

Sunday, June 30, 2024


Despite leading his Tory rivals by 20 points in the opinion polls, Keir Starmer isn't becoming complacent. The Labour Party leader, who is set to become Prime Minister on 4th July, still thinks he can lose. In fact, the robot-voiced politician is working harder than ever to appeal to voters who opted for Brexit and Boris Johnson in 2019 by offering them some electoral "red meat." Literally!

Among the more controversial proposals launched by the Labour leader in the last few days of the election are cage fights between the "vulnerable members of society" forced to use food banks.

It is believed this initiative will not only appeal to working class voters thinking of voting for Nigel Farage's "racist" Reform UK Party, but could also help Starmer to finally put "blue water" between himself and his "loony left" predecessor as Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. 

Although the details are still being worked out, the "cage fight" plan would be for food bank applicants to be locked in cages and forced to engage in old fashioned fisticuffs to decide who gets the dented cans of beans, past-its-sell-by-date pasta, and other items donated by members of the public to enable welfare recipients to spend more of their dole money on booze, drugs, and new tattoos.

The matches, which would be fought to the death, would also lead to savings on welfare and prison budgets, while the income generated by selling TV rights to Sky Sport could fund cuts in NHS waiting lists for transgender operations and gut by-pass surgery. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024



As Britain's general election enters its final days, the competition to sway floating voters is heating up. In the latest attempt to woo electors, Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey has taken an innocent llama called "Izz Llamaphobia" hostage and is threatening to garrot it live on social media if people fail to vote in "hard-line" Lib-Dem candidates up and down the country.

"Vote Lib-Dem or Izzy gets it," the callous leader of the Lib-Dems told shocked reporters, who were hoping instead 
to write a "feel good" story about how Ed Davey is the "principal carer" for his disabled son or something.

The innovative, cameloid-based electoral strategy is believed to have been cooked up by Lib-Dem electoral strategists as a last-ditch effort to prevent a Labour landslide on July 4th. 

Friday, June 28, 2024


The "economic model" you have to push to win over the boomers

People hate politics and politicians because the inputs are voter "feels," but the outputs are economic "facts that don't give the proverbial fuck about your dumbass feelings."

We even see this process with successful "anti-politicians" like Donald Trump, who is now a little closer to becoming America's first "President from jail" thanks to Biden's team mixing up his pep pills with his tranquilisers.

Just like a normal politician, Trump is running his campaign on "feels," and the "feels" point to him shitting on migrants and giving US boomers an external enemy to hate that isn't Russia.

The enemy of choice for Trump is China. This doesn't mean he has anything against China, or would actually do anything more than the few tariffs he imposed on Chinese trade in his first term. Framing China as the enemy is just convenient for him.

But why isn't it convenient for Trump to frame the actual international bad guy -- i.e. Russia -- as the enemy? There are a number of possible reasons. He may be a fan or acolyte of Vladimir Putin, or else it might be because the anti-Putin spot is already overfilled, and Trump feels he has to offer something different from the rest of the American political establishment. Or it might be that Sinophobia is just something that plays better with Trump's target audience of "sub-racist" boomers suffering from what can be described as "boomer fragility." 

Trump's weapon of choice are tariffs or, more accurately, talking about them. This has the added bonus of implying a "return" to an older version of America, one with all those old-fashioned, high-paying manufacturing jobs conveniently re-shored. This plays well in certain rustbelt states that Trump needs to win in November against whoever the Democrats parachute in at the last moment to replace a foundering Biden.

But the reality is, however, that Trump's economic plans, if acted upon, would lead to severe economic pain for many Americans. In fact, the only way that tariffs would restore America to a 1950s-style manufacturing economy would be if they were extended to every other country in the world, not just China. But actually following through on his tariff talk would be a virtual death sentence for the American economy. 

A Moody’s forecast based on Trump’s long-standing plan to impose a 10% tariff on all imports and 60% on goods from China would see the average America family paying $1,700 more a year in higher prices. That doesn't sound too bad, but Trump is also talking about an "all tariffs policy," with import duties fully replacing income tax. 

This is fine from the point of view of abolishing onerous income tax, but given how much the Federal government takes in tax, placing this on import duty would destroy the profit margin of all companies exporting to America, which would then pass it on to the American consumer, etc., etc. The end game of all this would be that Americans would actually have to do their own manufacturing, meaning they would have to work closer to the conditions and pay of people in China and other exporters to the USA, or else pay through the nose. Either way they are fucked!
The "economic model" you have to go with after the boomers have voted

What this blowhard tariff talk fails to realise is that already America has an extremely successful economic model, whereby it exports debt (in the form of its essentially valueless fiat currency) in return for importing unemployment (in the guise of cheap imported goods and being much less of a manufacturing country) but on extremely favourable terms that allow it to have a cushy lifestyle.

Viewed more basically, the situation is that the world makes America's stuff for it and allows America to balance the books with mythologised pieces or paper, backed by the additional paper tiger of a US military that is essentially useless as it is afraid to bleed. America's current apparent "military strength" is predicated on the fact that Ukrainians are prepared to bleed for it. 

Trump on the election trail

Trump's declared economic policies (and to a lesser extent Biden's) with their talk of tariffs and "protecting blue collar America" actually threaten the cosy deal that America has with the rest of the World. 

America has to embrace and become what it truly is -- a kind of glorified global parasite with a massive welfare-consumer class, run by a tiny clique of canny bankers, backed up by the spearpoint of a ruthless Prussian warrior caste.

Right now several pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are missing -- its military needs to develop the capacity to bleed as well as to shed blood, it has to respect its noble bankers, and it has to give up unrealistic LARPy notions about being some blue collar paradise. The Village People used that as a gay disco act in the 1970s. 

But, don't worry too much. Trump is just feeding the "feels."

If he wins, like any politician, he will wake up on post-election day and immediately start genuflecting to the economic realities of America, which involve China continuing to make its stuff and a vast "undocumented" migrant army continuing to service its massive welfare-consumer class of boomers and other misfits. 

Trump, Biden, whoever, when not on the election trail


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


A conventional and rather time-worn critique of British politics is that the two main parties are just two cheeks of the same arse. This is meant to get you thinking about third party options, by which is seldom meant the "official third Party" the Liberal Democrats. No, the two cheeks meme is there to get you thinking about radical alternatives to the "uniparty" status quo, parties like the BNP in the old days and Reform UK more recently. 

But is Reform UK really an alternative to the the arse that is British politics or is it perhaps something even worse?

Our belief here at Neocrat is that any political vehicle Nigel Farage is associated with should be treated with the utmost suspicion. This is based upon several red flags that strongly suggest Farage is at least a fellow traveller of the Kremlin. The Kremlin, by the way, in case anybody doesn't know by now, is essentially a morally vacuous gangster state whose only interest in the West is how to weaken and destabilise it, often by playing upon our inherent flaws and weaknesses of which there are great many. Playing upon our weaknesses for geopolitical gain is never to be confused with "offering solutions," which is how a great many useful idiots view this Kremlin input.

So, back to Farage, what are the main red flags that point to him being aligned with this malign influence?


It has probably been forgotten by almost everybody, but back in 2013, Nigel Farage, the supposed opponent of Muslim immigration and Islamism was actually calling for the UK government to admit millions of jihadi Muslims from Syria. A Guardian article at the time reported:

"Nigel Farage is calling on the government to start admitting refugees fleeing the fighting in Syria into Britain.

The Ukip leader, who has been at the forefront of the opposition to allowing migrants from Bulgaria and Romania unfettered access to the UK, said the position of those displaced by conflict was very different.

'I think refugees are a very different thing to economic migration and I think that this country should honour the spirit of the 1951 declaration on refugee status that was agreed,' he told BBC News. 'It was agreed with the UN and even through the European court, which sadly has changed its role. But the original ideas of defining what a refugee is were good ones. I think actually there is a responsibility on all of us in the free west to try and help some of those people in Syria fleeing literally in fear of their lives.'

Even a lot of idiots in the Dissident Right who hang on Farage's every word seem to be ignorant of this extremely odd statement. What could possibly explain it? It simply doesn't make sense unless viewed from the viewpoint of someone working for the Kremlin.

At the time Putin's ally President Assad of Syria was in danger of being overthrown by a post-Arab Spring civil war and the prospect of "humanitarian" western intervention. One way to ensure Assad's survival would be to take the pressure off by allowing Syrian Muslims fighters and their families to escape to the West, something that would have deflated the opposition forces. In fact a similar effect was achieved the next year in 2014 when German Chancellor Angel Merkel allowed a flood of Syrian migrants from the jihadi part of the county to flood into Europe.

The sort of move advocated and then enacted by Merkel would also have the additional benefit of creating a a situation in Western countries leading to further destabilisation -- a definite win-win for the Kremlin!


Someone somewhere must have data on the number of appearances by Farage on Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today, but it was certainly in the dozens if not hundreds, and Farage was paid a considerable but still unclear amount of money for this.

In 2013 Farage also met the Russian ambassador, Alexander Yakovenko, who we know was part of Kremlin ops to disrupt the West. F
arage later made a habit of denying this ever happened despite Photographic evidence.

In June 2018 he claimed “I’ve never met the Russian Ambassador.” Did he mean that he had actually met
Yakovenko in his "non-diplomatic" role as Kremlin spy master, and, if so, why?  

Farage meeting the Russian "ambassador" at the Russian "embassy" 


In 2015, FSB agent and former KGB agent Alexander Udod invited Aaron Banks, then UKIP’s biggest backer, to meet Russian Ambassador Yakovenko at his London residence. Cosy!

Udod was later expelled, along with 23 other Russian officials, after the Skripal Novichok poisonings. Court documents tell us that  Banks went on to meet Ambassador (or Kremlin spy-in-chief) Yakovenko on many other occasions, during which they reportedly discussed deals involving the privatisation of Russian gold and diamond state companies, and probably much else. 

Banks was the key "bag man" for Farage, donating £8 million to Farage’s "Leave EU" campaign, while also directly funding Farage with a £4.4 million rented home, a luxury car, a bodyguard, a private office, and trips to the United States. And that's just the stuff that's out in the open. 

Aaron Banks, dodgy looking little cunt


The main details of the Russian hacking of the emails of John Podesta, chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, are profuse, complex, but also rather well established. Less well known is how Farage had a ringside seat at the whole thing. 

As reported by the Guardian, sometime between the 18th and 21st of July, 2016, around the time of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland that nominated Trump as the GOP candidate, Farage had a secret dinner with Roger Stone and the Infowars host Alex Jones.

Stone was playing a key role at the time in liaising between Trump and the Russians and Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks site was also a key component of the Kremlin's "October surprise" to disrupt Clinton's campaign.

At the time Assange was holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and difficult to reach. A federal indictment against Stone records:

“On or about October 3, 2016, Stone wrote to a supporter involved with the Trump Campaign, ‘spoke to my friend in London last night. The payload is still coming.’” 

It seems likely that Farage was the link man, paying unexplained visits to the  Ecuadorian Embassy. 

Farage exiting the Ecuadorian embassy after visiting Julian Assange.

It is rather odd that "British nationalist" Nigel Farage would be visiting the Ecuadorian embassy merely to console and show support for someone who was earlier also instrumental in doxxing the personal details of thousands of British nationalists, something else that is today routinely forgotten.


Central to the relative success of Nigel Farage's Reform UK insurgency is the GB News channel, which has enabled him to maintain his media profile since Russia Today was banned from the airwaves.

GB News
is effectively Russia Today 2.0, playing similar points to a similar audience, seeking to polarise and disrupt the British infospace and political arena. Here at Neokrat we have already drawn attention to the dubious "dark money" funding of this highly suspicious channel, which comes from a former business associate of Vladimir Putin, who is based in the "dark money" capital of Dubai.

This channel, which loses around £30 million a year, is essentially an expendable asset that will be burnt through in the next few months in the attempt to support Farage's insurgency, disrupt the Conservative Party, and this indirectly support the Kremlin's attempt kill and enslave millions of our fellow Europeans for its morally vacuous gangster economy.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Matt gives you this look on social media, how do you open?

Matt Goodwin is a pretty successful alternative "right wing" politics dude, who has got that whole catty, sub-masculine Dissident-Right-to-Mainstream-Right grift going on well. He pops up on quite a few sub-mainstream podcasts and even TV programs (some of them on GB News), and always has a few pieces of readymade spiel (and a book to sell, of course).

His "success," like that of most "successful" (soft) dissident righters, is entirely financial, as he is having zero effect on the political ecosystem. Britain is about to by-pass Nigel Farage's "Reform UK" on the way to giving Labour a massive pro-woke majority.

Nevertheless, it seems there is an entirely good living to be made by being an ineffectual Diss-Righter, as long as you don't use the N-word or "go full Nazi," either in person or through association, and stay on social media 24-7 having sub-gay parasocial relationships with your paypig audience. But analysing the World correctly or changing it in a positive direction is another thing altogether. 

The following thankfully concise YouTube video gives a relatively representative sample of his "schtick":

So, what is Goodwin's main analysis here? It is that people are not voting Tory this year because they feel "disconnected" from "the elites," but that Labour voters are voting because they don't really mind the elites.

OK, maybe... 

Then there is the nub of Goodwin's system -- the reason 2019 Tory voters are not voting Tory this year is because "the elites" believe in "wokeism" as an alternative form of "social signalling," and this makes them hate and despise average White people (wypipo).

This is a common idea, almost a shibboleth, in the Dissident Right, and has a long track record, running all the way back to the original Alt-Right, which I happened to help found, back in the day. In fact, I can distinctly remember Mike Enoch and his gang of proto-Nazis pushing this bilge at The Right Stuff just when it was starting out. I wouldn't be surprised if it ultimately traces all the way back to some KGB laboratory.

The idea, such as it is, is that rich people in the West got bored of showing how fancy they were by knowing about expensive wines, shitty modern art, or by wearing the right combination of polo and yachting gear, and instead switched to showing who is more into transgender rights and Black empowerment to show how "truly upper class" they were. 

I never bought into this idea, as it is exactly how it sounds, a big, steaming pile of psycho-intellectual horse manure. 

Goodwin reinforces this analytical turd with an adjacent piece of garbage, namely, that the elites are free to indulge is this sort of esoteric values wankery because the consequences are, ahem, not felt by them.

Needless to say, this is pure catnip for the class of emotionally incontinent, midwit, loser boomers and naïve incel zoomers, wallowing in their non-comprehending "poor wittle wypipo" victimhood. 

The rich and the elites, let me tell you, are less effected by almost anything than "the Poors." Inflation, for example, is pretty harsh on "the Poors" but has almost no effect on the lifestyles of the rich.

Are we to conclude therefore that the rich believe in hyperinflationary policies? Of course not.

The fact is that rich people and the elites live in the same society as the rest of you, and if that society is becoming a dysfunctional Third World shithole, it will impact on them, although not quite as sharply as on 2019 Red Wall Tory voters.

For a deeper analysis of why elite opinion seems to be aligned with wokery, ignore Matt Goodwin's emotionally pandering and plausible bullshit and read these articles that I prepared earlier:



Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

Friday, June 21, 2024


"Bring out your dead": how the average British voter feels

It may have escaped your notice (or not), but there is a general election underway in the UK. Apparently, the Tories have "been in power too long" and it's now "time for change," but a change that will ensure "stability," whatever that means. 

Britain, we are told, is also a country in "terminal decline." Whether it is or isn't, is not really clear, but most voters seem to think so, and they don't necessarily think that a Labour government, leading by 20 points in the polls, will make any difference to that. There is a general sense of malaise and pessimism, and the vibe in general is kind of low energy and borderline psychotic.  

This mood has also been apparent in attitude surveys for some time, with concerns that it could provide a fertile "breeding ground" for anti-establishment populism. 

An Ipsos poll published back in February made these points:

"Over two thirds in Britain (68%) say the country is in decline, above the 28-country average of 58% in our latest survey. It also marks a sharp increase since 2021 when only 48%, but still a plurality, agreed that the country was in decline. 

This pessimism comes against a backdrop of widespread anti-system sentiment. Seven in 10 (70%) of Britons agree the economy is rigged to advantage the rich and powerful, and 66% say traditional parties and politicians don’t care about people like them, while 71% say the political and economic elite don't care about hard-working people, same as in 2022, but up from 63% in 2021."

Pretty scary, huh?

So, is Britain really a semi-feudal, fat-cat oligarchy, where the poor, oppressed "average Joe" routinely gets fucked with a large shitty stick against a Hieronymus-Bosch-like backdrop of social disintegration and chaos?

It's not difficult to find evidence for "decline," but, then, it's never difficult to find evidence for anything nowadays. Focus on a rundown, derelict area, and you can say the country is being crushed by poverty and the imminent advent of the Goths. Alternatively, look at a well run affluent neighbourhood and you can say things have never been better.

A common indicator of decline that is often cited by the doomsters is the s0-called "Death of the High Street." This is not some bubonic-plague-like infestation that is blighting once cheery communities. It is simply once cheery communities deciding to do their shopping in American-style drive-in retail parks or online. My guess is that, due to this increased retail efficiency, people are probably buying even more junk/cool stuff than they were before! 

Small, shit shops being forced out of business by better retail
 options (this is probably how the Roman Empire fell)

The objective data on the economy overall, generally suggests that things are gradually ticking upwards, or, at worst, have been a bit stagnant of late. But there is also a massive problem with the way that data is collected. The baselines are never the same. For example, one major trend, partly exacerbated by Covid, is that a lot fewer Brits are active in the workforce than before. They are living off savings/ investments, on welfare, or are only partially employed. All these options enable people to live relatively decent lives in the UK. Also, there are simply a lot more old and retired people than ever before.

When we're talking about stagnant or falling living standards, we may well be talking about somebody who is now getting almost as much as they were before, but is choosing to sit on their arse all day and do whatever they want, compared to somebody who was getting a slightly plumper pay packet, but was working themselves into an early grave.

How can they survive? 

Also, because Brits are taking life a lot easier than ever before due to laziness or old age, the country has brought in an increasingly large -- and, since Brexit, hard to disguise -- migrant workforce. Most of this has been done dishonestly, with hundreds of thousands of so-called "student" or "health worker" visas, who then end up working as Deliveroo drivers etc. These people, who provide business with cheap labour, also end up in the statistics of so-called "stagnant living standards," pushing down the average. Although the truth is that they are essentially external to the thing being measured.

My estimate is that the standard of living of the actual British population, isolated from statistical interference from recent migrants, has never been better or easier. It has never been easier to be a rich person, a middle class person, or a poor person in Britain than it is today. But, despite this, British people are much more "doomer" than ever before. How do we explain this conundrum?

My guess is that this doomerism is mainly due to three factors: 

(1) There are a lot more old people around than ever before.

It may have escaped the attention of some, but old people are cantankerous, old bores, who like to moan about everything, and have a predilection to always think the world's going to shit, whether it is or isn't. From the viewpoint of the actual things that old British people care about -- free healthcare, holidays in the sun, well-stocked supermarket shelves, cheap consumer goods from China, and  a wonderful variety of ethnic cuisine -- things are pretty damned good.

Sure, there was a recent "blip" in inflation, which most oldies were super-insulated from by the Triple Lock, and there are still longish, post-Covid waiting lists for the NHS to deal with their various, often self-imposed ailments. But on the plus side, objectively more money than ever before is being pumped into -- or "invested" in -- socialised health care. (BTW when will ever we see a pay out on that so-called "investment"?).

So, yeah, old societies are less happy societies, and that grumpiness spills over into how they view their politics.

(2) Young people are a lot more negative than ever before.

This is partly due to there being too many old people around, but also, I think, because of changes in what it means to be a young person. Nowadays being a young person means gender confusion, incellism, unlimited access to porn, and various forms of toxic social media and parasocial perversions. This creates a shitstorm of misplaced desire and virtual connection, combined with actual isolation, feelings of inadequacy, and loneliness that must be difficult to navigate. 

(3) The Diversity!

Due to the collective personal choices of the British people to prioritise personal freedom and GDP over a prolonged period, Britain has created a racially and ethnically diverse society. Also, it's not exactly the best kind of diversity as it reflects the British Empire, which was based on colonising the most low-cost and easy to colonise areas of the globe. This usually meant the least culturally and socially developed.

Nobody really knows how to address the diversity question properly.

The mainstream politicians and media pretend that everything's hunky dory, while bursting into Orwellian "two minutes of hate" denunciations at anyone who falls fouls of the dreaded R-word. Meanwhile the sub-media of the dissident and populist Right, and it's Russian co-opters, decontextualise and play up the worst aspects of the diversity through the leaking sewer of the internet.

All this creates an atmosphere of walking on eggshells laced with the poison of suppressed rage, fear, and creeping victimization.

Starving Brits heading to the polls


To repeat and emphasise: by the standards that British voters claim to judge politicians by, things have never been better. But the real factors driving Britain's social mood are the three outlined above. 

Instead of talking about these factors, however, all you hear from the politicians and pundits is that "living standards have fallen," public services need "more investment," there is "too much waste," the country is "mismanaged" and "corrupt."

These phrases are all used as if none of these things had ever existed before at any time in British history, whereas a more accurate view would reveal that Britain, like most countries, even very successful countries, has always been a bit of an omnishambles.

The reality of the gloomy mood is there are just more grumpy old people out there, along with sexually demoralised young people, and a lot of self-imposed diversity that everybody has to pretend isn't there.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


"One deselection is a tragedy, a million deselections a statistic"

As election date nears in the UK, and Labour look set to win a massive "super majority" (according to various opinion polls), Labour leader Kier "Stalin" Starmer is continuing his vicious crackdown on "disloyal elements" in the Party -- all the better to ensure his totalitarian grip on power following the July 4th General Election.

The latest victim of Britain's putative communist-fascist dictator is Andy Brown, the Labour Party candidate for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East constituency, currently held by the Conservatives. Brown is clearly on the Left of the Party and is "tainted" by his association with former leader, Jeremy "Trotsky" Corbyn, who has also been kicked out of the Party.

This time Starmer's "de-selection death squad" has chosen to "pad out" the usual fake accusations of "Anti-Semitism" with insinuations of supporting Putin, focusing on a few "boomer posts" and "likes" on social media from 2018, when Brown, naïvely channelled crappy Russian memes for a few seconds.

As reported by the Aberdeen Press and Journal:

"Labour has ditched its candidate for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East seat for historic “pro-Russian” posts made on social media, the Press and Journal can reveal.

Andy Brown shared a link to state media outlet Russia Today doubting Vladimir Putin’s regime’s role in the 2018 Salisbury poisonings.

The article’s headline suggests the Novichok nerve agent weapon used in a bid to kill former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia did not come from Russia.

He also shared a post on social media which implies then Prime Minister Theresa May was hiding vital information about the attacks.

We can now reveal party bosses were also spooked by another post he shared which dismisses accusations of antisemitism against Labour.

The post – quoting a historian – suggests Jewish voters in Britain were angered by Mr Corbyn’s support for Palestine in the Middle East.


Since the deadline for candidates has passed, Mr Brown will now run as an independent and Labour will not formally be standing anyone in the seat."

An additional reason for purging Brown is that, according to local polling data, he is in third place behind the Tories and the SNP. In addition to disloyalty, Comrade Starmer does not tolerate failure!

Following the removal of Labour's endorsement, most of Brown's support is likely to gravitate to the left-leaning SNP and help defeat the Tory candidate, MP and former Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross, something that Comrade Starmer clearly approves of.

"Two birds with one bullet in the back of the head," as they say in the Gulag!

Monday, June 17, 2024


Soviet-born expert on Russian propaganda, Vlad Vexler, explains how Russian propaganda works to polarise democracies, depoliticise Russians, and flood the information space with every possible shade of shit. Yes, we had noticed.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Chinese researcher checking sperms of top Western scientists

Thanks to rampant woke culture and the denigration of excellence and weaponised autism, it looks like the West has started to lose it's once unassailable lead in the sciences, according to an article in The Economist.

Using a system of metrics to create objective results, the anonymous writers concluded that China was now the leading scientific superpower, overtaking the European Union and the United States, when viewed separately:

"One way to measure the quality of a country’s scientific research is to tally the number of high-impact papers produced each year—that is, publications that are cited most often by other scientists in their own, later work. In 2003 America produced 20 times more of these high-impact papers than China, according to data from Clarivate, a science analytics company (see chart 1). By 2013 America produced about four times the number of top papers and, in the most recent release of data, which examines papers from 2022, China had surpassed both America and the entire European Union (eu).

Metrics based on citations can be gamed, of course. Scientists can, and do, find ways to boost the number of times their paper is mentioned in other studies, and a recent working paper, by Qui Shumin, Claudia Steinwender and Pierre Azoulay, three economists, argues that Chinese researchers cite their compatriots far more than Western researchers do theirs. But China now leads the world on other benchmarks that are less prone to being gamed. It tops the Nature Index, created by the publisher of the same name, which counts the contributions to articles that appear in a set of prestigious journals. To be selected for publication, papers must be approved by a panel of peer reviewers who assess the study’s quality, novelty and potential for impact. When the index was first launched, in 2014, China came second, but its contribution to eligible papers was less than a third of America’s. By 2023 China had reached the top spot."

The only consolation from this is that the United States and the EU combined is still well ahead of China, and even further ahead if you throw in Britain and Japan. But the trend is clear and the only threat to this ascendency is China's own plunging fertility rate.


Whatever winning looks like for Israel in the ongoing Gazan War, it does not appear to be anywhere in sight, after US intelligence reported that around 65 to 70% of the guerrilla organisation remained intact after an eight-month onslaught by the Israeli Defence Force that has killed tens of thousands of civilians.

As reported by Politico:

"In a Tuesday interview with CNN, Netanyahu said “we have to get rid of Hamas. Otherwise, there’s no future for Gaza.” But recent U.S. intelligence is fueling a growing concern that such an outcome isn’t possible. Although Hamas’ communications and military abilities have been degraded, only 30 to 35 percent of its fighters — those who were a part of Hamas before the Oct. 7 attack — have been killed and about 65 percent of its tunnels are still intact, U.S. intelligence indicates."

Not only this, but resentment of the high number of civilian casualties among the general population appears to be working like a recruitment sergeant, with large numbers of fresh recruits joining the group:

"Biden officials have also become increasingly concerned that Hamas has been able to recruit during wartime — thousands over the last several months. That has allowed the group to withstand months of Israeli offensives, according to a person familiar with U.S. intelligence."

This news comes as Israel has suffered fresh losses and in the wake of resignations from the 
coalition government of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. This morning 8 Israeli soldiers died after Hamas fighters ambushed an armoured personnel carrier.  

Friday, June 14, 2024


Doomster fire!

Reform UK, the party of Nigel Farage, has overtaken the Conservative Party in a YouGov poll for the first time since the election began.

As reported by YouGov:

"That day has finally arrived. The latest YouGov voting intention survey, conducted 12-13 June, has Reform UK one point ahead of the Conservatives on 19% to 18%. While numerically ahead, it is worth keeping sight of the fact that these figures are well within the margin of error of one another – we will not be able to tell for some time whether Reform can sustain or improve their position relative to the Conservatives."

Both parties are still well behind the Labour Party, at 38%, with the LibDems on 15%.

However, due to the peculiarities' of the UK electoral system, this level of support, if repeated on election day, would result in only a handful of parliamentary seats for Reform, with the Tories remaining the main opposition.

It is also highly unlikely -- although not impossible -- that Reform can maintain this level of support. As they rise in the polls, the UK's establishment will subject them to increasing attacks. Recently it was revealed that 41 Reform UK candidates were "linked" in some way to an actual fascist on Facebook.

Bedroom Mussolini and Reform UK "bestie" Raikes

As reported by the Times:

"Close to one in ten candidates for the Reform UK party in England was found to be connected on Facebook with Gary Raikes, the British fascist leader, The Times found.

On Thursday Farage claimed it was 'utter cobblers' to say they had Nazi sympathies because 'on Facebook mates send each other things' without “having any idea where it comes from”. During a phone-in segment on an LBC radio show, he said: 'I can only apologise that not all of our candidates have been to Eton, to Oxford, not all of our candidates are part of the London set.'

Raikes, a former organiser for the British National Party, founded the New British Union in the image of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, and has called for a 'fascist revolution' that would see parliamentary democracy replaced with a dictatorship."

Although this is no longer the political death sentence it once was, it is still not a good look for a party aiming to become the "official opposition"

In the remaining weeks of the election, expect to see the Reform UK vote collapse and swing to the Tories. If this does not happen we will probably even see calls by Labour and LibDem leaders to vote Tory in certain seats where Reform is threatening to make a breakthrough.

Exactly the same tactics were successful in keeping the Front National out of power in France for several decades, and the UK's political culture is roughly about where France's was in the 1990s.

Monday, June 10, 2024


Macron: hissy fit

French President and professional "shortarse," Emmanuel Macron, who is apparently named after a series of soft-porn movies from the 1970s, has thrown a hissy fit after disappointing election results in the largely unimportant EU elections. 

The vote, which took place from the 6th to the 9th of June across Europe, saw so-called "far right" parties, like France's National Rally doing well due to continuing problems with assimilating ever-larger numbers of Third World immigrants into European society. But Macron, who is only a pathetic 5' 7" and wears funny Herman Munster shoes to make him look bigger, took the defeat personally.

His fake, astroturfed Renaissance party, which didn't even exist a few years ago, won less than half the votes of National Rally (15.2% to 31.5%), leading to an emotional Macron jumping up on television to declare, "
I cannot act as if nothing had happened," and threatening to throw even more of his toys from the pram (pushed by his wife) if his party also loses the parliamentary election on the 30th June and 7th July.

Previous French Presidents, like 
Jacques Chirac (6' 2"), Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (6' 2"),  Georges Pompidou (5' 11"), and Charles de Gaulle (
6' 5"), have all towered over the diminutive child-like Macron. In fact, Macron is so short, it's a miracle he is not in the Alt-Right, like fellow short arses Weev, Andrew Anglin, Nick Fuentes, JF Gariepy, Neema Parvini, Mark Collett, Nathan Damigo, Sargon of Akkad, Chuck Johnson, and Gonzalo Lira (aka Coach Dead Pill).