The effort to prevent electricity blackouts this winter is expected to delay the closure of part of a coal-fired power station in Nottinghamshire, with the plant’s German owner nearing agreement with the UK authorities.In the third in a series of deals to have more coal power on standby if needed, National Grid’s electricity system operator (NGESO) is working towards finalising an agreement with Uniper to keep all of the operations at the Ratcliffe-on-Soar site open through the winter.In May, the business secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng, wrote to NGESO asking executives to work with Uniper and fellow owners of coal-power stations Drax and EDF to slow their closure plans after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shook the energy markets.Uniper had been due to decommission one of its 500-megawatt units at the Nottinghamshire plant at the end of September, two years before closing the remaining three units at the site.Under the deal, NGESO is expected to pay the company a fee to delay the decommissioning so all three units can be called on if needed.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Some time ago, I wrote about how Alt-Righters have created a whole myth about Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi based almost entirely on two obscure quotes taken out of context.
The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
From this we are told to believe that Kalergi had a "plan" that aimed at nothing less than elevating a Jewish ruling class over a miscegenated globalised world. That's quite a stretch. But take another look at those two quotes.
The first one is almost the same sort of thing that a blackpilled Alt-Righter or sensible race realist might say, although Kalergi's tone is clearly that of a dispassionate long-range prediction. It is clearly not something he is advocating, although, as a Eurasian aristocrat with little exposure to Blacks, he seems somewhat naive on the ease with which "prejudice" would disappear.
As for the second quote, this is not a million miles away from what somebody like Adolf Hitler would say, at least in its broad outlines. Almost all hardened anti-Semites believe something similar to Kalergi's quote, namely that the Jews underwent selection for high intelligence by the historical conditions of their "Ghetto-Prison," although, of course, Kalergi had a more positive view of Jews. Sadly, this would be no defence today, as the case of Solent University lecturer Stephen Lamonby makes clear. Lamonby was fired from his post merely for pointing out the well-known cleverness of Jews.
Based on these two Kalergi quotes culled from his many works, Alt-Righters and their predecessors have created a kind of "Myth of Kalergi," presenting the half-Austrian-half-Japanese aristocrat as a kind of spiritual ringleader of an "evil globalist scheme" aimed at "exterminating the White race." Sure, White demographics are on the slide, but not because of anything Kalergi did or planned. Instead, what we see here is a strained and deconstextualised selection of "evidence" to support one of the Alt-Right's sacred blackpills.
What started me thinking about this topic again was an article I came across recently about how Kalergi may have partly inspired the geopolitical ideas in Orwell's 1984.
In 1923, Kalergi published perhaps his most important work, the Pan-European Manifesto. In this lucid pamphlet he put forward his idea for European unity while also presenting a wider vision of a "New World Order." This is best expressed in the following map:
There are a few points that poorly informed, geopolitically illiterate, low-IQ Alt-Righters may overlook in Kalergi's scheme. Firstly the project of European unity has a distinctly anti-Communist tendency, secondly he completely endorses the idea of European colonial domination over other races, and thirdly he believes that Japan should dominate China.
The map alone makes this all clear, but it is well backed up by quotes from the Pan-European Manifesto itself [note: English translation partly corrected by me].
Point One: Kalergi the Anti-Communist
Kalergi talks about three main dangers to Europe, the first is internal strife, while the final one is economic ruin. But it is the second danger which is the most compelling and palpable:
The second danger to a fragmented Europe is conquest by Russia.
Russia is to Europe as once Macedonia was to Greece.
Before Philip’s reign no Greek believed in the Macedonian danger; because Macedonia was then in confusion and anarchy.
But Philip’s genius brought order out of chaos, and after 20 years, the peasant people of Macedonia was strong enough, and the fragmented civilizations of Greece prostrate.
Under the leadership of a red or white dictator Russia could, by good harvests and American and German capital organization, again rise faster than Europe suspects. Then the fragmented and disunited small states of Europe would face a Russian world power whose area is five times as large as the entire European land area.
Neither the small states of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and the Balkans, nor disarmed Germany, would then be able to repel Russian expansion. The Rhine, Alps, and Adriatic would be Europe’s borders, until these limits fell and Europe became a Western Province of Russia.
Against this danger there is only one salvation: the European union. For a united Europe, there is no Russian threat because it has twice as many people as Russia and a much more developed industry. So the solution to the Russian danger is not in Russia – but in Europe.
The next two decades will be the history of the spectacle of a race between the idea of unification of Europe and Russian re-construction.
Interestingly, this view of a Europe coalescing to fight the threat from Moscow was the song that Nazi propaganda started to sing soon after the German attempt to conquer Russian came to grief at Stalingrad.
Point Two: Kalergi Champion of Colonialism
As you can see from the map already produced above, Kalergi believed in the European dominion over much of Africa. This is specifically stated in his Manifesto:
Pan-Europa includes the peninsula between Russia, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea; extending to Iceland and the colonies the European states. The large European colony, located between Tripoli, the Congo, Morocco, and including Portuguese Africa, could supply it with raw materials rationally managed by Europe.
It is also clear in his view -- not unlike that espoused by his fellow Austrian, Adolf Hitler -- that the British Empire should remain in existence:
From many sides, the inclusion of England is required in the future Pan Europa. This claim fails because of the federal construction of the British Empire. The Dominions would never tolerate England swinging towards a closer relationship with another state system other than them; so that makes the connection of the British Empire to Pan-Europa unworkable. The connection of the British Empire to a federal Pan-Europa lapses because of the impossibility of transforming Canada into a European state. The consequence of this attempt in America would be the swallowing of Canada in the Pan American Union and the disintegration of the British Empire.
One feels from this that Kalergi would not have been entirely unsympathetic to the idea of Brexit!
Point Three: Japan as Hegemon of East Asia
One point that may well have influenced Orwell is the existence on Kalergi's map of "Ostasia" (East Asia), later the name of one of the three superstates in the English writer's dystopian novel.
In Kalergi's scheme, East Asia includes China and the territories of the Japanese Empire. As Japan was clearly the potent power at the time (1923) and China a mess of post-revolutionary chaos, there is only one inference to draw from this, namely that Kalergi's idea of "East Asia" represents Japanese domination, in effect the "Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere" as the Japanese referred to their scheme for continental dominance in WWII.
This is also backed up in the text:
Asia awoke under Japanese leadership.
Needless to say, none of these major points in his program present Kalergi as the sinister left-wing globalist with a genocidal anti-European agenda, an image that is so cherished by the Alt-Right. Quite the reverse, in fact.
Having read this, can you be in any doubt where Kalergi stood? The ideas he expressed in the Pan-European Manifesto show a deep love for Europe and would actually place him well to the right of someone like Richard Spencer -- although there is a similar outlandish quality to both men.
Also, if the Alt-Right could be so badly wrong about this, one of their central memes, what else have they been lying to you about?
Sunday, August 28, 2022
by Thuletide
“[Russia should] introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S.”

He also claimed that his former comrade was a highly-paid operative for British intelligence, a bit like James Bond, only better looking.
As you can see, Gazprom shipments to its dominant market had only just begun to plummet from over 200 mcm/day (millions of cubic meters per day) for most of 2022 to around 100 mcm/day.
Also, after an uptick in revenue, caused by the higher price of gas, revenue has also plummeted, although it was still round about its normal level.
Nevertheless, even on this data from two months ago, the direction did not look promising for Putin, with falling sales and plunging revenue.
Russia’s natural gas exports by pipeline to the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) declined by almost 40% during the first seven months of 2022 compared with the same period in 2021 and by almost 50% compared with the previous five-year (2017–21) average, according to data from Refinitiv Eikon.
The United States had constructive talks with Indian officials on a proposal to cap prices of Russian oil, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said on Friday, as it seeks global support for a proposal to cut Russian revenue. [...]The Group of Seven richest economies aims to have a price-capping mechanism on Russian oil exports in place by Dec. 5, when European Union sanctions banning seaborne imports of Russian crude come into force.
Trotsky, one of the founders of the Soviet Union, cut his ideological teeth on a study of Freemasonry while in prison in Odessa, aged between 20 and 21. Although the manuscript he produced was later destroyed, he recalled his findings in his autobiography My Life written in exile in 1929 on the Turkish island of Büyükada. Freemasonry, Trotsky argued, was basically just 'cultural lag' from the break-up of the medieval guild system.
Freemasons counted among their members both Louis XVI and the Dr. Guillotin who invented the guillotine. In southern Germany, freemasonry assumed an openly revolutionary character, whereas at the court of Catherine the Great it was a masquerade reflecting the aristocratic and bureaucratic hierarchy. A freemason Novikov was exiled to Siberia by a freemason empress. Although in our day of cheap and ready-made clothing hardly anybody is still wearing his grandfather’s surtout, in the world of ideas the surtout and the crinoline are still in fashion. Ideas are handed down from generation to generation, although, like grandmother’s pillows and covers, they reek of staleness. Even those who are obliged to change the substance of their opinions force them into ancient moulds. The revolution in industry has been much more far-reaching than it has in ideas, where piece-work is preferred to new structures. That is why the French parliamentarians of the petty bourgeoisie could find no better way of creating moral ties to hold the people together against the disruptiveness of modern relations than to put on white aprons and arm themselves with a pair of compasses or a plumb-line. They were really thinking less of erecting a new building than of finding their way back into the old one of parliament or ministry.
Domination. "In Orwell’s 1984 society knew it was being dominated. Today we are not even aware of the domination."
Authenticity. "People sell themselves as authentic because everyone wants to be different from the rest. This forces them to produce themselves and this is impossible to do authentically because the desire to be different creates sameness. As a result, the system only allows marketable differences."
Self-exploitation. "Society’s attitude has moved from 'we have to do it' to 'we can do it.' We live with the anguish of not always doing what we are able to do. Today a person exploits themselves believing they are fulfilling themselves. It is the wicked logic of neoliberalism that culminates in the syndrome of the burned-out worker. This has a very damaging effect. There is no one the revolution can attack, repression does not come from other people. It is the “alienation of one’s self that can manifest as anorexia, overeating or the over-consumption of consumer or leisure products."
Big data. “Macrodata has made thought superfluous because if everything is countable everything is the same. We are in the middle of dataism: man is no longer in charge of himself but is instead the result of an algorithmic operation that controls him without him realizing it. We see it in China with the concession of visas according to state data, or in face-recognition technology. Will refusing to share data or be on social networks turn into an act of revolt? We have to adjust the system: the ebook is made to be read, not so I can be read through algorithms. Or does the algorithm now make the man? In the United States, we have seen the influence of Facebook in the elections. We need a digital agreement that restores human dignity and to consider a basic income for professions that will be devoured by new technologies.”
Communication. “Without the presence of another, communication will degenerate into an information exchange: relationships will be replaced by connections, and only connect with the same. Digital communication is just sight, we have lost all our sense, we are at a stage where communication has been weakened like never before: global communication and 'likes' are restricted to what is most similar. Sameness doesn’t hurt!"
Garden. “I am different, I am surrounded by analogue objects. I have two 400 kg pianos and for three years I have grown a secret garden that connects me to reality: colors, scents, feelings. I have allowed myself to notice the earth’s otherness: earth had weight, everything was done by hand, what’s digital has no weight, no resistance, you can move a finger and there it is. It is the abolition of reality. My next book will be called A Eulogy to Earth, the secret garden. Earth is more than digits and numbers."
Narcissism. "being observed is a central part of our being today. But the problem is that the narcissist is blind when it comes to seeing the other, and without this other one cannot create a sense of self-esteem by themselves. Art has also been affected by this trend: It has degenerated into narcissism, it is at the service of the consumer; stupid and unjustifiable quantities of money are spent on it, it is already a victim of the system."
Others. "The greater the similarity between people, the greater the production, this is the current logic. Capitalism needs all of us to be the same, including tourists. Neoliberalism would not work if people were different. To recover our differences we should return to the inner animal, which doesn’t consume or communicate unfortunately. I don’t have concrete solutions. In the end the system might implode by itself. In whatever case, we are living in a radically conformist time. The world is at the limit of its capacities, perhaps it will short circuit and we will recover this inner animal."
Refugees. "With the current neoliberal system refugees do not inspire fear, terror or disgust but are rather seen as a burden, with resentment or envy."
Time. "The way time is used needs to be revolutionized. Time worked is time lost, it is not time for ourselves."
Friday, August 26, 2022
The headline figure is that 1.1 million legal migrants came to Britain in the last year, a massive rise and an all-time record. What makes this more surprising is that it is happening post-Brexit, when the UK has supposedly taken back control of its borders. But what exactly is driving this massive surge in the raw immigration numbers?
But is the number actually accurate? Is the term even accurate? Breakdowns vary, as does terminology. The Daily Mail gives the following numbers, using the term "long-stay visa holders" instead of "migrants":
TOTAL 1,130,000
While the Home Office has these categories and numbers:
277,069 work-related visas
466,611 Sponsored study visas granted (to both main applicants and their dependants)
301,830 visas and permits granted for family reasons
111,760 decisions on applications for settlement
TOTAL 1,157,000
The higher Daily Mail figures for work and student visas (74,320) must include dependents of those workers and students; while the higher number in resettlement schemes is also buried in the Home Office's 301,830 visas and permits granted for family reasons
But why are the figures sharply up?
Some of these figures are bloated by bottleneck effects caused by Covid and the lockdown. The Daily Mail reports that the work visa number is 72% higher than pre-pandemic and the student visa number is 71% higher. This reflects employers being allowed to bring in skilled and agricultural foreign workers, and universities attracting paying students from abroad, after two years of lockdown.
As for the student visas, these represent large numbers of Indians and Chinese. The Daily Mail reports:
Indians made up the largest nationality among students at almost 118,000 – more than triple the number seen in 2019. They overtook Chinese students, on 115,000.
Meanwhile the Home Office's page claims:
Chinese nationals were the most common nationality granted Sponsored study visas in the year ending March 2022, with 116,967 visas granted, similar to the number seen in the year ending March 2020 (118,291).
The real surge is in the rise of Nigerian students:
Nigerian nationals saw the largest percentage increase in Sponsored Study grants compared with the year ending March 2020, increasing by 49,532 (+529%) to a record high of 58,887, making them the third largest nationality group in the last year.
Suffice to say, it is not really clear what is happening with British immigration, but the signs are not good. Right now, however, there seems to be something of a blip, which will have a downslope. This should enable the government to falsely claim that it is bringing down immigration in time for the next general election.
Here is a tweet by Paul Joseph Watson. Whether the image was actually made by a Kremlin meme factory or not, it's just Kremlin propaganda. It's also obviously fake, but still plausible enough to fool a lot of idiots and morons.
"I'm not going to chase down as to whether this is real or not, but it's certainly the sort of billboard they would put up."
Or maybe:
"Yes the meme is fake but the point it makes is correct, namely that we are sacrificing too much for the sake of the Ukrainians."
This too is fake and cowardly.
The reason we support the Ukrainians is the same reason we support the police arresting people we don't know who stick knives into other people we don't know. It's as simple as that.
Putin didn't have to invade the Ukraine, and he doesn't have to keep doing it. He could stop, obviously, and send his troops home. Just turning a blind eye to this blatant aggression and historical revanchism is not really a sensible option in the long term, is it? What kind of geopolitical jungle would that create?
Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Sadly (although not really) it wasn't meant to be. Running on the slogan "Trump Won! I know it. You know it," the larger than life (and vaster than sanity) Alt-Lite figure fell just a few points short, getting a respectable 45% of the vote.
Keeping in tune with her campaign theme, she immediately claimed "voter fraud," and blamed Big Tech for skewing the election. She has a point, because, really, Laura is exactly the kind of phantasmagoric candidate that should be representing the eccentric, elderly, and heavily medicated Floridians who make up the GOP base in the state.
“I’M NOT CONCEDING!” Laura Loomer attacks the Republican Party and alleges voter fraud after losing GOP primary to incumbent Florida congressman Daniel Webster. #news6
— Mike DeForest (@DeForestNews6) August 24, 2022
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Monday, August 22, 2022
Luke Ford takes his usual nuanced approach to a wide range of issues, including the controversial "legacy" of Anthony Fauci, the hive mind echo chamber thinking on both sides of the political divide, the latest evidence on the origins of Covid 19, and the the efficacy (or otherwise) of vaccines.
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Kevin’s article: If You Thought the NIMBYs Were Bad – Meet the YIMBYs
When the city of Mariupol was captured after months of relentless bombardment and thousands of civilian casualties, Darya was quick to visit and gloat over the massacre, taking selfies in the rubble.
Naturally, the Alt-Right, its fellow travellers, and Putin shills are all busted up about this.
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Alt-Right madman E. Michael Jones, already famous for a number of crackpot theories, has thrown yet another one on the pile with his "hot take" that Salman Rushdie got stabbed recently purely because he was a Fed who wrote his most famous book "The Satanic Verses" to provoke Muslims into acts of violence so that they would look bad.
In the clearly deranged article, Jones writes about:
"...the role which Rushdie played as an agent provocateur in a campaign that was designed to provoke violent responses from the Islamic world, which would be then turned around to demonize them."
So, not some Indian writer guy just trying to pen another novel?
He also claims that Rushdie was a complete unknown before The Satanic Verses hit the book shelves in 1988, despite the fact that Rushdie's 1981 debut novel, Midnight's Children, which also dealt with issues of Indo-Islamic identity, was an international best seller.
Jones also links the 1988 publication of The Satanic Verses with the publication 17 years later of a few cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper and something similar in a French Satirical magazine 24 years later:
"The Satanic Verses paved the way for the Danish cartoon crisis which unfolded on September 30, 2005, after the Danish periodical Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons ridiculing the prophet Muhammad. Then as now the assault on Islamic sensibilities was justified in the name of 'freedom of thought and speech.' But in the light of subsequent events it became clear that the point of these intentionally reckless and provocative acts was the Islamic reaction, which included protests around the world, 'including violence and riots in some Muslim countries.'"
According to fruit-loop Jones, an Indian novel, a Danish newspaper, and a French satire mag, separated by nearly two-and-a-half decades, were the preferred tools used by some sinister US Deep State organisation to provoke a civilisational war between the West and the Islamic World.
No wonder it never happened.
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America bites back! |
"I'm reading Blue Dawn, and I read the part where you said the Chaldean SEs were on a rampage against the Hispanics. This is fundamentally incorrect. Chaldeans aren't Muslims. They are Catholics, and they don't live in Dearborn; they live in West Bloomfield, Farmington Hills, Troy, and Sterling Heights. If anything, they would be on the side of the Catholic Hispanics, because they're not fans of Muslims; Chaldeans reportedly cheered when zoning laws prevented a mosque from being built around where they live. AND there's no way in hell they'd be Social Enforcers, because Chaldeans are overwhelmingly Republican. I'm enjoying your book, but as a Michigander, I felt I needed to mention this."