

Friday, September 30, 2022


Jewish members of the Labour Party are five times more likely to face charges of hating Jews than non-Jewish members, according to a Jewish group within the Party.

This astounding revelation comes from a submission made by the Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), a group representing hundreds of Jews within the Party, to the UK government's Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). According to this, there is actually witch-hunt of anti-Semites in the Labour Party which is ironically targeting Semites!

As reported by
Middle East Eye:

A new report says that Keir Starmer’s Labour “is purging Jews from the party” - with Jews almost five times more likely to face antisemitism charges than non-Jewish members.

It states that British Jews are experiencing "discrimination, victimisation and harassment" inside the UK's Labour Party. 

Apparently, being Jewish in the Labour Party and being accused of hating your own ethnicity is pretty common:

Jenny Manson, co-chair of Jewish Voice for Labour, who is herself under investigation by the Labour Party, told MEE: “For the first time in my life as a Jew living in the UK I feel persecuted, hated and shunned by the apparatus of the Labour Party and the loud voices of some sections of the Jewish community. The weapon used too often is to call us JVL activists antisemitic. Bizarre and wicked.”

“Those who should defend us - the courts, the media, politicians - turn from us as if we are dangerous and distasteful,” she added.

Jewish Voice for Labour claims to represent some 350 Jewish Labour members, along with some 800 non-Jewish "solidarity" members and a small number of Jewish "supporters".

So, what is really going on here?

One possible explanation might be that Left-wing Jews, like other left-wing Whites, have strong ethno-masochism, motivated by their need to appear on the side of the underdog. But, whereas White self hatred in not problematic on the Left, Jewish self hatred is.

But this does not explain the timing of the upsurge of Jews  being accused of "anti-Semitism" in the Party, This stems from the 
power struggle within the party since 2017 to remove previous leader Jeremy Corbyn and replace him with present leader Sir Keir Starmer.

A new documentary just aired by Al Jazeera, included the allegations by JVL. It also put forward the theory that false accusations of anti-Semitism were "weaponised" against the "pro-Palestinian" Corbyn and his supporters, many of whom are Jews critical of Israel. This was done in order to push Corbyn out of the leadership and replace him with the "pro-Israeli" Starmer.

However, rather than just serving Israeli interests, it is much more likely that Corbyn's removal was engineered by the British Deep State, who regard the lifetime opponent of Britain's nuclear deterrent as an unsuitable person to become Prime Minister.

With many Jews in the Labour Party taking a very critical stance on Israel, such a strategy would naturally result in a high numbers of Jews also being accused of "anti-Semitsm." 

Make up your own mind by watching the four-part Al Jazeera documentary:


What is Putinism? Does it represent a real alternative to "Western Globohomo" or is it just a manipulative tool for centralising power without addressing the real issues?


Traumatised by "Pride" events in the West

In perhaps the greatest non sequitur in World history, Russian President Vladimir Putin has "justified" the forcible annexation of large parts of the Ukraine on the grounds that there is "just too much bumming and rainbows in the West."

Putin himself did not use this exact phrase, as he was speaking in Russian, a completely different language from English -- and one in which most of the letters are written backwards --  but that is nevertheless a legitimate translation of his comments, which criticised the tolerant attitude to homosexuality in the West, in order to justify the seizure of neighbouring chunks of land. 

Despite pushing the World to the brink of nuclear war over "gay stuff," Putin in his speech neglected to point out that homosexual sex is fully allowed in Russia and carries no penalties under the law, or that gay marriage is not recognized in the Ukraine, just like in Russia. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Military analyst Binkov looks at several plausible military scenarios in the months ahead in the ongoing invasion of the Ukraine by the terrorist state of Russia. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


"Bro, let me explain something to you..."

You have to hand it to Putin. The guy's got guts. He's taking on the World and he really, really needs friends, but does he even care? Not much, if his attitude to his main friend China is anything to go by.

The one thing China is most concerned about is people redrawing borders and provinces breaking away. This is because of Taiwan, technically part of China and recognised as such even by the USA, but clearly a part of China that is reluctant for all sorts of reasons to go back.

In fact, the Taiwanese would love nothing better than to have a referendum and declare themselves fully independent and separate forever from China. Too bad there don't seem to be too many examples of that...

But then along comes Putin who rips up the map and declares four separate breakaway votes in one day!

Of course, the referendums are fake, but how can you say that part out loud if you are Xi Jinping and supposed to be friends with the guy? The truth is that the four referendums in Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and the other bit set an extremely uncomfortable precedent for China. 

If four parts of the Ukraine (five if you also count Crimea), which don't even want to exit the Ukraine, can up and leave, what about Taiwan, which has been living apart from China for over 70 years and where almost nobody wants to be part of China again?

Xi Jinping is renowned for his calm, poker-faced approach to diplomacy, but behind the scenes he must be tearing out his hair and throwing darts into his autographed photograph of Vladimir Putin.


For decades the enormous popular appeal of nationalism in Europe has been ghettoised by a "cordon sanitaire" enforced by the Centre Right and Left-wing parties. Renaissance Horizon explains how media-magnate-turned-politician Silvio Berlusconi played a key role in breaking this cordon so that nationalist parties, both in Italy and Sweden, can break into the political mainstream.


Not again!

France always seems to be getting it in the rear. In May 1940 it was the German Army who sneaked in through the Ardennes and buggered the whole country while its army was facing the wrong way at the Maginot Line.

However, since WWII it has been the Catholic Church that has been literally taking the French nation up the jacksie, with an army of pedo priests sexually abusing hundreds of thousands of innocent French kids, according to a new independent report released on Tuesday.

The report, based on work by France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research into the sexual abuse of children, puts the number of victims of Catholic pedoeing at 330,000 over the past 70 years. That's around 13 kids being nonced every single day (maybe more on Sundays)!!!  

As reported by APNews:

"Victims of abuse within France’s Catholic Church welcomed a historic turning point Tuesday after a new report estimated that 330,000 children in France were sexually abused over the past 70 years, providing the country’s first accounting of the worldwide phenomenon.
The figure includes abuses committed by some 3,000 priests and an unknown number of other people involved in the church — wrongdoing that Catholic authorities covered up over decades in a “systemic manner,” according to the president of the commission that issued the report, Jean-Marc Sauvé."

Disgusting, vile, sick, depraved!

Yes, the so-called Catholic Church is now on a par with the Muslim grooming gangs in the UK, or, in fact, is even worse, because the Church has been at it longer -- around 2000 years -- and managed to win people's trust with Church music, stained glass, rosary beads, fake miracles, and quietly forgiving priests with wan smiles and soft hands. 

Typical Catholic who decries pedoeing while unwittingly
 supporting it on an industrial scale through his church.

The real problem is that Christianity itself is just a made-up bullshit religion that allows middle aged men to wear dresses and have unfiltered access to children -- a bit like Comet Ping Pong but with less pizza cheese.  

A few years ago, a book by French journalist Frederick Martel revealed an astounding 80% of Catholic Priests were gayMartel’s claims were based on four years interviewing over 1,500 people, including 200 priests, 41 cardinals and 52 bishops, and spending a lot of time at the Vatican. He is a gay himself, so he is a source we can trust. 

But unlike normal gays who can have relatively "free and healthy" sexual relations with other gay men, Catholic gays live weird incel lives, punctuated by frequent lapses, often with young defenceless "victims of opportunity" being selected to slake their vile, pent-up lusts on.

But don't say you haven't been warned. This sort of thing has been hidden in plain sight for years. Just look at all this filthy Catholic pedo smut. It's everywhere and goes back centuries!

Let's face hard facts: French Christians would literally be better off sending their kids to a drag queen story hour than to anything run by the Catholic Church. Their kids would be a lot safer, because there the homosexuality and transgenderism is out in the open and ironic, not slinking around in the shadows pensively waiting to pounce on defenceless innocents.

Sunday, September 25, 2022


Italy's next PM

The results of the Italian general election are still coming in, but it is already clear that the polls were right: Italy has just elected a strong populist government by a landslide. This will dominate both houses of parliament and change the course Italy has been on. 

The exit polls so far look like this:

The electoral map looks like this. Most notably the 5-Star movement seems to have evaporated in much of the South:

And here is the seat projection for the lower house, showing something of a political massacre:

The winning coalition includes three main parties, namely The Brothers of Italy, Lega, and Forza Italia, as well as a grouping of smaller parties.

The media will tell you this is a "far-right" government and point to the ancient "Fascist" roots of The Brothers of Italy, but the truth is the coalition is neither Left nor Right. Instead, it includes disparate elements, some of them centrist, Christian Democratic, and even pro-EU.

What we can tentatively say is that the winning group is populist and will probably oppose mass immigration, promote policies that support the family, and reject domination by the EU. It will also follow somewhat left-leaning economic policies that resist Neo-Liberalism, while seeking to remain a fully participating member of the EU and NATO. 

There may be certain contradictions in its positions, but those expecting it to break ranks with the anti-Putin consensus in Europe will probably be deeply disappointed. Indeed, one interesting aspect of the election is how poorly the Lega's leader Matteo Salvini did within the winning bloc. In the past Salvini has been a big booster of Putin and appears to have suffered as a consequence. Lega has been relegated to a junior partner, and now there will probably be a push to elect a new leader of the party.

Coming just days after a similar result in the Swedish general election, this result essentially shows that, given the choice, European voters want societies that are not subject to radical economic or demographic change.

In this respect, both elections can be called victories for "left-wing conservatism," although it may simply be better to discard the tired, old, cliched "left-right" political spectrum for one that instead emphasises economic, cultural, demographic, and sexual stability.

Thanks to the truly democratic systems operating in these countries, it has never been clearer what Europeans really want.


Russian and Ukrainian speaker Ivan the Heathen discusses "midwit Western right-wing dissidents" who fall for Putinist propaganda, and delves into the complexities of the Ukrainian War. In particular he looks at the theory pushed by Taras Chornovil that Zelenskyy, a one-time Kremlin stooge, was forced to fight Russia's invasion by nationalist hard-liners in the Ukrainian military.


Radical health cure mooted

Teetotaling Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a brave new plan to fight soaring alcoholism in Russia's bleak and endless provinces.

The plan involves getting the substandard Russian military bogged down in an unwinnable war with a large NATO-backed ally, and then using this "national emergency" as an excuse to mobilise all the useless hicks who live out in Russia's depressing hinterlands.

It is thought that this desperate measure is the only way to get these unfortunates off the cheap, soul-destroying hooch that they often distil themselves in old gasoline canisters from turnip peelings, dead beetles, and unwashed babushka panties. 

The plan, which has been underway since at least February this year, was only announced recently in a Zoom call of Putin shills who were told that the Russian government initially plans to round up around 300,000 semi-comatose alcoholics from train station foyers and under tractors.

One less Russian alky pissing on the side of his local Orthodox church

Despite many restrictive measures taken by the authorities over the years, Russia still remains one of the most active alcohol consumers in the world. Excessive alcohol consumption is also among the most common reasons for the sexual impotency and low life expectancy of Russian men.

In fact, it is so bad that Russia has been forced to export most of its top totty for decades.

Tragically underused Russian totty about to be exported to the whore factories of the West

Some Russian nationalists have criticised Putin, claiming that the measures do not go far enough, as there are literally tens of millions of genuine alcoholics in the provinces whose only hope is to be pressganged into the army or sold into some kind of slavery, like in the Middle Ages.

Those caught in the dragnet will be marched off to army holding camps, where the high levels of corruption and general lack of provisions makes it extremely hard for them to get even rat-dropping-flavoured gruel never mind lovely, delicious, home-made vodka. 

In order to assist with the plan, Putin has personally asked the authorities in all regions that the Russian army is expected to retreat through to hide, burn, or otherwise destroy all liquor supplies until the new recruits have departed in their headlong retreat to Moscow.

Friday, September 23, 2022


People in a boat in Japan with beautiful foliage and myocarditis sufferer

After one of the longest shutdowns in Covid history, the "Hermit Kingdom" of Japan is set to relax its harsh border restrictions and allow in sufferers of myocarditis, the mystery heart disease reportedly connected to the rushed Covid vaccines. 

As reported by travel website Travel Off Path:

Beginning October 11, Japan will scrap nearly all its remaining entry requirements and allow for normal tourism after over 2.5 years of stringent restrictions. During a news conference in New York on Thursday, September 22, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced that Japan will be getting rid of its cap on daily arrivals. Further, the country will allow individual tourists to enter visa-free, allowing Americans to enter the country without having to go through the cumbersome process of obtaining a tourist visa.

Travelers have kept an eye on Japan, as most of the world started to reopen earlier this year. During that time, Japan only made minuscule adjustments that allowed for travel under very strict conditions. The country did not allow foreigners to enter for tourism purposes until June 10. Even then, the restrictions imposed on the travelers willing to jump the hurdle of obtaining a visa were significant.

However, among the travel restrictions not scrapped will be the Draconian vax requirement. Travellers will still have to be vaxed 3 times, which, given the increasing links being found between the poorly tested vaccines and myocraditis (see below), means that many of the travellers now allowed into the country will have to be very careful about buying medical insurance, as Japan does not provide free medical care to tourists struck down by potentially fatal heart conditions.

Thursday, September 22, 2022


Russian 'vox populi' YouTube channel 1421 asks ordinary Russians if they are ready to lay down their lives to defend Russia's kleptocratic leaders. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Can't quite understand why Hollywood repeatedly makes apparently stupid decisions seemingly designed to piss off the fans? Well, it all makes sense if you focus on the phenomenon of "fan baiting." The Critical Drinker reveals its inner workings.


Putin about to claim the entire sidewalk is his because of "referendums."

Colin Liddell

Last night, the Russian President Vladimir Putin basically did this:

Don't think he got as many "yeses" as Goebbels.

For the first time since his disastrous war with the Ukraine started, Putin has crossed the line into forced mobilisation of Russian reservists. The "brilliant idea" to hold referendums in occupied territory is commented upon in the image at the top of this article.

My take on Putin's Goebbellian "total war" moment is that this was an entirely predictable event given the following well-known factors:

(1) the substandard nature of the Russian military
(2) Russia's half-baked approach to the war (i.e. low social cost on average Russians)
(3) effective Western support for Ukrainian army
(4) the high cost of "strongman" failure in Russia

Interestingly, the emphasis on preventing the war impacting too hard on normal Russians is an eerie echo of the Third Reich. Even in the middle of WWII, Hitler was careful to ensure that ordinary Germans were as protected as much as possible from the negative effects of the war. This was the whole point of Goebbels's "Total War Speech," which only came in February 1943, when the war was almost two-thirds of the way through. It marked the change to the full mobilisation of German society at last!

Thie importance placed on the comfort of the home front was because Hitler, like Putin, saw the home front as inherently fragile. He remembered how WWI ended with strikes and mutinies that occurred well behind the front lines. Now, Putin, thanks to Russian failure to make headway and recent Ukrainian victories, is desperate and is being forced to put more pressure on this weak point, something he clearly never wanted to do.

No matter how surprised or worried some people seem to be by the latest developments and Putin's sabre rattling, you can be sure that this has been completely war-gamed by people in the Western Deep State, and this is probably where they always thought the war would go. In other words, they are quite happy for the war to go in this direction. (By the way, I am using the term "Deep State" in a non-pejorative way, simply to denote tenured experts, etc.)

So, to be clear, getting Putin to place an increasing strain on the fragile Russian home front was always in the Western plan. Why is this the case? Simply because it is safer for Russia's final defeat to come from a blow within than from one outside. 

It is clear that NATO could easily overwhelm Russia within weeks simply by sending the Ukrainian army more and better weapons. For example, Ukraine now has about 25 HIMARS systems, which already have made a big difference. However, recently Poland ordered 500! Imagine what a difference those would make if they were deployed to Poland, and that's just one weapons class. 

But such an "external" way of defeating Russia raises the possibility of a partial use of nuclear weapons. Much better, then, that the decisive blow falls from within Russia itself. 

Getting Putin to place pressure on the fragile home front raises the possibility of either of some sort of coup or revolution, either from anti-war masses or pro-war fanatics. Either way chaos and collapse are introduced into the system, and the final blow is internal.

Effectively, we're in a weird kind of poker game now, in which Putin, with a weak hand, is starting to shove in his remaining chips in an attempt to appear strong. The West can always match him and threaten to call his bluff, forcing him to mortgage his house, farm, everything. The end game is to get one of his own to bump him off, or for an uprising to end things. It's not even a problem if someone more "hard line" replaces Putin, as that person will have weak authority and will probably be a transient figure, certainly if he tries to double down on Putin's many mistakes.

It is clear that Putin has been baited and triggered by the West into behaving in this predictable and war-gamed way. He is walking down the pre-planned path of his own destruction. The only thing that could make a difference are the Chinese, who are more cautious and patient in their challenge to the West.

Having Russia on board was always part of their plan, but this more subtle, long-term plan has been thrown off balance by Putin's reckless Ukrainian gamble. Xi must be seriously considering how he can remove Putin from the picture without causing a total collapse in Russia. It's clear by now that Putin simply can't take the nods and hints the Chinese have been sending him.

This is a major structural issue in the geopolitical picture: China is the senior party in "Team Anti-America," but the junior party (Putin) is under the delusion that he is the top guy, or at least "more equal" than Xi.

So, to sum up the basics: Any additional mobilisation Russia does will (a) put more pressure on Russia's fragile home front and (b) have no substantial effect on the war. Therefore, all it does is put pressure on Russia's fragile home front.

That and nothing more.

And it is that which the war-gamers predict will cause the internal blow that will both remove Putin and avoid a nuclear war. Let's hope they are right.

Meanwhile in Russia...


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Been shilling too hard for Russia recently? Well, now you can step up and match your deeds to your heroic words by signing on the dotted line and joining Putin's "Ever Victorious Army" in its death march through the Ukraine.

The Moscow Times is reporting that it is now easier than ever to join up:

The city of Moscow will open a military recruitment center for foreign citizens, its mayor announced Tuesday as Russian forces face battlefield setbacks nearly seven months into the invasion of Ukraine.

“The Moscow government will deploy a full-fledged infrastructure in Sakharovo to assist the Russian Defense Ministry in the recruitment of foreign citizens into the military service,” Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

Local authorities “will do everything necessary to make the signing of the contracts as convenient as possible,” the official statement said.

The recruitment center will be opened in the Sakharovo migration center located in Moscow's suburbs which provides services and documents for foreigners.

Earlier on Tuesday, federal lawmakers passed a bill to simplify the process of obtaining Russian citizenship for foreigners who sign a one-year contract with the Russian army.

The draft bill must now be approved by Russia’s upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, and signed by President Vladimir Putin before it enters into law.

Come on Coach Red Shill, Bronze Age Zeetard, Lyin' Dawson, et al, "your" country needs you!

Monday, September 19, 2022


The original "Planet of the Apes" movies, made in the 1960s, only make sense viewed in their historical context.


Top voice analyst Luke Ford does a deep dive on Richard Spencer's oratorical prowess to explain the mysterious appeal of the former Alt-Right front man.

Saturday, September 17, 2022


In a desperate and possibly forlorn attempt to get its pathetic fertility rate at least near survival, the government of Hungary has decreed that all women seeking abortions must at least listen to the heartbeat of the fetus they are planning to kill.

As reported by a Black journalist working for the clearly anti-natalist BBC:

Hungary's government has tightened its abortion rules, which will make the process of pursuing a termination more bureaucratic for pregnant women.

From Thursday onwards, pregnant women will have to listen to the fetus's heartbeat before having an abortion.

Doctors will have to submit a report confirming that this has been done.

Hungary's nationalist government recently blamed increased rates of women in higher education for lower birth rates and a shrinking economy.

In a decree issued on Monday, Hungary's interior ministry urges gynaecologists, obstetricians, and other pre-natal healthcare providers to present pregnant women with a fetus's vital functions in a "clearly identifiable way" from 15 September onwards.

Hungary is trying hard to counter the toxic effects of modernity on the birth rate, thought to be caused by allowing women too much personal choice in when and whom to marry and what to when they get pregnant. There has also been some focus on the pernicious role that higher education plays in depressing the birth rates of especially more intelligent women.

In 2019 Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced that women with four children would be exempt from paying income tax for life.

Unfortunately that seemed to make little real difference to the country's suicidal fertility rate, which enjoyed a minor uptick (well below replacement level) from 2013 to 2018. 

Still, full marks for trying, Hungary, and for at least bringing this existential issue into the realm of political discussion.


After streaming and commenting on some Tucker Carlson, Luke Ford segues into the fate of Empires.

Thursday, September 15, 2022


The American Right was desperately trying to figure out ways to attack President Biden after he did a smart deal with Haiti to take back thousands of illegal migrants.

The deal provides for the repatriation of thousands of mostly Haitian immigrants who set up a squalid encampment in 2021 on the Texas side of the border, under the bridge between Del Rio in Texas and Ciudad Acuna in Mexico.

Bur apparently that's not good enough for the MAGA Right because, y'know, "Dems are the real racists," plus Biden's deal strengthens the authority of the Haitian President, Dr. Ariel Henry. 

As reported by the Trump-supporting New York Post, which called the deal "dirty":

The Biden administration scuttled Haiti’s plans for free elections and backed a de facto dictator in exchange for his willingness to accept deportees, America’s former envoy to the country says.

Daniel Foote, the Biden-appointed former US special envoy to Haiti, says the administration has supported Dr. Ariel Henry — who took power as both acting prime minister and acting president after the assassination of President Jovenel Moise — because he was willing to accept Haitian migrants who have rushed the US border.

Henry was supposed to have organized new elections by now. But in September 2021, a large group of Haitian migrants camped in Del Rio, Texas, and images of the encampment — including border agents on horseback trying to prevent them from crossing the river — caused a political headache for President Biden.

Henry agreed to take in deported Haitians, Foote says, and the Biden administration stopped pushing for democracy on the Caribbean nation.

Yes, "Haitian Democracy" is suddenly the number one concern of the MAGA Right. Repatriating illegal immigrants not quite so much. 


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Recently I argued against two rather simplistic critiques of Christian Nationalism: firstly that it is difficult to generalise about Christianity (Luke Ford), and secondly that any ideology that includes Christian elements can only be "universalistic" (Richard Spencer). This may have given some the false impression that I was myself in favour of Christian Nationalism. I'm not. Just because you demolish a critique, does not mean you believe in the thing being critiqued. It might instead mean you think someone is not hitting it hard enough or in the right places.

For me the problem was that neither of those critiques addressed the real issue with Christian Nationalism, an ideology that is being pushed on the Right these days by the likes of Nick Fuentes and Andrew Torba.

The real problem with Christian Nationalism, and indeed with any ideology that includes faith-based elements, is that you actually have to BELIEVE in the faith-based elements for it to go any further.

Secular ideologies make statements about the world, embody values, or approach reality in certain ways that can be tested objectively. For example, Communism was discredited when its economic models failed; Fascism when its martial qualities were found wanting; etc.  

But this is also true for faith-based religions. They too can be tested objectively. For example, it might be noticed that people who live traditional Christian, Mormon, Amish, Muslim, or Hasidic Jewish lives have healthier birth rates than those that don't.

But this is also the exact point at which the problem kicks in -- and it kicks in like a donkey!

"Yes," you declare, "Mormons have got the right idea. Just look at those healthy birth rates and great group solidarity!"

But what's the next step?

How do you get from noticing the correlation between certain people believing (or claiming to believe) certain things and the supposed good effects of believing (or claiming to believe) those things? Do you, for example, just say:

"Well, those birth rates are proof enough for me, I fully accept the divine teaching of the Church of Latter Day Saints!"

Will that work?

And, even supposing it were possible to switch on your faith like a bathroom light, you would still have problems. You'd have to check the data on conversios like yourself, infected with the poison of previous secularism, to see whether they got the same positive outcomes from the faith as the dyed-in-the-wool multi-generational religios.

Also, if the positive outcomes were your main and overriding reason for forcing yourself to believe in the religion or its ideological derivative, how would you handle other faiths that had identical outcomes? Would you also start riding an Amish horse buggy and worshipping Allah, all while pursuing your salvation and your socio-political salvation through the Book of Mormon?

Non-secular ideologies must always prevail over religiously flavoured ones, because, when they point to positive outcomes, you don't have to do gymnastics of faith, and force your mind to believe in those things you can't force your mind to believe in.

If you're believing in obvious nonsense in order to get to high birth rates, etc., why not simply cut out the middleman, believe in the goal itself, and construct an ideology around that; one that any sane man can sign on to without LARPing as hard as this guy?

Spreading the gospel of Trad Catholicism one catboy at a time.

It's as simple as that.

If you want, you could still keep the LARPy religion to enjoy in private in your personal down time.

Secularism is honest and lives in the open and welcomes critique. Religious ideology, by contrast, is a lie that lurks in the shadows and avoids critique like a vampire avoids daylight.

The mental gymnastics you have to go through
 in order to get to those high Mormon birth rates.

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


Putin's insane invasion of the Ukraine has not only revealed the weaknesses of the Russian army, but it has also created massive problems for Russia's armaments industry, which was already struggling before the war. YouTuber Perun details the effects of poor PR from the war, tech shortages due to sanctions, unpaid debts by Third World buyers, and increasing competition from other sellers. Will Russia even have an arms industry after the Ukrainian war.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


"Stolen" from an excellent Twitter thread by Greg Yudin, Head of Political Philosophy at The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences. 

There are three distinct groups in Russia:

(1) radicals – a sizeable but extremely loud minority that actively supports war, is engaged, follows the news and in rare cases even goes to the frontlines (15-25%). This is the audience of the milbloggers, Telegram channels and vampires like Solovyov or Skabeeva. 

(2) dissenters – a sizeable minority that categorically opposes the war. It is banned from Russian-based media and generally depressed (20-25%).

(3) laymen – a passive majority that is completely depoliticized and doesn’t want to have anything in common with politics & war (50-65%).

Laymen are the bulk of yeah-sayers when asked “Do you support the President’s decision to conduct the special military operation or are you a national traitor to be put in prison for 15 years?”

The laymen are the those carelessly enjoying their lives while people are dying in Ukraine. It is obviously deplorable but the upside of it is that these people are completely unwilling to participate in war actively in any way.

Laymen try to shield themselves from any news about war as hard as they can and know very little about the defeat in Kharkiv (many of them wouldn’t even tell where Kharkiv is located). The mainstream radio and TV news are protecting them from this information.

Importantly, as TV started promoting hard war propaganda, the viewership went down. Precisely because laymen want their soap operas, nutritionists, and standup, rather than boring news from the frontlines.

Conversely, the radicals are seriously affected by Ukrainian counter-offensive. They exploded in finger-pointing and blaming military leadership, each other, and even Putin for this defeat. For the first time, there is a heated discussion between them.

There is a variety of tones in this discussion – from relatively optimistic (“we should unite around Putin and take revenge”) to completely fatalist (“the war is lost, no matter what”). But: all of them demand total mobilization of Russian society and more aggressive war.

They are united by the belief that Russia would have easily conquered Ukraine, but for some reason (treason, incompetence, generosity) it wages the war with one hand tied.

However, this discussion is significant. For the first time people start realizing that Putin is not invincible. Hard to overestimate how important this myth is for Russia. Belief that Putin will prevail no matter what paralyzes all independent action.

The radicals are getting angry at the laymen for continuing with their normal life as troops are dying for the survival of the country under NATO’s assault. The laymen are angry at the radicals for trying to politicize their lives, e.g. introduce war propaganda to schools.

I have seen people taking Boris Nadezhdin’s statements on Russian TV as a sign of a crack in the dominant narrative. This is not the case.

Nadezhdin is an old liberal from the 90s, a comrade of Boris Nemtsov. Nemtsov decided to mount a real opposition to Putin (with a dismal outcome). Nadezhdin opted for playing along Putin’s rules of fake opposition and joined one of his puppet parties.

The benefit of this strategy is that you are regularly invited to these shitshows as a strawman to be humiliated. This is how you gain national recognition (helps on the election day!).

However, Nadezhdin himself was obviously against this war from day one, and he is clearly against Putin, too – this is just something you cannot say openly on Russian TV. There was no change at all in his attitudes because of the recent setbacks.

The brave statements of local MPs calling to impeach Putin are no sign of change either. They belong to dissenters and protested against the war as much as they could. This call is a farewell gesture – last week their term ended, many of them were not even allowed to run.

Still, current situation puts Putin in a precarious position. He is dependent BOTH on the passivity of the laymen and the engagement of the radicals. That’s why he sells two contradictory narratives – one about an existential war and another about things running as usual.

Now, the radicals’ demand for total mobilization is totally unacceptable for the laymen. However, the defeats on the frontlines make Putin’s reluctance to put the country on wartime footing unacceptable for the radicals.

Putin’s strategy has been targeted mobilization – recruiting people among the radicals while leaving the laymen to their own devices. There is some room for him to continue with that strategy, but military defeats will make it increasingly strained.

Putin is unlikely to yield to demands to declare mobilization now. It requires political mobilization first. Now is a bad moment. Even volunteers go to Ukraine to join a winning army and earn some $, not to face a strong opponent. The draftees will be even less enthusiastic.

To sum up, balancing between depoliticizing society in general and mobilizing the radical part of it simultaneously will be increasingly difficult for Putin as the major defeat is looming.

Can Putin sell a defeat as a victory? No. Radicals will not hesitate calling it a defeat, and laymen will not forgive him the distortion of their everyday life.

Putin will not survive the military defeat in a war where he staked the whole country.


Yes, dudes, your shitposts were hacked and weaponised by the Kremlin.

A U.S. intelligence review commissioned by the Biden government this summer and released in a cable briefing to journalists on Tuesday (13th Sept.) revealed some details of Russian influence on the elections of foreign countries.

In order to protect sources -- and possibly prevent similar revelations about U.S. influence on foreign elections -- only a tiny amount of information was released. But, according to this "tip of the iceberg", Russia spent hundreds of millions on secret political campaigns in just a few countries.

The money was distributed by the FSB, the rebranded KGB, and Russian oligarchs, sometimes using cryptocurrency.

As reported by the Washington Post:

The cable, which officials provided to reporters, said that Russian political financing was sometimes overseen by Russian government officials and legislators, and had been executed by bodies including Russia’s Federal Security Service.

The démarche also named Russian oligarchs it said were involved in “financing schemes,” including Yevgeniy Prigozhin and Aleksandr Babakov.[...]

Moscow has used cryptocurrency, cash and gifts to shape political events in other countries, often employing accounts and resources of Russian embassies to do so, the cable said.

The countries mentioned in the briefing only included Albania, Montenegro, Madagascar, "possibly Ecuador," and one unnamed Asian country, while the amount of funding referred to was at least $300 million. 

Russia has secretly funneled at least $300 million to foreign political parties and candidates in more than two dozen countries since 2014 in an attempt to shape political events beyond its borders, according to a new U.S. intelligence review.

Moscow planned to spend hundreds of millions of dollars more as part of its covert campaign to weaken democratic systems and promote global political forces seen as aligned with Kremlin interests, according to the review, which the Biden administration commissioned this summer.

A senior U.S. official, who like other officials spoke to reporters Tuesday on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence findings, said the administration decided to declassify some of the review’s findings in an attempt to counter Russia’s ability to sway political systems in countries in Europe, Africa and elsewhere.

“By shining this light on Russian covert political financing and Russian attempts to undermine democratic processes, we’re putting these foreign parties and candidates on notice that if they accept Russian money secretly we can and we will expose it,” the official said.

Usually, the money was given to candidates the Kremlin wanted to win or to "shell companies, think tanks and other means to influence political events, sometimes to the benefit of far-right groups."

Most of the activity seems to have begun in 2014, something that has been repeatedly commented on by Colin Liddell, one of the founders of the Alt-Right, who noticed the Nazification and weaponisation of the Alt-Right from that specific year. In an article about Andrew Anglin and the Daily Stormer published in March, 2022, Liddell wrote:

It is also noticeable that Daily Stormer activity and internet prominence greatly increased in 2014, following the Ukrainian revolution. This was a watershed moment for the Kremlin, when Russian-backed Black ops on the internet intensified. Sadly, very few in the Alt-Right realised the danger posed by Anglin and Russia's Nazification of the Alt-Right, although I am glad to say I was one of them, making major attacks on the Stormer, which provoked a major response by Anglin.

This pattern is now being confirmed by U.S. intelligence sources:

The senior official said the U.S. government detected an uptick in Russian covert political financing in 2014. The review did not address Russian activities within the United States.

Assessments by both U.S. spy agencies and a bipartisan Senate investigation concluded that Russia under President Vladimir Putin launched a campaign to interfere in the 2016 presidential election to assist then-candidate Donald Trump.

It should be stressed, once again, that it is highly unusual for intelligence agencies to release this kind of information for operational reasons. The U.S. may be doing this to raise awareness of the phenomenon or as a warning to Russia.

Since early this year the White House has taken the unusual step of repeatedly releasing declassified intelligence related to Moscow’s intentions and actions related to Ukraine, part of an attempt to push back on Putin’s ambitions there and counteract what U.S. officials have described as Russian disinformation operations.

A State Department démarche Monday to U.S. embassies in more than 100 countries described the alleged Russian activities and suggested steps the United States and its allies can take to push back, including sanctions, travel bans or the expulsion of suspected Russian spies involved in political financing activities.

It should also be stressed that these revelations are just the tip of the iceberg:

U.S. diplomats are briefing counterparts in other countries about the activities, which American officials believe could go far beyond the nations and sums that have been identified.

“We think this is just the tip of the iceberg,” the senior official said. “So rather than sit on the sidelines, we are sharing these response measures.”[...]

While the review did not address Russian influence efforts in the United States, the senior official acknowledged that issue remains a major challenge requiring continued work to safeguard the U.S. political system and elections.