

Monday, May 8, 2023


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America is the moron of racism.

Since it was founded as an offshore lunatic asylum for religious fanatics that grew into a very large farm, America has constantly failed upwards.

Now it is making the final 
leap towards hitting the target with its arse by getting "racism" totally wrong, and, in the process, overcoming its main fracture point exploited by its enemies.

This is clear from the latest outbreak of "White Supremacist" spree shooters in Texas and elsewhere, who, like just about everybody else in the racist far right, turn out to be Hispanics, non-Whites, or Quasi-Whites. 

Nick "Mexican midget" Fuentes and Mauricio Garcia, the dude who just shot up the shopping mall in Allen, Texas, are sadly typical. 
Meanwhile, the online Right, most of whom are conveniently hidden behind sock accounts, post stuff like this, as if the mainstream media is getting them wrong:

No, the mainstream media is right in this case. It should be clear by now, especially to anyone familiar with the Dissident Right, that America is simply totally shit at the one thing most people around the world associate it with, namely, "racism."

Latest White Supremacist spree shooter just dropped

This is nothing new, and it is something I have been saying for years. In fact, America is so shit at racism that it should probably just stop trying. The evidence is overwhelming. 

Back in 2020 there was the case of "Based Stickman" Kyle Chapman, a one-time leader of the Proud Boys, a group that some say the Texas shooter Mauricio Garcia had ties with. Back then the media reported that Chapman had gone off the deep end, spewing anti-Semitism and racial smears like any Fed trying to make his quota.

As reported by Newsweek:

White nationalist Kyle Chapman—who set up the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)—has criticized the group's chairman Enrique Tarrio while announcing a so-called rebranding of the organization.

Writing on encrypted messaging app Telegram, Chapman used racial slurs against Tarrio and other neo-Nazi rhetoric while announcing that the "grifting leaders" had been deposed and the group would be renamed the Proud Goys. The term "goy"—a Hebrew word for a non-Jewish person—is sometimes used by white supremacists to signal their anti-Semitic beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In the Telegram message Chapman wrote: 

"We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other 'undesirables' into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization. We recognize that the West was built by the White Race alone and we owe nothing to any other race."

OK, so far so good. Whether you agree with it or not, this looks like pretty solid, relatively normal race hatred. 

• Disparaging non-Whites? Check!
• Recycling crappy terminology from the Daily Shoah podcast? Check!
• Making anti-gay statements while secretly being thrilled you're a gay icon? Check?
• And of course frothing at the mouth about Jews? Double Check!

But, then, we got this:

Yes, super, uber Neo-Nazi race hater Kyle Chapman and family. The Dissident Right's Aryan superhero was, it turns out, a guy who has a cute waifu and had actually race-mixed by sprogging out a "future Elliot Rodger"!!!

Whether you're cool with that or not, is not the point. The point is that this is not what a solid, old school racist is supposed to be like. The guy is doing it all wrong.

But not only does he have "Yellow Fever," it looks like he is at least partly Jewish. Indeed, it's not even anything he tries to hide. Check out his battle helmet. 

But, really, why be surprised, because American racists and anti-Semites have an abysmal track record at actually being racist and anti-Semitic.

A few even older historical examples:

Check out this guy.

Nice swastikas, solid White Supremacist banners, and even a snazzy Nazi uniform! But this guy, Frank Cohen fucks up the whole Neo-Nazi, Jew-hating thing by being -- yes, you guessed it -- a Jew himself.

Even worse, lots of dumbass American racists thought this guy was their Aryan Fuhrer, LOL. That's how crap these low-IQ Americans are at racism and anti-Semitism.

A bit like this guy, here, yet another classic case of just how shit Americans are 
at racism:

Yes, Mike Enoch from TRS. Totally, 100% Jewish! Even his Nazi sock name "Enoch" is an anagram of Cohen!

And here is big, bad Aryan Neo-Nazi Weev Aurenheimer of the Daily Stormer.

Except he too is a Jew. And also a midget -- about the size of a large cat.

God almighty, can it get any worse? Yes it can...

This is Andrew Anglin, the wit behind the hardcore racist Daily Stormer site. 

Yes, I'm not sure which one he is either.

Then there are other leading American racists and anti-Semites, like Sven (Jesse Dunstan) and Alex McNabb from The Right Stuff, and of course Striker. How about those guys?

Here is swarthy, almost Arab-like, Sven
and his Chinese wife. 

Sven and Chen

Really, if some dude comes at you with a "Nordic sounding" sock name, you can be sure he is 100% fake.

As for McNabb, he's about the Blackest White man I can claim to have laid eyes on.

Then there's Striker. H
e's about the size of a pony's breakfast. Yes, small enough to be of sexual interest to Joe Biden. Not to mention that he is of course an Hispanic!!!

What else would he be if he wasn't Jewish or Black?

Rare picture of Striker (white T-shirt) taken with a microscopic camera.

Really -- to paraphrase Donald Trump -- American racism and anti-Semitism hasn't been sending us their best.

We were promised these guys:

But instead we ended up with this mess:

America's racists: Total Great Replacement victory!

Really, Americans, it looks like we'll have to shut down this whole racism thing until we find out just what the hell is going on.

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


  1. The US is a nation-state with a unified language and culture. Its just that the language happens to be the global lingua franca and the culture is garbage. Apart from the ghetto black underclass (exclusive of middle class blacks), recent immigrants, and religious intentional communities like the Amish, everybody else in the country has largely the same way of life and interacts as if they were co-ethnics. The differences are the normal intra-ethnic political, religious, and cultural differences that exist in every Western country. Both the alt-right and the "woke" left misunderstand this, and act like we are the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in 1913 or 1980s Lebanon. So we get absurdities like what's in this article, or the idea that a Kentaji Brown Jackson-middle class person who went to Harvard Law School and is married to a Boston Brahmin WASP- is part of the same "black community" as the impoverished residents of Camden, New Jersey.

    1. Jumunji Jackson's kids will, all things being equal, commit more crime than white middle class offspring.

  2. Okay that was kind of funny

  3. lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  4. That is the first time I’ve seen a picture of McNabb. That is not an image of a White man. I don’t know what it is, but it’s not a White man. TRS is compromised of a Jew, a mestizo and McNabb is a mystery.

  5. Why lie so much? You seem obsessed with Nazis and Jews. NOT normal

    1. You are clearly not paying attention. Jews are obsessed with Nazis, and Nazis are obsessed with Jews. Maybe they should go and get a room. Maybe they can let you sit in the corner and watch.


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