

Thursday, November 14, 2024


A cheap, disgusting whore who will do anything for money with an Eastern European model

Trump is and isn't a lot of things, but one thing he can certainly be accused of being is a great, big, fat, disgusting whore with a pay-to-play sign in flickering neon above his flaccid grimacing face.

In short, he is the most "transactional" politician in US history, which is just code for "corrupt" in case that other word confused you.

But who is paying the organ grinder to make this monkey dance?

Crypto, that's who.

In an article titled "Cryptocurrency’s growing role in US elections" Economist Intelligence reports:

"For the first time in US history cryptocurrency has become a major campaign issue in a presidential election. The industry has contributed US$119m this year trying to influence the federal elections, according to findings by Public Citizen, a US consumer group. This represents nearly half of all corporate contributions made so far in 2024. The funding has largely gone to Fairshake, a super political action committee (super-PAC) dedicated to electing pro-crypto candidates. It has raised nearly US$203m (including contributions from individuals), according to filings."

All this money has had its impact on Trump's vacuous morality, with the President Elect doing a complete 180 on crypto now that he's being paid:

"During his previous term, Mr Trump consistently criticised cryptocurrencies—only in 2021 did he declare that Bitcoin was “not money” and “highly volatile and based on thin air”. He warned that digital assets facilitated illegal underground markets. However, in 2024 Mr Trump started to publicly change his position—in May he spoke at the Libertarian Party’s national convention and vowed to stop Mr Biden’s “crusade to crush crypto”. He became the first major-party presidential candidate to accept crypto donations, having raised about US$3m in cryptocurrency donations by end-June, as reported by the The Wall Street Journal, an American newspaper. His own crypto portfolio was worth nearly US$8m at end-July."

And this is the PoS that a lot of wankers in the Dissident Right think is their "Daddy."

But it's not just Trump. Ever wonder why the rather unlikely figure of JD Vance was picked to be VP?

"Mr Trump’s vice-presidential pick, JD Vance, is also seen as a pro-crypto candidate. Mr Vance began drafting a bill in June that would overhaul how the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC, the securities markets supervisor) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC, the commodity futures and options markets regulator) regulate cryptocurrency. Vance is also the first Bitcoin owner to run for vice-president. He owned up to US$250,000 in Bitcoin as at end-2022, according to his latest congressional financial disclosure."

Vance is rightly seen as the pawn of creepy gay tech billionaire Peter Thiel.

So, what will the crypto bros get for their donations to the Donald?

Mainly a big boost in the price of crypto at the probable expense of everyone else. Already he is talking about removing capital gains tax.

At the annual Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee in July, Trump promised to make the US "the cryptocurrency capital of the world" by creating "strategic national Bitcoin stockpile" out of the 213,000 Bitcoins (worth US$14bn) confiscated by the federal government, i.e. he is treating it like a traditional financial reserve. But while traditional financial reserves, like foreign currency and gold, allow central banks to inject stability into the system in times of crisis, this is not the case with Bitcoin.

Such a volatile and manipulable fake asset as this, this just creates financial fragility in the US economy that would serve to amplify instability rather than calm it. It would also serve as a weak point for geopolitical rivals to target, just like the US's frankly stupid political system.

Furthermore, Trump will also add to all the instability by blowing off the doors of crypto regulation, in particular by removing the SEC chair, Gary Gensler, who has advocated for treating many digital assets as securities with strict regulations. Under Gensler the SEC prosecuted Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of crypto exchange FTX, and filed lawsuits against the biggest crypto exchanges and payments providers. Now, with Trump and his bought-and-paid-for goon squad in power, they can do what the fuck they like.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand the arguement that Trump's better than Harris to lead the nation. He's been president once, his term wasn't all too bad for the average american and the economy was doing good. All wasn't so swell tho, but that's another debate. However, his recent nominations are worrying to say the least. Of course he needs the approval of the Senate, but still. It seems that under Trump, the US is going to abdicate the leadership of the free world. And MAGAtards are clapping like the morons they are. I hope time will prove me wrong...


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