

Monday, December 30, 2024


Conservative estimates of the number of Russian soldiers killed in the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine reveal that enough Kremlin conscripts have now died to make a giant meat cube measuring 22.19 meters in length. This is about the height of a seven storey building.  

This meaty metric is based on BBC News Russian and Mediazona figures cited by ChatGPT that only include casualties up to September 2024. These figures put the number of Ivans slotted "from 128,231 to 185,196," giving a median figure of 156,713. As the average Russian soldier weighs 77.5 kg, this gives us a total Russian "death weight" of over 11 million kilograms (11,361,692.5 to be exact).

Made into a meat cube, this amount of slaughtered Slavic squaddie meat would give us a giant glistening red cube that would be twice as high as the Hollywood Sign, several meters higher than the Kremlin's own walls, or about half the height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy's beautiful Tuscany region.

Sadly, all this pointless carnage is not compacted into a neat and aesthetically pleasing 22.19-meter cube but is instead spread all over the Ukraine (and parts of Russia) in various states of neglect, decomposition, or consumption by wildlife, including rats, dogs, pigs, crows, foxes, and the occasional housecat.

When Putin originally envisaged the invasion of the Ukraine in 2022, he imagined a "relatively small" meat cube of only around two-to-three meters in height. 

Putin's original plan: a 3-day SMO meat cube.


Colin Liddell joins Stephen J. James for the final instalment of the inaugural "SJJMAS," a cosy, end-of-year "hug-box" livestream bringing together a range of randomly selected on-line dissidents and other characters. Full review of 2024.

Saturday, December 28, 2024


Meme attacking Musk for his "face-fucking" immigration preferences (made by Grok)

It's over! In fact, it's never been more over than it is now. The alliance that won the 2024 Presidential election and put a rapidly-aging ADHD Boomer in the White House is splitting right down the middle, with the globalist tech bros who financed Trump on the one side and the kneejerk nationalists of MAGA who voted for Trump on the other.

The shit hit the fan following tweets and comments by Indian pharmaceutical scamster Vivek Ramaswamy, whom Trump has idiotically put in charge of the impressively-named "Department of Government Efficiency" quango. Ramaswamy criticised American culture and said that it had the wrong archetypes.

He tweeted: 

“Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long — at least since the Nineties, and likely longer. That doesn’t start in college, it starts young,” and “A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers.” 

He also advocated some major changes to bedrock American culture:

"More math tutoring, fewer sleepovers. More weekend science competitions, fewer Saturday morning cartoons. More books, less TV. More creating, less ‘chillin’. More extracurriculars, less ‘hanging out at the mall’."

MAGA World, now led by fellow Indian Nikki Haley, immediately saw through Ramaswamy's "cultural critique" and realised that he was just basically dog-whistling for a push towards mass immigration.

Haley tweeted:

"There is nothing wrong with American workers or American culture,” she wrote on X. “All you have to do is look at the border and see how many want what we have. We should be investing and prioritising in Americans, not foreign workers."

Things got really out of hand, however, when Musk chimed in, more or less stating (as far as MAGA was concerned) that all American workers must immediately be replaced by much cheaper and more docile Indian workers:

"The number of people who are super-talented engineers and super motivated in the USA is far too low," Musk said. "If you want your team to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent, wherever they may be."

Musk doubled down on his evident hatred for American workers when he agreed with an account on Twitter that expressed the view that tech bros think American workers are too mentally impaired to be trained.

He then told critics of unlimited H1B visas to fuck themselves in the face:

"The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla, and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B," Musk wrote, adding, “Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend."

This went viral and was even turned into a rather catchy rap song:

Musk's apparent anti-Americanism led to a strong response from MAGA diehard and former Trump campaign director Steve Bannon.

Speaking on his podcast, The War Room, Bannon said:

"This whole thing about 'oh, they’re only geniuses.' H-1B Visas, that’s NOT what it’s about. It’s about taking American jobs and bringing over essentially what have become indentured servants at lower wages. The thing’s a SCAM by the Oligarchs in Silicon Valley to basically take jobs from American citizens give them to what [have] become indentured servants from foreign countries, and pay them less. SIMPLE."

Bannon also responded to Musk's "face fuck" tweet with a degree of dismissive contempt, posting on Gettr:

"Someone please notify ‘Child Protective Services’- need to do a ‘wellness check’ on this toddler."

Trump meanwhile is keeping back from the fray, making only a few sympathetic noises towards H1B visas.

The assumption here is that he will side with Musk if things calm down but will back away and let him be consumed by the MAGA mob if things stay heated. 

Meanwhile Musk is trying to use his "ban hammer" by shutting down critics on the MAGA right and beyond on Twitter. So far Laura Loomer and dozens of Groyper accounts have been nuked. Musk is also trying to push the rumour that the controversy has been stoked by bots, without specifying who the bots were working for. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


Also available on Substack, Odysee, Rumble, and BitChute

Colin Liddell talks to Luke Ford about a wide host of subjects:

00:00 The use of energy in content creation
02:49 The negative social dynamics of intellectual movements
04:13 “Identity” often signals inauthenticity and hollowness
06:03 The dangers of audience capture (Part 1)
07:25 Content people vs emotionally unbalanced people
09:25 Is dissident online politics self-destructive or healthy?
11:48 Is porn and prostitution always self-destructive?
12:35 Do people seek high esteem for its own sake or for what it enables?
14:47 Self-criticism struggle session
15:26 When is it good to be “out of control”?
17:08 The dangers of audience capture (Part 2)
19:40 The Nick Fuentes “assassination attempt”
21:05 Why do more rappers get shot than classical musicians?
22:05 The attempt to stop Donald Trump
23:20 Why did the news media cover up Biden’s senility?
24:20 The inflexibility of the US political system
25:36 Did the British Deep State take out Liz Truss?
26:30 The distance between populous and elites in democratic systems
29:32 What to expect from the next Trump administration (Part 1)
30:02 Why do some people hope for social collapse?
32:17 Has Obama secretly been running the Democratic Party?
33:50 What motivates conspiritards?
34:30 The declining “human capital” of politicians
35:12 What happened to Elon Musk?
37:20 Why the fall of Assad is bad for Israel
39:55 Talking Turkey
40:45 Is the AfD a fascist party?
41:06 Has the Overton Window shifted on White Identity?
43:03 The dangers of audience capture (Part 3)
43:54 What to expect from the next Trump administration (Part 2)
44:35 Relaxing with a good book: “Gladstone” by Roy Jenkins
45:54 News consumption in Japan
46:35 “Shadows of the Rising Sun”
47:43 Millenniyule vs SJJmas

Monday, December 23, 2024


Dam that ass cus you won't be getting it!

In what appears to be a high-level MI5 plot, the British government has apparently managed to sever the only remaining "pussy pipeline" to exiled Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad by persuading his glamourous wife, Asma, to send him to the doghouse.

As reported by LBC:

"Brutal dictator Assad fled to Russia, his backers in the civil war, earlier this month after being toppled by jihadi rebels. But his wife Asma, who was used to a life of luxury in Syria, is said to be dissatisfied with her living standards in Moscow - is said to be seeking a divorce and has applied to a Russian court for permission to leave."

Just a few short weeks ago, Assad could have any woman in Damascus he wanted just by having her husband shot and her kids tortured, but those "Casanova days" are long gone, with the Lothario ex-leader now forced to rely on the "old trouble and strife" for a bit or rumble.

But this narrowing of his sexual prospects created a vital "supply bottleneck" that did not go unnoticed by British intelligence whose operatives secretly got in touch with Asma. 

In what could have been the plot out of the latest Bond movie, UK spies are thought to have won over the frolicsome former first lady by offering her the luxury of free cancer treatment on the NHS.

Asma apparently caught the deadly disease when she accidently picked up the wrong cup of tea at a Kremlin tea party, one that had been laced with polonium meant for a Putin flunkey who had clearly outlived his usefulness and had to be pushed out of a window later. 

But even though she is now riddled with a potentially life-ending condition, the 49-year-old British-born Asma retains her sexy good looks and winning smile and is well able to console her lonely husband with a variety of "sexual techniques" that she picked up while studying computer science and French literature at London's notorious King's College in the "Naughty Nineties." 

But now, thanks to MI5, former "dick-tator" Assad will be forced to "Bashar" one out alone on those cold lonely Moscow nights as he enters the endless nuclear winter of inceldom. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024


Your not-so-friendly neighbourhood anti-Muslim Muslim

At first glance one really doesn't know what to make of the latest Christmas market atrocity in Germany. But it is notable that it was carried out by a Saudi national who identified as "anti-Muslim" and an atheist (the guy was even into wearing fedoras, FFS!).

In fact, the BBC even positively profiled him in 2019: 

"Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen lives in Germany now – but there was once a time where he lived and worked in Saudi Arabia, and was incapable of safely expressing his atheism. After successfully seeking asylum in Germany, he decided to set up the website to create an information resource for others to do the same. It’s now a go-to resource for people all over the Arab region – but why are most of the people that approach Taleb for help women? We spoke to an Emirati woman - we're calling her Dina to protect her identity - about how she used Taleb’s site and the ex-Muslim online network to escape."

(Shades of the Southport Stabber's appearance as a junior Dr Who on the BBC!)

The dude also appears to have positioned himself as a based-Arab ally of the anti-immigrant AfD party. Elon Musk must be pleased:

Based and red-pilled? (source)

As yet, every data point of why Al-Abdulmohsen carried out this savage attack has not been nailed down, but, going by a video he posted online, it might have been triggered by a letter from the German government. This may even have been a "rejection letter" telling him that he was no longer welcome in Germany, and that it was time for him to return to Saudi Arabia to discuss his atheism and anti-Saudi activism with the authorities there. After all, there is a German general election soon, with the AfD threatening to do well; and of course, since Russian supplies of oil and gas dried up, Germany is much more reliant on its "friends in the Arab World."

If it had chosen nuclear power, Germany wouldn't need to juggle Putin and Bin Salman

Whatever the exact circumstances, what stands out is that this was yet another Christmas market attack that everyone instantly assumed was committed by a die-hard jihadi Muslim extremist, even though the guy doing it was "kinda, sorta" the exact opposite. 

Are we to conclude from this that Islam is so toxic that even opposing it causes great evil?

Although this sounds a little too neatly counterintuitive, there is considerable evidence for it. We are often told, not without reason, that the Crusades were early examples of the "evilness of the White man." These, of course, were in response to centuries of aggression from the Mahometan side.

And then what was the sheer evil and sadism-on-an-industrial-scale of the Assad dynasty of Syria, so recently revealed by the fall of the Syrian dictator, but an attempt to oppose radical Islam? It seems they merely opposed it with something as violent, brutal, and nasty, if not more so.

But much stronger than this tension between Islam and its rejection, is the irreducible hold that former identities and modes of being exert on those who see themselves as "apostate."

Renunciation, with its desire to "be different," almost always becomes a distorted mirror of the thing it rejects. Al-Abdulmohsen's "choice of weapon" -- a speeding car into an event redolent of non-Islamic identity -- is the most blatant and egregious confirmation of this.

Those with a disposition to oppose Islam in the West will find little difficulty in framing this so-called "anti-Islamist" attack as somehow peculiarly "Islamic," and even if their explanations are weak, they won't really be that far off the truth. 


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying his book here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia), or by taking out a paid subscription on his Substack.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


The main problem with the health and survival of Britain is obviously dropping fertility.

This is a problem that also effects many other nations and even the groups that migrate into the UK and assimilate to its dysgenic ways, so it is both a general and a specific problem. But Britain, as a developed country is at the very forefront of this particular problem. 

The main obvious reasons for Britain's poor fertility are: 

(1) Career Prioritization: This effects men as well as women, but it is mainly a female problem, as women find "greater meaning" and an alternative form of "self-fulfilment" in careers rather than motherhood. This is sometimes called "Changing Gender Roles." 
(2) Delaying Parenthood: Many couples believe in delaying parenthood until the other parts of their family life -- career, home, etc. -- are in place. But the inevitable result is less kids and often no kids. 
(3) Smaller Families: Even those who successfully reproduce are reluctant to go beyond 2 or 3, as more than that starts to evoke "negative social connotations" while also increasing the time-window of extremely stressful rearing of young children. This limitation of demographic success thus serves to drag down the national fertility average.
(4) Urbanization: People are too urbanised today, leading to high rents, which prioritise the "career from a cupboard" lifestyle. Urban living also creates additional, non-familial means of "social fulfilment." 
(5) Economic Uncertainty: Although the UK has almost never been richer than it is now, recently it has had a lot of economic uncertainty -- Brexit, Covid, Boriswave, the Ukraine War, and the Green Crisis/Revolution.
(6) Alternative Forms of Sexuality: Promiscuity, virtual sex, masturbation, etc. Contraception is obviously a big part of this.
(7) Health Issues: Things like obesity, damage from drink and drugs, STDs.

These primary factors are then reinforced by various secondary factors.

(1) Aging Population: This by itself reduces average fertility and creates a culture where childrearing is not the norm and is therefore relatively marginalised. The growing number of childless people then reinforces this, creating a culture that prioritizes things like travel, hobbies, and personal freedom over raising children.
(2) Immigration: This is the quick fix for a falling fertility rate, bit it also pushes down wages and opportunities for any young person, thus reducing the economic demand for them to be born, while also undermining the "family wage" for a man attempting to support a wife having kids.
(3) Demoralisation: As a society loses its identity through increasing immigration, several complex, negative factors also kick in - lower social trust, a loss of a sense of racial continuity, a feeling of "being replaced," and a sense of demographic defeatism, etc. 

I will ignore the decline of religion as a factor, as religion is a dead letter and is not the sort of thing that can be revived on command, even by a dictator.

So, if we accept the above factors as fairly comprehensive, how can we stop Britain from dying? The most obvious approach is to promote policies that counteract all of these negative factors.

How would this look? Let's see:

(1) Discouraging Women from Careers: This would involve a reversal of feminism and would have to be explained as such with the reasons given, utilising the right kind (and amounts) of propaganda ("refeminism" instead of "anti-feminism"). No simple task!
(2) Encouraging Younger Childbirth: This could be done by providing tax, borrowing, and financial incentives to people starting their families before the man is, say, 30 and the woman 25. Scaling down tertiary education could be a big part of this.
(3) Encouraging Bigger Families: This could be done by a major cash reward for each subsequent child and by propaganda and marks of social distinction: Once it became socially venerated the cash incentives could be scaled down.
(4) Deurbanisation: This would require a total overhaul of planning permission, allowing much more building in rural areas, combined with taxes and grants to incentivise the move to the country as well as infrastructure upgrades. 
(5) Creating Economic Certainty: This is difficult but could be assisted by developing a real long-term economic strategy that made sense.
(6) Moral Crackdown: Banning porn or at least making it less available, while also reducing contraception and easy abortion could help reduce the amount of "sterile sex," and thus boost the amount of fertile sex. The downside could be more unwanted pregnancies and one-parent families, but this is hardly the social stigma it once was.
(7) Reducing Obesity and Damage from Drink and Drugs: Policies along these lines are already being developed for simple health reasons.

Is a deurbanised Britain possible and what would it look like?

All of these are measures that would help in some way, but the next "thought level" we have to ascend through is the political cost of these various measures.

Some of these would have a very high political cost, i.e. they would upset a lot of people and provoke a lot of opposition from voters and vested interests. Others, by contrast, would have a much lower political cost and may even be supported by other factors. An approximate political cost ranking would be as follows:

(1) Discouraging Women from Careers: Extremely high political cost due to the "success" of the feminist revolution and individualist ideas of freedom and self-fulfilment that have become engrained in our culture.
(2) Deurbanisation: Cities are simply efficient nodes in the economic matrix. Changing this would have a high financial cost, although I suspect that it would be popular, as the aspiration of "escaping to the country" is a popular one in the UK.
(3) Moral Crackdown: Banning porn and contraception, etc., would see the state taking a much bigger hand in issues of individual liberty. Even with strong propaganda this would be heavily resisted by many people.
(4) Creating Economic Certainty: To do this seriously would have high political costs, as it would require a radical reshaping of the UK economy along lines that would cut across various vested interests (a degree of autarky, etc.). 

(5) Encouraging younger childbirth and bigger families, while reducing negative health factors would have less of a political cost and be less of a burden on propaganda, for which reason I will now bundle these three together. 

Now, having considered the various factors of infertility, the obvious solutions, and the political costs, the next "thought level" we have to ascend through is a cost-benefit analysis, that is, we have to bear in mind that some causal factors and their solutions are probably a lot more powerful than others. The ideal, therefore, is to have a high causal impact with the lowest political cost. Ranking the measures in order of effectiveness would probably give us a list like the following:

(1) Discouraging Women from Having Careers 
(2) Deurbanisation
(3) Encouraging Younger Childbirth and Bigger Families (while Reducing Negative Health Factors)
(4) Moral Crackdown
(5) Creating Economic Certainty

Although the details are debatable, generally speaking, the most effective measures have the biggest political cost. This means there is no obvious easy option revealed by our cost-benefit analysis. We are therefore, back in the realm of hard choices.

As we have seen in various cases in different parts of the world, positive inducements to have children (number 3 in the list above), have generally had limited success on their own. So, either we have to focus on more politically expensive measures, like (1) or (2), or else a combination of measures. 

This brief study, I hope, gives us some basis for a rational approach to a problem that is set to affect not only Britain but the rest of the World. We may also wish to consider how it interacts with future global trends, like the ecological crisis, the likelihood of future pandemics, and economies that will be based on AI and automation.

Will AI finally be our saviour by making more and more female careers, except that of motherhood, redundant? Let's hope so.

The goal

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying his book here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia), or by taking out a paid subscription on his Substack.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024



What bugs me is that you can't even see what they're thinking

Hot on the heels of the Prince Andrew "Chinese spy" revelations, a new Oriental espionage scandal is now rocking the UK after it was revealed that a former Conservative Prime Minister enjoyed "disturbingly close" relations with a man of "Eastern appearance" and "Mongoloid race" for a few minutes in a pub.

distressing disclosure emerged after a photograph was widely published on the internet showing David Cameron, who ruled Britain with an iron fist between 2010 and 2016, enjoying a convivial pint with an unknown middle-aged man who was clearly working for the Chinese communist party. 

It is not known exactly what dark acts of espionage happened during the downing of the pint or immediately afterwards, but c'mon, just look at that baleful countenance and sinister expression! There is no way that Cameron could have escaped the spider's web of evil and deception that had clearly been woven around him.

The suspected spy is also reported to have briefly met a minor member of the British Royal Family.

Nail bars are just collecting our DNA. Why else would they do it?

Since the incidents, which occurred in 2015, the man referred to cryptically as "Xi," has not been invited back to the UK and is believed to be engaged in "communist party business" in various parts of China.

Sunday, December 15, 2024


Nobody knows what happened yet

A breaking new story from France is that five people have been shot dead in a migrant camp in Calais. The facts are sparse, but what we know for sure is the following:

⦿ 2 Kurdish migrants were shot dead
⦿ 2 Security guards were shot dead
⦿ Another man described in some reports as a "businessman" was shot dead
⦿ The shooter later handed himself in to police

Furthermore, we know that the two Kurds were "clients" of people smugglers, and they had even attempted to cross the channel the very same day but had been intercepted by coastguards and brought back to France dripping wet. 

The timing of the shooting suggests that the cause may have been linked to the paid-for crossing rather than just some random attacker deciding to shoot dead two Kurds who had been returned to France just hours before from the icy waters of the Channel. But, of course, this is speculation at the moment.

In recent months the UK's Labour government has been stressing cross-Channel cooperation, including landing migrants attempting to cross back in France, as well as cracking down on the gangs.

Soon after Labour was elected in July, UK and French coastguards started intercepting some cross-Channel migrants and bringing them back to France.

As reported by the Telegraph at the time:

"Border Force has taken migrants rescued from the Channel back to France in a new sign of Anglo-French cooperation over the small boats crisis. The catamaran Ranger assisted in a rescue of more than 70 migrants deep in French waters, then, at the request of the French authorities, took the rare step of returning the 13 it had picked up back to Calais. One migrant died and a further 71 were saved from the water in the joint Anglo-French operation after their boat deflated near Calais on Wednesday. The Border Force’s Ranger and an RNLI lifeboat from Dover were sent to support the French in the rescue after they requested help."

Something similar appears to have happened in the case of the unfortunate Kurds.

This co-operation is part of the "Starmer re-set," an attempt to improve in relations between Britain and France after years in which inefficient Tory Prime Ministers did little about Channel crossings except blame "Johnny Frog."

However, this co-operation may be raising tensions in the "cross Channel migrant community," possibly leading to acts of extreme violence of the sort that the happened today.

Friday, December 13, 2024


Exotic Third World totty circa 50,000 years ago

The origin story of early humanity has taken a new twist after researchers concluded that the momentous “out of Africa” migration that led to the colonisation of the other five continents and created new human races was actually carried out by early "incel" homo sapiens in search of Neanderthal minge. 

This is directly analogous to modern day "passport bros" who are typically incel men from First World countries who make the drastic decision to relocate to poorer countries where their masculine attributes (like having money) will be more fully appreciated by local females than in their countries of origin.

The results of this researchwhich was carried out by a number of academics at different institutions studying bits of old bone, suggest that an intrepid band of homo sapiens began moving north from their African homelands a little more than 50,000 years ago and then spent 7,000 years banging hot Neanderthal chicks who may have been interested in their beads, thongs, and carefully chipped bits of stone.

There is also some evidence that Neanderthal men may have been bad listeners who occasionally neglected their womenfolk and failed to provide enough emotional comfort.

No homo: how one of the early incel "passport bro" Sapiens may have looked

Naturally the only group of homo sapiens who would be motivated to embark on such a dangerous and adventurous odyssey (and listen to the emotional problems of Neanderthal women) would be sexually deprived young males who had been cruelly passed over by hypergamous Homo Sapien females fixated on the local alpha males. This problem would have been greatly exacerbated by the polygamous structure of society at the time.

Studying specimens from the oldest human DNA ever recovered,
 the researchers concluded that the prehistorical "passport bros" reached Eurasia 50,500 years ago and then successfully interbred with the hot Neanderthal women they found there for around 7,000 years, finally breaking their duck.

Underappreciated by her Neanderthal man

In the process, they created new races of humans and gradually bred the Neanderthals out of existence as new bands of human incels pursued the retreating bands of Neanderthal women into the distant North. 

Around 2 per cent of the DNA of modern non-Africans humans is Neanderthal in origin. 

The research has been published in the academic journals Science and Nature, which have unfortunately not stressed the blatant and obvious parallels to modern day passport bros. 

One of the researchers Professor Priya Moorjani who is ironically a distant product of ancient "passport bro" sex

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Typical GBNews content on Britain's Muslim immigrants

GBNews, the British news channel that was founded with Kremlin-linked dark money after Russia Today was shut down, has mentioned Muslims 17,000 times in its coverage over the last 2 years, usually negatively and as part of an implied conspiracy theory that they were a "Trojan horse" used by more sinister elements.

This is according to a study by the Centre for Media Monitoring (CfMM). The study concluded that the so-called "right-wing broadcaster" demonstrated an "excessive" focus on Muslims that bordered on an "obsession" and depicted Islam in a less than complimentary light. 

In fact, GB News accounted for nearly 50% of the total mentions of Muslims on UK news channels, compared to BBC News (32%) and Sky News (21%), and around 100% of negative mentions. During last summer’s riots, GB News was especially busy, accounting for 62% of all clips on UK news channels in an attempt to associate Muslims with the riots which were largely carried out by UK Chavs triggered by Russian disinfo.

This excessive focus on Muslims is surprising because, even though many people have legitimate reservations about Muslims and mass immigration in general, the fundamental cause of Britain's large immigrant population -- namely its extremely low fertility rate of around 1.5 children per women (mainly caused by simping for THOTs) -- merited zero mentions on GB News.

The obvious conclusion from all this is that GB News is not in the least interested in presenting well-round reporting on, or analysis of, modern Britain's demographic problems and how to solve them, but instead is simply interested in driving mindless polarisation, social chaos, and a downward spiral of mob violence in an attempt to weaken Britain for its Kremlin paymasters.

GB News presenter Nigel Farage and his probable paymaster

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Turkish proxies taking the town of Manbij from US-backed Kurds

Turkey is now at war with America in Syria.

This may seem surprising, as both are members of NATO and the US even has military bases in Turkey, but it is true nonetheless. This is because Turkish proxies, supported by Turkish airpower, are hammering America's proxies, supplied and trained by US personnel. There may even be US personnel mixed up in the fighting for all we know. 

During the rule of Assad, the US maintained a large zone of influence in the Northeast of the country through its proxy army, the "Syrian Defence Force" (SDF). In reality, this was mainly made up of Kurds, something that Turkey was extremely displeased by. Turkey, for its part, shielded and supported its own proxy group the Syrian National Army (SNA) in Northern Syria.

The SNA is not directly allied with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) the group led by Abu Mohammad al-Julani that recently took over most of Syria, but in the past the two groups have cooperated due to their common enemies. 

Since the defeat of Assad, the SNA has been pushing into the territory long controlled by America's proxy force, the SDF. Recently the city of Manbij (population 100,000) was taken from the SDF after a battle lasting several days, and now SNA forces are even striking into the SDF's heartland territory. Just today there were reports that they had successfully crossed the Euphrates River and seized the village of Qarah Qawzak on the other side. 

Now that Assad has been removed, Turkey sees no reason why America should continue to back Kurdish forces just across its Southern border, and it clearly means to use the SNA and possibly HTS to eradicate all traces of Kurdish autonomy in Syria. But the SDF is still very much a US-backed project, and it is unlikely that the US government has given Turkey permission to do this, or that Turkey has even asked. 

The key point about the modern Middle East is that nobody has respect for anyone and will do whatever they can get away with whenever there is a chance to do so. In the same way that Israel is seizing this chance to degrade Syrian military assets by a ruthless bombing campaign, so Turkey is seizing its chance to finish off America's proxies in the Northeast of the country. The best that America can do is pretend that this isn't happening.

Syria is turning into a graveyard for Russian geopolitical ambitions but also American ones. 

Monday, December 9, 2024


"Muh based Global South"

Nobody has been more devastated by the sudden fall of Syria's "dictatorial strongman" Bashar-al-Assad than the Dissident Right. For many years the chinless tyrant was an object of deep love and devotion among the quasi-Whites, incels, and sub-masculines who make up the online metapolitical movement and conduit for Russian disinfo.

Now, with Assad exiled to a Russian apartment without a bathplug, the Diss-Right will now have to find another crappy Third World "hero" whom they can extoll as a "based fighter" against the geopolitical "Globohomo New World order."

In fact, the search has already begun, with a wide range of opinions being expressed by various sock accounts on Twitter, Telegram, and Bluesky.

Key to the selection of the new icon for Diss-Righters, who deeply loathe their own societies but continue to live there, will be the degree to which the new Third World "tough guy" brutalises, tortures, murders, and gang-rapes his own people. But even more important than this will be the degree to which the Kremlin approves of the choice. 

Ideally the new Diss-Right hero must be someone who hates Jews (or banking), is easy to meme, and rules over an impoverished wasteland where there are no MacDonalds.

This latter qualification is particularly important as it will allow Diss-Righters to claim that the country is a "neo-traditionalist paradise" that has successfully preserved itself from the "corrupting influence of globalism," instead of just a shithole where everybody is starving to death or married to his sister. 

Saturday, December 7, 2024


'Our' future ancestors?

British nationalists are still at the amoeba stage. They haven't yet left the primordial swamp of fear, disgust, and easy manipulation by outside forces and grown eyes, legs, or lungs, never mind a brain. Look at them and you might see various twitches and pulses that suggest they want to evolve, but...

So, how far have they got on the grand learning curve of evolution?

Well, they have decided that immigration is a bad thing and must be stopped, but of course they have absolutely no idea how to go about this.

Their recent efforts, supporting a probably Russian-inspired attempt to split the Tory vote by boosting Reform UK, has put in a solid migrant-friendly Labour government for the next five years. And, of course, Reform UK, even when you cut its strings to the Kremlin, is simply a Neoliberal spiv party that believes in "global Britain" on steroids. 

As for an actual ethno-nationalist party, there is absolutely nothing that can be seen without a microscope, not since the BNP collapsed in the early teens. But even at the miniscule level of British ethno-nationalism that still exists in nano-parties (like PA, Homeland, etc.) or in the anonymous internet culture on Twitter, Telegram, and YouTube, the thinking is still embarrassingly underdeveloped. 

The next "big idea" in this tiny world is the idea of "remigration," an idea now being pushed by a range of micro-ethnats.

Not exactly an intellectual breakthrough, as even the 1970s National Front believed in something similar and at a time when it actually made sense. Too bad they wrapped it all up in a Swastika!

In the 1970s UK fertility rates were just starting to dip below the replacement level of 2.1, so in theory remigration would not have resulted in a massively top-heavy population pyramid of three or four old people to one young person, which is more or less what you are looking at now, assuming you could return Britain to "ethnonationalist purity."

As it is discussed, the remigration theory can be made more "palatable" by being broken down into various "easy" stages, starting by just closing the borders, then deporting criminals and illegals, then deporting non-Whites on welfare, then paying non-Whites to leave, and finally forcing them to. None of this is serious. 

Why is this? Because economically Britain is a "migranty" country. As I wrote back in January:

"...the 'anti-immigration' UK is in fact quite 'immigrationy,' and the only way you could stop that would be with the same skillset you'd need to stop water being wet..."

Just cutting off the migration tap would immediately destroy our education sector, the NHS, and our tourism sector, while generally pushing up wages to the point where many businesses, already burdened by heavy taxes and regulations, would give up the ghost. This would cause a major financial collapse and a political crisis, which would destroy any government that tried it. It would be like Liz Truss versus the Lettuce on steroids.

In order to shut off the immigration tap therefore, any UK government would first have to radically restructure the economy, and this in a country that struggles to build a high-speed railway between Manchester and London! It is simply not going to happen.

As for repatriating various groups, that also is not nearly as easy as ethnats seem to suppose. This is because there are always two partners in any deportation, the sender and the recipient. Repatriation, where it happens on a big scale, is always a, ahem "voluntary process," with large groups of people usually leaving one Third World country where they are no longer wanted to return to their own Third World country. Usually, these groups are people who have only been in the host country a short time. 

The political culture and architecture of Britain, by contrast, is simply light years away from making those kinds of uprootings and radical demographic changes possible.

To be blunt, Brits are locked into most of the multicultural and multiracial trends that they have themselves created over the last 70 years, mainly by their own decisions to prioritize individual freedoms, welfarism, and gender equality, which of course means that women, who are hypergamous, are disincentivized to marry and breed.

These we can loosely term "the problems of modernity."

British ethno-nationalism, such as it is, has almost zero awareness of these factors or how to deal with them, except for the occasional call of a return to antiquated "Christian morals" or "family values." In reality, there is no such thing as "morals" or "values" as these are simply the outgrowths of economic and political conditions, which are historical and therefore no longer exist.

What is needed is a modern approach to these problems. Sadly, this is something that ethno-nationalism is incapable of taking. But why is this? One reason is that ethnats are already struggling under an enormous burden of vituperation and unpopularity. Demanding, say, that feminism be reversed and women pushed into a social position of Victorian inferiority would just add to the toxic unpopularity. You need real political capital to take something like that on.

The slightly more evolved ethnat minds seem to realise the impossibility of changing things through mere politics, which is why they are inclined to hang their hopes on the possibility of a social collapse that would probably kill most of them.

Among the various opinions expressed in this area is the belief that an increasingly Third World Britain will at some point break down in chaos, allowing the radical demographic changes to occur and reassert "good old fashioned" British demographics in some nebulous way.

Really, they are just using LARPy memes to cope, because here too we find some rather crude and untested assumptions. For example, social breakdown might not favour the atomised and more elderly ethno-British population as much as one assumes.

Also, social breakdown is a lot harder than you may suppose, because the closer a society gets to it, the greater are the incentives become to avoid it. Rather than have the lights go out and the supermarkets run empty, "Brits" of all races and cultures would rather find a way to rub along together quite a bit longer.

There is no denying that British society, like all societies touched by modernity, is on a downward, aging, browning, deathward spiral. And of course, immigration doesn't even change the fundamental equation, as migrants start to behave like natives, becoming workshy, welfare-addicted, and low-breeding too, thus requiring more migrants who then follow the same trajectory.

But really addressing the issue is not a democratic political option, as the initial costs are simply too high.

The costs would even be high for a dictatorship, which ultimately has to maintain a certain degree of popularity as well. Thus, Western democracy has no chance of solving <1.5 fertility, unless it starts breeding population in artificial wombs, something that ethnats or just advocates of healthy demographics should be looking at.

Unfortunately, all produced by Musk sperms

Beyond that the best hope lies with various authoritarian or totalitarian states. Russia (1.42 fertility rate) is clearly failing at demographics, as is China (1.18), but interestingly North Korea (1.79) is doing a LOT better than South Korea (0.78). 

Overall, it looks like demographically we are headed to an increasingly "Africanised" planet that will, as some ethnats hope, eventually break down in "redemptive chaos." The only problem is that such chaos will come much, much, much later than would be optimal for the revival of the British and European ethnos.

But in this future "hell world" of racial replacement by the most ante-modern elements is there any hope at all? 

Perhaps. The world of a few hundred years hence might actually look a lot like the world of several hundreds of thousands of years prior. Then too there was no such thing that we would recognize as the "White man." That still lay in the distant future, through eons of evolution in the cold hard North.

While "re-Whiting" Britain by remigration may be a pipe dream, "re-Whiting" Britain by re-evolution might not be. 


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. As there is absolutely zero reward for honest content like this, support his work by buying his book here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). or by taking out a paid subscription on his Substack.