Friday, March 31, 2023
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Kremlin assets on the internet are trying to weaponize a temporary "migrant crisis" to attack Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy simply because she is a staunch supporter of Ukraine in its hour of need.
Yes, there has been a temporary blip in migrant numbers reaching Italian shores. Here is a relatively factual report in EuroNews:
In the past 48 hours, more than 4000 migrants have reached Southern Italy - a new record - with some 2,000 people disembarking on the island of Lampedusa alone.
According to government figures, arrivals have tripled in the first three months of 2023.
So far this year, more than 20,000 migrants landed on Italian shores. Some 6,500 people arrived in Italy during the same period in 2022.
So, what about the Kremlin narrative that this is only happening because Meloni is a fake nationalist and a crypto-globalist, secretly salivating at the prospect of more Sub-Saharan migration to Italy?
Since becoming PM in October last year, Meloni has been working hard to get on top of the migrant crisis. This is not as easy to do as shitposters on the internet make out. Italy is tied into all sorts of international and humanitarian agreements by previous governments that make it difficult to crack down without also causing diplomatic crises.
One measure the government has taken is to make it more difficult for "charities" and NGOs like Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and SOS Méditerranée to carry out sea rescue missions.
This is done by assigning rescue ships to various ports, including ports in the far North of the country, so that migrants and asylum seekers don't all end up in the south of the country. This raises costs and creates difficulties for the rescue ships, which were previously operating as a ferry service to the nearest piece of Italian land.
The rescue ships also have to seek permission to dock immediately after a single rescue, rather than sailing around filling up with more migrants to bring over. These measures put considerable downward pressure on migration.
Meloni sees the key to the problem to be agreements with North African nations to restrict migrants. As migrants also create problems for those countries, such deals can be mutually beneficial. In January, her government began a series of trips to North Africa capitals to sign agreements on migration. In January, the Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani strengthened relations with Libya, signing an agreement by which Italy will give the Libyans EU-funded boats to embark migrants and bring them back to Libya.
Also, Meloni's anti-migrant stance is increasingly becoming a collective EU stance. At the latest European Council held in February, EU leaders agreed to step up their efforts on repatriations, fighting irregular migration, protecting EU borders, and on brokering agreements with third countries to prevent migration.
In fact, the anti-migrant attitude engendered by Italian voters and the election of Meloni has now spread across the Mediterranean itself, which ironically is the cause of a recent blip of migration, as migrants try to escape the increasingly less tolerant climate in North African countries. Many of the recent migrants were fleeing Tunisia, which has taken a sharp anti-migrant recently.
As reported by the Left-wing, pro-migrant Guardian:
Tunisia’s president, Kais Saied, has told a meeting of security officials that migrants are part of a wider campaign to change the demographic makeup of the country and make it “purely African”. [...]
Addressing Tunisia’s national security council on Tuesday, Saied called for urgent action to halt the flow of sub-Saharan migrants into the country. “The undeclared goal of the successive waves of illegal immigration is to consider Tunisia a purely African country that has no affiliation to the Arab and Islamic nations,” he said, going on to accuse unnamed parties of complicity in a “criminal arrangement made since the beginning of this century to alter the demographic structure of Tunisia”.
Saied may be using the migrant issue to bolster his own power, but it reveals an ever stricter attitude to migrants, not just in Italy but also the wider EU and the North African nations, from where the migrants enter Europe. This should see numbers plummet in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
Of course, the Orcs in the Kremlin have no interest in any of this. The only thing that concerns them is that Meloni is against their monstrous invasion of the Ukraine, so they will use any weapon to attack her, even a small blip in the numbers caused by an increasingly anti-migrant Mediterranean that she has played a big part in creating.
A gang of Muslim men -- many of them with stubble, five o'clock shadow, or worse -- prayed to give thanks to Allah after one of them was officially appointed "First Minister of Scotland" and took up residence in Bute House, the official home of the leader of the Scottish government.
Even though the new leader is clearly a devout Muslim who reveres all the teachings of the holy Koran and likes to pray at the appointed times, he is now the leader of a party that champions transsexual rights and believes that men who identify as women can become women after a few days, use women's facilities, and even be locked up in women's prisons for, ahem, raping women.
We'll see how long this lasts.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
He is an Ivy league PHD graduate who seemingly bounces around the world as he pleases, and is obviously from wealth. He pretends he is some fucking outlaw outsider, which is just absurd. He is a JINSA-affiliated neocon who went out of his way to engage with Bill Kristol.
(3) He is in tight with people like Mike Cernovich and Curtis Yarvin who have all promoted his weird book.
Bronze Age Mindset - Does Mike Anton Even Lift?
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 29, 2019
He has also been extensively fake criticized by various publications who always fail to dox him despite it being trivial. (until recently when it just became untenable.) He clearly has the support of some media group behind him that has coordinated his media exposure and runs his fake, obscenely overblown followers.
He has received funding from Peter Thiel's foundation at the very least, and I have good reason to assume that Andreessen/ Horowitz have likely kicked in funding.
He started off at the Salo forum which shut down around the time that Nicolo Soldo, who ran it, started his Substack, which is itself a very interesting thing to consider. Why would he spend his time on that forum? Seems like scouting for unhinged people to me, and it seems like Twitter was just a continuation of this role.
Note that Nicolo Soldo is himself very close with Marc Andreessen last time I checked, which explains why he interviews him and the likes of Greenwald. Then we have the Anton and Yarvin connection, because of course they would hype a Zionist Likudite. And, of course, he was pretty supportive of Jan 6, egging people on, a lot, because of course he was.
never forget 2/9/22
— lukeyoflowkey (@1337key133ky) January 23, 2023
And why is he encouraging members of US law enforcement to contact him as part of a secret society? And why is there a mass shooter linked to him?
cw: Denver mass shooting, neo-Nazism
— Luke Turner (@Luke_Turner) December 29, 2021
Lyndon McLeod, aka 'Roman McClay', the Denver mass shooter who just murdered 5 people, appears to have been heavily inspired by neo-Nazi figure 'Bronze Age Pervert' (BAP), a Romanian-American extremist whose real name is Costin Vlad Alamariu
Originally published as a Twitter thread and slightly edited for the requirements of a blog post.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
For example, in recent days I have seen countless posts attributing the recent riots in France to the, ahem, increasingly "Third World" character of the nation. Here is my response to one of these:
Must have been as "3rd world" as fuck in 1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, and 1968.
— Colin Liddell (@cbliddell) March 26, 2023
By the way, I don't really know who this guy Collin Rugg guy is, but he is certainly channelling the Alt-Right narrative here that France only ever riots because of non-Whiteness, when its whole history is evidence to the contrary.
Check the video here:
According to J. Philippe Rushton's r/K theory, any nation, to succeed at track and field, will select athletes from the r-end of its spectrum. Semi-Asiatic Russia picks Aryans (yes, it has some) as Western nations choose Blacks.
— Colin Liddell (@cbliddell) March 26, 2023
The point of it is to shill hard for "muh Aryan Russia" and support Putin's invasion of the Ukraine. Anything else is "cucking" for globohomo and increasing Third Worldism, which, as we just saw, is the "only" reason anybody is rioting in France.
Indeed, the video no more proves the "Aryan" or "European" character of Russia than it does the African nature of the UK (4.2% Black), Germany (1.2%), or France (6% Black). In fact it proves the opposite of what dumbasses like Duchesne think.
According to Rushton, Whites occupy the middle of the r/K spectrum, with Blacks being more r-oriented and East Asians being more K-oriented. As we know, r-oriented people have a bit of an aptitude for track and field.
What this means is that the video, rather than "proving" how "White" and "Aryan" Russia is and how "Black" and "Third World" the West is, actually proves the opposite.
Just as Western countries lean to the r-end of the spectrum in their selection of track and field athletes, so does Russia, but in Russia's case the r-end of the spectrum is Aryan, not semi-Mongolian like this guy:
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Friday, March 24, 2023
Luke Ford hosts a wide-ranging discussion of the JQ -- or the various JQs -- with Nathan Cofnas and Lipton Matthews.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
No prizes for guessing who is which.
Recently Xi visited Moscow in a much trumpeted diplomatic coup for Putin, but it was all smoke and mirrors. There was little substance. Yes, Xi was interested in boosting Russia as a resource colony of China, but not so interested in supplying weapons and tech to help "dear friend" Putin win.
This is because Xi is crafty and knows that Putin is a bad bet thanks to the weaker-than-expected Russian military. Giving him weapons and tech would have major negative consequences for China, which would immediately face brutal sanctions. Also, if he went that extra mile for his "multipolar buddy" and Putin came out on top, Putin would be the winner, not Xi, who also probably finds some merit in the idea of a weakened Russia totally dependent on China, no matter who's in charge.
"I think [Putin]’s got grand ambitions. I think he’s hostile to the US, but... he’s basically a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons."
This doesn't mean they'll succeed, or that they even respect the game in any meaningful way. But it means that they'll minimise their risks and maximise their own modest talents by adopting this strategy. That's not always a bad formula for going a long way in politics.
What Putin and Trump are doing is a lot more interesting, but bright burning flames often burn out a lot sooner.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Already gay acts, like anal sex between men, are illegal in Uganda. The new law however means that people who just "identify as gay" could also be sent to jail.
The new bill, passed on Tuesday (21st), means that people convicted of grooming or trafficking children for homosexual activities face life in prison. Also, individuals or organisations which support, fund, publish, broadcast and distribute pro-gay media material and literature, will face prosecution and imprisonment. Meanwhile friends and family members of gays, as well as members of the community, will have a legal duty to report gays to the authorities.
However, for the law to come into force, it will have to be signed off by Ugandan President Museveni, who is expected to face pressure and economic blackmail from Western donors and investors. But thanks to Musaveni's links to Russia and Uganda's growing economic relations with China, Museveni is not entirely dependent on the West and may view Western calls to stop the law as unwarranted interference in Ugandan democracy.
It seems that this case is not just about gays. It is also about the struggle in the Ukraine and whether or not global multipolarity is edging out Western unipolarity in Africa. It is also about whether "gay rights" is a geopolitical handicap in the new global power struggle.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Using rather weasely language, DeSantis tried to distance himself from Trump's dilemma, calling the case a "manufactured circus" and implying that taking sides in it was beneath his contempt.
How to say "Fuck you, Trump" without saying "Fuck you, Trump" while also reinforcing your brand for being a weasel.
— Colin Liddell (@cbliddell) March 21, 2023
Bad move. It now looks like Trump will do all he can to drag DeSantis down with him.
Hiraeth is a well-known presence on the simpy wing of the Alt-Right, churning out wistful trad-wife and maidens-in-wheatfield musical fare for Alt-Right incels to fantasize over as they jerk off into another sock.
The only surprising thing was the way they managed to dox her (and other members of her White Arts Collective), namely by researching her dog. Antifa were so chuffed by this that they even posted a video to boast of it:
Apparently Neo-Nazi songstress Hiraeth was doxxed by her dog. Antifa even made a video to boast about it.
— Colin Liddell (@cbliddell) March 21, 2023
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping will place their growing economic ties at the heart of talks in the Kremlin on Tuesday, highlighting Moscow’s dependence on Beijing after its economy was largely severed from the west.The Russian president hailed China’s economic model as “much more effective” than that of other countries, a recognition of the lifeline Beijing has extended since Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year — with bilateral trade reaching a record $190bn in 2022.
Back to the FT:
“The sanctions have exacerbated the already asymmetrical relationship between Russia and China,” said Maria Shagina, a senior research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “It’s hard to hide the fact that Russia is now a junior partner.” [...]
The most hotly anticipated topic for discussion on Tuesday is the planned Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline, which would give Russia a vital new way to reroute exports from reserves no longer being sent to Europe.
“The logic of events dictates that we fully become a Chinese resource colony,” [Shagina] said. “Our servers will be from Huawei. We will be China’s major suppliers of everything. They will get gas from Power of Siberia. By the end of 2023 the yuan [renminbi] will be our main trade currency.”
This lop-sided relationship of economic dominance will inevitably lead to large area of Siberia being ceded by Russia outright.
In recent days there have been reports of China insisting on using Chinese names for Russian lands and cities that were once under the control of the Chinese Qing Dynasty (1636-1912). As reported by the Asia Times:
The Ministry of Natural Resources on February 14 published a new version of its world map – directing a return to using the Chinese names of eight cities and areas occupied by the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. [...]
Under Beijing’s new directive, Vladivostok once again is called Haishenwai (meaning Sea Cucumber Bay) while Sakhalin Island is called Kuyedao. The Stanovoy Range is back to being called the Outer Xing’an Range in Chinese.
Monday, March 20, 2023
As we can see, throughout the 20th century major Western powers like United States and Great Britain were interested in perpetuating Russia's integrity and preventing its collapse. A unitary and strong Russian state was necessary for them to be used against Germany, whom they started to regard as their main rival from the beginning of the 20th century. This is analogous to how, in the 19th century, Great Britain was interested in the integrity of the Ottoman Empire and perpetuating its existence so that it could be used against Russia, who at the time was regarded as the main rival.
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