

Thursday, December 29, 2022


Also available on BitChuteYouTube, and Odysee.

Let's cut to the chase: Yockeyism is the tendency of some people, usually Neo-Nazis or edgytarians, to express an interest in, or agreement with, the ideas of Francis Parker Yockey, whether they have actually read them or not. Alt-Righters like Neema Parvini or Greg Johnston are typical examples of modern-day Yockeyists.

The key element of Yockeyism is this: Yockey's work is the first post-war rehash of pre-war Nazi ideology. It therefore exists as a kind of zombie incarnation, as if to say:

"Well, that was some war you waged to kill us off. In fact it was your best shot, but, ahem, we're still here and we're still walking around."

Yockeyism has many of the same characteristics as Nazism, but key to its appeal is that it is a rehashing, and therefore somewhat different from the original. 

In addition, something else that is very important to its appeal is its Americanness. Just like the Nazi zombie thing, this is essential. It says:

"Remember that particularly nasty, German thing that you had to cross the Atlantic to kill off in its bunker? Well, guess what, it has now crossed the Atlantic the other way and is now walking around in America."

How's that for doubling down?

These two aspects -- Nazi Zombie-ism and Transatlantic Nazism -- are the essential appeal of Yockeyism. It is effectively a pseudo-ideological bugbear or scarecrow, served up for intra-American purposes. Non-WASP Americans feeling ressentiment against their perceived failure to ascend in American society or WASP Americans feeling threatened by ascendant non-WASP minorities are susceptible to Yockeyism. 
But, in order to serve this purpose, Yockeyism can't just be Nazism. It has to have Yockeyist tendencies. If it was equivalent to Nazism it wouldn't exist. The Nazism is a vital ingredient, but so too is the rehashing or the remixing and the additional elements. To achieve this Yockey leaned heavily on Spenglerism, but the concoction he came up with had his own unique take. 

The best point from which to understand a system like Spengler's or Yockey's is to think of them as civilisational equivalents of the well-known Gaia Hypothesis, which is a non-provable pseudo-religious metaphor that posits the idea that all life is part of an unconscious superorganism with teleological characteristics.

Both Spengler and Yockey view civilisations in this way.

For Yockey there are eight high cultures in world history, each one a spiritual superorganism, lacking human consciousness in any meaningful way. The Yockeyist, of course, can present himself as a conscious expression of the civilisational "soul" of his people, but he has no power to control or steer it, as it is supposedly doing that by itself.

Yockey was extremely Eurocentric and saw Europe as the centre of Western civilisation, which he viewed as the key civilisation of his historical era. His opinions of that other part of the West, America, were extremely negative. Indeed, he reviled almost every major figure and political movement in American history with few exceptions.  One of these exceptions was Benjamin Franklin, but this was merely because he viewed him, erroneously, as a fellow Jew hater. 

According to Yockey, the Superorganism of the West is threatened by certain 'pathogens.' No prizes for guessing which group this is supposed to be, although he also thinks the characteristic Western qualities of materialism and rationalism are a danger.

At the most basic level, Yockey's opinions are code for American self-loathing, and this is the real psychological driver of his world view. 

In its genesis, Yockeyism is Yockey's own expression of the "cultural cringe" that the periphery of a civilisation feels towards its traditional cultural centres. But in its application by his followers, it is the zombie rebirth of the core content of Nazism. It is a disfigured phoenix rising from the ashes; the bad loser who refuses to admit his defeat and tries to keep playing the game that has ended.

As a tool for analysing, understanding, and influencing the flows of history, or as a critique on the Jews, it is totally useless. As a means of prediction, it is even worse than useless. 
But as a salve for the bruised egos of the resentful or as a device for "gnostic posturing" for the  ignorant or lazy it has its uses. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Dan Baltic’s debut novel, Nutcrankr, is published by Matt Forney’s Terror House Press, in paperback and e-book. Dan Baltic co-hosts the podcast, New Write, with Matt Pegas, who has been a regular on my podcast for several years. New Write is a dissident literature podcast, that is a play on the words, New Right, referencing a political scene, and write. Matt and Dan describe it as, “A Podcast for the Lost Arts. Reclaiming the Literary Holy Land from the Heathen.”

Nutcrankr’s protagonist, Spencer Grunhauer, is a man against time, or rather that time is against him. He is an archetypical alienated loner, a societal outcast, who is also fairly intelligent and perhaps on the spectrum. The prologue begins with Spencer incarcerated at Attica Correctional Facility in New York State. He is not having a good time, that is clear, but what is unclear is how he arrived there. Nutcankr, at least at the beginning, has the feel of a movie script, an observation that I have also gotten about my novels, which is not necessarily a bad thing. This is the case with a lot of younger authors. There is also a sense of delirium and fleeting shifts in parts, maybe not to the degree of William Burroughs’ Naked Lunch, but a sense that it is all in Spencer’s head.

After the prison sequence teaser, it goes onto Spencer’s college experience, and establishes him as a young weirdo, and how he came to be. The segment where Spencer is in college, takes place in the mid-2010s, with references to the Women’s March and SJW culture. Spencer is kind of a normie conservative in college, but feels under siege as a White male in the midst of the great awokening, on top of his status anxiety. After college, Spencer is living in New York City, working for a non-profit, the Center for Social Advancement. However, he gets fired from his job after the discovery of his manifesto, that he posts to 3chain, a site that is a parody of 4chan. Spencer’s manifesto, which he refers to as “The Project”, advocates for a eugenic breeding program of enforced monogamy, paring up young virgins with men of “good moral standing.”

After Spencer is fired from his job, he is adrift, and his life is in shambles. However, Spencer temporarily gets out of his rut by finding a girlfriend, Crystal, on a BDSM site. He tries to seduce and indoctrinate Crystal into the ways of patriarchy and traditionalism, but the indoctrination does not work, and she rejects him, causing him to go into another downwards spiral. After the break up, he starts using Nutcrankr, a fictional social media/porn site, hence the title, that is sort of a hybrid between Pornhub with Tumblr and Twitter. On Nutcrankr, Spencer comments on videos, building up followers, who are known as nut buddies, and he uses the site to further promote his manifesto. However, Spencer has another turning for the worse, when he is locked out of 3chain, and then from Nutcrankr, after posting some especially egregious material. The final straw is when his mom says that she is going to stop sending him money. With further humiliations and missteps, Spencer continues to spiral out of control, becoming darker, weirder and more unhinged. Nutcrankr is a case study of the psychological process of how someone might become more delusional and unhinged.

The thing is, Spencer is not abnormal. In fact, there are a lot of Spencer Grunhauers in modern society, and you might actually know this kind of person from the chans. While alienation is a perennial issues, as there are always people outside of society who have gifts that are not appreciated, the loner archetype is much more common today due to atomization. This is relevant to the rise in the literary and film genre of the alienated loner. For instance Andy Nowicki’s books such as The Columbine Pilgrim, my novel Vaporfornia, Matt Pegas’ book Dragon Day, as well as films such as Taxi Driver and Joker. Nutcrankr is also a homage to Confederacy of Dunces, with Spencer as a modern day Ignatius Reilly, reincarnated in 2010s Brooklyn. Confederacy of Dunces’ protagonist, Ignatius Reilly, is overeducated but under socialized, living in 1960s New Orleans, and infatuated with archaic medieval philosophy. It is a journey in Ignatius’ head, where he bumbles through life, and keeps losing jobs. While that literary archetype could date back to Don Quixote, there are a lot more Ignatius Reilley’s today than when Confederacy of Dunces was written. There have also been comparisons to Confederacy of Dunces, with both my books, Vaporfornia and Journey to Vapor Island.

Nutcrankr’s humor comes from the disjunction between reality, and how Spencer views the world, and how he thinks people see him. Spencer is not trolling, but he is rather earnest and literally believes his words and actions are justified. He just lacks the social nuances, and is oblivious to, and does not respond well to social cues and social repercussions, such as in how his employer responds to his manifesto. Effective satire needs empathy for the subject matter, though should not put the character on a pedestal either. Spencer is sympathetic, though Dan Baltic has pointed out that the right might hate what they see about themselves in Spencer, and the left might hate the amount of sympathy granted to Spencer. Obviously, both the left and right attack each other’s social status, such as the rightwing incel vs. the cucked soyboy memes. A lot of satire can come across as too brittle because it lacks that nuance and empathy. For instance, SNL skits are not funny because they are not actually satire, and most overtly political fiction fails, including most mainstream conservative political fiction. Even though Dan and the protagonist Spencer, are both of the right, the author is not pushing any rightwing agenda, and anyone with a sense of humor, regardless of their politics, can enjoy the book. With Nutcrankr, like my book Vaporfornia, the humor comes from the dramatic irony.

Nutcrankr is especially relevant to ongoing moral hysterias in politics. For instance Spencer rants against pizza-gate type conspiracies, as a moral crusader, but then has his own sexual proclivities that transgress against societal norms. With Spencer, the issue isn’t so much about moral hypocrisy, but rather the psychologic process of alienation causing one to become more unhinged. However, Spencer does have strong principles but he rejects the values of modern liberal society. Both political sides look to call out their opponent’s moral failings, which especially applies to the rightwing groomer meme about trans issues. In response, liberals will claim that rightwingers are the real groomers, such as bringing up Matt Gaetz’s scandal, or the meme of a rightwing culture warrior raging about trans people on social media, but then having the other tab open to hardcore pornography. Even if it is anti-intellectual, and just annoying, to scream groomer 24/7, it is a way for the dissident right to signal and emphasize some semblance of shared morality with normies, as the dissident right is generally at odds with society and normative values. Though mainstream conservatives have adopted the groomer meme, due to Fox News promoting Libs of TikTok.

10 years ago there was still some semblance of a mainstream, but society at large has no shared values, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I don’t lament the loss of the mainstream, and for many, it is better to find one’s own niche than conform to the mases. With the breakdown in mass society and polarization with online echo chambers, one may find themselves navigating the Overton windows of various sub-groups. For instance, woke culture is becoming more extreme and White identity politics is starting to become normalized on the mainstream right, which was unfathomably just five years ago.

When one becomes alienated from society, thus divorced from shared values, one tends to either become totally nihilistic or form their own moral framework, separate from that of society’s. This explains the two elements of the dissident right, the transgressive or “Queer” right, that seeks to agitate and transgress against normie social norms, and the Trad right that seeks to preserve normative values against the degeneracy of the left. However, both extreme traditionalism and extreme degeneracy, can be ways to rebel against society’s values, and go outside the Overton window. While the left has similar issues of both nihilism and hyper-moralism, the right generally underestimates how puritanical the left has become. For instance, the age gap hysteria among liberal women, and even Glenn Greenwald getting called out by the woke, for having a much younger husband. Morality should be evolutionarily adaptive and linked to biology, and while the Left is hyper moralistic, their morality is divorced from healthy biological imperatives. Despite major flaws with the Right, their moral framework is more geared towards evolutionary instincts, such as family and reproduction.

Obviously societal incentive structures are not geared towards healthy biological instincts, and these maladaptive, evolutionary mismatches, are causing people to go insane. For instance a failure to meet, what psychologist, Erik Erikson, described as psycho-social stages, in which certain traits and achievements must be acquired by a certain stage in life. Society’s prescribed life scripts are not working out for many, and people have out of whack life expectations. This is especially unique to American culture, where children are taught from an early age that they can become and accomplish anything. There are also many people who followed respectable paths of graduating with good degrees, yet life is still not working out for them as planned. An extreme example of mismatched life expectations, is encapsulated by the “virgin killer,” Elliot Rodger, who grew up around wealth and status, despite having very low social status. Elliot Rodger’s trauma and mental instability was exacerbated by his exposure to status and the high expectations he had about life. Recently a video of Elliot Rodger was released, due to the Freedom of Information Act, of him attending a Katie Perry concert, catered to ultra-wealthy private jet owners. Despite not even being a fan of Katie Perry, he attended because he wanted to feel special and high status, but he detested and felt extreme envy for the rich families attending the concert.

There is this dichotomy about situational vs. genuine losers, that is often overly politicized beyond psychology, sociology, and self-improvement advice. If one is an outsider in their society, they often speculate about whether they would have been better off in another place or time. Perhaps this is a cope, as it can be hard to get an accurate assessment, but the uncertainty is what drives one insane. The self-improvement community and various pill-based ideologies also have their own flaws, as they lack specialization and have become very cliché and cringe. I would advocate for a specialization-based, or “making your own way pill,” which could easily become grifty in its own right. Regardless, some people just have an instinct to find their own path, and not necessarily in a criminal sense. Once one realizes that their expectations don’t meet their reality, or that there is no clear path forward, one has to make their own way in the world, which is not easy.

The term grifter is not always well defined. For instance grifter could describe a scammer but could also just be someone trying to profit off of their online content. There is resentment about cliques of accounts on Twitter, that have around, say 20k to 50k followers. These accounts tend to promote each other, while gatekeeping outsiders, and often get accused of receiving Thiel-buxx. Another complaint is about cultural vampirism, from say “art hoes,” who sap the energy away from overlooked intellectuals, who have put in a lot more work. The most resentment online is not necessarily against the establishment media, but rather against those in dissident subcultures, who are the most successful at promoting their content. Unlike in corporate professional industries, or the institutional world, where it is clear what everyone’s role is, online, it is a free for all, where there is no clear hierarchy. You have all these camps, where everyone is out for themselves, and at each other’s throats, with no guard rails, trying to put forth their own content, agenda, or their tribe’s interests, and there is this manic energy.

Dan, Matt, and myself, are all very bullish on the future of dissident arts, and see this burgeoning scene taking off. Art outside of the mainstream is the future, even if there is good reason to be pessimistic about dissident politics. The New Write podcast, Matt Forney’s Terror House Press, along with my Substack and literature, seek to build the infrastructure to channel this dissident creative energy. Due to the overall decay in mainstream culture, woke capital, and elite overproduction, there are many talented and high status people, showing interest in dissident arts, who would have been in the mainstream just a decade ago. I have been following Matt Forney for over a decade, and recently he has been throwing these literary events for Terror House in Brooklyn. According to Dan, these event are drawing in real crowds, that even book readings for mainstream authors, get perhaps a tiny fraction of. Even if many people attend just for the cool scene, that is a sign of success and social proof.

“There would be no communion with the Allfather just yet, as Spencer’s Valkyrie had different plans. For Spencer, the road to Odin’s great hall passed through Human Resources.”
-Foreword by Gio Penn

“NUTCRANKR is a satirical novel examining social atomization, fringe ideology, and sexual dysfunction in the modern world.”

“NUTCRANKR is a comic examination of fringe ideology, social atomization, and sexual dysfunction in modern America. Dan Baltic's debut novel is a sardonic look at a certain type of Extremely Online character we're all too familiar with and what happens when their delusions and flights of fancy come into contact with the real world.”

Also published at Robert Stark's Substack

Monday, December 26, 2022


Luke Ford deconstructs Yale Professor Laurie Santos's "Science of Happiness," before moving onto less sanguine topics.

Sunday, December 25, 2022


Pro-Ukrainian war analyst Jake Broe looks at the full-spectrum military, economic, and cultural pressure being exerted against Russia, as well as the growing support for Ukraine. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022


Also available on BitChuteYouTube and Odysee
In a multipolar world your social problems will be weaponised against you.

Abortion is a tricky issue, and it's clear to any sane man that British women are not having enough kids; but it's also clear that the kind of women who want abortions are probably the least suitable to be forced to have babies.

But this aside, it is exactly the sort of emotive issue that can be "cooked up" into becoming a fracture line and point of polarisation in any society, which is what it has become in America, where the nutjob "religious right" and the nutjob "radical feminist" camps continually keep it bubbling away, dividing and weakening America in the process.

The kind of religious fanaticism we see deployed in the abortion controversy in America is not, however, native or indigenous to the UK. But recently this video started to go viral on social media:
It shows a woman being spoken to and then arrested by the police, all the while being filmed in what looks like a clearly pre-planned way. Yes, this video is well-produced and is designed to go viral. That is the point. It is ammunition for an on-line army of shit-stirrers and trolls to use to foment division, and has, predictably, been widely shared by the usual suspects:

Useful idiots

Needless to say, many of these have a track record of pushing fake news, conspiracy theories, and other Russian disinfo. So, let's be clear, this is nothing less than a Russian-backed attempt to import polarising American extremism into the UK. 

The UK police are frequently criticised, often quite correctly for their heavy-handed approach, but they are, at least, aware in their higher ranks of how various forms of radicalisation are used to destabilise British society. Thanks to a mistaken policy of mass immigration and multiculturalism, this has become extremely fragile and inherently divided over recent decades.

This means that the authorities are hardly naïve about these foreign-inspired attempts to stir up trouble and social division over complicated issues like abortion. 

The fact of the matter is that the abortion clinic in this case is in what is described as an “abortion buffer zone,” in which prayer, as a form of protest and intimidation of the clients visiting the clinic, is banned. Christians and other religiously inclined people are still free to pray their socks off elsewhere for any aborted foetuses that they care to, and to make any arguments they want on behalf of their cause. It is not a free speech issue. 

But, no, this one video is clearly too useful to the social media maggots and their overseas enablers who think, "let's open a franchise of that American insanity in the UK."

The awareness of the authorities of these divisive tactics and the still generally phlegmatic nature of the Brits will make this a harder proposition than they think. But a story like this will still have its utility, being reimported back into America to provide yet more ammunition for its simmering culture war.

Friday, December 23, 2022


It looks like Colin Robertson (aka Millennial Woes) faced a serious backlash from his audience of perpetually triggered Alt-Righters, after he took the daring step of inviting a transgender "woman" onto his end-of-year Millenniyule livestreams. Among the many criticisms levelled were reminders of Robertson's own confused sexual proclivitiesStephen J James reports:



Tucker "pillow fucker" Carlson, the real "My Pillow" Guy!

Just as we always suspected, Tucker Carlson's extreme pro-Putin takes on the war in the Ukraine have been motivated by Kremlin blackmailers, who have been threatening to release a vile vid of the Fox News's anchor man's sordid private life.

The video, which was allegedly filmed at the same hotel in downtown Moscow where President Donald Trump was wizzed on by high class Russian hookers (like his wife), makes Hunter Biden's sex tape look like a boy scout outing and has caused even hardened Pizzagate watchers to throw up their lunch.

As a family-friendly metapolitical website, Neokrat couldn't possibly show you any of the clips we received through an anonymous email account -- or even describe them -- but, take our word for it, they were even more disgusting than the total garbage Tucker spouts night-after-night in support of his Kremlin bosses. 


by Colin Liddell

Read other entries like this in The Dikipedia: Who's Who in the Dissident Right, an ever-expanding biographical guide to the colorful characters of the Dissident Right.

Real name Thomas Cyr. A "presence" on the radical right for an unspecified number of years. More an oddball, rather autistic character, than an actual thinker with an identifiable take on things. Has also been arrested several times, apparently for "possession" (see below) so is apparently a bit of a junkie. 

Based on watching a few livestreams, psychologically he strikes me as a deeply introverted and insecure character, which probably goes some way to explaining his "look" -- essentially a boomerish mash-up between "big scary" heavy metal vibes and "scary big" Nazi memorabilia vibes. This has, however, made him into a bit of a meme.

Some claim he had a big influence on Bronze Age Pervert, which is clearly a mark against him. He also admitted to having necrophiliac tendencies in a Phora chat, in which he said:

"I don't have any actual paraphilias that could be realised RIL. I get turned on by necrophilia but I realise that is disgusting and I would never pursue it even were it possible."

He claims to hail from some "elite" foreign-policy-related family (Presbyterian). His father appears to be Arthur I Cyr, a respectable academic and political scientist. This leads Thomas777 to claim
 "insider knowledge" on "muh Deep State," but this is more a case of a typical, online, gnostic-posturing fantasist, of which there is no shortage in the Dissident Right (see Jason Jorjani, etc).

He also claims he went through a period of being a homeless heroin addict, which, given his known rap sheet, I'm quite happy to take his word for. He also mentioned suicide in his family (a brother). Not really sure what his ideas are. A bit of Putin shillery, probably hates the Jews.

Due to his self-defeating behaviour -- constant use of N-bombs, etc. -- and his father's political connections, some see him as a Fed plant, but, TBH, he just sounds like a fuck-up who didn;t get enough "daddy time" from his successful father when he was growing up.

His Twitter (suspended)

Note the triple parenthesis ((())) is used here to denote an assumed identity, not Jewishness.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


We've all seen Jared Taylor speak countless times, and the smarter ones amongst us have probably realised quite long ago that he makes more or less the same pitch again and again. This is true whether he is doing one of his straight-to-the-camera pieces or is in some sort of interview. Jared Taylor's position on things is therefore no secret. In fact it is out in the clear. 

Why should this be of any interest or significance?

Well, let's put it this way: Jared Taylor is the blue ribbon of White nationalism, the clearest reference point.

If you want to understand or critique White nationalism, then Taylor is the go-to-guy. If you want to understand why White nationalism has failed or never seems to go anywhere, a good place to seek answers is by studying Jared Taylor's world view. 

Many in the White identitarian movement think it's mainly about "optics" and presentation. It isn't. Whether a movement succeeds or fails depends on the quality of its worldview and the potency of its analysis. The window dressing is merely an afterthought. This is why Taylor is important because he has been a fixed point for decades and therefore a reliable reference point. 

You can also use Taylor as a gauge for other White Nationalists. For example, Greg Johnson or Kevin MacDonald, with whom he sometimes associates, are basically just Taylor with a Nazi-esque theory of Jewish power and malevolence bolted on. 

So, to get down to it, what is the Taylorist world view?

A key point that he makes again and again is that White people exist objectively but do not exist subjectively. That is, there is such a thing as White people but White people don't think of themselves as a "We," lack consciousness, and don't organise in their own interests, while other groups do. This has a slight Marxist resonance, as in the idea of class consciousness, which the proletariat needed to develop in order to serve their interests.

Another point of Taylorism is that East Asians are smarter than Whites, but Whites are somehow still special. Often the word Taylor uses here is "Faustian." White people, despite their lower average IQ, like pushing the envelope and finding new things. The East Asian by contrast likes pulling the envelope, so to speak. This aspect of Taylorism plays off the r/K race theory of people like J. Philippe Rushton, which sets Whites somewhere in the middle of a racial spectrum.

Another key "finding" of 40 years of relentless White Nationalist enquiry by Taylor is that Whites are just too darn nice, so much so that it often flips over into ethnomasochism. He even thinks that anti-White leftism and liberalism is mainly an expression of this.

Perhaps a fourth and final pillar of the Taylor Weltanschauung is that it wasn't always like this, and once upon a time Whites did have a healthy sense of their own collective interests -- putting up statues of Columbus, Robert E. Lee, and so on. But, they lost this, either because of the 2nd or 3rd pillar (the Faustian envelope pushing expressing itself as "atomisation" or the being so darned nice).

Really, I think that just about covers almost everything Taylor has to say, except, of course, there is the assumption that Blacks are pretty hard to live with, but this is sort of contained or implied in the first pillar or table leg of the Taylorist world view. 

Let's bullet point it:

  • White people are a group that doesn't know it is a group (bad thing!)
  • White people are not supreme, but they kind of are.
  • White people are too nice (bad thing!)
  • White people used to have a healthier balance before "the bad thing(s)" happened.

There, that's about it. That's what you're buying when you sign off those donation cheques to Amren. Value for money? 

(to be continued)


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


Possibly one of the biggest "unintended consequences" of Vladimir Putin's unhinged invasion of the Ukraine has been the effect it appears to have had on neighbouring countries like Japan.

While neighbours to the West, such as Finland and Sweden, have joined NATO, other countries have boosted military spending.

In May, Germany's political parties agreed to boost the defence budget by an additional $107 billion. But this is chickenfeed compared to what Japan is shelling out. The government there recently unveiled a plan to spend an additional $320 billion to beef up its ability to dominate the seas around Japan.

As reported by Reuters:

Japan on Friday [16th Dec] unveiled its biggest military build-up since World War Two with a $320 billion plan that will buy missiles capable of striking China and ready it for sustained conflict... The sweeping, five-year plan, once unthinkable in pacifist Japan, will make the country the world's third-biggest military spender after the United States and China, based on current budgets.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who described Japan and its people as being at a "turning point in history", said the ramp-up was "my answer to the various security challenges that we face".

There is no doubt that this move was entirely down to the destabilising effect on the geopolitical order caused by Putin's act of aggression against his Slavic neighbour:

[Kishida's] government worries that Russia has set a precedent that will encourage China to attack Taiwan, threatening nearby Japanese islands, disrupting supplies of advanced semiconductors and putting a potential stranglehold on sea lanes that supply Middle East oil.

"This is setting a new heading for Japan. If appropriately executed, the Self-Defense Forces will be a real, world-class effective force," said Yoji Koda, a former Maritime Self Defense Force admiral, who commanded the Japanese fleet in 2008.

But it's not just about the money. Since its defeat in 1945, Japan has, with some difficulty, tried to remain a "Pacifist state" with an anti-war ethos. This level of military spending and preparedness, however, may trigger a cultural change and awaken the slumbering samurai spirit of the highly impressionable Japanese.

In the 1930s Japan greatly expanded its military footprint largely for economic reasons in an attempt to create a "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." This time it is driven by the realisation that Japan can only be truly secure by preparing to defend the waters and territories beyond its own immediate area.

What we are seeing here is the de facto rise of a "Greater East Asia Co-Security Sphere." 

Putin's main historical legacy may be to unleash the dragon of Japanese militarism again. Where this leads is anyone's guess.

Cartoon showing Russian delegates surrendering territory
to the Japanese emperor after the Russo-Japanese War. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Twitter CEO-Supremo-for-Life Elon Musk has banned the top antifa account on Twitter "It's Going Down News" (@IGD_News) which had over 100,000 followers, many of them hysterical and deranged nutjobs, who were quite willing to commit acts of random violence against people they subjectively decided were the "Next Hitler."

Speaking of the "Next Hitler," this was how many of them saw Elon Musk himself, which kinda, sorta explains why he might have shut them down. 

According to anti-Antifa journalist Andy Ngo, "It's Going Down News" was a literal terrorist account, involved with promoting actual acts of terrorism, like derailing trains. 
Leftists are outraged by this ban, and have been claiming that it is the final proof that Musk is actually a secret Nazi.

They also point out that he has allowed Andrew Anglin of Daily Stormer notoriety back onto the platform, although there are doubts that this is the real Andrew Anglin. One theory is that Anglin has in fact been bumped off by his Kremlin handlers, with the account instead being operated by low-ranking FSB operatives doing on-the-job disinfo training. 
Oddly this take has been liked and endorsed by the Anglin account itself (check likes):
The low standard and unfunny quality of the tweets emanating from the fake Anglin account suggest that this theory is very much the truth.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Dasha Nekrasova: disgusting neotenous slut 
channelling the vile Pizzagate conspiracy theory

In his latest video, Andy Nowicki, the founder of the Alt-Right (along with Richard Spencer), claims he has been "cock blocked" by Instagram for simping hard at an Instagram star. More disturbingly, the online cock teaser/ model/ "actress" is Dasha Nekrasova, who dresses up as an underage schoolgirl and poses with pizza in a provocative manner, evoking the Pizzagate scandal.

Nowicki is well known for his near obsessive interest in Pizzagate, a ludicrous conspiracy theory that claimed -- with absolutely no evidence -- that young children were being sexually abused and raped by prominent Washington insiders in the basement of the Comet Pingpong pizza restaurant.

This "story" is now believed to be largely a piece of weaponised Kremlin disinfo, deployed in 2016 to derail Hillary Clinton's Presidential election bid and help Donald Trump get elected.

Andy excitedly logging into his Instagram 
account only to find he has been blocked.

The obvious question raised here is: Why is Nowicki so interested in a girl who channels the whole "sexually abused minor" aesthetic? And does this, in fact, partly explain Nowicki's own vicarious obsession in Pizzagate?

Although Nekrasova is now aged 31, she still uses her disgusting neotenous, child-like characteristics to entice lonely men, like Andy, to become her simpy playthings and tragic paypigs. The key point, however, is that they have to pay or they get blocked.

Here are more of her disturbing "pedophile adjacent" imagery:




And here is the cover of Andy's best-selling book on the now discredited Pizzagate nonsense, which is still available from Amazon (click here to check this disturbing fact):


Following the media storm surrounding Kanye West in recent weeks, Luke Ford comments on the strange silence that now surrounds him. Has he gone to ground? Has the "Yedolf" phenomenon died a natural death.



Mbappe being consoled by French President Emmanuel 
Macron after France lost 2-4 on penalties.

In a repeat of England's disastrous defeat in the Euro 2020 Final, France has lost the World Cup final in Qatar tonight on penalty kicks.

Also, just like England, France relied on Black players to take the vital penalties that decided the match, and, just like England, those players performed poorly in the penalty box.

The three Black players who failed to score for England at Euro 2020 were quickly nicknamed "The Three Miskateers," while the England manager, Gareth Southgate, was criticised for choosing them in order to promote "diversity."

The...ahem..."French" team await the result of the PK shoot-out

In the case of the French team in the World Cup final, the manager had no choice but to select Black players to take the penalties in the end-of-game shoot out. This was because he had "accidentally" substituted all the White players during the game, which ended 3-3 after extra time.

The result was that two out of four Black French players failed to score from the spot, while their White Argentinian opponents scored all four penalties, thereby winning the World Cup.

According to race enthusiasts, Blacks are supposed to be "poorer" at the kind of precision shooting under pressure that is required for penalty shoot outs. The outcome of this year's World Cup final can only reinforce this cruel racial stereotype, which may or may not be true, and the "Miskateer" meme.


History Debunked takes a sensible fact-based look at the myth common in Britain that "right-wing extremists" are somehow particularly dangerous and violent, pointing out that even supposedly "notorious" organisations like Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists and the 1970s National Front were a lot less violent than the communist thugs who opposed them.

Friday, December 16, 2022


One of the reasons the Alt-Right was such a shitshow was because it attracted complete nutjobs and total autistes like this guy, Jason Jorjani. (He definitely wasn't the only one)

A few days ago Jorjani released a video that he recorded in 2018, giving his view of the then recent collapse of the notorious Alt-Right Corporation.

At first you might think the guy is a sensible and intelligent speaker, revealing an interesting backstairs story of a minor metapolitical movement. But, as you listen and hear him drop names and increasingly absurd "details," the realisation will slowly dawn on you that he is a total fruit loop who will probably end his days talking to himself in a padded room. 

It's all here -- billionaire donors and missing millions; links between the Alt-Right, the White House, and the Illuminati; planned coups to topple the Iranian and Venezuelan governments; Nazi UFOs and antigravity machines, etc., etc.; and, oh yeh, the British Secret Service is behind it all as usual. This will be pure catnip for a certain type of moronic American.


Richard Spencer, the world's premier concoctor of edgy takes, has hit gold dust again with his latest, intensely wrought piece of meta-analysis on the Kanye West controversy. 

Here is Spencer in his own words, reacting to Kanye's appearance on the Alex Jones show while claiming to be a devout Christian: 

"I would say that Christianity is, like, done for the next 500 years after this kind of stuff. Anyone with intelligence and sophistication and education is going to run so far from this thing." 

Essentially, Kanye West has finished off Christianity, according to Spencer.

Simply by wearing a gimp mask, going on Alex Jones, and saying that he loves everybody, including Hitler, because he is a Christian, he has discredited this 2000-year-old global religion and brought it to an untimely end. 

Richard Spencer: "Christianity is done."

If you take Christianity seriously, like billions of sincere believers around the World and hundreds of "Trad Catholics" who converted more recently after watching one or two videos on YouTube, then there can only be one name for the person who causes the downfall of Christianity: that is the "Anti-Christ"!!!

Yes, Spencer has linked Kanye West to W.B. Yeat's "rough beast" that "slouches towards Bethlehem to be born" in his poem "The Second Coming."

Of course, Spencer is a completely unbiased analyst of such matters with zero vested interests of his own.


Stephen J James gives his reaction to the this year's Millenniyule series of podcasts. Has it just become a cosy, end-of-year moaning shop for tired, old boomers with no ideas, or has  it just become a cosy, end-of-year moaning shop for tired, old boomers with no ideas? Or possibly both?


Elon's purchase of Twitter did one very, very important thing: it showed just how vital this social media site is in terms of political power, which is why he is under attack now.

This app has been from the get-go the favourite social media tool of the US Deep State and particularly its intel faction. Iran's failed Green Revolution, Arab Spring, and so on. All were Twitter-heavy.

Thanks to Elon, we recently learned just how big a role Twitter played in fixing the 2020 election in favour of Joe Biden. This did us (almost) all a huge service. We knew it, and now we have proof.

Just before the Twitter Leaks release, Elon also cleared out all of the political commissars that worked on behalf of the powers-that-be, and without any drop in site performance, showing just how superfluous they were to the perceived core business.

So far, so good. Elon came in to "re-balance" and to "reinforce free speech". These moves would naturally be opposed (and have been) by the shitlibs, because it exposes them for what they have done, and who they are.

The paradox of Twitter is that it is both not real life and is the world's town square. For years and years and years, it strongly tilted one way due to the obvious political slant of its operators and key outside influencers.

Elon's corrective acts have worked to make Twitter appear much more impartial than it was previously. A level-playing field was being created, one that was demanded by conservatives and right wingers.

This level-playing field therefore allowed Twitter to retain its political importance, as all journalists/political types continue to use it despite the bankrupt claims against Elon by many of them.

Guardian be mad!

This is how Twitter retains its value. Twitter's value comes from being the only place where the hoi polloi can interact daily with important, famous, and/or notable people. No other site has anything like this.

Without the presence of these people, Twitter would have failed well over a decade ago. This is why these types need to continue to feel ownership over Twitter.

During 2015-16, when moderation was much more lax than the five years following it, all sorts of anons managed to inflict daily meltdowns on dozens and dozens of these journalists who insisted that we were wrong/evil/etc.

It was this energy that helped propel an outsider into the White House. A lot of the fight happened right here on Twitter. News was broken here constantly, as were the brains of those that hate us.

Yet they still came here, because they had to, and because they set up shop here and felt comfortable here, despite getting rocked day in, day out.

Fast forward to the COVID era, and even with the scales tipped much more in favour of one side of the political divide, many anons still managed to make bluechecks look idiotic, and not just journos but health pros as well, winning over those watching.

None of those health pros/journos would have been here had this not been the world's public square. All of the efforts of those anons would have been for naught, and no one would have seen it.

You need these institutional types to lend perceived legitimacy to Twitter. Our job is to kick them in the balls repeatedly, day after day after day after day, to drive them crazy like what was done during 2015-16.

That cannot be done if Twitter is shown to tilt to the right, because its newly-won impartiality goes up in a puff of smoke with those who are not hysterical 24 hours a day.

Cheering on the suspension of "f*ckhead sh*tlib journos" that we all hate is empty calories: it takes away from the perceived newly-won impartiality of this site, neutering the impact of kicking them in the balls day after day after day.

No one should cry for sh*theads like Rupar and Olbermann. What we should want is for them not to "learn a lesson" or "learn how to behave", but to continue to show up here and expose themselves for what they are on a level-playing field so that we can kick them in the balls over and over and over again on a daily basis, driving them crazy.

Banning these fuckheads due to ego is not a 'win'. At most it is a pyrrhic victory, because at the end what is won with a Twitter that has lost legitimacy in the eyes of the normie? You have won a $44 billion TruthSocial/Gab/Parler.

Any media outlet that is viewed by normies as default conservative/right wing in the USA is automatically tuned-out by them. Keep this up and the main driver of this site begins to dissipate (despite the Twitter addiction many of them have).

Everyone wants to see them get their comeuppance, but suspensions (they'll all be back) allow them to play martyr to a larger audience than is necessary, when it would be much more effective for us to allow us to kick them in the balls as they continually expose themselves as was done in '15-'16.

Some here say that it's about doxxing, which is nonsense: Elon is the 2nd richest man in the world and can hire armies of private security for his entire family. He can call the cops/FBI.

For the conspiracy types: if you think that Deep State is using mental defectives as psychowarfare against him, he can publicize it here on Twitter. But he's already plugged into the MIC via SpaceX anyway.

Elon's intentions with Twitter are not the same as yours. He's done some positive things for people on the right, but do not conflate yourself with him as he has his own interests and game to play. And for those thinking that I was playing David French by insisting on principle, two points:

1. you clearly don't know me
2. f*ck your mothers

"Owning the libs" via "Big man banning journos" is such a self-own as you end up dulling a very, very sharp and deadly weapon that has just come into your possession. But self-owns are what American conservatives/right wingers are best known for.

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