war of 'demilitarisation' and 'denazification'. He emphasised that the war is entirely defensive, existential, and that in the worst case scenario Russia's existence will be at stake. 

Putin claimed that to answer the existential threat Russia faces, it needs to put front and centre "the strengthening of its sovereignty". Putin kicked off the event with this statement - but then went on to say that he can't be bothered to define it on this occasion!

Let's briefly entertain ourselves with Mr Dugin's summary of Putin's event: 

"Putin's broadcast is evidently the speech of a victor. And not an artificial victor but a natural one, a victor organically and substantially."

Putin touched on the theme of Western decline, which is for him an inevitability which is not materialising fast enough. He feels bitter about history temporarily turning against him, even though - he thinks - he will be proved right in the end.

He expressed confidence about support from Western citizens for his actions:

"In many German towns [& in the rest of the West] there are plenty of people who feel that we are in the right".

My view: Putin's observation is more right than most Western commentators allow. 

Similarly, Putin expressed confidence that Western support for Ukraine will dry up, but showed frustration that this wasn't happening fast enough:

"The juicy deal Ukraine has been getting looks like it may be, little by little, coming to an end."

At home, he inadvertently acknowledged persecution of all opposition. 
Asked about the verdict against Alexandra Bayazitova, the administrator of a Telegram channel, Putin said: 

"Why would we be hunting her down, is she some kind of major opposition figure?"


British voters: the return of the sosij?

Personally, I think that immigration is the most important political issue for the UK. However, it's more important what the mass of voters think, as that's what decides elections, governments, and political development.

In recent years, as the impact of decades of laissez-faire demographic liberalism have taken their toll, we have passed through a period of "heightened concern" about immigration and multiculturalism. This is what led to the 2016 Brexit vote and may even have been part of the SNP surge in 2014.

In fact, as you can see from the graph below, immigration was pretty much the most important issue for almost every single voter group in 2016 and for a few years on either side. Only older richer people in all-White neighbourhoods (AB) and private renters were more concerned about the National Health Service.

2016 (click image to expand)

Did this signify, as many in the Dissident Right hoped, the long foretold awakening of the British race? Had the Saxon finally "come to hate"? Were we seeing a reassertion of the native "vril" of these Atlantic islands, "cursed by the winds but blessed by the sea"? 

The election of 2019 and the collapse of Labour "Redwall" seats seemed to point in this direction.


Since then, we've had the economic dislocation from Brexit, which hasn't yet been offset much by its "opportunities," combined with the effects of Covid, the lockdown, and the war in the Ukraine, with their negative effects on prices, inflation, economic planning, and the NHS. Brexit has also severely impacted the supply of low-profile (i.e. White), productive labour to the UK with various knock-on effects.

In short, compared to 2016, the economic picture in 2023 has become more complex and a little darker.

Yes, only a little. Really, it's important to emphasise this point: people are not really that much worse off than they were in 2016. At worst, they're probably a couple of percentage points down on average, and, who knows, they might even be slightly better off but simply feeling less optimistic:

However, how has this slight perceived change in the economic temperature impacted on the supposed "racial awakening" of the Great British people?

Here are the main concerns for the various voter groups in 2023:

2023 (click image to expand)

Yes, the silly buggers, they've forgotten all about the "Great Replacement," the relentless browning of British society, etc. It's now back to "OMG, inflation's gone up a couple of points" and "muh economy." And if it wasn't that, it would be: "I've been eating too much sausage and chips; I hope the NHS can handle my heart triple bypass surgery."

Of course, the racially-aware, immigration-aware voter demographic that briefly bobbed to the surface in 2016 is still there, but it's mainly embodied in a group of older people (+65s) who "just don't recognise their towns anymore," but they of course won't be living in them that much longer.

Younger voters, meanwhile, don't appear to give a flying fuck. This may be because a higher proportion of them are of migrant background (the available data is careful not to look to closely into this). However, even this group viewed immigration and the economy as issues of almost equal importance a few years ago. Now look at the gap.

Importance of immigration vs the economy for 18-24s (click image to expand) source

For "normie" politics, as opposed to the LARPy or extremely speculative Dissident Right variety, what this means is that the political parties will start to adjust their platforms accordingly.

For the last few years, both Conservative and Labour have been in thrall to Boris Johnson's 2019 landslide victory; Labour to stop it happening again, the Tories to repeat it (or partially repeat it). A big part of that landslide appeared to be a stronger strand of identitarianism and concern about immigration, but actual polling reveals that once again, "it's the economy stupid," and immigration is back in the passenger seat.

When the economy sneezes the British voter catches cold feet.

The British electorate have a limited interest in their own Greatness

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).