

Sunday, December 1, 2024


Did everyone have a ride?

Prompted by boredom or possibly the need to maintain "engagement" on social media, several people connected to the Dissident Right and live-streamer Lauren Southern have recently been leaking alleged details of Southern's disgusting and unhygienic private life.

According to these salacious and as-yet-unconfirmed revelations, the Canadian tradthot was effectively the Alt-Right's "school bicycle" for most of her adult life, basically opening her legs to almost anyone and everyone, although, in the case of Andrew Tate it required a chokehold.

Not only that, but Southern dispensed her maidenly favours even to small furry shitlibs, like live-streamer Destiny, who is also in the frame as Nick Fuentes's "gay love" interest in another batch of online allegations.

Brittany Simon, a former associate of Destiny and his polyamorous ex-wife, released a video that said Southern and midget leftie Destiny were an item for some time.

This is backed up by a recent massive dump of DMs by Destiny highlighted here:

Elsewhere screenshots of tweets by Southern's former gay cameraman Caolan Robertson and reported conversations with Southern's ex-husband (see below) have been circulating that imply Andrew Tate "raped" Southern around about 2018, after she "encouraged" him and then changed her mind. 

According to these serious allegations, Southern was devastated by this sexual assault and then went on to have a cocaine-fuelled sexual encounter with Tommy Robinson on the rebound.

Not only that, but Alt-Right OG Milo Yiannoupolous, who is also gay, chimed in on Twitter saying that Lauren had actually had sex with sub-masculine jump-cut YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson and even left a piece of "ironic" Nazi jewellery at his apartment.

So, if all these slutty rumours are true, Lauren had sex with Destiny, Andrew Tate (involuntarily), Tommy Robinson (under the influence of drugs), and PJW.

Even more odd is the wacky pattern that these allegations reveal.

On the sub-masculine scale, Tate is probably the least sub-masculine, followed by Tommy Robinson, PJW, and then Destiny. Yet it obvious from the details of these rumours that Southern was most attracted to Destiny, the least masculine, with whom she had a relatively lengthy relationship, and least attracted to Tate, the most masculine of the four. Clearly Southern has a weird kind of inverted male sexuality that attracts her to small, pudgy, bisexual, gay, or feminine men, while more masculine men appear to repel her. 

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