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Saturday, November 5, 2022


Gamma Rays

A Disclaimer

The following text is almost exclusively intended for Christians who find themselves reluctantly labeled “Dissident Right” and are actively searching for a paradigmatic shift that will be reflected in the real world. Not just pseudointellectual rumination on the internet. I am not really giving an appeal or call to action, especially not to elite theorists, esoteric fascists, ethnats, or non-Christians. This is exclusively to act as an observation of a problem I have been seeing for a while now, and am happy to call it out because I have less to lose in terms of “face” than others (I think a lot of people forget this is the internet, and everything on here is at best, hyperreal, and at worst - an illusion.) My real-world job is all about finding problems and discrepancies. Sometimes we or others are called on to fix or remedy the problem, and sometimes it is left alone because it poses no real inefficiency or danger. That is what I am doing today - pointing out a deficiency. No more, no less.

Character Assessment
I don’t know the whole story behind Neema Parvini’s presence on the internet, but have gathered bits and pieces over the last several months since I started associating with his sphere of influence. His presence on YouTube, as the Academic Agent, which ultimately ended in him losing his job as a professor, has been the rallying point for many rightists. I’d even call it a big tent, though I know he’s probably not too fond of that fact, and that preference reveals itself in his venomous, toxic tantrums online where he routinely calls for violence against elites, and ostracizes people in his circles because they are a so-called “fed” or whatever bogeyman is trending that month. Normally it’s Christians and populists who feel the brunt of his scorn. He seems to be frustrated by all the dissidents who have made their virtual home on his channel. He definitely is an intellectual, and likes such stimulating philosophical conversations, though it has become less so overtime, as he distances himself explicitly from certain ideological, spiritual, and philosophical bents, in favor of focusing on damning so-called “elites.”

This has slowly become an off-putting characteristic of him and his channel, and due to its size in relation to how esoteric and long his streams are, there is a potent amount of power this man wields on an increasing number of dissident minds. Unfortunately, his actions reflect little more than a merchant profiting off of despair. His routine ramblings, articles, overpriced online classes, and substack articles are a reflection of one specific ideal that he touts more than anything: Italian Elite Theory.

I am not here to dissuade from his overarching argument. There is nothing integrally wrong with his thesis that elites run society, but his assessment of their character, the consequences of their actions, how much power those elites have, how they should be engaged, how interconnected they actually are, and how we should fix the problem is where his arguments fall flat. In short, he has an issue with praxis. He is extremely focused on placing blame on such ominous elites and their machinations. Without belaboring, I would just like to concisely list out what characteristics these powerful elites have that he gets wrong. From his perspective:

• They are intentionally evil.
• They are range from incompetent to stupid to outright insane.
• They are hellbent on ruling the world.
• They despise any decentralizing forces.

What is curious is even though Neema likes to focus his somewhat rightful disdain on incestuous governing institutions that are all in bed with each other, he doesn’t provide any alternative. He damns populism, but turns around and provides no explicit solution except for the DR to raise its own elites(?) Sounds like parallelism, which he also damns (for the most part). Does he want to recapture institutions? Well apparently not. It seems he has no clear solution, but I will give it to him, he is a solid critic! It seems his entire solution is, “Be like your enemy! Be unforgiving and reprehensible!”

The solidity in his criticisms falls flat when you realize the elites are not an interconnected, esoteric network of satanists that must be stopped! This is where I found myself rolling my eyes and I have stopped watching him altogether - because he doesn’t understand that the “elites” are not “elites.” They’re all apparatchiks. The people he is mad at are simple technicians for maintaining an overloaded, bloated system that gives less and less return for more and more investment. This is true socially, financially, whatever avenue of industrial society you confront. The people in charge add to complexity in incoherent ways, perceptibly, but when you get down to why they do inane or evil things, it is because they have to destroy taboos and traditions to continue their wave of equalization and totalization. There’s no center of evil with its own intent. It is simply the way the totalizing machine works. Ever wonder why we live in cultural malaise?

The “elites” don’t run everything - managers do. He even understands this. The managerial system is the outcome of the development of techniques and processes that allow for the machine to run more efficiently. This has been the case with the rise of liberalism in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, and has ended in a world that has no definitive ideology or telos. That is why there is no one to blame. Everyone is simply a cog, even the perceived leaders, or secretive billionaires. The post-WWII paradigm is one of increasing uniformity and abolition of taboos and traditions for the sake of continued efficiency and line-go-up. This is why the world is getting more evil, we can understand this (at least Christians can), but thinking it’s all just levers of power that have to be actuated properly is a completely moronic misunderstanding of how the mechanics of power actually work. Powerful people do powerful things because they are furthering their telos. When there is no telos, they are simply engaged in surrogate activities in hopes of achieving the ultimate premium mediocre outcome. It makes sense why they are so blatant in their evil. They don’t need justification, they don’t have a point, they’re simply doing their job so they can get treats. This is the case for everyone, and if there is anything we can learn from the last hundred years: Anything can be justified to the masses.

Neema’s solution, perceivably (again, it’s unclear) is simply gaining control of that managerial apparatus. What he gets wrong, though, is this managerial system shouldn’t be run by “our guys.”

1. Because there are no “our guys.” I’ll speak more on this, but in short - “our guys” or more so your guys, Neema, are an esoteric, complicated group of pagans, Christians, and atheists who vary in many different belief systems, nationalities, and backgrounds. Your understanding of “based” has nothing to do with what a Christian sees as holy and righteous. Your understanding of based comes down to “fuck my enemies.” If you do not have moral superiority and are willing to do worse evils than your enemy is committing, then why should I or any of my compadres trust you? I know you don’t care, but that’s the point: You have no explicit principles or morality. Your sole interest is maintaining a monopoly on despair. At least in action. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen to Christians if you were in charge.

2. Because the managerial system is not just spots in a governing system that are interchangeable. No, the system is like a jenga tower. You don’t just replace the elites and utilize propaganda. Hitler made this exact mistake, and found himself utilizing the same “We are the government of the people!” that commies and libs were using. You will be subject to the same techniques that your enemy uses, except you will be unpopular, unlikeable, and unrelatable. This is the problem with Neema and gang’s understanding of the elites, and why they will not (and shouldn’t) succeed in whatever bizarre, convoluted fantasy they have at institutional recapture, annihilation, or whatever they think is pertinent. This is what happens when you try to control people without the light of God. You will fall into the fallibility of using your enemies’ unrighteous techniques, and skewing whatever sense of good or evil you have so you can justify furthering your power. Neema’s worldview hinges on the fact that all powerful people are Machiavellian, which simply isn’t true. Maybe that says more about him than the numerous benevolent, Christian leaders throughout history?

However, even though he provides no solutions, and every bit of his unsavory overdone anti-elite mantra has been experiencing a heat death, he seems to not reveal any real humanity within him. He is a cold, bitter man, and I think even he would admit to that. He doesn’t like people. He seems clearly to not even like his people (his nation). Which makes sense, he’s a half-breed Iranian-Welshman (or maybe English, I forgot). He is an atheist. He has been fired from an elite institution. He is the deracinated city slicker mutt that everyone on the right likes to shun (not me, I don’t care, I’m an Amerimutt). It’s just, in every aspect of his own beliefs, skin-in-the-game, and criticism, it reflects nothing but disdain and petulance, with absolutely no love or reasonable alternative other than, “Clear them out!” No real explanations on the ways Christians, atheists, and pagans who have nothing in common will actually attain power in this giant, bloated system to drain the swamp, or I mean, “clear them out.”

He is only really prescriptive when it comes to commanding people to disassociate with people he doesn’t like lol.

In Summary:

Neema is an angry man with no solutions who profits off of the despair of a rigthist big tent that contains way too many groups who don’t see eye-to-eye and would be better off disengaging from the internet and reengaging with each other irl. His assessment of elite theory is generally correct, but because he is a deracinated, spiteful atheist, and never shows a genuine care for his fellow countrymen, his seemingly righteous anger is simply just indignance and petulance towards institutions that spat him out for not being politically correct. In addition to this he is incorrect about how the system functions teleologically, therefore his perceivable solutions, or even just his criticisms, are at best clunky, and at worst, dangerous. His nonanswers to problems, and then vitriolic shunning of anyone who attempts to have solutions, is tantamount to an angry tyrant in denial who is insecure about his own intellectual seniority. Once again, though, this is just the internet, but that is the meta-issue. Neema’s revealed preference is that we all stay idle. His incessant ramblings that seem to go in every direction, especially when it comes to how interconnected the “elites” are gives the average impressionable viewer the idea that they have no positive impact that they can make.

Incoherent “Alliance”
Neema associates with a variety of people. And I do not mean one-off or occasional interviews with people who might be of questionable intent and beliefs. I have no issue with that, after all, he is just entertainment. Neema routinely associates with faceless homosexuals, transgenders, and atheists. Is there anything wrong with this? That’s not my place to decide. Not really making a value judgement. What I am doing is pointing out an incoherent association between Neema and a variety of “dissidents” while being a principleless atheist himself.

In a way, my observation isn’t that Neema is a toxic individual that routinely bullies and besmirches anyone who doesn’t fall in line, but rather the people who choose to associate with him. I can already hear the excuses that are simple post-hoc justifications: “I know he has problems, but he unites everyone under one goal! Who cares if he associates with reprobate and says insane, vitriolic things while making sure people within his circles do not say anything out of line!” That’s fine. Do what you gotta do, but one positive thing I can certainly attribute to Neema is that he has shined light on some very good people, who aren’t anywhere near as toxic as him, and they have gone on to be successful content creators. That’s a point to be valued: There are a lot of content creators who deserve the audience, financial support, and recognition.

My recommendation for them is that they rescind their association with his blatant toxicity, ornery attitude, inconsistent and inane beliefs, reprobate in-group, because they don’t really need this guy to act as the driving force behind their “movement.” A “movement” that continues to spin its wheels in the mud as it keeps fighting with itself, redefining itself, and doing everything it can that doesn’t involve actual IRL action.

So in addition to Neema’s bizarre associations, his own audience seems to have become embarrassingly nonsensical. It was pretty obvious that when YouTube went out of its way to take down people such as James Allsup, Alternative Hypothesis, The Black Pill, and other such politically incorrect, wignat YouTubers, they all flocked to Academic Agent’s channel. At the time, in about 2018, Academic Agent grew quite a bit, and his audience became noticeably more fringe. He went from mostly libertarian, Austrian School, anti-SJW content to what he has become in the past couple years - a devout believer in the Book of Evola. He has attracted a lot of different kinds of people who all share one main trait: They like unpopular ideas.

It’s almost synonymous with “intellectual” in that sense. It’s just as the audience has grown, and the basic idea of “elites run stuff” has spread, the vast group of big-brained intellectuals actually seems more like the early formation of a secret society of pseudoelites who fancy themselves gnostics. Or, maybe just a social movement that will peter off as people get fed up with idleness and do their own thing. And as time goes on, Neema’s criticism of the “GAE,” the intent of certain political leaders and financial moguls, and whatever else, feels more like a low energy Alex Jones who is worse at predicting the future.

It is hard to say exactly why all these people associate if not to feel a sense of community that they can’t get irl. I don’t blame them, a main goal for me is building this network, it’s just because the internet is so wild and free, we find ourselves associating with people we otherwise wouldn’t. People who are unsavory, or at best, people we don’t really have chemistry with. This is where it gets bad, and association becomes cult-esque. Everyone rallies around the idea of “fuck elites and liberals and stuff!” but the people they’re cohabitating-in-flagrance with are nothing like them, share none of the same values, and might have ulterior motives.

Not to say you can’t befriend someone who is different from you. What I am getting at is this internet alliance is ideologically incoherent and inconsistent, and because of it, we all spin our wheels in the mud saying the same thing over and over again because we’re afraid to offend one of “our guys.” The takes are no longer hot!

It’s like if you had a friend from every race, with all different attitudes, professions, beliefs in one room. There’s no way you could crack a joke with the Indian guy about how Chinese people smell like noodles. You’d have to talk about the weather the entire time. This is the problem we find ourselves in, and it is why there is a malaise-like feel to this sphere - it’s too interconnected, too buddy-buddy, too interwoven.

To conclude on this point, it’s why Ryan Turnipseed’s Confederal Model is a necessity. People of like minds and goals should associate, or the ability for the Christian dialectic, or whatever your dialectic is, will be stunted. Nothing will move forward because we have to ruminate endlessly on definitions, or shit like, “What like is actually the Dissident Right, though!?”

Persistent Rabble-Rousing
The nature of the internet allows for us to feel like we can say anything, but if your username is NaziGroyper666, and all you do is spread inflammatory insults in your off-time on Twitter, then you probably are just degrading your soul further. This is where I, and many others, have found themselves with Neema and his circle. There is a constant battle, shitty drama being stirred (the recent, “America has no culture!” Twitter drama for example), long streams about why someone is an idiot, etc. Neema loves internet bloodsports. Always has, always will. How is this productive? How is being a pseudointellectual twit scoffing at people a good use of one’s time? It’s not even really like Neema does it out of trying to get attention. It genuinely seems like a survival instinct. It’s like he feels the overwhelming necessity to shit on people, and send his audience after them. It’s not classy.

It reminds me of early YouTube, and I just do not see the point in doing this anymore. There is no aristocratic, gnostic circle that Neema is exclusive too, but he certainly acts like it, and it shows in his actions.

I will always remember what encapsulated his toxicity: A tweet he made about how he has a violent anger against elites and that he wishes their heads were on sticks.

I will also always remember the tweet thread about how it took him an entire day to build an office chair.

Why Observe?
So what is the point to me making this article? Is it to get attention myself? Is it because I have this underlying jealousy? Nah, but I know that will be the justification Neema’s audience has for likely degrading me. The point in writing this is because I have been witnessing a sort of peak in his relevance, and how people seem to latch onto his image in this cultic way. Both because they don’t want to be ostracized by him, and because he has such a giant audience. There’s numerous practical reasons to not want to stir the explosive emotions of Neema.

Neema is a clearly toxic man. He is an atheist. He has no sense of “volk” and therefore all of his criticisms fall flat because he couldn’t give a shit less about his nation. He provides no solutions. His associations with certain reprobate is bizarre and inconsistent with his vitriolic hatred for degeneracy. He sics anger against people in Telegram chats. He has made it so that integrating into his thing means a certain level of allegiance to his school of thought and sphere of influence. His attitude is weird and gay.

All of this be damned, though. His toxicity, intellectual insecurity, and being the rug merchant with a monopoly on right-wing despair can be ignored. What inspired me to write this is ultimately to pose a question to Christians, and ask them why they choose to associate with scornful internet dweebs who have a skewed sense of self-worth.

Well, why do you? What’s the point? An important point to being a Christian is rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Not being spiteful at Caesar for being Caesar. Not because you have a “slave mentality” but because it doesn’t matter what Caesar wants. The world will be worldly, and evil will always want to challenge your ability to be good. Being a Christian means leading by example and pointing out evil for what it is. All events are case-by-case confrontations of your moral character, but being vitriolic and scornful is where a Christian must walk away (Titus 3:10). This is why I see it unnecessary to engage in online chatter that, as I remarked on, is spinning its wheels in the mud. The era for real world engagement is on the horizon. Not to say there isn’t a place for three hour streams. There most certainly is, and that isn’t ever going to be my criticism. It’s rather the content of those streams must be Christian, productive, positively prescriptive, and carry us along the dialectic, rather than being forever stuck at scornfulness. Of course the world is evil, are you surprised? Your job is to shine light on the good, the true, and the beautiful. All that I scrutinize is this internet pseudoelite federation with Neema unofficially at the center is becoming a tiresome reflection of inactivity and idle frustration.

And the reason no one wants to point it out is because Neema is an angry man who will sic his dogs at you, who will tell everyone, “Stop associating with that guy! He’s a fed!” (yes, he’s done stuff like this on numerous occasions) If Neema hadn’t had such pull, he would have been disregarded already for his blackpilled attitude and incessant, pessimistic, routine discussions that do not further along any real dialectic. He will always have a place as a social commentator, but his behavior and attitude, toppled with his inaction, will remain permanent, as younger, sprier, optimistic young men further along this movement into something with luster and longevity. (Hopefully he is saved by the Grace of God, though. That would change this entire situation.) The movement can grow no further in the current situation it is in, and reflects the same necrosis that the New Atheist “movement” had in the mid-2010s (just look up the word “atheism” or “atheist” on google trends and you’ll see what I mean).

Not everything about Neema is negative, and I don’t want to give that impression. If he or anyone responds to this, I am likely to not give a response and add to drama-stirring. Once again, the point to this article is pointing out toxicity that no one else has pointed out, and hopefully furthering some people on in a direction where they could engage in much more pious and productive endeavors. Neema was my pipeline to some great thinkers, albeit he was not the only one. Neema has in part inspired a movement that has gradually become real-world. Neema is an intelligent man who has persistently given hot takes, albeit he’s kind of run out of them. Just like Curtis Yarvin, he has an inarguable intellectual station. He’s just an atheist cosmopolitan and shouldn’t be taken seriously. As a poll he ran on his YouTube account revealed that 60% of his audience views him as “entertainment” showed, even his own viewers just come for the rank punditry and kayfabe. I know I have specks in my own eye, and I am not pretending I don’t. I am simply warning against fanaticism of idleness and despair.

It’s time to move forward.

If you waste your time a talking
To the people who don't listen
To the things that you are saying
Who do you thinks gonna hear?
And if you should die explaining how
The things that they complain about
Are things they could be changing
Who do you thinks gonna care?
   ~Kris Kristofferson, To Beat The Devil

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