

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Putin's pet

What are we seeing with all the recent nonsense coming out of the White House connected to Donald Trump and his blatantly insane comments on the Ukraine war?

Here's Trump on Zelenskyy, someone who is actually higher in his country's opinion polls than Trump is in his: 

Trump has never said anything negative about the guy next door to Zelenskyy, the same one who has been murdering his own people and running fake elections for the last twenty years and who is now engaged in a Hitlerian war of expansion. 

Really, it is impossible to overstate how bad this makes America look. Even if Trump backtracks, even if he gets kicked out, even if things somehow return to "normal," the damage has been done. America will never be trusted again. If NATO (and America's alliance with its East Asian friends) is anything, it is the absolute trust that America will stand by them in a tight corner. That is now gone!

In retrospect, America has been on this road a long, long time. What we are seeing in the blatant Putinism on display in the White House is merely what we have been seeing since at least the Bush years with the distorting influence of the Zionist lobby.

Putinism in the White House is just a carbon copy of Likudism in the White House. In fact, it was Likudism that kind of blazed the trail. And even if Putinism is defeated, which is not impossible because it has much stronger enemies, other isms can be guaranteed to penetrate the White House and the American political establishment with similar ease.

Of course, having a fat, orange whore like Trump (currently amplified by an autistic, ketamine-addicted oligarchic freak like Musk), may make this seem worse than it is.

If they are both taken down, which is not unlikely given how out-and-out moronic their behaviour is, the picture may seem to improve, but the fundamental flaw is still there, and that is quite simply how easy it is to hack, buy, and manipulate your way relatively cheaply into the American political system.

The problem that Trump reveals is not a problem of Trump's making. That problem has been there for a long, long time. His special talent is to shine an extremely bright light on it. 

So, what are the contours of this fundamental flaw? There are several aspects to it. Firstly, there is the direct buying of politicians through donations. You have probably seen these people before:

Sheldon Adelson and Mrs Adelson dumping their money on Trump

The difference here is that the Adelsons dropped their Zionist-boosting millions on Trump after he rose to political prominence. This was in May 2016, when Trump was at least an important GOP candidate. 

The Russians, however, like to get in early.

They have a track record of cultivating people they see as important, culturally and socially, or possibly important politically further down the road. In fact this is how they built up their spy network in the UK back in the days of the Cold War. It is also possibly the reason their country outside Moscow and St Petersburg looks like a complete shithole. Rather than spend their oil, gas, and mineral revenues on improving the lives of ordinary Russians, the Kremlin would much rather stuff it into the pockets of corrupt and gullible Western politicians like this idiot on the right:

Evgeny Lebedev and Boris Johnson, round about the 
time Johnson gave his KGB-linked friend a peerage

In recent days there has been plenty of speculation about Donald Trump being an actual KGB hire called "Agent Krasnov." Without an obvious smoking gun such rumours are not very useful, but there is also very clear evidence of the Russians putting money directly into Trump's pocket back in 2008, roughly about $60 million through a ridiculous property deal.

The basics are that Trump bought a property in 
November 2004 for $41 million then tried to sell it for three times as much. Nobody was interested until a Russian oligarch fortuitously showed up and paid around a $100 million. You can read more about this here

Then there are the blackmailing and murder threats that the Russians are also a dab hand at. This can happen to you even if you are the President of an independent country if you don't play along with the Kremlin's agenda.

Back in 2004, this happened to 
Viktor Yushchenko, a former Ukrainian President who didn't want to play footsie with the Russians:

Yushchenko survived but his complexion didn't

The Kremlin had been careful not to overuse these more coercive methods in the West, or at least to restrict them to Russian expats, but rumours remain of the widespread use of blackmail and kompromat in Western countries. 

This is also something that the Zionist Likudniks appear to have been doing with their Epstein operation, although the details still remain murky. Suffice to say a sexual degenerate like Donald Trump would have been an easy mark for either the Russians or the Israelis, and there is plenty of evidence that the 
Epstein op was interested in him:

Sometimes the pussies grab you!

But the direct buying or blackmailing of US politicians and its absolute tolerance by a US political system run by these same politicians who are bought and blackmailed is not the only means of hacking the system. There is also the media, and the media today means the internet. 

There is plenty of evidence of both Zionist and Putinist funding of media in the West. With regard to Russia, we could mention Russia Today (a rather too obvious influence operation now shut down) and GBNews (sometimes referred to as "KGB News"), which loses £30 million of Kremlin-linked "dark money" out of Dubai every year. Or we could refer to the case of Tenet Media in the USA.

But there are also "fake news factories" like the recently exposed Doppelganger operation and the whole army of lower-ranking "Dissident Right" Putin shills on various social media platforms. These small fry are steered with relative ease through a network of petty donations and message boosting to parrot Kremlin talking points.

And this is even without even mentioning whatever is going on at TikTok and Twitter. Musk most notably did what seems to be an inexplicable U-turn on Ukraine, and then acquired Twitter, using it to boost Putinist messaging and Donald Trump.

Elon, bro, WTF happened?

Then there are operations like Israel's "Project Butterfly" part of the "Israel Cyber Shield," an operation set going in 2015 and funded to the tune of $900 million dollars!!!

As reported by  James Bamford in The Nation:

According to its secret internal operations plan, Project Butterfly was aimed at 'executing intelligence and influence efforts' against Americans by creating an 'infrastructure for narrative warfare—alternative messaging and negative platforms.' In other words, by creating fake news outlets, phony Facebook personas and posts, and other forms of information warfare, Psy Group’s goal was to deliberately deceive the American public about Israel and its actions against the Palestinians. 

To accomplish these goals, the group was seeking for the operation’s first year of a three-year plan and promised it would conduct its activities in utmost secrecy. All links to the donors would be hidden and none of the actions would be traceable to Jews or Israelis. The importance of the operation and its closeness to Netanyahu can be seen in Project Butterfly’s top officials. Among them was Netanyahu’s former deputy director of Mossad and director general of the Ministry of Intelligence and Strategic Affairs, Ram Ben-Barak, who was the project’s strategic adviser. Comparing the effort against the American boycotters to “a war,” he said, “you don’t kill them but you do have to deal with them in other ways.”

What was intended here was a clandestine operation to:

"...damage specific Americans and US organizations associated with the boycott movement. It would develop ways to disrupt their activities, lead them to be falsely investigated by the authorities, and run a hidden media influence campaign against them."

If the Israelis have done it, the rule is that the Russians must have done it even more.

As someone with long experience in Dissident Circles. and with past associations to many people who later turned out to be Russian shills or worse, I have seen how this works on a micro level. Essentially the method was to bribe those in the Alt and Dissident Right who played along 
through donations and boosting, and to criticise, isolate, and deplatform those who didn't.

This pattern is even written on the petty history of the Alt-Right and the short war of sorts that erupted between the Daniel Friberg-Richard Spencer faction and the Counter-Currents faction led by Greg Johnson sometime around 2016.

Spencer and Johnson, so alike yet so different

In the period following the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution in 2014, Johnson took a pro-Ukrainian position, as did many in the Alt-Right at the time. In Johnson's case it was probably motivated by his interest in out-and-out Neo-Nazi organisations like Ukraine's Azov battalion, which was pretty "Nazi" at the time, as well as his belief in Euro nationalism. Putin at the time was also seen as an oppressor of ethnic nationalism inside Russia. Also, due to his generally high level of organisation and networking, Johnson was more financially independent than other "more needy" Alt-Righters and therefore more ideologically independent

On the other side, Friberg and Spencer took a Pro-Putinist stance. Friberg, as I have pointed out elsewhere, was probably a genuine Kremlin asset, while Spencer was most likely his "useful idiot."

But it was not enough to be just pro-Putin, the Friberg-Spencer faction also attempted to launch personal attacks on the large number of homosexuals in the Counter-Currents faction, with Andrew Joyce, a close associate of Professor Kevin MacDonald, penning a number of anti-homosexualist articles  aimed at Johnson that were then published at Spencer's site.

This effort failed, partly because the Dissident Right is made up of all sort of weirdos, perverts, and freaks who find nothing really amiss in homosexuality. Also, soon after this attempt to marginalise Johnson, the Friberg-Spencer faction just fell apart. Exactly how is not yet clear, but it is notable that Spencer subsequently went on to adopt a more anti-Duginist and more pro-Western stance, leading to suspicions that he had effectively been "turned."

But, regardless of these trivialities, the fact remains that America's political dissidents, both on the Right and the Left, are wide open to foreign influence operations that seek to weaponise this underlayer of malcontents. Whether their resentment against the system is driven by legitimate political reasons or illegitimate psychological factors is an irrelevance in Moscow, Jerusalem, or wherever. 

Europe too is open to many of these pressures of subversion, but the Americans are 'gifted' with a peculiar gullibility and blindspot to such ops. Also, the benefits to geopolitical rivals of subverting America are understandably much greater than doing the same to Britain or Belgium.

The rise of Donald Trump is proof to the essential weakness of the American system. But much of that weakness is self-inflicted. Stronger candidates in either 2016 or 2024, at the primary or electoral stage, would have tidily disposed of Trump. Instead the GOP shot itself in the foot by putting up dull, corporate placemen, like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio; while the Dems sent in two unlikeable and unqualified feminist DEI hires, Hillary and Kamala. 

But even if Trump had lost, the fact remains that these operations to influence, manipulate, and control America would still be wreaking havoc. With Trump they just hit the jackpot.

The next question is whether the American political entity collectively realises it has been injured and then does something to defend itself or not.

Trump could provide the shock of realisation that it needs to wake up to its danger, or it may be too far gone already. In that case, Trump may merely serve as an advertisement of America's weakness and the benefits of ruthlessly hacking the its system.

Personally, I think a reaction to these forces is much more likely in Europe, where I suspect there will be moves in countries like Germany, France, and the UK to ban or co-opt what are seen as "compromised" political parties, while also cracking down on the open door the internet provides for disinfo and subversion ops.

In order to work, however, these moves will have to be backed up by attempts to address some of the legitimate concerns that help fuel this geopolitical subversion.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying his book here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia), or by taking out a paid subscription on his Substack.

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1 comment:

  1. That last paragraph says it all, bro. Because, at the end of the day, I ain't turning down 5k from DOGE, and I like seeing the left cry.


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