NOTE: This article was unpublished by Blogger a few minutes after it was published. This censorship lasted for three days, until overturned on appeal. Several links and images were removed and "controversial" words asterisked in order to aid the appeal process. The original version can be viewed on Colin Liddell's Substack.

Wrong place, wrong time
In all the heavily emotionalised narratives that the Hamas attack on Israel has caused, the bigger picture has been lost as usual, so I will present it here.
First of all, broadly speaking, there are two kinds of Israeli:
(1) Religious Jews who believe everything is "God's will" and who think that Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories are kinda special. These Jews are not at all eager to serve in the military, they dress funny, and geek out on the Torah and Talmud.
(2) Secular Jews who have a more "rational" view of the world (dependent on IQ). Many of these think that it's probably a good idea for Jews to have their "own country," while some of them believe in fighting for it, and others think this can be achieved by "being liberal and nice" to various other stakeholders, like these gentlemen.
The main recent split in Israel politics is between secular Jews who think that being nice to the Palestinians is the way forward and secular Jews, like Bibi, who think that being nasty to the Palestinians, while also getting the religious Jews onside for demographics and votes, is the way forward.
Now, for secular Jews who think that the existence of a Jewish state is a good idea, the site of the state was always an open question. Before it was founded -- in clearly the wrong place!!! -- many other sites were considered.
For religious Jews, Jerusalem and the "Biblical" lands surrounding it have always been special, but these are exactly the Jews who don't believe in fighting and are quite happy to accept "God's will" even if it means Jew's not getting the "Holy Land" or anything else. For example, the fact that God didn't mind 6 million of them getting "sh***ed" by a failed Austrian painter didn't phase them in the least.
For religious Jews, Jerusalem and the "Biblical" lands surrounding it have always been special, but these are exactly the Jews who don't believe in fighting and are quite happy to accept "God's will" even if it means Jew's not getting the "Holy Land" or anything else. For example, the fact that God didn't mind 6 million of them getting "sh***ed" by a failed Austrian painter didn't phase them in the least.
So, now we start to see the geopolitical absurdity of Israel. The Jews who wanted it in "Palestine" are not too keen on doing the fighting that such a poor real estate decision would require. Meanwhile the ones that were formerly flexible on the location but who are now willing to do some fighting for it regardless of the poor choice of location, are, at best, very divided as to the best strategy.
Here again, broadly speaking, there are two basic positions -- coexistence and harmony with the Palestinians and non-coexistence. Both of these are effectively non-choices that are not included on the menu of reality.
First, co-existence: While some Jews hope at some point to live peacefully in a two state solution, the Palestinians have too much of a grudge now to make that ever workable. A two-state solution would mean ceding territory and control of territory to the point where the state of Israel, which is about the size of Wales already, would be a twisted sliver of land that would be extremely difficult to defend without leaping straight to nukes.
While Armageddon would be fine for the religious Jews, who would merely see it as just another part of "God's Will and loving embrace," it would be a much harder choice for the non-religious Jews.
While Armageddon would be fine for the religious Jews, who would merely see it as just another part of "God's Will and loving embrace," it would be a much harder choice for the non-religious Jews.
Secondly, non-co-existence: This would basically mean massive H*******t-style ethnic cleansing to create a Jewish state with "defensible boundaries".
Some might assume nipping off Gaza and the West Bank would be enough, but this is far from clear, and even this would mean an effective g**ocide / ethnic cleansing of around 5 or 6 million people, not to mention the rather toxifying effect this would have on the approximately 20-25% of Israeli citizens who are Muslim and Christian.
All this points in only one direction: Israel where it is is a geopolitical absurdity. This is why I have always believed it should be relocated to former German territory in Eastern Europe.
Another major world problem solved. Thank me later.
Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).
I see the geopolitical … shall we call it optimism of the British as well as their renowned talent for drawing borders for other peoples is alive and well. Why not a piece of the former Yugoslavia for some proper fireworks?
ReplyDeleteNot sure what your criticisms of the British are here. Once the Jews got into Palestine in large numbers on the back of the GERMAN Holocaust, some sort of messy division was on the cards, and, under pressure from AMERICAN and RUSSIAN anti-colonialism, the UK wasn't exactly encouraged to stick around.