Hezbollah have got a whole warehouse full of angry beardy mullah guys like this one.
After seventy-six years of continuous struggle against all it neighbours, and countless deaths, the putative Jewish state of Israel has finally, at long last, and for all eternity earned the right to exist...for a few years more.
This irrevocable and permanent right to exist on ancient Biblical lands, has been secured, at least for the next few months, by the brilliant victories that Mossad and the IDF have scored over Hezbollah, the main threat to the state of Israel for the last 20-30 years.
After Israel wiped out most of the lower and middle management of the group by simultaneously exploding hundreds of pagers and transistor radios, and then annihilating its top leadership with airstrikes, the total and everlasting right of Israel to exist can no longer be challenged until the end of time, or 4-5 weeks, depending on which comes sooner.
The death of Hezbollah's supreme leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in a bunker-busting missile strike, means that no one will ever again even think of contesting the right of Israel to root itself in the lands formerly occupied by Palestinians...at least for the next few days.
This large hole has become the foundation for the existence of Israel beyond the end of time itself, possibly for the next minute or two.
Every day, there is a shitload of naive, blind, and stupid talk about anti-immigration on the internet. In fact, it has increasingly become like a kind of mental and emotional spam, clogging up the mental and emotional pores of millions of depressed and irritable people. Luckily, most people in the wider world are just too drained by normie considerations to get sucked in, but many aren't. So, for those poor cursed and entrapped souls, here is the low-down on anti-immigration:
"Anti-Immigrationism is just the way "Anti-Immigration" people accept immigration."
Yup, you got that, and I know it hurts, and you are not ready to accept it. You are already reaching for your bag of copes. That'll make everything alright again, at least for a short time. Go for it, bro. It sucks to have your feelz attacked. But let's press on. Yes, Anti-Immigrationism is just the way "Anti-Immigration" people accept immigration.
"Hey, this doesn't even sound logical!" But it is, so that cope is not going to work either. Let me explain the rather simple mechanism: There are several stages to accepting new things. A generally used conventional formulation is:
Denial, Anger, Depression, and Bargaining, followed by Acceptance.
There are other ways to put this. Personally, I think complaining, moaning, kvetching, and signalling play a bigger role, but there you go. Accepting new things, especially things like mass immigration that break our connection to the eternal, is just hard. But ultimately accepting facts on the ground is always going to be easier than not accepting them. As for changing them, now, that's the hardest part -- but who really wants to go there.
With immigration what we inevitably see is the following pattern: moaning with a bit of shrieking, but nothing of real substance happening. Politically, this sometimes transitions into people voting for certain parties or individuals who promise to shut the borders or to even reverse migration. Usually, you need a few migrant outrages, riots, crime waves, etc., to get this started, but often the resilience of the public to such stimuli knows no limits.
In the more extreme cases, some parties or politicians might even get elected on the promise to do "things," and some of those "things" might even get done...a bit, for a time at least.
But there are some things they’re simply NOT going to do. That includes putting real pressure on "reforming demographics." the fundamental problem, as that would cut too much into feminist freedoms and individual choices. God forbid! Don’t piss off the voters FFS!
So, putting all your remaining copes to one side, what does this mean? Well, obviously it means fertility rates staying around 1.5 kids or less per woman in most of the West. That is a 25% or more generation-on-generation depopulation and an eternally shrinking and aging economy. That is, without mass immigration.
At least we're not South Korea, where fertility is now down to 0.8 and a 60% generation-on-generation depopulation, which is why the North (1.8) will win.
NK Ultras: objectively the best Korea
So, without doing anything radical that would instantly piss off the voters and crash the debt-laden economy, what is the solution? -- sorry, what is "the solution”? -- as quotation marks are essential here.
It is to generally allow mass immigration, while either hiding or downplaying it a bit, combined with efforts to "tweak" it a little to make sure the migrants aren't too unpleasant, badly behaved, or alienated. Not to mention the occasional token "hard-line," "anti-immigration" gesture. Remember "Build the Wall" and "Muh Rwanda" anyone?
This kind of fudge approach represents the utilitarian maximum of the "greatest possible happiness for the greatest possible number" with emphasis on "possible." Effectively everybody’s kind of, sort of, but not really happy. But anything else would cause a ruckus.
This, then, will be the pattern of the next 30 or 40 years of politics. To REALLY stop immigration there is only one way -- a wholistic approach enforced with almost North Korean levels of authoritarianism.
This would mean closing the borders and sending the migrants back. But it would mean so much more too. It would mean reforming society drastically to restore fertility to the healthy level of 2.1 kids per woman. A big ask from a crowd of Taylor Swift fans!
The nannying costs of attending Taylor Swift concerts are minimal and falling.
Restoring healthy fertility would take some doing. Either, you would have to recreate a “trad” society in the modern world, with all its inducements to breed. (Imagine what that would look like without LARPing). Or else you would need to literally set up "breeding factories" of some kind, where women were “forcibly” impregnated to some degree. Horrific by our standards!
The most politically acceptable version of a demographically positive future would be a tech solution of using artificial wombs to raise eggs into embryos and human beings. But how does even that -- or any of this -- sound to normies today? Pretty crazy, right? But, guess what, the alternatives -- including the path we are on now -- is immeasurably more extreme and radical.
Conclusion: only a tyrant or a totalitarian system dedicated to the goals of healthy demographics has any chance of survival into the 22nd Century. Anything else will simply be a camp for mass immigration that will eventually run out of populations to import, while also having near zero continuity with its past. In fact, any such society can be guaranteed to virulently hate its past, or, more accurately, its "former host body."
In fact, I think we got there early:
This prognosis includes even scenarios where populist "nationalists" (Trump, Farage, Orban, Meloni, or even Putin) are elected.
This is because populist anti-immigrationism, without a wholistic solution, is simply just the rather odd way that anti-immigration people accept immigration. We have to conclude that secretly they love it.
Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. As there is absolutely zero reward for writing honest content like this, support his work by buying his book here(USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). or by taking out a paid subscription on his Substack.
If you are thinking of buying a Tesla Cybertruck, which retail from around $90,000 in the US, you might want to consider the case of one dissatisfied customer, Ramzan Kadyrov, mass murderer and Putin henchman.
Kadyrov, who is strong on his meme game, recently acquired some Cybertrucks and immediately fitted some of them out with additional armour and machine guns, then sent one to the Ukraine, putting the whole thing on social media. This then led to the vehicle being "mysteriously" disabled.
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has accused Tesla CEO Elon Musk of “remotely disabling” his Cybertruck, which had been sent to the frontline of Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Kadyrov claimed Thursday that the vehicle, which he said had been outfitted with a machine gun and was “performing well in combat,” had been shut down, adding Friday that he had sent two additional Tesla Cybertrucks to the frontline.
Kadyrov claimed that the vehicle was a gift from Musk, something that the Trump-and-Putin-supporting tech billionaire denies:
“What Elon Musk did was not nice. He gives expensive gifts from the heart and then remotely switches them off.”
Whether Kadyrov's claims are literally true or not, this story at least suggests that the technology now exists for Cybertrucks to be remotely monitored and controlled by the company that made them.
Due to micro technology, 5G, and satellite internet constellations like Starlink, it is entirely possible for Tesla and indeed any other major car company to sell you a car and then to monitor exactly how you use it and interfere with it. Kadyrov may not be the most truthful witness, but his story at least exists within the realm of technological capability, and the likelihood and certainty of such things can only increase with time.
Tory Party leadership frontrunner Robert Jenrick has some questions to answer after it was revealed that he has pocketed at least £75,000 of "dark money" from what appears to a chain of shell companies traced back to the British Virgin Islands, a notorious money laundering and tax-avoidance centre.
The Conservative leadership contender Robert Jenrick has accepted £75,000 in donations from an indebted company, which received an undisclosed lump sum from an untraceable BVI-listed entity.
The Spott Fitness has no employees, has never made a profit, and its most recent accounts show it owes £332,000, raising questions about the ultimate source of the funds.
In February this year the company accepted a loan from Centrovalli, a firm based in Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. The amount borrowed has not been declared, but typically these corporate loans are made against assets. In this case, it is unclear what assets the company has.
The documents state that a company called Saffron Group acted as a director for Centrovalli. Saffron Group is a high-end tax specialist that offers services for clients in Switzerland, the BVI, Hong Kong and Israel.
Moshe Freed, one of the principals at Saffron Group’s parent company Intertax, is named as the sole director of a now-defunct firm also called Centrovalli Ltd, which is registered in the UK.
But it's not just the money that is dark. Janrick, who is of Welsh ancestry, has an American Jewish wife who is raising his children in the Jewish tradition, but has recently been campaigning hard on his "English identity."
In recent decades major powers, like Russia, America, and China, and lesser ones, like Israel, the UK, and Iran, have used the doctrine of "Strategic Ambiguity" to maximise the benefits of their perceived military power, while minimising the costs. This ambiguity has created an increasing number of geopolitical grey areas in the World, such as the one that led to the war in the Ukraine and could threaten war over Taiwan. Colin Liddell argues that "Strategic Ambiguity" is essentially dishonest and dangerous, and that the way forward is to create greater clarity over geopolitical grey areas and spheres of influence. Otherwise the alternative is WWIII.
A talk given by Matt Godden at a recent meeting of members of the British Democrat Party, explaining how the Stephen Lawrence case and the subsequent MacPherson Report led to an extreme asymmetry on the way that different groups are policed in the UK, leading to accusations of two-tier policing.
One of my favourite "midwit" Substacks is Noah Opinion. I don't mean "midwit" as a pejorative, by the way. It is certainly a step up from the majority of half-wit or no-wit content, so subscribe here. In fact, the guy writes good economic analysis and is pretty factual in the same slightly disturbing way that AI is factual.
Anyway, right now he is taking a shot at JD Vance for pushing the "Haitians are Eating Our Cats Meme":
"I’m not throwing around the word 'fake' lightly here. What I mean is that the story about Haitians eating pets was a combination of deliberate fabrication and completely baseless stereotype-driven panic. Vance, in particular, appears to have deliberately amplified rumors that he knew were very likely false. When journalists started asking police and local government officials in Springfield about the pet-eating rumors, they found no such incidents. JD Vance, pressed to back up his claims, cited a police report by a woman who claimed that her cat had mysteriously vanished and might have been abducted by her Haitian neighbors. The cat was found in the basement shortly thereafter..."
Yeh, I'm pretty sure this checks out, even though to some it will sound a bit like autistic nit-picking. Noah obviously views JDV as a douchebag. My own view of the guy is still up in the air, although my working hypothesis is not very complimentary.
But what is really going on here at the meta level?
"If you don't let racist people vote for racist things then you don't really believe in democracy." True or False?
The only options I gave people were "True" and "Also True," and -- guess what -- the results 100% aligned, as you would expect them to, although the tick box split was 70/30.
This is a bit how Western Liberal Democracy works. People are not allowed to vote for certain things, and one of the things you are not allowed to vote for the most is anything specifically "racist," like political parties dedicated to preserving the racial character to a nation.
This is something I characterise as the "individual's link with eternity." We all like the fact that, say, a thousand years ago there were people who, despite various superficial differences (like being covered in mud, half-starved, or believing in witchcraft, or maybe even "eating the dogs"!) at least looked like us.
Retrograde demographic continuity is OK but not anterograde
We are also all attached to the idea of such people existing 1000 years henceforward. But this most natural of aspirations is politically denied us in the West and constantly undermined by the way our societies are run.
Of course, there are short-termist, petty economic reasons of social-cohesion for that, but this also creates a wellspring of untapped feeling and sentiment that a skilful politician will find ways to tap. This is essentially what the relatively new phenomenon of Populism is. Trump demonstrated the playbook in 2016 with his "Build the Wall" schtick, and that is what Trump and Vance are doing now with the "Haitians are eating the pets" meme.
By floating these ideas, the populist gives "racist people" (probably the majority) a proxy way to vote for "racist things," or at least to think they are.
The problem here is that it is a proxy, and therefore the thing that people really want is not clearly stated and agreed on with the politicians in question by the "democratic contract" of the election.
Brexit is a good example of how this sort of thing can go wrong. It is well known that very few British people actually wanted to leave Europe. What they did want was an additional barrier against mass non-White immigration from across the Channel.
Yes, British people were quite clearly "racist" and wanting to vote for "racist things" (to use those terms unpejoratively). But they were simply not allowed to -- again for various normie reasons -- so, instead, populism seized on the idea of Brexit, and although it succeeded in removing Britain from Europe, it actually worsened the immigration and identity problem, with Third World immigration to the UK shooting up under the same Tories who secured Brexit.
In fact, that is precisely the reason they lost so badly at the latest UK election. Thanks to this, it is now increasingly hard to think that Britain 1000 years henceforward will be populated by people who physically resemble the majority of the inhabitants today.
In the case of Trump and Vance, the hysteria and proxy "racism" they are whipping up against Haitians may energize the vote and may help them to win, but don't expect such a proxy contract like this, based on sub-racist dogwhistling, to be honoured. Trump is too much of a normie pragmatist to let that happen.
"Racism" won't work unless democracy works, and democracy won't work until "racist" people are allowed to vote directly for "racist" things.
Years of the GOP exploiting sub-racist feelings while flooding the job market with migrant labour shows that there are no backdoors or shortcuts to actually constructing a society based on an "eternal identity."
Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here(USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).
Over the years I have seen and heard everything in the Dissident Right (DR), which I now regard as a defunct and dysfunctional construct. Although it is well past its sell-by-date and in dire need of replacement, it nevertheless retains its slimy grasp on the levers of radical critique.
There are reasons for this but they are not the subject of this essay. Instead, what I want to focus on here is the anti-Semitic tendency in the DR and why it exists.
First of all, Anti-Semitism or what I call the "Grand Semitic Panotheory," is totally wrong. While Jews, individually and collectively, have done "bad things" at various times and places, they are not responsible for all the bad things that are happening to the West (basically <1.5 fertility, mass immigration, and drag queen story hour). OK, maybe the last one!
Despite the essential wrongness of this panotheory, it nevertheless retains an iron grip on DR minds. Why is that? The answer is simple but has a few moving parts, so pay attention.
The key to this conundrum is sociodynamics, which is, cue Wikipedia:
"...the study of the behavior of groups and of the interactions of individual group members, aiming to understand the emergence of complex social behaviors among microorganisms, plants and animals, including humans."
The DR is a social phenomenon. What makes it different, however, is that it is also an anti-social phenomenon.
The people in the DR are the "debris" of the modern West (I am using all these descriptive terms unpejoratively, although it may not seem like it). They are, and many of them will admit this themselves, misfits, loners, failures in various aspects of their lives, etc. Often they are just autistic or asymmetrically talented. You get the picture.
Social lubricant for the frens club
The substance from which the DR is built is thus antisocial people. However, the DR is also paradoxically social. But this socialness is largely an effect of technology.
The past 20 years or so has seen a massive leap in connecting people through technology, more specifically the internet. "A rising tide lifts all boats," as they say, and this wave of technological socialisation has socialised even the anti-social! In fact, it may even have socialised them more, as only the truly antisocial have the time resources to be fully socialised by tech.
The dual anti-social and over-socialised nature of this group of people may well explain its love of "sock names" and avatars. A normally socialised person has little need or inclination to hide behind a fake identity, unless there is a direct reason to do so. But this sort of thing is obviously much more appealing to a technologically over-socialised "anti-social person."
But how does this feed into anti-Semitism? To understand that we have to examine the social dynamics that occur when typical Dissident Righters get together on the internet in chats or streams or Twitter spaces. I have seen the lot. Needless to say, this is far different from a normal, healthy social interaction.
Firstly, almost everyone will be anonymous or cloaked to some degree. Secondly, the mere act of socialisation, even the ersatz one of online interaction, will produce excessive amounts of nervous energy and anxiety. Thirdly, due to the anti-social route that their intellectual development has taken, they will generally be "unique" or "crankish" in their ideas, concepts, or ways of looking at the world. These will also be marinaded more in emotion and psychological reaction, rather than comprising precise data, rigorous logic, and a belief in objective truth.
But none of this necessarily predisposes people to anti-Semitism. What does is the dynamic of the interaction.
Due to the antisocial nature of Dissident Righters and their prior solipsistic development, they are almost guaranteed to disagree about almost everything in a socialised situation. Just listen to any DR livestream that brings together a number of individual Dissident Rightists. They all have their unproven and often unprovable "crackpot" theories on almost anything, including things that have happened just a few days ago.
For example, one will say that the Deep State tried to assassinate Trump -- twice! -- while another will say that Trump arranged his own assassination attempt, either because (a) he's in with the Deep State, or (b) he's fighting the Deep State, etc., etc.
Endless extraneous speculation presented as fact and unfounded, unverifiable hair-splitting is the inevitable result of this, with everybody diverging and getting on each other's tits. Constant disagreement and reversion back into anti-socialness is the natural outcome. But there is a way in which this can be prevented, namely to find something that all parties concerned can loosely agree on, or at least pay lip service too.
The thing that serves this function best is Anti-Semitism, and its simulacrums, which include hatred for "evil elites," "bankers," "globalists," George Soros, or even "lizard people."
But why does Anti-Semitism serve this apparently unifying function? There are two obvious reasons: one is that it is nebulous enough, and two is that it provides a convenient "common enemy" to a group of people who would otherwise be in a state of enmity with each other.
Also, Anti-Semitism comes in all shapes and size, and levels of irony, and just the right amount can be applied to keep almost any discordant bunch of people together. You can even criticise the Nazis and the horrors they perpetrated, while still pointing at "too many Jews" in the Hollywood or banking. Or you might just say that Israel is a "criminal state," or gets "too much attention" on the news, etc.
The nature of the Grand Semitic Panotheory also means that you can link Jews to almost anything, from "running" the porn industry to being the "hidden hand" supposedly controlling the British Royal family -- all the while adding that they're either in it for (a) immediate gain, (b) long-term economic or political control, or (c) something much more sinister.
Don't expect people whose intellectual development has been driven by solipsistic emotions to be able to question or vet much of this. The only modulating influence will be in each group collectively deciding the correct amplitude of Anti-Semitism to keep the party going. In some DR groups they might be ready for the "hard stuff," the real "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and "Hitler was right" stuff, while in other groups it might be the low-calorie, more plausible Anti-Semitic pop, "Israel is using the United States" or something like this:
It is the very versatility of Anti-Semitism that means it can fix and fill any crevice and crack between all the "crackpots" who make up the DR. It is an effective emollient and lubricant, helping these generally shy, awkward, and argumentative individuals to all rub along together and enjoy, at least for a time, the warm, sweaty embrace of socialisation.
Instead of Dissident Rightists evolving their critique through a healthy clash of ideas and the elimination of contradictions and falsehoods, they reach a lazier synthesis through consensus on a fake idea that maintains their transient camaraderie.
Unfortunately, these pointless social clusters then end up blocking the doorway and corridor down which healthy critique and dissidence has to travel.
Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here(USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).
This is about the largest money-laundering casino on US soil that ever existed and its deep connections to Bitfinex/Tether, FTX, Donald Trump, US elections, Russia, Wirecard, intelligence agencies and the most powerful/dangerous gangster in the world: Semion Mogilevich.
In 2014 the largest Bitcoin exchange at the time, Mt Gox, went bankrupt after having lost 744,408 Bitcoin in a theft by two Russians. Alexander Vinnik pleaded guilty to laundering $9bn. His exchange BTC-e (WEX) is now controlled by Konstantin Malofeev of the Russian security agency FSB.
Vinnik has ties to FSB-linked Semion Mogilevich, “the boss of all bosses” of the Russian mafia, whose crime organization has immense global power and reach, and is connected to intelligence agencies and politicians around the world. He has made alliances with Italian, Chinese & Japanese organised crime groups.
Mogilevich is the preeminent money launderer of his generation and traffics in weapons, narcotics, oil, etc. He pulled off a $5bn Czech fuel tax fraud, a $150m US stock scam (YBM Magnex), laundering $10bn through the Bank of New York. He employs PhDs and the North-Korean-linked Lazarus hacker group.
By 2001, $70 billion had already been laundered through Nauru alone, a tiny Pacific island. Mogilevich was put on the FBI "Top 10 Most Wanted List" but was later removed and former FBI director William Sessions became his lawyer. He allegedly made a deal with the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German Federal Intelligence Service) and is close to Putin.
One party that wanted to save Mt Gox was Sunlot Holdings, a group centred around Brock Pierce and John Betts. Sunlot was incorporated in Cyprus, a country described as "a Russian bank with dirty money posing as an EU state." When Cyprus was bailed out in 2013 the Bitcoin price surged 178%.
Brock Pierce is at the base of many crypto companies, being the co-founder of Tether, BlockOne & Blockchain Capital (which funded Coinbase, Bancor, BitGo, Blockstream). Pierce’s company IGE acquired Gamecliff from Brendan Blumer in 2005 and they later became co-founders of BlockOne.
Steve Bannon joined IGE in 2005 and got venture capital and Goldman Sachs to invest $60m. Breitbart was indirectly connected to Sunlot and via Jonathan Curshen (jailed for 20 years for stock fraud), Bannon also has ties to Mogilevich. Bannon’s associate Guo Wengui AKA Miles Guo is implicated in a $1 billion (crypto) scam.
Sunlot Holdings’ advisor was former FBI director Louis Freeh, the first FBI director to go to Russia in 1994. In the 90s he also set up the first International Law Enforcement Academy in Hungary and met Viktor Orbán, who Mogilevich seems to have ‘compromised’ via Dietmar Clodo when he lived in Hungary.
After the FBI, Freeh started a consultancy firm called FSS with Stanley Sporkin (who used to work for the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the CIA) and Eugene Sullivan, a judge and former general counsel of the ultra-secret National Reconnaissance Office. They worked with William Sessions at Gavel Consulting.
In 2014, the year of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, the first stablecoin Tether was launched by Brock Pierce & Co. When Tether faced banking issues in 2017, they moved their money to Noble Bank, founded by Pierce & Betts. Freeh’s colleague Eugene Sullivan was on Noble Bank’s board.
In 2018 it was again Louis Freeh who wrote Tether’s attestation report on behalf of Freeh's consultancy firm FSS. 2014 was also the year that a casino was built in Saipan by Imperial Pacific, which on paper was "the most successful gambling operation in history" handling more than $2 billion a month in bets.
This casino had very prominent advisors and board members who were also associated with Tether. Indeed, Louis Freeh & Eugene Sullivan, but also former CIA director James Woolsey and Haley Barbour, whose clients Mikhail Fridman and Dmytro Firtash are suspected frontmen for Mogilevich.
Both Woolsey (implicated in a $1 billion green energy scam) and Sessions were part of GlobalOptions Inc, a "private front for the CIA/FBI" run by former secret agent Neil Livingstone. Barbour connected his client Firtash to Livingstone who tried to negotiate a very sensitive “Project M” (=Mogilevich) with the US Department of Justice.
Freeh also represented many clients with ties to Mogilevich, e.g. Fridman, Prevezon (Pyotr and Denis Katsyv) and Andy Khawaja’s Allied Wallet, a client of Wirecard, where Firtash and German and Russian intelligence operatives had accounts. Wirecard’s COO Jan Marsalek was a Russian spy.
Freeh was also implicated in the Mueller report for ties to Russian organized crime. Journalist Adam Levine confirmed that Bitfinex had a "banking relationship" in Macau where Imperial Pacific has its fraudulent origins and three Portuguese banks linked to Bitfinex’s shadow bank were active.
Casinos allow dark money to go from one party to another, using gambling as a cover. Donald Trump once received a "loan" from his father in that way, and more recently received donations via Imperial Pacific. Mark Brown headed Trump’s Saipan’s casinos and worked in Macau for Steve Wynn, a client of Freeh.
Trump has deep ties to Mogilevich, for example via Felix Sater and Bayrock, via a Russian gambling ring run out of Trump Tower and via 1,300 real estate transactions that were all cash purchases made by anonymous Russian-mobster linked shell companies. CraigUnger wrote a book about it.
Michael Milken invented the junk bonds that were used to buy out Las Vegas’s mob-owned casinos by people like Trump and Wynn, initiating the $160 billion Savings & Loans scandal, which was a conspiracy between corrupt politicians and businessmen, organized crime, and intelligence agencies.
Bannon was involved in meetings between CIA-tied Erik Prince and George Nader to influence the 2016 US elections on behalf of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, with Putin’s approval and with Kirill Dmitriev to establish a backchannel between the Trump administration and the Kremlin (see the Seychelles meeting). Andy Khawaja claims the 2016 elections were bought by the UAE and the Saudis with more than $100m of donations to Trump. Others corroborate his story. Nader (now jailed) wanted to use Khawaja’s payment engine, but found an alternative. Dmitriev (ex-Goldman Sachs) is close to Alisher Usmanov.
Mogilevich is also close to Usmanov, who co-founded DST Global with Yuri Milner, a venture capital firm that invested in many US companies (Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb). DST’s team came almost entirely from its proxy, Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs and Jared Kushner's Cadre served as DST's funding vehicle.
Peter Thiel started to invest in bitcoin in 2014. He also backed Cadre and is close to DST. Palantir was funded by the CIA's venture capital arm In-Q-Tel. Palantir and Bannon were involved in the FaceBook-Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal. CA’s largest shareholder was Vincent Tchenguiz, Firtash’s partner. Thiel worked at CIA-linked Sullivan & Cromwell (S&C), the law firm of FTX, Goldman Sachs & DST.
S&C is accused of having co-conspired in the FTX fraud, for example, via Ryne Miller who worked for FTX & S&C. S&C sold FTX’s assets at big discounts to Novogratz’ Galaxy Digital, another S&C client.
Bitfinex issued their LEO token on 8th May, 2019, the same day that FTX was founded, resulting in a $1 billion bailout by Galaxy-and-Thiel-backed BlockOne & FTX. BlockOne and Bitfinex share a founder (Pierce) and FTX and Bitfinex shared a bank (Deltec). Deltec granted FTX a $2bn credit line.
FTX & Binance (via crypto trading firm Cumberland) were the largest recipients of Tether, which serves as (Russia’s) money-laundering vehicle. Research shows Tether and the bitcoin price are correlated. Wirecard was a card issuer for crypto firms and when Wirecard went down, Tether started to ramp up.
Christopher Bauer died aged 44 under suspicious circumstances in the Philippines. He was Wirecard’s contact for the late Boris Berezovsky and Badri Patarkatsishvili. Both are mentioned in Heidi Blake's book "From Russia with Blood," covering fourteen Russian-linked deaths on UK soil.
Russia and other authoritarian regimes have been able to undermine democracies by buying influence in Western countries (via venture capital funds, hedge funds, real estate, etc), often via opaque constructions with the help of elite lawyers, lobbyists, bankers & shadowy businessmen, who all benefited.
Crime groups and private mercenaries are used to influence elections, destabilize and loot countries, and fund covert operations to pursue and protect political and national security interests. Putin had used the German company SPAG to launder the narco money from the Columbian Cali Cartel via Mogilevich et al.
The CIA also made many alliances with drug lords and crime groups, a market worth trillions a year. Wall Street, Big Tech & the US Military-Industrial Complex, which are deeply intertwined, are engines of the debt-ridden US economy and key to protect the US dollar as reserve currency.
Crypto is part of this (geo)political battle. Mogilevich’s biggest nemesis, the late FBI agent Bob Levinson, warned about the dangerous gangsters that his former bosses (Freeh & Sessions) later started to ‘protect’ & features in a documentary ("The Billion Dollar Don") with Mogilevich’s only ever interview.
Originally published as a Twitter thread. Some minor editing.
Richard Spencer, the internet personality, former Russian asset, andcotton millionaire (once his Mum dies), has shocked his followers by admitting that he only ever watches gay porn.
The shocking revelations came in a livestream Spencer held with a select group of his "pay-pigs" that later surfaced on YouTube:
In the audio, Spencer can clearly be heard saying the following:
"If you see porn now, it's all gay porn. I mean wherever I go, it's gay this, gay men doing this. Is there any hetero porn out there? I haven't seen it."
According to ChatGPT, "adult websites indicate that gay content accounts for approximately 5-15% of their total views or content offerings," so it is extremely unlikely that Spencer would randomly encounter gay porn everywhere he went, unless he was specifically seeking it out or hanging round with lots of gay men.
Of course, this does not mean that Spencer is actually gay. There might be completely innocent reasons for hanging around with lots of gay men while exclusively watching videos of naked dudes exploring each other's bodies and vulnerabilities. I just can't think of any.
In yet another desperate attempt by all White people everywhere to be "special," a White person wanting to be special in America, has wandered onto Donald Trump's golf course with a gun, hoping to shoot the Presidential hopeful.
The White Person in question, who has a long, unsuccessful history of trying to be special, was prevented from doing something extra special by some boring nobodies who were just doing their jobs -- although some of them possibly get up to some pretty weird shit on their time off. As for me, I collect stamps.
This latest desperate and radical attempt by White people to be special follows another such attempt by another White person, who recently forced the World's media to pay attention to his silly antics by carrying out a ridiculous space walk.
This dumb and possibly self-destructive behaviour came hot on the heels of yet another White person trying too hard to be special. In this case, a White person in Belarus pumped himself up with steroids so much in an attempt to be "unique and interesting" to the point where he simply exploded into a giant puddle of steaming proteins.
Often this desperate need of all White people everywhere to "stand out a bit" can be channelled into relatively harmless areas, like weird food fads, such as drinking raw milk infected with botulism, or getting an embarrassing tattoo that later causes easily-treated necrosis, but more often than not it can prove deadly or at least tedious.
Scientists studying the phenomenon have blamed a mysterious condition called "the Faustian Spirit," which seems to afflict White people, for this malaise. While others have linked it to the period of extreme boredom caused by the Chinese-leaked coronavirus and the resulting lockdown.
Whatever the cause of this malady, keep a vigilant lookout for it. If you see any White people trying to be special, immediately tell them to calm down and remind them that their chances of being truly special are actually less than winning the lottery or being hit by lighting.
Also point out the subtle joys and slow rewards of being a drab member of the undifferentiated mass of dull humanity.
YouTuber Wyvern The Terrible comments on the Dissident Right's connection with weird diet and health advice, mixed with "performative masculinity," all geared to promote unhealthy "para-social" engagement. He focuses on Raw Egg Nationalist and his promotion of raw milk drinking (minimal nutritional gains for enormous health risks).
Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Kenya's President William Ruto have signed a deal in Berlin to allow in skilled and semi-skilled Kenyan workers into Germany. A number of 250,000 was initially mentioned but has now been disavowed.
The labour deal was signed in Berlin by Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Kenya's President William Ruto. Germany agreed to ease some of its immigration laws to enable Kenyans to find employment in Europe's biggest economy. Authorities in Berlin will also consider extending temporary residence permits for Kenyan workers who have secured an approved job. Kenyans will also be issued with long-term visas to study or do vocational training in Germany.
"On the expiry of the long-stay visa, Kenyans may receive a temporary residence permit for study purposes in Germany for up to two years," the agreement states. The temporary residence permit may be extended if the purpose of residence has not yet been achieved but is achievable within a "reasonable" period, it adds. According to the deal, IT specialists from Kenya will be allowed to enter and work in Germany, even if they do not have formal qualifications.
Both governments will support the immigration of skilled workers who have finished vocational training or earned a university degree, as long as their qualifications are recognised by the relevant authorities of the other party.
The agreement will also simplify the repatriation of Kenyans who are in Germany without legal permission.
In addition to tech workers, examples of the work the Kenyans will be doing mentioned in the article include bus drivers, doctors, nurses, and teachers.
Following setbacks in regional elections, the German government had recently signalled towards a stronger stance on immigration. This migrant labour deal seems to contradict that. But it should also be noted that what Germany is trying to implement here is low-social-impact "managed migration" on a supposedly temporary basis for the purpose of filling gaps in the labour market.
In this respect, it has some similarities with the "Dubai Model" of mass migration, whereby Third Worlders are essentially brought into a country to relieve the natives of the bother of having to get out of bed in the morning to do a full day's work.
Inevitably, this news item will be weaponised to paint a polarising picture of the Western nations as "ZOG-controlled" dupes undergoing a concerted plan of racial replacement. Our advise to Germans who don't like this labour deal is to stay calm, avoid Kremlin brain hacking, and vote for the AfD.
How could they not want to fuck each other senseless?
It is widely acknowledged that there are few women more beautiful, alluring, or spell-binding than Laura Loomer. Not only is she Jewish, but she is also far-right, a combination that would make any man go weak at the knees.
Now, in the wake of Catgate, the whole world is asking the question, has she won the heart of the next President of the free world, Donald Trump?
The pair were seen to be "intimate" recently at an event held in New York to celebrate the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. The couple could barely keep their hands off each other, as the lenses of the assembled paparazzi clicked and flashed.
Loomer is a well-known MAGA superfan whose love of "The Donald" is only equalled by her love of Q-tard conspiracy theories; while Trump is known to have attracted the ire of his steely Slovakian bride and former First Lady Melania, who refuses to be seen in public with him and, according to unsourced gossip on the internet, rejects his fumbling embraces in the bedroom.
There is even speculation that Loomer could fill the First Lady slot in a future Trump Presidency. So, is Trump now a "Loomer coomer," enjoying the hot, sensual embraces of this most passionate of women, and is she as crazy between the sheets as she is in the streets?
According to the Daily Telegraph, a man of Pakistani background, Ehsan Hussain, has been charged with stirring up racial hatred against his own people:
An Asian man used the fake name Chris Nolan on social media to stir up racial hatred in Birmingham during the summer riots, saying: “We need to take back what’s ours.” Ehsan Hussain, 25, used the name to post messages calling for disorder during disorder that spread across Britain.
The messages appeared on a Telegram chat group called “Southport Wake Up”, which had more than 12,000 members. Screenshots of the messages, obtained by police, show Hussain urging people to “conquer Alum Rock”, a predominantly Muslim neighbourhood, saying: “Sick of these smelly scumbags”.
Other racist messages, Hussain’s contribution to a conversation he had with two other users, included: “We’ve got a Blues match on Saturday; we can do a part 2 on Saturday get these p--- scums out.” He also wrote: “Birmingham first! We need to take back whats ours” and “we doing p--- bashing”.
None of this makes any kind of sense unless you assume that Hussain is either insane, or that he was doing this as part of a paid operation.
As is already well documented, the recent riots in the UK were essentially triggered by Russian-aligned influencers on social media.
+++Update+++18th Sept+++Update+++
Subsequent stories suggest that Hussain was attempting to lure White rioters into an ambush.