

Friday, January 17, 2025


Trump: more Zoolander than Greenlander

America is the classic paper tiger. It thinks all the other countries exist because it exists. The truth is the opposite: it exists because all the other countries exist.

Unlike America, they are real countries, based on real histories and real peoples, even if demographic change is watering that down a little. Unlike America, they are not paper countries built on treachery, freemasonry, and a bit of parchment. But they are also what created America and what makes America look big and strong.

Without them, the Paper Tiger would look like a shaved kitty.

Most wise Americans have intuited this truth in some form and acted on it over the years, building strong, mutually beneficial alliances around the World. The result was that the image of "American Greatness" was bolstered and burnished to a fine shine.

But now the boomer-wing of the American electorate have been dumb enough to take their inherent national solipsism too far and re-elect someone who turbo-channels the bullshit myths and propaganda of "American Greatness," someone who is acting out the deluded fantasy of America as the sole font of greatness and power in the World by making absurd demands and threats towards allied countries -- punitory tariffs here, threats of annexations and military action there, etc. -- and the flaccid freak hasn't even been sworn in yet!

Yes, Donald Trump thinks America holds up the sky, and, by acting the way he is, he and America are both about to find out the hard way just how powerless they really are and always have been without their friends.

Let's be clear, America without NATO would be in a perilous situation. Donald Trump tells other NATO countries "you have to spend 5% on defence." Does this orange baboon think he's actually the "King of NATO" or something?

No, the other NATO countries can get away with around 1% of GDP on defence, as all they really have to worry about in their part of the world is the gutted carcass of a Russia that continues to stumble zombie-like to its doom, and this after fighting just a single medium-sized European nation.

Yes, let's be clear again, Europe has nothing to worry about militarily. But this is not true for America, as it has decided to stick its big, fat nose into Asia and face up to not only the Chinese, but also the Iranians and North Koreans -- and in all of their back yards!

Given the poor fighting quality of the USA and its extremely low pain threshold in taking casualties, the current 3% of GDP that it spends on its inefficient defence sector looks a tad low, especially without it friends and allies. I would say that it realistically needs to raise it to around 7%. Europe meanwhile has not decided to face up to these Asian powers, so 1% will be more than sufficient to keep Russia in its bloody coffin and to clean up Africa. 

Americans attempting to deal with stuff without their allies

Let's face it, a country that is about to hold the inauguration of its latest shitty president indoors because of a bit of cold weather is not really ready to annex Greenland anytime soon.

My hope is that saner minds will triumph in America, and work to marginalise the arrant stupidity and arrogance of Trump, and start to repair America's damaged relationships with its friends and allies. If not, however, America will quickly find out just how weak and powerless it has always been when counted alone. 


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying his book here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia), or by taking out a paid subscription on his Substack.

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