

Monday, July 31, 2023


YouTuber Explained with Dom uncovers the "Leprechaun economics" that create the illusion Ireland is one of the wealthiest countries in the World. In fact, it is a two-tier society in which global multinationals call the shots and pay almost no tax, while the ordinary Irish person struggles to affordable accommodation. Is this any different to being dominated, as it once was, by British landowners?

Sunday, July 30, 2023


America was shocked and outraged after dodgy tech bro billionaire, Elon Musk, installed a giant glowing Tenga Can on top of Twitter HQ in San Francisco the other night.

The dramatic move comes just months after Musk tweeted a shot of his bedside table, featuring one of the notorious Japanese wank cans, and days after rebranding his Twitter micro-blogging website as "X". It is not clear what message Musk is trying to send out by installing a masturbatory device on his headquarters, although speculation is rife, with some conspiribros speculating that it is an invitation for passing aliens to land and relieve themselves on long space flights with a quick, automated hand shandy.

The glowing onanistic icon can be seen flickering in the distance from miles away, and there are reports that it has been keeping incels awake at night.

Musk refused to explain his decision to instal only the SD or "short dick" version of the can, but information on the company website (Tenga not Twitter) explained that the device was ideal for an erect dick length or around 4 inches.

Saturday, July 29, 2023


Trolling IRL while facefagging wasn't such a good idea 

Peter Cytanovic (formerly 
Cvjetanovic), a participant at the Unite the Right (UTR) demonstration/riot/rally and a torchlight parade the night before in Charlottesville in 2017, has failed in his attempt to distance himself from the Alt-Right and its dark shadow

A voice message released on Twitter revealed that 
Cytanovic, who unluckily became the face of the disastrous event after being captured in an iconic photo, is now facing criminal charges of "intimidation."

Shortly after UTR, 
Cytanovic attempted to "optics cuck" himself from the event and the Alt-Right, after pressure from the media. At the time, he had a job as a driver at the University of Nevada, which he managed to keep, however soon afterwards he fled overseas and attempted to re-enter the normiesphere by studying in London at the LSE. He even expressed regret and contrition for his role in Charlottesville, although all he appears to have done is march around on the University of Virginia campus on the night before the main UTR demo, with a tiki torch, chanting dumb stuff, and echoing Richard Spencer, who masterminded the torch rally. 

In addition to Cytanovic, several other tiki torch marchers have been indicted on similar felony counts nearly six years after the event.

In April William Zachary Smith of Texas, Tyler Bradley Dykes of South Carolina, and Dallas Medina of Ohio were hit with "burning an object with the intent to intimidate" charges, which carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison.

Also, just a few days ago, Augustus Sol Invictus, a relatively well-known Alt-Righter, who was also seen torch in hand on the night before the Unite the Right rally, was similarly charged. 

But what about the man mainly responsible for instigating the Nazi-invoking torchlight parade without getting legal permission first, namely Richard Spencer himself?

Spencer was in effective control of both Unite the Right and the tiki torch march on the campus of the University of Virginia the night before. Will he also face charges or will some secret deal he may or may not have done with the Feds protect him?


YouTuber Eastory charts and visualises the losses suffered by both sides in the ongoing Ukrainian Summer offensive.


While the broke genius archetype may be a meme, the topic of the intelligent yet poor is especially relevant to how we view issues of wealth, privilege, status, and societal incentive structures. A stereotypical demographic profile of the smart but poor, might be of a starving artist or NEET, especially the terminally online underemployed intellectual type. While the technical definition of NEET is not in employment or education, in a more colloquial sense, NEET often describes middle class failures rather than the lumpen proletariat, as the NEET phenomenon is a product of downward mobility among the middle class. Though someone who is smart but poor could also be from a prole background. However, those from working class backgrounds often have contempt for NEETs from middle to upper middle class backgrounds, who they might view as having privilege and more opportunities, but are just lazy and entitled. In turn, high IQ NEETs resent being treated the same as the lumpen proletariat. Even if it can be a cope, it is totally rational for those from the downwardly mobile middle class to feel some sense of entitlement to the class that they were born into, or at the very least still identify with that class. A lot of middle class NEETs may decide to be NEETs, if the alternative is joining the working poor.

I would estimate that the smart but poor demographic is disproportionately White, though obviously not exclusively. This demographic probably includes a decent amount of Asians, though Asians generally have more economic niches and are under more cultural pressure to succeed academically and economically. As for BIPOCs, there are a lot of specialized programs geared towards empowering gifted BIPOC, the talented 10th, such as scholarships and jobs programs. Besides discrimination against White males in hiring, there are logistical issues, as Whites are still a majority, and it is harder to provide economic security for the sheer numbers of intelligent Whites. Whites are also much more geographically dispersed, with the vast majority of America’s untapped cognitive talent, subsisting in middle to lower-middle class Whites in flyover country.

There is speculation about whether historical figures, such as Hitler, Karl Marx, or Nietzsche, were NEETs, which has become a 4chan tier meme. Certainly Ted Kaczynski epitomized the archetype of the genius who becomes disgruntled and at odds against society. The root of Communist uprisings were often broke intellectuals who resented that they could not achieve economic success under a mercantile system. Many great philosophers and artists are often unhappy with life, and that dissatisfaction and resentment can be channeled into great things but also into chaos. The archetype of the broke intellectual, or of the failed, dejected genius, who lashes out against society, has existed throughout history, but elite overproduction has made this archetype much more common.

As for contemporary politics, the smart but poor are overrepresented among dissidents, across the left-right spectrum, as a high IQ plus low economic status, practically entails being disaffected. This demographic was especially overrepresented among the Alt-Right, as well as among Bernie bros, and Andrew Yang’s campaign, which was stereotypically associated with high IQ NEETs. Even DSA, seems to be made up of a lot of failed strivers of the professional managerial class rather than the working class. Think the stereotype of a militant woke leftists as a Starbucks barista, who is working class in income, yet has a degree and lots of student loan debt, and comes from an upper middle class background. Despite the prevalence on the Alt-Right, the smart but poor demographic overall leans left, even taking into account the shift in high income voters leftwards. For instance research by Ohio State Professors, Herbert P. Kitschelt and Philipp Rehm, found that the left’s core support is now concentrated among high education but low income voters.

Even though the archetype of the resentful, neurotic, but intelligent nerd is well represented among leftists, for a lot of young White men who are smart but low status, being gaslit about their alleged privilege adds insult to injury, and explained the appeal of the Alt-Right. The left has traditional catered more to envy and resentment, but those traits also increasingly impact rightwing grievance politics. There are also parallels to the vilification of alienated young White men on the right to the absurd propaganda from neoliberal Clintonites, that Bernie Bros had White male privilege. However, the smart but poor demographic are probably underrepresented among conservatives, as Trump's biggest supporters were not high IQ NEETs but rather the "prole aristocracy." These are people who make decent money, but who didn't acquire it through becoming an “educated libtard,”such as an auto mechanic or electrician, who are financially secure but are otherwise working class in culture. Trump appealed to this demographic with his business background, bravado, and decorum of speaking from the gut. Conservatives generally value those with monetary wealth over those in the arts or “eggheads,” and this anti-intellectualism is a major weakness of the right. Despite its flaws, the Alt-Right was good in that it broke away from that dichotomy.

Research by Charles Murray and Richard J. Herrnstein on intelligence and wealth, found that IQ is especially valued in America’s knowledge-based economy. However, research by Alessandro Pluchino of the University of Catania in Italy, found that "The maximum success never coincides with the maximum talent, and vice-versa," and that “almost never the most talented people reach the highest peaks of success, being overtaken by mediocre but sensibly luckier individuals." The report also warns against a 'naive meritocracy' which often fails “to give honors and rewards to the most competent people." A scholarly paper by economist James Heckman, makes the point that “personality plays a much bigger role in separating those with high and low income, and “found financial success was correlated with conscientiousness, a personality trait marked by diligence, perseverance and self-discipline.”

While it is obvious that IQ correlates positively with economic success, there are other factors such as personality. Psychological traits associated with the smart but poor might include lower agreeability and conscientiousness, and higher introversion and neuroticism, though both very high and low neuroticism probably negatively correlate with success. The smart but poor demographic also disproportionately includes people on the autism spectrum, as well as those with ADHD. Even though a hyperactive mind is the trait of many genius, it could also hinder one from excelling in work or school. Outlier high IQ individuals often have trouble relating to others and live in their minds, which is exacerbated by these other psychological traits.

While dark triad types, who are high in Machiavellian and sociopathic traits, exist among the elite, this trope is probably exaggerated by dissident armchair psychologists. The more common archetype for success, is the pro-social extrovert. While a charismatic or over socialized midwit will have economic advantages over an autistic genius, society dishonestly downplays the importance of networking, popularity, and social skills to economic success. The shift in the corporate world to becoming more managerial also selects for conformity, which has also disproportionately benefited women, who are generally more conformist and pro-social than men. Managerialism disfavors those who don’t want to put up with the BS, but rather carve out their own path, which are often the traits of geniuses. Both secondary and higher education, especially the generalized liberal arts model, also selects for compliant box checkers. The grading system and university admissions demands that students do well in all fields, rather than hone one specialized skill. This lack of specialization disfavors savants and penalizes risk taking and experimentation, which is needed for innovation. Geniuses would be better off under an independent study model of education. For instance independent bloggers often produce material that is superior to credentialed, overpaid academics, and corporate journalists.

As for neurodiversity, the left generally opposes any distinctions between intelligent autists and the disabled. While neurodiversity jobs programs exist, such as at Microsoft, overall neurodiversity programs have either been deprioritized in favor of diversity, or have been co-opted by wokeness. Cancel culture with woke HR, de facto purges neurodiversity from the corporate world, such as James Damore getting fired from Google. Writer, Razib Khan, made an interesting observation, that our society screws over autists in how it is now “simultaneously preaching hyperindividualism/do your own thing, while enforcing stricter and stricter de facto social norms on politeness and manners.” Overall, successful people are more likely to express mainstream views, and the mainstream is now woke.

Silicon Valley of the 90s was a golden age for high IQ spergs to make it rich, which is no longer the case. While intelligent autists can become rich as innovators, rarely do they rise up the corporate ladder. There are also a lot of geniuses who might make 100k working some boring white collar job, yet their talents are wasted. Besides high IQ autists, there are those who thrive more in a wild west type environment, rather than a heavily regulated managerial system. For instance the kinds of guys who relocate to some less regulated third world nation and make a fortune. While this self-reliant archetype is very different from intelligent autists, who generally need patronage to succeed, both of these archetypes are suppressed under the current managerial system, filled with over credentialed midwits and ass kissing mediocracies. The reality is just that midwits are much more in common society, thus jobs, politics, and education caters to them, and outlier brilliant people only matter if they are rich.

Policy solutions that could empower the intelligent but poor, include scraping bureaucracy, no strings attached UBI, independent studies programs in education, patronage for innovators, and specialization in education and the economy, to pair people up with a niche that they excel in. The blogger, Lion of the Blogosphere called for enclaves for the intelligent but poor, which is a great idea, that will likely never be implemented. Even private sector patronage, such as Thielbux, is very limited in scope and benefits a selective few. The left would likely oppose any kind of specialized programs geared at helping the smart but poor, such as a specialized jobs program for high IQ NEETs, because this would disproportionately help White men. A major reason that college degrees are mandatory for White collar jobs, is because IQ tests are illegal, though both the intelligent who are neurodivergent and from less privileged backgrounds, would be much better off with a cognitive testing model for employment and education. Even the US Postal Service used to select employees via IQ tests, which offered job security for the smart but poor, but was scrapped, coinciding with Civil Rights. Not to mention scrapping gifted programs in public schools, which further screws over brilliant students whose parents cannot afford private education. There are serious questions about America’s worship of the Meritocracy, as far as whether the best people and concepts are rewarded, even if the current system is far from meritocratic. Certainly if one is high IQ and not a total slacker yet is poor, they are totally justified in having contempt for society and mainstream institutions.

While all societies have malcontents, the more intelligent people that are not utilized or given a role in society, the less legitimacy a system has. Devaluing credentialism and delegitimizing institutions is important, but is only effective if enough successful and high status people do so. The system has been effective at maintaining power and quelling dissent, which could explain why there has not been any efforts to placate the intelligent disaffected, by buying them off with funding or jobs. However, the massive wave of white collar layoffs, will likely exacerbate elite over production, and could increase discontent enough to cause trouble for the system. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Female sporting empowerment and survival, can you have them both? Colin Liddell reimagines the present Women's World Cup in Australia & New Zealand as a battle of fertility rates rather than pony-tailed, grunty sweatiness. If the nations currently competing for female footballing excellence were instead judged on their ability to do their demographic duty, how would the present Word Cup play out?


Google trends has revealed, state-by-state, America's preferences for the two most over-hyped movies of all time, namely Barbie and Oppenheimer. Not surprisingly, the trashy feminism, wrapped up in bubble-gum aesthetics, that is Barbie is doing very well in Red States, while the ponderous pretension and bladder-straining propensities of Oppenhiemer is more appealing to Blue State audiences and the area around Los Alamos. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


"It's over"

From the Mainichi:

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The population of Japanese nationals fell 801,000 in 2022 from a year earlier to 122,423,038, marking the largest drop and the first time all 47 of the country's prefectures have seen a decline since the survey began in 1968, government data showed Wednesday.

As of Jan. 1, 2023, Japan's population, including foreign residents, stood at 125,416,877, down around 511,000 from a year earlier, according to a demographics survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

The trend indicates an urgent need for Japan to develop measures to address the declining birthrate and improve employment opportunities for youth and women in regional areas.

While Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has called for implementing "unprecedented" measures to boost the birthrate in a last-ditch effort to arrest population decline by 2030, doubts persist about whether such initiatives, which are mostly extensions of existing policies, will be effective.

Japanese nationals declined for the 14th consecutive year in 2022, with a record low of 772,000 births in Japan significantly exceeded by a record high 1.57 million deaths.

Nationals working or studying abroad accounted for a decline of around 7,000 of the population.

The number of Japanese nationals in Okinawa, which had been an outlier the previous year, shrank for first time since comparable data was made available in 1973, the data showed.

The foreign population rose for the first time in three years by around 289,000 to 2,993,839 in the reporting year, as the relaxation of strict COVID-19 border controls facilitated the return of international students and technical interns.

The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research estimates that foreign nationals will make up 10 percent of the population by 2070, with some local governments already engaged in efforts to attract professional talent from Asia.

By prefecture, only Tokyo saw an overall population increase due to the high influx of foreigners to the capital, while Akita Prefecture in northeastern Japan saw the largest population decrease at 1.65 percent.

Among municipalities, 92.4 percent saw a decrease in the population of Japanese nationals, while 7.6 percent experienced an increase.

Those aged 14 and under accounted for 11.82 percent of the Japanese population, falling by 0.18 percentage point from the previous year, while people aged 65 and over increased by 0.15 point to 29.15 percent.

The working population, or people between 15 and 64, rose by 0.03 point to 59.03 percent of the overall population.

Sunday, July 23, 2023


Also available on YouTube, BitChuteOdysee, and Archive

Today I have got my prophet's hat firmly jammed on and I'm plunging down the levers of my time machine to go fast-forward into the distant future to look at how the World will be in, say, 50 or 100 years. 

The key factor in the global order will not be land size, access to oceans, energy reserves, the disproportionate impact of global warming, technology, or even the impact of AI or IQ. No, the key factor will be which countries can employ nationalism and which countries won't have this option. 

Already, in the West, we have moved beyond nationalism. It is now physically impossible for countries like Britain, France, America, and Germany to choose it. The last time any of those countries could have made that decision was in the 1990s. Now the moment is gone and will never return in the same form. The West is now firmly in a post-nationalist space. 

Of course, there are countries in the world that still can choose nationalism, but maybe won't, and will end up going down the same path as the Western states that have already closed off that option by choosing multiculturalism. Japan &  South Korea come to mind as possible examples, as well as some smaller European countries.

If they chose nationalism right now, they would be sitting pretty, but it would be a hard choice to make at the present moment for all kinds of reasons that are guaranteed to sound trivial and inane in 50 or 100 years.

But the countries that will choose nationalism will inevitably have the whip hand over those that don't and can't.

The world is changing, and phenomena like globalism, Chimerica, and multiculturalism (in a positive or naïve sense) are now fusty and old-fashioned. The competition for resources will lead to the ascent of increasing autarky and protectionism over the international free market. We are already in the early stages of that now.

But how does this work?

Imagine a sudden shortage in a number of vital commodities like wheat, oil, gas, fish, fresh water, lithium, etc. In ethnically and religiously divided societies that translates into soaring inflation and internal conflict. In homogenous societies, it can also cause conflict temporarily, but generally speaking it tends to create social cohesion, as the optimum response is a kind of rationing and regimentation of society with a view to gaining additional resources. 

Strongly united countries of whatever size or level of achievement will always be better able to rise up and acquire those resources. Multicultural societies, by contrast, are liable to fracture, in-fight, and waste their strength against themselves.

This then will be the mechanism that creates a two-tier world of nations: those with agency,  the ability to act and seize control of resources, and those without it, blindly engaged in punching themselves silly.

This will be the chief benefit of nationalism, a simple device for inner peace and outer strength, a benefit that is hidden in the globalised world of today, but, as the investor Warren Buffet said, "Only when the tide goes out, do we discover who has been swimming naked." 

In this future scenario, the upper tier of nationalist countries is liable to prey on the weaker, divided, and confused multicultural countries, and will probably even colonise and ruthlessly exploit them. Didn't we see something like this in the 19th century?

But what if every significant country follows the West down its cursed path of confusion? In that case, the equation still holds, but it will be those countries that most quickly and effectively solve the problem by secession that will dominate those that fail to extricate themselves from their weaknesses in this way. 

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Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


YouTuber reviewer the Critical Drinker takes a sobering look at Barbie, the most hyped film in history, which turns out to be a diseased, puss-filled carbuncle of anti-natalist, man-hating filth, the perfect symbol of our sick and unsustainable society. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023


Nick Fuentes's seal of approval

You can judge a man by the company he keeps.

In recent months Nick Fuentes has gone out of his way to promote fellow e-celeb Sneako, but now it looks like Sneako, whose real name is Nicolas Kenn De Balinthazy and has spoken at events hosted by Fuentes, is nothing more than a literal cuck, who likes seeing his girlfriend get banged and plowed by other men.

In a partly edited video, posted on Twitter by former Fuentes associate Jaden MacNeil, Sneako, who is of Haitian-Filipino background, said:

"It should be fair that she can take other dick if I'm fucking other pussy. If it's going to happen, I might as well see it, supervise it, and make sure everything's OK."

Very, erm, generous of him, to be sure!

Sneako is also an associate of alleged "sex trafficker" Andrew Tate. Plus, there are persistent rumours online that he has been involved in "gay porn," although NeoKrat has yet to see any conclusive proof of this allegation.

Nevertheless, this is hardly an appropriate profile for someone involved in the so-called "America First" movement which claims it is trying to bring back traditional Christian values. 

But Sneako is hardly alone. He is just the latest in a long line of people with extremely poor characters who have been associated with Fuentes, such as Catboy Kami, Baked Alaska, and Ali Alexander to name but a few. 

At this point, America First looks like some weird Fed op to discredit the right wing.

Anyone in Fuentes's circle who calls out his particularly poor choices or "closet gayness," invariably ends up getting kicked off Fuentes's Cozy.TV. This is pretty ironic, coming from someone like Fuentes who constantly complains about how censored and deplatformed he is.


The "Baby of the House," fast-tracked or b***n-tracked?

The best argument against gays in politics is that they are so darned good at it. There is something inherent in politics that suits the gay mentality. Whether it's the facility of playing different roles or saying stuff that they don't really mean, or the ability to see behind facades and form tight little networks, gays seem particularly gifted at politics. They also tend to be more photo- and telegenic than "dull" normal masculine men, who often lack that sparkly Tinkerbell quality that attracts the public's jaded attention.

The most recent example of this is Labour's newest MP, Keir Mather, a freshly elected 25-year-old who, it appears, has never had a real job in his life, and is openly gay. 

So, what kind of meteoric rise are we witnessing here?

He seems to be the child of a one-parent family, with a mother having a foreign-sounding Greek or Italian name.

The BBC:

"He just loves speaking," said mum Jill Tambaros, adding that he had studied Speech and Drama in school and enjoyed performing in plays. "We both just really enjoy politics, it's just part of our life," she told BBC News. "If ever I was cross with him he'd go, 'mummy, shall I put on BBC News?' - to cheer me up." He was named after James Keir Hardie, one of the founders of the Labour party, Ms Tambaros added.

His chosen surname, Mathers, by contrast sounds quite British.

But, much more interestingly, a quick look at Wikipedia reveals that he was boosted at two critical points in his career by older gay men, and it was not even based on party lines (I guess there are other loyalties stronger than the purely party political ones).

While at the University of Oxford Mather worked as a researcher for the writer and former Conservative MP Matthew Parris.

Parris (age 73) is a well-known gay journalist and former politician who pretended to be straight in order to get elected back in the 1980s.

Mather. after being appointed an official of the Oxford Union debating society and a co-chair of the Oxford University Labour Club, next accelerated his ascent up the ranks of the Labour Party with another gay connection:

Mather worked as a public affairs adviser for the Confederation of British Industry for 18 months before entering Parliament and was a parliamentary researcher for Labour MP Wes Streeting from 2019 to 2020.

Streeting (age 40) is one of the leading faces and frontbenchers of Labour and has been openly gay throughout his career, as Labour, since it lost touch with its working class roots, is religiously tolerant of anything LGBTQ+. 

This is only a cursory look at Mather, and I could of course be wrong in my impressions, but to me this looks very much like a case of the "gay mafia" in action. It would be entirely within the realms of legitimate interest to wonder what "favours" have passed between young Keir and his kindly gay patrons.

Anyway, as usual, the Great British Voter had the last say in all this, and they obviously don't mind their parliamentary candidates being chosen in this way. Perhaps the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah had elections rather like this one just before the fire fell from the sky!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


Luke Ford critiques Bronze Age Pervert, both an online, homo-erotic LARPer into "cornholing young boys in the shower," and, according to Rosie Gray, the "latest hero of the Conservative Right.

Sunday, July 16, 2023


RFK Jr., the chad chud

What the hell is Robert Kennedy junior playing at? Recently, he came out with some interesting comments on the origins of Covid. This is what he said:

"COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact."

He also warned that there were more terrible biological weapons in the pipeline with a "50% infection fatality rate" that would make COVID-19 look like a Sunday school picnic.

"We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons. They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race."

The mainstream media and the normie-sphere in general were quick to accuse him of fomenting "anti-Semitism," as if that's the only thing that actually matters in the world.

It doesn't.

To me, what this looks like, much more than America's navel-gazing obsession with "muh Jews," is a Russian-designed "paranoia map," something in which Jew have always played an important but extremely subservient role, in contradistinction to their supposed control of global elites.

Also, this is nothing new.

Russians have been using Christendom's semi-dormant hatred of the Jews for centuries to gin up narratives and fears that serve their agenda. In fact, a good case could be made that the reason Hitler offed a lot of Jews in the 1940s was because he was badly infected by bad White Russian memes in the early 1920s, like this one:

Also, it wasn't just the Whites. The Reds soon learned these tricks, and used them all the way through the Soviet era:

1972 illustration from a Soviet magazine

In the latest Russian paranoia maps that seem to be at work in the American collective subconsciousness (i.e. the Internet), a recent feature is to create a kind of synergy between anti-Semitic tropes and Sino-phobic ones.

This has a number of benefits. First of all, the old anti-Semitic tropes just generally look stale and jaded now. How much more exciting and paranoia-inducing to combine them with a fear of a new rising Superpower (China) instead of a failing one (Russia)!

The original purpose of Russian-pushed anti-Semitic memes was to create polarisation in Western societies, between Conservatives and Liberals and between the masses and the elites, as there would always be significant trace elements of Jewry in Western liberal elites that could then be used to "other" them. So, the whole thing made sense, whether in Tsarist or Communist times.

Later, after the Soviet Union collapsed due to shaky oil prices, it also made sense for an oil-producing country like Russia to create dissension between the West and the Islamic/OPEC world, all the better to create an oil-producing cartel effect, something that Russia has had noticeable success in, despite its many other geopolitical failures.

But right now, Russia's main fear is that it is the bad guy and will be widely seen as such. Well, that's because it is the bad guy, having graduated from poisoning the occasional individual with polonium to outright invasion of a large neighbouring country.

Polonium in Londinium

The longer the war goes on, the more hatred Russia is likely to draw on itself. What the Kremlin needs to do, therefore,  is to find another fall guy for the world's hatred, fear, and paranoia. This is where China comes in on the hate map.

But China, despite its many human rights failings, is still not seen as the bad guy enough. This fresh meme needs to be spiced up with some of the old, classic J paranoia to make it world and seem close at hand.

So, RFK Jnr. linking the two is perfect.

It's not clear where RFK Jnr. got this Covid theory from, or whether he's a witting or unwitting tool. It's perfectly reasonable to suspect, as I do, that he is "compromised" in some way. As a Kennedy and a man of weak character, he is just the sort of person that the Russians would attempt to target in some sort of blackmail operation.

But, that question aside, he is helping to boost an "architecture of conspiracy" that seems ostensibly designed to shunt Conservative, small government, and Right-wing Americans towards the country's long suppressed isolationist tendencies, or at least to give Russia a break.

None of this is to say that RFK Jr. is even factually wrong about anything he is saying. It is highly probable that China, like most big military powers, is developing nasty biological weapons, and that these may take into account human DNA and racial differences. It just seems highly unlikely that Ashkenazi Jews, heavily mixed into the White race, would be, or could be, granted exemption by the Fu Man Chus in their Wuhan laboratories.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


Luke Ford critiques the great body of work amassed by Jean-Francois Gariepy, an Alt-Right livestreamer notorious for his odd taste in unusual women and his beef with Nick Fuentes. Is Gariepy a genuine "truth seeker," spending his days reading scientific papers, as he clears, or is he just giving his audience what they want to hear with a patina of pseudo-academic credibility? 


"Don't worry, paypigs, Counter-Currents is seeecure!"

Looks like our brief piece on the disturbing data leak at Counter-Currents has shaken Greg Johnson to the core. He has been sparked into writing a ludicrous reBUTTal while also hysterically reASSuring his readers, donors, and various associates that "no private data was lost -- promise, bros!"

The alleged "data breach" consisted of a backup of publicly available files in another publicly available location. This much is clear from the article itself.

This lie is contradicted by the details given in the Guardian article about the apparent relationship between Michael Polignano and a Jewish journalist. That was from a "private" unpublished audio file, according to the Guardian.

Also, let's be frank here. It is highly unlikely that the Guardian would immediately publish the names and personal details of Counter-Currents readers/ donors/ associates, etc. This is because the UK has very strict privacy laws, something has been recently emphasised by the Huw Edwards gay BBC sex scandal.

It is much more likely that such data will simply be handed over to British Intelligence or leaked to antifa than written up in the Guardian.

Really, this is scant reassurance from Johnson. 

To return to the main point, however, even if we innocently suppose Counter-Currents dodged a bullet this time, it seems to have a major problem with organisation, data storage, and security.

Also, why would anyone interested in White nationalism want to give any of his or her personal details (bank account numbers, home address, etc.) to a cabal of catty, effete, dysfunctional individuals who get excited by old newsreel footage of Hitler Youth marching to Nuremburg?

Yes, a dog sniffing sausages is a big turn on for Johnson. Over to you, Dr. Freud!

Also, in his catty response, Johnson accused Neokrat of being a "fake news" site, but was quite unwilling to provide any examples.

Any news on this site is 100% accurate, and is verified by a team of hypermasculine men who dispassionately worship truth, facts, and the correct placement of the decimal point with an unshowy stoical detachment while getting sucked off by supermodels.

Our fact-checking team

For example, we alluded to the fact that Johnson is a proud gay man (although he likes to downplay this to his unfortunately gay-hating audience). This is not a lie, just a fact, bro. See here.

Also, Johnson claims to be a "White nationalist," but actually he is just a Nazi, a sure fire way to destroy nationalism of any kind, even dweeby civic nationalism. In fact, due to people like Johnson, White Nationalism has just become another term for Nazi. Go figure!

The fundamental problem that Cunty-Currents has is not crappy cyber-security but its own internal contradictions. It purports to love the White race, but everything it does -- i.e. becoming a secretive gay cabal, worshipping Hitler and the holocaust, etc -- serves to toxify White identitarianism and White interests. 

Monday, July 10, 2023


White nationalist Greg Johnson was clearly not satisfied with the poor job that antifa was doing at doxxing his organisation and has decided to give them a helping hand. Either that or it was just a "boomertech moment" by the aging Johnson, who is now nearing the age of 60....

Whatever the precise reason, Johnson has allowed a massive dump of Counter-Currents data into the public domain, making it accessible to journalists, antifa, and Deep State operatives.

As reported by the Guardian

A data leak from the website of a white nationalist publisher has revealed recordings, published and unpublished documents, and hitherto private interview recordings that shed light on the way in which the organization promotes its ideology online.

The internal data from Counter-Currents, a publishing house co-founded and run by notoriously secretive far-right ideologue Greg Johnson, was exposed in an Amazon cloud storage container that was left unlocked on the open internet.

The leak includes material used on the site, but also includes unpublished articles and audio,
PDF documents of far-right books the organization has shared with readers, image files, and other items. It is not yet clear if the info of subscribers, donors, or purchasers of Counter-Currents books was included in the leaked data.

In one leaked audio, Johnson's associate Michael Polignano, who co-founded the site with him, "boasted" of having had a sexual relationship with a female Jewish journalist:

Despite his long-term involvement in antisemitic politics, Polignano made detailed claims in the 2017 recording about a sexual relationship he had before leaving the United States with a woman who was “a leftwing secular, atheist Jew” and herself in a “polyamorous relationship” with her husband.

The Guardian cross-referenced metadata on the 2017 recording and contextual clues in the recording to identify the journalist Polignano spoke with as the freelance journalist Carol Schaeffer.

Points to Polignano for this (if true) as Schaeffer is hot Jewish chick, and this is something that Johnson clearly could not do, as he is a proud LGBTQ+ gay guy who would probably find a Jewish woman or indeed any woman repellent. 

Possible hate fuck

Sunday, July 9, 2023


GB News is costing its backers £30 million a year

GB news likes to present itself as a normal, decent, well-intentioned news and commentary channel that is all about "giving voice to the average Brit."

But then you constantly see signs of the mask slipping, with rather hard shilling for a "one-sided peace deal" in the Ukraine ("just let the Russians keep everything") and ludicrous conspiracy theories ("billionaire paedos are raping your kids and running the World"). 

If it actually was a 
normal news channel, instead of some weird Black op mainstreaming Q-tard level garbage, then it would at least be interested in making a tidy profit, wouldn't it? After all, giving the average Brit "his voice" should be a winning formula.

So, how is GB News actually doing profit-wise? 
Over to the Press Gazette:

In its Companies House accounts for the year to 31 May 2022 GB News Limited reported advertising revenues of £2.97m, digital revenues of £564,000 and sponsorship revenue of £105,664.

However, cost of sales stood at £25.4m and operating expenses at £8.9m, producing a loss both before and after tax of £30.7m. The year before, when GB News reported no revenue, its losses were £3m.

Hmmm, interesting. So, GB News looks like it wasn't set up to make any actual profit, does it? What other possible reasons could it have then for existing? 

Let's check when was it launched?
Answer: 13th of June, 2021

And when did Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today get kicked off UK airwaves?
Answer: 18th of March, 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. 

With its rather odd accounting profile and suspicious timeline
GB News looks like it was set up as a deeper cover back-up channel to RT News, which, at the time, had every chance of being shut down. The channel's rather suspicious funding arrangements, through a shady character in Dubai, does nothing to weaken these suspicions.

Saturday, July 8, 2023


Social media is getting to be a pain. Recently Threads debuted. This new micro-blogging platform has been described as a "Twitter Clone." Using a masterly mix of inference, conjecture, and "Big Picture" thinking, Colin Liddell considers the role that Twitter has been playing since it was acquired by Musk, why a Twitter clone has been launched now, and whether this is being done for purely business reasons. Is there possibly a much *deeper* reason behind it all?


Patrick Crusius the model for the original Chud meme has been sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences for his part in the deaths of 23 people in the El Paso Walmart Shooting in 2019. His part was quite a big one, in fact it was the only part, as Crusius was an anti-social loner and no one else was involved. Why would they? I mean, look at the guy.

As reported by CBS:

The white Texas gunman who killed 23 people in a racist attack at an El Paso Walmart in 2019 was sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences Friday, after relatives of the victims berated him for days over the shooting that targeted Hispanic shoppers on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Patrick Crusius, 24, was sentenced to federal prison for committing one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. He pleaded guilty in February to nearly 50 federal hate crime charges after federal prosecutors took the death penalty off the table, although he could still face the death penalty in a separate case in a Texas state court that has yet to go to trial.

Crusius, wearing a jumpsuit and shackles, did not speak during the hearing and showed no reaction as the verdict was read. The judge recommended that he serve his sentence at a maximum security prison in Colorado.  

As you can see, the mainstream media likes to naively present Crusius as some big, bad "White supremacist" terrorist dude, but this simply betrays their ignorance and misunderstanding of the chud mindset.

Crusius is what is often called "Sub" or "Quasi White." In fact, by the look of him and his Hispanic-sounding name, he is probably partly non-White Hispanic himself. Check out other examples of this apparent paradox here.

Some have claimed that Crusius is not actually an Hispanic name and is in fact a "Germanic" one, but, to be honest, that only makes it worse.

Respected name website Name Census says this of the Germanic origins of the name: 

The surname Crusius is a Latinized variant of the popular German name Kraus. A nickname for someone with curly hair, Kraus comes from the Middle High German (1050-1350) word "krus," meaning curly. Variants of the name are found in the German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) languages. The original bearers of the Kraus name were likely given this name based on the curliness of their hair.

Yes, Crusius comes from an extremely long line of people who haven't quite been fitting into societies for centuries and finding generally less destructive ways to "chud out" than shooting random people in a shop.

The sentencing will do little to resolve matters, as America, due to its mass immigration ethos and sloppy attitude to assimilation, will continue to produce chuds and chuddery at near toxic levels.

In fact, the vast oversupply of chuds, radicalised and reinforced by astronomical amounts of incellism, will ensure that America's growing list of enemies and rivals will be able to cause chaos in American society at any time they choose with a few carefully placed memes on the internet. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023


Luke Ford takes a look at Peter Zeihan, a geopolitical moron who is only marginally more intelligent than the idiots who buy into his schtick.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Unlike their more authoritarian rivals, W
estern societies continue to have legal frameworks that can be used to challenge government or Deep State power. 

The latest case is a preliminary injunction by a federal judge in Louisiana ordering federal agencies to refrain from pressuring social-media companies on censorship, as happened during the lockdown when a virtual "state of emergency" existed.   

As reported by the Wall Street Times:

A federal judge ruled that the Biden administration likely trampled on the First Amendment in trying to eliminate what it saw as disinformation on social media, issuing a broad preliminary injunction limiting the federal government from policing online content.

In a 155-page ruling issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana barred White House officials and multiple federal agencies from contacting social-media companies with the purpose of suppressing political views and other speech normally protected from government censorship.

The case was prompted by the Biden government's actions against the Great Barrington Declaration, published on October 4, 2020. This was a critique by medical professionals of lockdown policies, which highlighted the damaging physical and mental health impacts of lockdowns.

This was immediately censored on social media and "scrubbed" from the internet by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others at the behest of Dr Fauci and others in the government.

But the injunction also takes aim at several other examples of heavy-handed state censorship reminiscent of Communist China or Putinist Russia, which rode in on the tail of the Covid censorship (although some of them pre-dated it):

Plaintiffs allege that Defendants suppressed conservative-leaning free speech, such as: (1) suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; (2) suppressing speech about the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin; (3) suppressing speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; (4) suppressing speech about the efficiency of COVID-19 vaccines; (5) suppressing speech about election integrity in the 2020 presidential election; (6) suppressing speech about the security of voting by mail; (7) suppressing parody content about Defendants; (8) suppressing negative posts about the economy; and (9) suppressing negative posts about President Biden.

Next maybe something should be done about the constant and relentless shadow-banning of legitimate, non-criminal content critical of our society, like that which appears here at NeoKrat.