

Sunday, December 31, 2023



Born 1991. Macedonian contributor (from around 2018) to the Neo-Nazi Counter Currents site with reasonably interesting opinions. Has an oddly American accent. Not sure why, as he claims to have never lived there. Claims to be married to a woman. His name looks like a sock.  

In March 2023, he suddenly dropped out of CC, which can only mean he fell out with its gay fuhrer Greg Johnson.

In a livestream with Tim Murdock, he mentioned his deep demoralisation with the Dissident Right:

"This got me thinking in the nationalist movement, here I'm talking about people like us, would take such a deal from our enemies? All your racisms and political incorrectness in the past is forgiven and forgotten, you can seek employment wherever and your employer cannot terminate you for past racism. You are guaranteed safety from Antifa for past racism. In a sense everything that has happened in the past is consigned to oblivion and can no longer be held against you. I believe that this movement is so thoroughly demoralised that a majority of people including a significant majority of content creators and figureheads would take that deal. I personally know at least two major content creators - like serious names - I'm not gonna reveal who they are, I want to respect their privacies, who would take that deal, and as for myself, while I'm still not in a place where I would accept it, I did find myself considering it, something that would have been unthinkable to me as recently as mid May (2023). What's more I don't think that this demoralisation comes from without i.e. defeats and demoralisation operations inflicted by the enemy but rather from within, from betrayals, from mismanagement of resources, from arrogance, from greed on the part of the leadership. From the sidelining of quality and promotion of scum, from the tolerance and promotion of hostile non-Whites and the refocusing of movement priorities on secondary hot button culture war issues, rather than a steadfast commitment to ending White displacement and forging a White identity politics. On a more disturbing note I further believe that a full quarter of the people who are demoralised enough to accept a pardon are also demoralised enough to become informants and moles. This alone should rouse the movement heads into action or at least a cessation of their worst excesses… I believe that the enemy will have defeated this upstart movement perhaps not once and for all but for a number of decades. That was published June 29th and I stand by it."

Jeelvy claims to still be a White nationalist, but believes in a "liberal and democratic" form of nationalism, rather than something more authoritarian. This view is informed by his experience of corrupt East European Communist and post-Communist societies, and bolstered by his belief that only Whites have the potential to function well under a democratic system, while other groups require some form of tyranny. He has found an intellectual hook for this emotional tendency in the 4th book of Kevin MacDonald, "Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future," which contrasts the high individualism and low ethnic solidarity of Northern Europeans with the low individualism and high ethnic solidarity of more Southerly groups (like Jews for example).

He believes that Jews are not White because they are "Semitic," which is an interesting view coming from someone at the fringes of European identity himself who probably has "Quasi-White" issues exerting pull on his belief system.

Has an Odysee channel where he talks to the likes of Jim Goad, Blair Cottrell, Nathan Damigo, Horus, Jason Kessler, etc. He also runs a rather quaint and vaguely Quixotic nationalist website called Radical Dose, which is not without interest.


  1. You could have used a better picture.

  2. Could have used a worse one.


All Comments MUST include a name (either real or sock). Also don't give us an easy excuse to ignore your brilliant comment by using "shitposty" language.